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getting the belt is beating - check with your

Posted By: local CPS - it's child abuse on 2008-03-04
In Reply to: spanking, not beating. - sm.


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I wasn't suggesting to use a belt. I've never used one
child abuse. There is a difference. I was abused as a child, and I've been hit with just about anything you can imagine. Hands can hurt just as bad, so don't kid yourself. But, like I said, there is a difference between spanking and beating.
Stop beating yourself up....
I have been following since your first post. You asked for opinions, which you got, and you also got a lot more. I wish mothers were more supportive of each other. We truely have the hardest job in the world and I think we have all made choices that we have second guessed or I know other mothers would not have made.

When I was 13 (I am now 40) and in junior high I was "paddeled" while wearing a cheerleading skirt. I was simply in the wrong place at the wrong time and was gathered up with several other students (who really weren't doing anything wrong) and we were all paddeled. I said something to my parents about the fact that I had a couple of welts on my thighs and they told me that was my fault since I obviously did something wrong in order to get paddeled. I got an apology from the vice principal so evidentally my parents realized they needed to stand up for me. My parents now sing a totally different tune. I have wonderful parents (father and step-moter)now, they just made some, in my opinion, wrong decisions when I was younger. They now talk about how they wish they had parented me differently. I am not saying you made the wrong decision...we don't have paddeling in our school system so I don't know whatI would do. Now just move on, it is over with, can't change it, and I can honestly say the paddeling had no lasting affect on me.
spanking, not beating.

Teens this day and age have no fear, of anything, it seems. Back in my days of growing up, just the thought of my parents finding out I did something I wasn't suppose to, was enough for me to keep myself in line.

And NO, we were never beaten, but did get a few pats with the belt, which were far and few inbetween.

A few suggestions on beating depression.
In the same boat gave good suggestions for the medical care part. I strongly urge you to consider an anti-depressant and/or an anti-anxiety medication. They are not addictive, do not turn you into a zombie and will help you tremendously in every arena, especially work. You could try OTC St John's wort. This did not help my depression (it seems to run in my family and I think mine is hereditary) but I have friends who say it has helped them. It is possible your depression is being aggravated by SAD (seasonal affective disorder).

Make sure you are getting plenty of sleep. If you have trouble with insomnia, another really good natural remedy for that is melatonin. You find it in the vitamin section of the drug store. It is inexpensive and is not habit-forming. There is no set dosage. They come in 1 mg and 3 mg tablets that can be split. Start with the 1 mg and increase by 0.5 mg until you reach your ideal without hangover effect in the a.m. 3 mg is what I typically take, but have taken as much as 4.5. Again, insomnia runs in my family and it is likely your dosage would be less.

Exercise helps with depression A LOT. This does not have to be strenuous or extreme. A 20 to 45 minute walk 3 times a week or more will do WONDERS for you. Biking is great also and in the summer, swimming.

Here's something else I strongly suggest. I know it's a hard one, because I am a mom too. Stop trying to take care of everybody else for the time being and put focus on helping yourself. Find things you enjoy doing that do not cost money and then DO THEM. This can be difficult at first. Take baby steps at first. Make a modest plan for a day off, wake up and PRETEND you are not depressed, then put one foot in front of the other. Read books, watch favorite TV shows, surf the net, window shop, light candles and incense and soak in a hot water tub with soothing bath salts, listen to music, pot plants using cuttings, cook a delicious meal, change your hairstyle, experiment with make-up and new clothing styles (go to stores and try them on), start a journal or do a little research on a new hobby. Sometimes even housework can be therapeutic. Whatever you do, be very kind to yourself and do not beat yourself up if you don't get as much done as you would like. The road back takes time and practice.

Get proactive about your job. Look for work at home with a company with insurance. Make up your mind that you are going to kick this depression, not the other way around.

controversial: friend beating his child with a stick

I already know what I must do.  I know I'm going to have to call CPS.  Here's the thing:  Dan and I both drop off our boys (8 years old) at school every morning.  Sometimes after school he and I and the boys go to a local diner for coffee and cocoa.  We've been those drop the kids off kind of friends, both single, but nothing more.  (We could never get along because our parenting styles vary so differently.)  He is VERY strict with his son.  I raise my child with love and respect.  His child lies and steals, mine does not.

This morning, after the kids were inside, he stated to me:  "Tonight he gets the stick.  I told him to choose between losing hockey or the stick, and he chose the stick."  Apparently, the child does not move quickly enough in the morning and the reason they are often late is because he tricks his father, like turning on the water and pretending to brush his teeth, then climbing back in bed.  (Which was today's offense.)  I have made it very clear to him he is way too strict, that the outcome will not be as he expects.  "That's the way I was raised," he states. 

I don't know his address.  I do know the address of the school.  So, apparently, what I have to do is tell him that I will be calling CPS and reporting him, which might be the only obvious way to avoid this evenings' "stick."  Sure, I guess this will cost me our friendship, but the child's safety is the only thing involved.  However, the child's mother is even worse than the father.  He obtained her as a mail-order bride, they are now divorced, she is on her fifth American husband, and is even more abusive to the child.  Have I already answered my own question? 

Good advice was given here. Suggest vet check-up for kitty needs vet check. sm
I've had 2 females over the years who developed stones/crystals in urine or UTIs.  Both of them started spraying inappropriately.  Never had a female spray inappropriately other than in these instances.  They go into spasm and can't help themselves.  If it is a urinary problem, eventually you may see slight pink-tinged spray if it gets that far untreated due to the irritation from constantly trying to pee.  One more thought is if the kitty is not sick, maybe the other cat won't let her use the litter box for some reason.  Maybe set up another box for her.
You might want to check out the
New MT/Student board.  There are lots of posts there that would probably interest you like which schools are good and those sorts of things.  It is tough to get started unless you work on-site or are willing to take a cut in pay at first.  Good luck to you and congrats on the new baby. 
Well, what do you know?? Check this out
Maybe this would work with candles too!?!?

Hmm...may have to check into that
is it very expensive (if you don't mind me asking) I'll have to go check out their website.  Thanks for the info!
Be very careful with those things. I'm in Florida and have used Check-n-Go here locally. Not sure if they have an online site, but they are very reputable.
You should check with....sm
the manufacturer of your laminate to see what they recommend.

Good luck with the dog on the rug. My sister just put in hardwood floors and their also 10-year-old Pomeranian is having a horrible time trying to walk on it.
I need to check that out

I've heard of them, actually on this board, I think. I checked them out at the time but didn't do any more than that. Maybe it's time to get one and do a pre-emptive cleansing the moment I feel symptoms coming on again.


Um, yes but would check that out thoroughly
a couple of neighborhoods in NJ were named this year, including where I grew up, and what a joke!

One is a town they were recently calling the *cancer cluster* and investigating due to the chemical plants and extremely high cancer rates.

It is also where they built million dollar homes smack in the middle of normal moderate priced homes and then also not too far away from the bunch of low income housing/projects they added over the years.

Well when a couple of these million dollar couples went to the public schools for the first time, they cried! Actually cried. Guess they didn't do their *homework* (no pun intended) before buying. It's been said they can't afford private school because the big deals strapped themselves just to live there. Oh well.

As for me, I'd never buy a house there and I moved away!

My family and friends are convinced the magazine was paid off or maybe somebody knows somebody, like everything else. Wouldn't doubt it. : )

Thank you...I will check it out!! nm
I had to check the
board to hear about Misha's dog. As far as the troll, ignore it and maybe it will go away LOL.
Check this out....

When you rearrange the letters:

When you rearrange the letters:

When you rearrange the letters:

When you rearrange the letters:

When you rearrange the letters:

When you rearrange the letters:

When you rearrange the letters:

When you rearrange the letters:

When you rearrange the letters:

When you rearrange the letters:

When you rearrange the letters:

When you rearrange the letters:

When you rearrange the letters:

When you rearrange the letters:


When you rearrange the letters:

Did you check (sm)

Check out the link:


Check this out -
My friend's husband is in the hospital.  He went into the ER at 7:00 Sunday night with a blood sugar of 600! At midnight, the ER clerk gave my friend a bill for $9000.  I have never heard of them giving you a bill so fast!  At 4:30 a.m., he went into the ICU. P.S. He is doing better, and as far as I know, no more bills yet...
Check out....

It does cost. I think I paid $40 for 1 year, but it covers every subject and has all kinds of worksheets to print out.
You could check....

I don't know if they will be more expensive or not, or even if they will have exactly what you want, but they carry a lot of different brands/styles.
I did check that out....SM
and they do carry Tabletop Gallery, but not the pattern, Winterland, that I want.  I appreciate your advice! 
Thank you so much! I will check!!

She could check...
the CDC website for faster information. They should have information on there about MRSA and exposure risks. If not, I believe they have a number on the site where you can call the offices and request information.
Please take him to the vet to check
Thanks! I'm going to check them out!
Wow...check this out!
A doctor in Colorado found a surprise when removing what he thought was a benign growth from a newborn's brain. Instead of a microscopic tumor, out popped a tiny foot, partially formed hand, a thigh and another partially formed foot.

check on
I am checking now and there are tons of videos of him.
thanks, we should all check it out
Just checking out the website gave me enough inspiration to get to the bedroom closet today.
I'd have to check into it
I couldn't stand not knowing...in fact, I can't stand not knowing. I had a very similar situation a year ago but it was a phone call, not a note. I'm still not sure of the truth, which is very hard. Good luck and God bless
check with him sm
If you don't have kids, just put it up on the refrigerator for him to see when he gets home and see what happens. There are lots of "nuts" out there and it may not be true. Just watch how he handles it, you'll be able to tell. If it is not true, then you have to laugh at it. If you have kids, then you have to be very careful when and where you say anything, as they will never forget it, never! So be careful and certainly, let him see it as you will carry it around with you inside and get sick. Good luck!
No check,
$13 per week in check..last I heard it was to start around April 1. Only people getting checks are people on Social Security.
thank you, i will check into that sm
i've heard of aspergers, but not sure what it is. so i'll do some research. with the psychologist, i just had this feeling inside me there was something i didn't like. we won't be going back to her. i'm still looking.
thanks for your information. :)
thank you so much! i will check these out nm
check out...
Be sure to check out VRBO.com :)  Lots of great deals there!
Check ebay
I found six copies on ebay, that may be one of the few ways to get new movies on VHS anymore.
You need to check with the SS Administration as to how much SM

money you are allowed to make before your benefits are affected.  If you retire at 65, you are allowed to make a certain amount of money a year before affecting your SS benefits.  However, you will have to pay taxes on any and all extra money you make.  I know that at age 70 you are allowed to make as much as you want (or are able to) and there is no penalty to your SS benefits.  You do, however, have to pay taxes, Medicare taxes and SS taxes on any and all money you earn. 

Just call the SS Administration and they will be very happy to help you and tell you what amount of money you are allowed to make in the year you start receiving SS benefits. 

Please check your email.
check your soundcard. nm
Check out Google
Today (Valentine's Day) Google's home page has a special way of spelling "Google".  The second "g" is in the form of a chocolate-covered strawberry with chocoloate dripping down to form the bottom of the "g" but there is no "l" so that "Google" appears to be spelled "Googe".
Definitely check with an OB doctor
I am 39 now and can not imagine having a baby, my kids are 16 and 14. But if you are in good shape and this is what you want then go for it. By having a healthy lifestyle more people are living longer and many women are having babies in their early 40s.
thanks for the link, i'm going to check it out sm
it's also nice to know that i'm not "crazy" for the way i feel sometimes.  there are times where i can feel like i'm going to blow up with anger.  bad temper runs on my dad's side of the family.  i'm trying hard not to get so angry about dumb little things.  i've been learning more about God.  i was brought up not going to church or my parents talking about God.  i've had some trying times in the past year and have turned to Him for help and i do believe he's there for me.  i do find comfort in Him.  but i do feel like i have uncontrolable "outbursts", whether it's crying or getting mad.  thanks!
What is better than getting you pay check today?
Getting your tax refund also. I am now making plans for my vacation trip this summer out west!! I am so excited. I will use a tour company as my dear hubby and daughter neither one want to travel with me. Oh well, their loss and Yellowstone, here I come!
Check out article :)

The Meaning of R.S.V.P.

Let's Clear Up the Confusion

I hope that this week's tip will benefit hosts and guests alike, because there seems to be a lot of confusion about the meaning of the above term.

Lack of RSVP's - A Growing Problem

I hear more and more often, and have found in my personal experience, that hosts often do not receive firm indications whether guests plan to attend their parties, even if R.S.V.P. is clearly printed on the invitation. This could mean either one of two things. First it could mean that rudeness is a growing trend in our society. Or, as I would prefer to believe, people no longer understand what the term means. Assuming the best, and that the decline in R.S.V.P.'s can be attributed to ignorance and not rudeness, I will clarify this for the record.

What RSVP Means

The term R.S.V.P. comes from the French expression "r�pondez s'il vous pla�t", meaning "please respond". If R.S.V.P. is written on an invitation it means the invited guest must tell the host whether or not they plan to attend the party. It does not mean to respond only if you're coming, and it does not mean respond only if you're not coming (the expression "regrets only" is reserved for that instance). It means the host needs a definite head count for the planned event, and needs it by the date specified on the invitation.

Why It's Inconsiderate to Not RSVP

An incomplete list of respondents can cause numerous problems for a host including difficulty in planning food quantities, issues relating to minimum guarantees with catering halls, uncertainty over the number of party favors and difficulties in planning appropriate seating, among other things.

So the next time you see R.S.V.P. on an invitation you receive, please call your host and respond promptly.

Check with your hotel . . .
I have found that the hotel will usually hold the baggage until a later time.
check out this website...


You can enter your zip code and find a meeting near you.  They are everywhere.  It's just once a week for one hour.  No gimmicks, just a support group of friendly, kind people who can help you through the rough times.  Less than $25 for the entire year plus $3 each month. 

Check out the site below
had the same problem with my pup...have the vet check for...
Guiardia or coccidia

Coccidia is the most common in puppies. A few weeks after I got my pup he had the exact same symptoms. They treated for coccidia with antibiotics. This helped for awhile and the symptoms returned shortly thereafter. Vet ran further tests and found Guiardia. Treated a second and then third round of antibiotics. He's been fine since.

During the time he was sick and while on antibiotics we gave him a little pumpkin mixed in with his diet which helped alot. I'd keep taking him to see the vet until it's cleared up.
Check your trash. nm
after first late check.
1st late check
Yes, but Dummy me signed a one year contract I could not get out of. Trust me, I was working THREE jobs to try to pay my bills.
Thanks. I will be sure to double check this. nm