My teenage son did something like that, only it was a song that his favorite band (Good Charlotte if anyone is familiar with them) sang and I think it was called Thank You Mom. He sent it in an e-mail thanking me for all I had done for him while he was little and since he has gone off to college. I cried like a baby when I heard it. He also has a My Space page that we can access and under one section, it asks for his hero. He said something to the effect that now that he is out in the "real world" his hero is his dad. They used to fight like cats and dogs, so that was nice to see.
So, they do see what is going on, even if you don't think they do, and they do GET IT eventually.
That is sweet. Thanks for sharing with us :-) nm thank you for sharing your story. sm
my son seems to have low self esteem for some reason too. he hardly ever gets in trouble. he has always stated he hates going to school and thinks its boring. i had him tested at school in second or third grade for the gifted class. he missed by a few points. he's always been very smart and catches onto things very easily.
again, thanks for sharing your story. i've read a few stories about gifted kids being diagnosed with some anxiety and put on medicine. which they didn't need the medicine, they just needed to be with other kids like themselves. That is a great story. Made my day. Thx for sharing.
That is a sweet story!
Lucky rooster! I check the stray section of our local humane society all the time, and there is a rooster there also waiting to be adopted that was picked up as a stray! How funny!
What a sweet story.
But your web address is It should be .org
I thought the story was adorable, and you should be proud.
My oldest son, who is now 21, is quite a good writer. He started writing stories in grade school. I hope your son will continue to nurture his talent.
Just wanted to post a really sweet story
I posted on the 16th about my son attending a candle light vigil for a classmate that had been died while playing the choking game. Yesterday at school there was a memorial service for him. My son said the rest of the day was pretty somber and my daughter who did not even know the boy said the same thing.
After school some of the kids really needed a pick-me-up but also to do something special to remember him.
I did state earlier that he and my son were not close but they did share several close friends. It seems that everytime Trey went to the drive-thru at McDonalds he always ordered every item with Mc in front of it. A Mccheesburger, Mcfries, McCoke, etc. About 10 cars of kids decided to go to McDonalds and order just that way. Someone in the first car must have told the people inside becuase they were giving back Mcchange.
One of my son's closet friends organized this and started to break down while ordering, the lady at the intercom said "it's okay honey, we will get through this". Then the kids pulled over to an empty part of the parking, blasted Trey's favorite song and just danced. It brought my daughter to tears.
She then told me she did sort of know who he was after seeing a picture of him. A couple of weeks ago after school she and a couple of friends were jokingly arguing about who had the coolest cell phone. Best phone, color, features, etc. Suddenly Trey walked over to them and pulled out his cell phone which was exactly like my daughter's. He didn't say a word, just smiled and left.
It is still a terrible tragedy but somehow the other kids are working through it and hopefully will definitely learn an important lesson.
I wanted to share a feel good story with you from our local paper. Have a great Monday and Wonderful Week
OMAHA, Neb. -- Drivers who saw $2,500 in cash blow from a motorcyclist's open pocket Thursday pulled over, collected 24 of the hundred-dollar bills and waited for his return as others tracked him down.
The unlikely payback had the motorcyclist feeling "blessed," and, perhaps more importantly, able to pay his bills.
Anthony Burres was headed south on 132nd Street between Dodge and Pacific streets when the bills began to fly.
"I didn't have my side hip-pocket zipped up and my wallet fell out, and it's like $2,500 in cash just flying all over the street," Burres said.
Burres got to Center Street before realizing he was being chased.
His headphones made him oblivious to his expensive mile.
A witness finally got his attention at the intersection of 132 and Center streets. They headed back to the scene.
"I finally get back here and it's like four lanes of traffic of cars stopped just dead in the street, picking up money, and I'm like, 'Aw man, no way,'" Burres said.
But it was real. Burres got $2,400 back.
Eight to 10 people handed him the money.
He was down one bill.
He's not missing the pocketed $100.
"I can still pay my bills. That's real good for me," Burres said.
He said the first person to stop probably pocketed the cash. But he said that's OK -- that person probably needed the cash.
Omaha Hearld
What a good story! You must be very proud.
He's a good writer for so young. Hope he keeps it up!
I got a good learning to cook
When my DD was I think 11, she and my niece (12) were babysitting for me for a few hours. I was on my way home and told her to get the frozen lasagna out of the freezer and put it in the oven. I said it is very simple, directions are on the box. I get home and open the oven to check on the lasagna and there is the lasagna cooking in the BOX AND ALL!! Directions said to "poke holes in the top" which she did in the top of the box that is and never removed it from the BOX! So here was my lasagna baking in the oven still in the cardboard box container covered in holes! I literally wet my pants laughing so hard. She has NEVER lived that one down as we love to tell that story. She said well it never said to take it out of the box, lol.
Good morning ya'll! I have a story to share and need your help!! sm
A good friend of mine, Kathryn Bryant, from Columbus, GA, entered a “wish” contest sponsored by Pantene. She has been chosen as a runner up and was flown to California for a personal interview. Her wish is to create a program for disabled children that helps them feel accepted. Whether she wins or not is up to us because it’s based on the people’s choice. Pantene is one of the sponsors of the People’s Choice Awards and has posted Kathryn’s and two other ladies wishes on the website. Please use this link to go to the home page to view her video and watch her "Wish." And then VOTE FOR HER,PLEASE!
You will see the Pantene banner ad at the top of the page. Click on “pick the winning wish” and you will see her there.
As a friend of Kathryn, I felt compelled to get the word out on this. If you could help in any way,I would greatly appreciate it. She needs our votes. The kids need our votes!
Xanax affects EVERYONE differently so just because your husband is a certain way does not mean that is the same for this person. I take Xanax to fly... guess what it is a LIFE SAVER! I never take it to sleep nor do I ever take it for anything else...
maybe you are being rude because you are reacting, but my guess is you will have a response to me pointing this out... and it might be rude. just a guess.
Thanks for sharing!
It is always nice to hear stories like this especially when it has to do giving our military folks a reason to smile!! them 200%...disappointed in the administration but always hoping for a better day..
Thank you so much for sharing this
It officially brought chills to me. It is amazing how his voice had not been discovered before this. I love love love the reaction from the two "mean" judges. Wow.
LOL, thank you for sharing that :)
I just checked out my area and so far we've got worught iron chairs, a bed from Hoffen Koos and a lot of matresses.
Just sharing sm
My sis was 59, had tried to quit several times, but every time something stressful happened, she would smoke again. I can't give you specifics because she didn't want to hear my sermons, but Stage IV with no symptoms whatsoever except a lump in her neck. I wished she would have listened to me. I was putting my tree up today and cry every Christmas. Please don't let this happen to you. The doc said, "You have Stage IV so keep smoking, what's the difference?" I care about you. Please stop! There are no excuses. My sister would not accept my tough love, I hope you do. I don't have any idea who you are but I will beg you to stop. No excuses.Use lollipops, cinnamon sticks, ice cubes, Nicorette, something to keep your mouth busy but smoking. You'll feel better, smell better, look better. Treat yourself to a manicure or something each week you make it.
Thank you so much for sharing! sm
What a handsome boy he is!! Keep us posted on his continued good health. Yum. Thanks for sharing
Thanks for sharing that - sm What an adorable story. I loved the drawings too!
and thank you for sharing....
I do appreciate you sharing your own stories.
Thanks for sharing that - going to try it myself! NM
Thanks for sharing this recipe
I'm going to visit my daughter at college soon so I plan on bringing a bunch of "supplies". She lives in a house with about 6 other girls this semester. I'm going to bake a bunch of these to bring also ! Great tip, thanks for sharing!
My hands often get cold too this time of year. I buy the little stretchy $1 gloves, cut off the fingertips and that helps as well. Happy Friday! Didn't know this either-thanks for sharing! nm Wow. How uplifting! Thanks for sharing that! nm
Very moving. Thanks for sharing. nm
Just sharing (bragging a little too LOL). I have been
I know a lot of people have asked about it on this board and I just want to say it is possible if you really, really want it, and I really, really do. I still have about 80 pounds to go to get to my ideal weight, but I am not stressing over a number, I just want to continue to lose at a consistent pace, and I am feeling sooo much better.
Would you mind sharing?
My mom used to always keep a copy of The Pill Book which had pics of medications as well as info about them. When my son and my niece were little, they would play doctor (REAL doctor, not the other kind! LOL) and use The Pill Book to prescribe things for each other.
Hilarious! Thank you for sharing.
Just beautiful! Thanks for sharing! nm
That's funny! Thanks for sharing!
Very good example of verbatim!!
Those are cute! Thanks for sharing!nm
That was really neat. Thanks for sharing.