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Wow! Those glowing eyes fit right into the tree lights!

Posted By: Cat Enthusiast on 2007-12-12
In Reply to: Here are a couple of my boys under the tree - ERMT


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Come clean my house. I wiill give glowing
Schefflera/umbrella tree/ octopus tree
are deadly to cats/kittens as well.
Fake tree or real tree? Big or small?...sm

How about one of those old Evergleam aluminum trees with a color wheel?  Wish mommy hadn't gotten rid of ours, darn it. 

Copy and paste this link into your browser and enjoy!  Cat



3-way lights
They do now make them for 3-way lights. They are hard to find, but they are out there.
We put ours up every year.  We only leave them on for about 2-3 hours a night and not every night.  We do it because our kids love them.
I use hooks and bread ties.
Christmas Lights
Did you know that Orthodox Christians around the world do not celebrate Christmas until January 7th? (We call it Nativity). We then keep our decorations up until Theophany, which is the baptism of Christ, which happens to be today. Just thought you might appreciate a view from a different angle.
got my new one - 1300 lights on a 7-1/2

I posted earlier about prelit trees.  Ordered one from Home Depot because it was free shipping and delivered to my home since I have no way of getting a huge box home.  I always got a skinny one - but this year everyone is gone but me so I figured it could take up the whole living room!  It is stunning!

We don't do christmas lights. Instead we
do halloween decorations. We have more fun with that and it helps that halloween usually falls during a time when our energy bills are normally the lowest for the year.
I found the lights very helpful
I suffer from SAD to some degree no matter where I live, but I did not realize it until I started breeding birds as a hobby. I had a room with dozens of cages stacked together. On the two long walls, I vertically mounted two 6 foot uncovered natural lights and on the short walls I horizontally mounted two 3 foot of the same lights.

After I brought the birds their breakfast in the mornings, I would sit in the room for an hour to watch the birds' behavior. After about a year, I realized I was feeling better than I had ever felt in my life. Not only no depression, but my energy level was higher, my house stayed neater, I was better able to concentrate, I interacted better with people...

My work space is now located next to a sliding glass door and I keep the curtains pulled back all day every day. If you want to go look into the lights before you buy, a good source is in a pet shop in the lizard/snake/aquarium area where natural lights are sold in different strengths and shapes. They are NOT cheap, but the ones in pet shops last a long time and you should find something that would blend into your home. If you can't find them in the pet shop, look for a magazine like Bird Talk online and go to the merchandise/advertiser section for a distributor.
After all these years, the love lights are
burning stronger than ever.
Those low-mounted driving lights that - (sm)
illuminate both sides of the road are really helpful on dark country roads at night, and in the rain, too. They help me see puddles of deeper water, especially those along the side of the road that can get you spun around if just one front tire hits them. They're also good if you're watching for deer, pedestrians, etc.

I've learned a few tricks that help improve night driving vision:

First, if your windshield is pitted, replace it. The pits diffuse bright lights and make it hard to see.

Keep your headlights, tail-lights & turn-indicator lights clean so they'll be as bright as possible.

If I've been doing a long drive from daylight into night, especially if headed into the sunset, I'll wear sunglasses that are as dark as possible during bright daylight. Once the sun sets, I'll switch to more lightly tinted ones and wear them for as long as I can to help get my eyes better adjusted to the dark.

Once it's pretty dark, I usually take a break at a service station, and in addition to the slight rest I get from topping off the tank, I also take that opportunity to get my windshield as clean as possible - inside and out.

Next I'll wipe off my driving glasses, and finally, use some "Clear Eyes" eye drops in my eyes.

Finally, a sort of "last resort" trick I use to improve my vision right after passing an oncoming car with very bright headlights is to close one eye for a few seconds as the on coming car is within a certain distance. That way the iris in that eye doesn't have to readjust as much as the one that was blinded by the oncoming headlights.

All of those things make driving at night a little easier.

Anyone not putting up Christmas lights?
I usually make a big to-do out of having the house and yard lit up, but this year I don't think I'm going to. The few hours they are on a night sure packs a punch on the electric bill. How bout everyone else?
I live in the boonies, have never put up lights nm
putting up Xmas lights
Sorry if this may seem really dumb but I've never done this before - how do you attach the lights to siding on a house around windows and doors? It's not wood siding, it's an older home with aluminum siding.
Christmas lights and decorations up after New Year's!
We always take ours down New Year's Eve or New Year's Day. Our neighbors still have theirs out (lawn decorations and everything) and up until just a week ago they were still turning them on at night! Ugh! It also bugs me when people leave the Christmas lights on their houses year-round. I love the holidays and I love having my Christmas stuff out, but when the holidays are over, so are my decorations!
sorry...pot lights or high hats over the mantle...nm
I'm going to turn out the lights, lock up the house, -
and instead of doing the trick-or-treat thing, am going on a Halloween night costumed inline skate through the streets of S.F. with my skate-buddies. Most likely WE will eat the candy I originally bought! ;)
We went to the local botanical gardens for the lights - sm
then out to dinner, home around 10, 1 daughter had a friend sleeping over so they watched The Grinch who stole Christmas (Jim Carrey), my other daughter and I watched the old (first) version of The Posiedan Adventure until 12 or so then went to bed. DH went to bed about 11 and slept through. Okay evening for the most part. No hangover.....haven't done that for years.
Buy motion-sensored exterior lights
my mom is always telling me about Friday Night Lights
That is one of those that I didn't start watching from the beginning and never want to just cut in in the middle.

i saw a preview for it the other day and went wish i would have watched that one... my mom is ALWAYS like i can't believe youre not watching that one!!

must be pretty good? But is it not a high school show? i thought it was like a 90210 kind of show, and im too old for that! :)
I soooo love Friday Night Lights, except sm
they are actucally putting it on Friday Nite. I am afraid that many people that watch this show actucally go to Friday nite hight school football. My hubby and son always go see our high school team play. I just don't want them to have low ratings and get dropped.
Friday Night Lights and Brothers and Sisters, love them!NM
Mailing thank you cards to houses with nice Xmas lights, never heard of such a thing and I'm in
My small town is offering a price of 1 month of free electricity for the best lights nm
..:) Depression glass, cut crystal, candle sticks, figurines. Strings of twinkie lights
Eyes. sm
Does anyone feel there is a film over their eyes and it is very aggravating?  Do glare screens help?  Anyone?  Thanks.
my mom had them in her eyes
just manifesting as pain. but had she waited 1 day longer to seek help, she would have reportedly gone blind. so yes, it CAN be serious.

in most other cases, i think there are residual problems and discomforts.
I had a cat whose eyes did that - the vet said

All in the eyes of the beholder, if you
can make it past the smoke, cough, cough.
It's the eyes - too far apart - I'm perfect!!

I have tears in my eyes. sm
I posted below sparklers on the 4th but your post brought back wonderful memories of the same thing. So many of the places that my mom and I shopped at are now gone. My fav was Kresgies (sp) which had a lunch counter as well as what was probably mostly junk. I always had a grilled cheese. Now a park stands there and my mom would take my daughter and niece there for picnics. I lost my mother also....oh just one more day.
Those beautiful eyes say it all, don't they....
Crying my eyes out, here!
I finally watched the slide show the whole way through and am bawling like a baby.    Geez!  What a kid and what a family.  They are all in my prayers.
I was crying my eyes out!
Isn't Meryl Streep just the bomb!  What an awesome actress!!!  She transforms herself into her characters unlike anyone I've ever seen, I just love watching her act.
Look at those BLUE eyes!
Oh wow!  I don't think I've ever met a dog with blue eyes before!  They are beautiful! 
my pets eyes always look like that
when I take their picture. Must be my camera. It has red eye reduction, but I guess it doesn't have evil eye reduction.
Bags under eyes

I am developing huge bags under my eyes and always, always look exhausted. Nothing wrong found at the doctor other than my never ending battle with depression. Photos taken at a wedding this weekend show my eyes to be especially dark at the outside corners-I always look like I've been crying.

Any tried and true remedies to help reduce the puffiness and darkness? I have sensitive, pale skin by the way.

Say they opened your eyes?
Just hope they don�t close them as well, permanently.
The collections under your eyes
could be caused by increased cholesterol. Have you had your cholesterol checked lately? If not I would suggest that as have heard about cholesterol showing up like that under your eyes.
collections under eyes
I was told that years ago but they were white like pimples but you couldn't pop them. These are a little darker than the flesh and not the same. I use to use a pin to clean out the cholestrol ones before I knew what they were. But just in case as soon as I can I am going to get it checked. I couldn't use the statins and they tired something else but it made me fart so bad all day I was an embrassment. So she won't test me. I am going to a new doctor as soon as I can afford it. I think my thyroid is still too low too she didn't do a T3 or T4 just a TSH. I still have symptoms also. Thanks for the reminder.
My kitty has eyes just like his! :)

the cost to see thru the eyes of love....
God bless him is all i can say. 
Eyes are important. Why not make
an appointment? If the cause is just allergies and rubbing, maybe they will give you an Rx for allergy drops if eye itchiness is your main problem. Or you could try using an oral antihistamine and avoid rubbing your eyes and see if they improve. Get some Refresh Liquigel lubricant eye drops by Allergan.
As I write this, tears are in my eyes
because my furkids also gift from hubby and I know, really know the love we give these little ones. She had been through so much. You gave her a good home and I am sure did everything to make her life comfortable. I have 2 boys from my gift and 1 is a purrer and the other 1 not but again know I along with others share your sorrow.
Hayseed, I have tears in my eyes because
I have read your post and this is the first time hearing this. I have had so many animals, loved animals, that have died and to think I would ever see them again is something that just warms my heart. Birds, dogs, cats and even a white mouse are ones I have lost. Thank you so much for this.
Mickey Blue Eyes

and Lil Miss Sunshine are two of my faves. 

I cried my eyes out watching that.....sm
My hubby watched it with me and he turned to me and said that will us when we get older.

I am one of the lucky ones, I guess. We were teenage sweethearts and to this day are very much in love and have a strong relationship and wonderful foundation for our two teenagers!
Can anyone tell me why bangs are worn down over the eyes and
people always seem to be a) shoving their hair out of them, b) flinging their head from 1 side to the other to get hair back from their face, c) keeping their hands in perpetual motion pushing their bangs/hair back from their face. Why in the world do female do this? If I had hair hanging in my face, over my eyes, I would have to have it cut. What is the reasoning behind this?
I started getting bags under my eyes in my 20's. SM
It kept getting worse. People would ask me what's wrong with my eyes. I finally had plastic surgery and it was the best thing I ever did.

It was the only thing that worked. This is only to be used as a last resort, but the results were amazing.
It brought tears to my eyes as well. You have

reason to be proud!!