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You are an angel.

Posted By: GhostMom on 2009-04-07
In Reply to: I am a happy girl today- Dreams can come true. - Animal Lover

I know there is a special place in Heaven for you and all animal rescuers.

I've taken in strays all my life and literally work to feed my animals! Besides dogs and cats I've able to adopt goats and horses now that I live on a few acres in the country. There are so many, many animals in need..

God bless you.

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YOU are an angel
I hope that your loved ones shower you with the love that you display for others. What a kind, loving heart you have. God bless you. I wish there were more like you, this world would be a better place to live. Merry Christmas to you
You are an angel.
My grandfather used to call me his angel but I think all caregivers are angels. Take that step and do something now. My doctor is my angel.
What an angel! A keeper for sure! nm
She truly is a little angel. Thank God for those who care, and SM
for those who are not afraid to report such things. 
Angel Food
We are having a difficult time right now also. One thing that has helped a lot is using Angel Food Ministries and grocery shopping at Aldi. There has been discussion on this board about Angel Food before, but if you have any questions let me know.
Your a guardian angel to that poor dog...

and these people have children? If you get updated, let us know. You are a star!


Four abortions is not excessive to you? Never said I was an angel...
but at least I learned my lesson and decided not to abort again, and never would again, and gave a child a decent life that I couldn't have given her. Now, as far as not wanting to know the child I gave up for adoption, as they say, walk a mile in my shoes and then perhaps you would understand. Not all of us have the mothering gene, sorry to burst your bubble, which, if true, I do give the poster credit for admitting to. Just because we are women doesn't mean we want to be mothers. Using abortion as a means of birth control is a dysfunctional trait as far as I'm concerned.
the angel food cake
come from Weight Watchers, so it's good for a diet~
angel food cake with strawberries and
You carry food for lost animals in your car? You are an angel!
Angel story - Was driving with my kids to Florida from NC (sm)
We always say a prayer before starting on a trip like that, asking for God to send his angels to protect us. My children were about 5 and 8 years old. I got onto the interstate and before getting to the next exit, my car started bumping really bad, like I had a serious flat or something. I pulled over, got out and looked. It looked fine.  I got back in, drove some more, a few minutes later, it happened again, much worse, the whole car was shaking - hard - not just like an out of balance car, but seriously shaking, almost like the brakes were on and the car was still trying to move.  I took the first exit and saw a repair shop right there!  I asked the guy to look at my car - it looked fine.  He test drove it.  Nothing.  He told me it seemed fine, didn't charge me a dime, and I went on my way.  A few miles down the road right in front of a rest stop was a huge pile of 2 x 4s and 2 x 4s scattered all over the road.  I never had that problem again with my car, ever and never knew what caused it.  But I believe that we were being protected by angels from being there when the 2 x 4s started falling, who knows what might have happened.
Someone on main board I think, recommended angel food network, which (sm)
I have been familiar with in the past. You might want to check that out as a way to save a lot of money on your food bill.
I am using Angel Food Network for help with food (sm)
Being much more careful not to waste food. No more fast food. Soda only if bought in a two-liter bottle, not singles or fountain. Most of my money waste was spent on food.