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dumb blonde question

Posted By: HappyCat on 2009-04-07
In Reply to: how much to use? - wow- ty

I have never used liquid laundry detergents.  At what point do you add the detergent to the laundry?  Being a somewhat scatterbrained person at times, I am afraid I would end up forgetting to add the detergent!!!!



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blonde? *LOL*
Was the blonde with the streaks the
one with the cowboy boots on that the panel said they did not know what she was trying to look like or be?
Yes, I have the blonde hair syndrome...
I got on my treadmill one day and it seemed to be lagging, not working right. Hmmm, what could be the problem? "Honey, can you check this out for me?" Dh runs it at neck-breaking speed to see why it's not working normally. Then, he lifts the runner bed up, and there's my huge Dorland's Medical Dictionary underneath! Problem fixed, dear. Talk about feeling stupid. My treadmill is right behind my desk and keep my book right there next to me on the floor. It must have gotten moved over a little more;-) I have these moments every so often.
Homemade lollipops? Blonde & chocolate brownies? Rice Krispie treats? Critter cupcakes? nm
I think it's dumb too . . .
it was a joke on my part.
He's dumb as a fox......sm
The lyrics to a song by Nashville's Cornbread Mafia. I do not like country music, but they are right on the money.


He acts real dumb but the act isn't fooling me
He gets things done to destroy our sovereignty
He's a servant of the globalists from foreign lands
Our leader is a traitor with blood on his hands
Traitor...Dare call it treason
Traitor...Dare call it treason
Some see a failure; I see a big success
Using our terror to undermine the whole U.S.
When the towers came down, and everybody froze
Bush and Giuliani came up smelling like a rose
Traitor...Dare call it treason
Traitor...Dare call it treason
It's election time again, and everybody's ready to vote
If both candidates are owned, brother tell me where is the hope?
Hillary and Huckabee are waiting there in line
I guess we'll get a Democrat traitor this time
Traitor...Dare call it treason
Traitor...Dare call it treason
They want a fascist planet with the superwealthy ruling it all
Since we're too independent, America must be led to fall
When our credit's been exhausted to subdue the Middle East,
They'll install our debtor nation in the body of The Beast
Traitor...Dare call it treason
Traitor...Dare call it treason
This song is almost over, but I have one thing further to say
I'll ask you for a favor when the agents come to take me away
Disseminate this anthem over cyberspace,
And shout this accusation in every bought-off leader's face:
Traitor...Dare call it treason
Traitor...Dare call it treason

sorry for dumb
How do you check the history?
This may sound dumb...
but it's driving me crazy. Does anyone remember a Jewish actress, around 60-ish now, with very short dark red hair, very prominent features, large nose.  I think she played in a sitcom maybe as someone's mom. We saw her tonight in New York and all recognized her but none of us can remember what show she was on!  Just wondering if anyone might be able to help us figure this out.
Don't be dumb. I'm sure others got what I meant ;)
Dumb question from me
Why do you need to get your husband off to work? You should be in bed sleepng - you need uninterrupted sleep, not 3-hour and 4 hour-long naps.

Sorry, but your husband is an adult and should get himself going.
OK, sorry if this is a dumb question...sm
I noticed on some movies set in the 60s and 70s that if there were doctors in them, they always seemed to have their black bag at the ready.  Is that something docs do nowadays or did that go the way of the housecall with the advent of the malpractice suit?  Just curious.
Dumb question? sm

My brother and his wife just graduated from medical school (YEAH!).  My SIL has kept her maiden name.  When addressing a letter to them how should it look?

Dr. April Cox and Dr. Jonathan Grant


Dr. April Cox

Dr. Jonathan Grant

Forgive my ignorance

I have what probably is a dumb question (sm)
We live in a not so great house on a piece of land on the water that has been going up in value.  The appraisal value of the house is $65,000, market value $250,000 with the land.  People are always looking to buy property out here.  My question is, when we do decide to sell, what would we probably get?  Or even ask for?  Chances are they would tear the house down anyway and build a new one.
dumb me - probably San Diego.
will keep you in my prayers.
Why would you do that? I don't understand it. I saw it and think its dumb. nm
dumb...sorry for the typo. nm
ok, that was dumb. how about two-seater/SUV?
Don't feel dumb
I may be way off base. And I have a just turned 14 year old so I know what you mean.
And how DUMB were they to film themselves in the act? -n/m-

You don't sound dumb at all, only like
a typical woman who has been living in an abusive situation for an extended period of time. I can relate, especially to the part about being intelligent about everything EXCEPT this one thing.

The chance is there for the taking. Right now, you're just spinning your wheels, and revving up your hot rod for the main event. If I am understanding you correctly, it seems that your main issue has to do with the custody arrangement and your feeling the need to prove the abuse in the court to influence the outcome. Bottom line is this. That situation is NOT in your control. All you can do is your best. You stress to your attorney your concerns about unsupervised visitation and testify to that in no uncertain terms should you end up in a hearing. Then you hope and pray for the best. Beyond that, you accept the courts ruling and deal with it THEN, not now. It is not a foregone conclusion that your kids will become his target once you remove yourself from the mix. Hopefully, anger mgmt will be part of any sane custody arrangement and I think it is highly unlikely that he will be getting joint custody.
dumb ? but would the dry cake sm
mixture recipe work with canned pumpkin pie mix? Love pumpkin, have cans of one-pie and a can of crushed pineapple w/the cake mix. Sounds like it would be very "mush". Just thought I'd ask!
dumb ? but would the dry cake sm
mixture recipe work with canned pumpkin pie mix? Love pumpkin, have cans of one-pie and a can of crushed pineapple w/the cake mix. Sounds like it would be very "mush". Just thought I'd ask!
not a dumb question IF it was a new poster....

Is it just me, or is this show getting dumb!? It was always so good.
Oh, I agree it's dumb, but I just want to see Stephanie GET IT!

This may be a dumb question so please be nice.
I would like to play dradle but am not Jewish. I thought it would be fun to teach my children dradle and even some adults! I am not religious so I don't know if it would step on any toes to play dradle not for Chanukah and I am not Jewish. As I said, this is a serious question. I don't know if this strictly religious thing or can bring some culture into my children's lives. (I am also aware that Chanukah is not *Jewish Christmas* so plan to play dradle out of season; it is just they are available now.) TIA!
Ohhh. Feeling a little dumb now...
I have a preteen....so my definition of gamer was, well...playing those darn games every chance they get.

Addendum to Dumb Question #1 ! -sm
It SHOULD say,"... or do you first start the power, and then turn on the WATER?"

(..not the "machine" as I typed above. I need more coffee..................)
Okay, this is going to sound like a dumb question -
but what are Crocs? I just started having this heel pain about a week ago. It's been hard to bear weight, and I'm limping badly after doing the grocery shopping. Same thing - my pedal foot. I even had it on an ice pack while I was working a few days ago! I've been transcribing for nineteen years, and it just started. Are crocs and orthosis?
I don't understand how people were dumb enough
It doesn't sound dumb...
...at all. I miss my Noni girl every single day. She was the light of my life, my soulmate who happened to be a different species. I have gotten 2 new dogs, but my heart will never feel the same.
I know it sounds dumb, but this is the truth (sm)
I thought I missed my chance to get out when I did not turn my husband in when he attacked me 3 years ago. I thought I had to wait for another big incident. I did not think any of the things he is doing would matter to anyone. I thought he was just a jerk. I didn't think I could go and tell someone the things he is doing and actually get help. I am intelligent about a lot of things...apparently not about this. I just recently found out that these things are considered abuse. I thought only the hitting part was and I thought i had waited too long.
Teenagers - so smart, yet so dumb
A Middletown teenager is expected to be in court this week for allegedly ordering more than $37,000 of candy online to be charged to Middletown High School.

Jad Holmes, 18, is scheduled to be in Middletown Municipal Court on Wednesday, Feb. 11, for two counts of telecommunications fraud, both fifth-degree felonies, according to court records.

Holmes is accused of placing two orders � for $19,880 and $17,372, respectively � through a Michigan-based company, according to police records.

The order was to be shipped to his address and billed to Middletown High School, records show.

After taking possession of one order, he was arrested by Middletown police, according to records.

Holmes also is charged with two counts of theft of drugs, both fourth-degree felonies, according to court records.

He's being held in Middletown City Jail on a bond of $30,700, according to jail records.

My Poor Dumb Dogs
We've got thunderstorms rolling through my little pocket of heaven here (which means the internet will be going kerplunk any minute). The poor little guys think we're under attack from unseen things that go bump in the night. I'm glad I quit work with the first rumble (I hate to lose a report in the middle when the internet goes down, and it always does). The ruckus they're kicking up would have made it virtually impossible to hear what Dr. Adujaminahibadutrakyanski is mumbling about tonight.
Let's share dumb things we have done.......here's mine

You know those automatic shower cleaners that hang from your shower and you press the button and the liquid automatically blasts itself around in a circle?  Okay....it is not advisable to actually "watch" this happen, unless, of course, you have some strange desire to have cleaner sprayed in your eyes! 

Just did this and after overcoming the initial sting and cleansing of the eyes, just had to share, as now I can laugh at how logic simply escapes me at times!!!


Dumb, dumb, dumb!!!     

not dumb, stuff happens, silly dilly *lol*

Can women pass it to men? Sorry if that sounds dumb.
Dumb me! I just saw how your recipe does not call for cheese. I am SO sorry about that! sm
The cheese is not overpowering in my recipe and so I was thinking you were looking for this recipe.

In any event, I hope someone enjoys the recipe I gave you! Good luck!
This new guest book thing is dumb anyway
something else to add to the list of a gazilion ways to fawn all over the couple! Gag. Who really cares? Can you believe people are so full of themselves these days? It's truly mind boggling. And with the divorce rate being 50% or higher, why do they even bother?

I'd definitely be there in my red dress for sure, would maybe even stuff my bra so my cleavage popped out!
Anything to get out of the dumb guest book thing!

It's actually insulting, you too are supposed to be a guest :)

Let us know what happens!!!
beauty fades, dumb is forever
honestly, I would risk it and play dumb. sm
I can only say that because this is anonymous. I can't do that in my case because what I have will not go away. However, I think she was haphazardly diagnosed and I would not just accept the consequences of someone else's negligence. I would skip listing that doc and list my prior doc and if it ever came up I would say I didn't know I was diagnosed with it.
An inheritance is not an "achievement," it's dumb luck. nm
I know this will sound so dumb, but, do you cook the stuffing before using it in this dish? Thanks!
explain to young girls how dumb and useless these celebs are.
The scariest part is realizing how many truly dumb people live among us in this world....
They are up to 12,000 or more; so people are giving! I'm now trying to come up with one myself. hehe