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Works for garbage bags too

Posted By: mt3Rs on 2008-01-16
In Reply to: I've ended the cazillion dirty glasses in the sink every day problem... - Georgia Gal

If you have 2 or more kids who have to take turns taking out the garbage, assign each a garbage color - you can get them in white, yellow, green and blue that I know of. When the blue kid takes out the garbage, s/he puts in the yellow bag, or whoever's turn it is next. Believe me, they don't forget to change the bags.

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My husband works for Frito-Lay and they gave us little 25 cent bags of chips to give away...
Although we also buy a bag of candy to give for the ones who won't like chips...
That's garbage -
I have never had an accident and never had a ticket. I have been driving since I was about 5 years old, starting out on farm equipment, to help on the family farm.

It's a bunch of bunk in my opinion
It sounds like you and I have the same printer! I have had problems with the paper feed since day one. It drives me absolutely nuts.
I don't think it's garbage...

Just like every other platform, it has a few bugs that still need to be worked out but for the most part I like it.

I've been using it for a few months and the only problems I still have are with Java (can't get Pogo games to load for the life of me) and the Rhapsody music service. Everything else turned out to be "administrator" issues and were easily solved. Vista has some pretty cool features too, so it's not all bad.

Why are you an audience for this garbage?
How about respect for one's privacy? Or would you be OK with us listening to the worst things you've ever said?

WHY do you people listen to this garbage?
I use the twisties that come in your box of garbage bag.
I tried cable ties, but they don't come apart very easily and I ended up cutting a cable trying to get one off. So I swear by twist ties. Helps to reuse, reduce, recycle. LOL.
Vista is garbage
My husband is in IT and he installed Vista when it first came out.  He very quickly uninstalled it.  It has so many problems, causes so many problems and he pointed out that there are security issues with Vista.  I don't see XP going anywhere as many people who are in positions of powerin companies, like my husband, refuse to use it.  I wouldn't bother wasting your money.
don't listen to this garbage
No, no, no. Do not listen to this. Someone is making a play for your guy. Don't doubt it.
stuck garbage disposal
Never mind, we were able to crack the glass and then get it out.
Pack them a decent lunch. That is garbage.
Wash your mouth out! Tiffany's is not garbage!
This is common sense, stop posting this garbage!

The only thing worse than chain emails, is people who pass along chain emails!


It doesn't matter "where you stand." What works for you is fine. What works for me is fine.
Comparing ourselves as to frequency is ridiculous.
I have used cucumbers many times which works. Also I have heard that preparation H works as well but have never tried it, but it stands to reason that it would work. I use a lighter concealer under my eyes than my foundation shade which brightens up the area. I use Avon's Anew eye products and they are wonderful, and usually frequently on sale, as they are a little pricey, but worth it.
Forgot to say that cucumbers, the same as preparation H do shrink puffiness, but I had a makeup tip once in a Victoria's Secret makeover to use just the slightest amount on the corner of the eye, an irridescent (which is light-reflectant) CREAM eye shadow which is moist, not powder which is caking and drying, like near-white, near-pink near-silver, etc. Use it very sparingly; just a dot in the corner or just below the corner. It brightens the corner of the eye. It really is a pretty look and brightens the dark look and the corner. The trick is to use it sparingly so it is not obvious.
Ziplock bags!
Ziplock bags for all liquid items (shampoo, perfume, makeup). Rolling clothes helps stop wrinkling. Here are some helpful sites.


Same here bags for adults
And paper for my children (even though my older one hasn't believed in Santa Claus for a few years).
paper or bags
It's paper for me all the way - I love to wrap and make bows, etc. My sister does bags, hates to wrap. To each his own.
You know you can make your own bags
pretty easy and cheap using different boxes as templates, detergent boxes, etc.  Did it with my Girl Scout troup. That way you can use paper you like.
Bags under eyes

I am developing huge bags under my eyes and always, always look exhausted. Nothing wrong found at the doctor other than my never ending battle with depression. Photos taken at a wedding this weekend show my eyes to be especially dark at the outside corners-I always look like I've been crying.

Any tried and true remedies to help reduce the puffiness and darkness? I have sensitive, pale skin by the way.

Blech! The worst coffee ever. No wonder they're closing stores, who pays for that garbage?
I like to use gift bags for the adults
and wrapping paper for kids. I know there is a lot of wasted paper when you wrap, but something about watching a child rip into a package is so fun.
Zip lock bags and tie a ribbon around them- sm
this way they stay fresh.
Bags/dark circles
Eyederma will definitely get rid of the dark circles, but it is expensive and it also dried under my eyes and made the wrinkles more noticeable. I tried Borba eye rejuvenator and love it. It definitely shrinks the bags and gets rid of the dark circles. I got mine from QVC, but if you Google Borba, they also have their own website. Hope this helps.
I started getting bags under my eyes in my 20's. SM
It kept getting worse. People would ask me what's wrong with my eyes. I finally had plastic surgery and it was the best thing I ever did.

It was the only thing that worked. This is only to be used as a last resort, but the results were amazing.
Gift Bags or Wrapping Paper?
I love the Christmas gift bags you can buy at the various dollar stores. SO much easier than boxes and wrapping. They are pretty and very inexpensive. I have seen similar bags at Target for much more. I LOVE cheching out the different Dollar stores. I like Big Lots too. Great deals. Tissue paper and gift bags for me. How about you?
When you fuse plastic grocery bags.
You have to be sure you are in an ventilated area because it has toxic fumes. I did mine outside because I have a plug in on the side of my house.  You cannot get anymore ventilated that that.  lol.   I set my iron on 3 which is a medium setting, no steam and sandwich 1 bag folded twice (you need 8 layers) in between 2 pieces of regular typing/print paper.  As I am ironing I just count to 20 or you can use a timer lol and then flip it over and iron the other side and count to 20.  When you peal the paper off you will find that the plastic bag is stiff like paper and seems to be very durable.  I cannot tear the things and I have tried.  To me, it is the perfect liner for a car trash bag or even a bathroom trash bag.  If one must use a plastic garbage bag for the kitchen (some garbage companies won't allow anything else but plastic bags) then maybe we can at least eliminate the amount we use. 
Our cat loves feathers and plastic bags - sm
she licks the bags though (grocery bags/Wal-mart that type), weirdest thing, she does the same with feathers, like she is grooming it I guess. She loves to lay on paper too, no clue why. I don't get her too many toys as she does not really play with store bought toys, though loves those feather stick things. Have some of those toy mice but they end up disappearing. Likes the kids toy tents, boxes she can jump in, hiding under the coffee table that has a table cloth that completely covers it to the floor, likes to hid under anything and try and snag your ankle with a paw, definitely startles me sometimes. Loves her scratching post which is actual wood, not carpet, the only thing she scratches other than an exercise pad we put over a brick pad in our kitchen for a wood stove (so if the kids ever fell when they were little they would not hit the brick with their head at least), it is thick and squishy and the cat loves to knead it, makes a mess though if she does it too much. Will have to try the bread tie thing, bet she'd love that. She spends hours looking out the front window at the bird feeder and our hummingbird feeder too, and all the squirrels too. You can see the wheels turning when she is watching the birds and squirrels outside. Sleeps at my feet on the bed either in her cat bed if a cold night or just on top of the comforter. I call her a cat-dog as she has many dog characteristics which makes her the perfect cat to me (I am more of a dog person, but like cats too).
Holiday plates, tissues, ribbons, and bags
I am lazy and not a good cook, but I buy those roast bags sm
in with the seasoning packets. It comes with seasoning and the bag for about $2 usually. I buy whatever cut is on sale, put it in the bag with the seasoning, straight to the hot oven and add veggies in a few hours. Always, always tender and falling apart no matter what cut. I have tried the crockpot too, but mine is never good and tender that way.
cool wet tea bags are good for burns & blisters nm
Natural remedies...tea bags, cucumbers, potato slices....
I used to use cucumbers, but any of these will work....check out these web sites for more info, too....



The best thing for dirty diapers - mini diaper bags at the dollar store that sm
smell like powder. You get 50 to a bag - they are little blue plastic bags. Tie the poopie up tight in the bag and VOILA! throw it in your trash and no smell!
Let's see if this works
WW Works
I am a successful WW-er, having lost over 75 pounds. WW allows you to have all your favorites, but in a sensible fashion. There is no food category that is not allowed. That's the key for me. WW trains you in how to eat with healthier food choices and it is definitely a lifestyle change as regards food choices. Of course, as with any weight loss program, you cannot return to eating whatever you want in unlimited amounts once you have lost your weight. You must continue to take the tools you were taught and use them each and every day with your food selections. I would definitely recommend attending meetings, though, as accountability is always helpful in staying the course.
it works for me! LOL. (nm)
Nothing works better than
hanging out in the sun to dry, so fresh smelling, great for sheets also.
What works for my little one...
We always alternating Tylenol and Motrin every four hours. This works better than giving either one by itself. I put him in a tee shirt and his underwear and use cool compresses on his head. Hope your little one is better soon!
what works for me
is medicine, Maxalt.
This works for me!

No but I know what works well sm
I used green tea patches in the past. They don't sell them anymore (probably because it was too good and you'd have to get an Rx), but you can still find them at sites on the internet. Also Hoodia is really awesome. I am taking Hoodia 2 a day and the pounds are just flying off. It is something from cactus discovered that the natives take in the jungle for stamina and to keep fit. It is not expensive at all. I got mine on e bay but found it and also green tea pills at Walmart not expensive. I have had more energy and feel better since I have been taking these 2 things and total cost for the 2 was no more than 25 bucks for the month. Sorry I don't know about the product you asked about but I wanted to suggest to you some cool things. Good luck!
Try T-Gel. Works for us.
This works!
I did the same. It only took one summer (last year) of doing this and then we slowly tapered off the chore chart. I would "forget" to print it off the computer from time to time. Since then I no longer have to ask but when I do it is already done, just had to get in the habit of doing it without question, I think. My child is like OPs that he really is a great kid but for some reason brushing teeth was a nightmare twice a day every day. The only difference in our allowance chart was that for each item completed (without being asked or questioned) my child would get 25 cents - totaled at the end of the week. He still had to do everything, it was just a matter of initiative and no arguments on his part. I think max would be $5 a week or something like that. I had it calculated out so I new there was a limit. Truth be told, he asked for more than $5 of stuff every time we went to the store (and that was another fight) so this did double-duty in that if we went to the store he had to use his own money. Amazing how picky kids get when its their money.
Yes, but I am not too sure how that works.

Is that like a second morgage? 

Do you barrow against your house at a lower APR? 

what works for me -sm
I get a massage once a week NO MATTER WHAT! I have been going to the same lady for 5 years, who gives me a break on the price. For 30 mins it is $25, which is a bargain and SO worth it. I also schedule lunch every Friday with a friend of mine and go nearly no matter what else. You have got to make time for yourself and be selfish about it. Best wishes! :-)
If you have MS Works - sm

Use the spreadsheet program and throw it in there.  Then I think it's data/sort and go from there.

Yes, please let me know how it works out(sm)

The bedroom is still quite cold at night depending on the temperature outside when you close the door. Hubby never cared because as a child, his room didn't have heat either, so he was used to it, but now that he's older, he's getting to be a little bit too much to handle.

He tried a gas wall heater but it used to much fuel. We tried an Eden Pure, but it died before the winter was over.

He only needs the room around 60 so he cut a hole in the wall above the door and put a fan in to draw the heat into his room but the fan is so noisy, it's hard to get a good night's sleep.


It works!
When mine were smaller they had more fun unwrapping and playing with the boxes.

They are all between 12 and 17 now. I told them to count their blessings if they get Christmas dinner this year let alone presents. This year kinda stinks, but I am sure they will get a few things they each want. I always figure it out.
where my DH works
There are boards (electronic and physical) where employees can post job trades all over the country they would like to make. It has not included houses yet, but you might try local employers near your home or chamber of commerce pages of your nearest town where people would be looking on the internet from far away.
However, that only works if...
people on welfare are being tested, otherwise, they just end up there eating up more of our tax money, so I really don't know if that is a good idea. My point was that I don't see why one would find it humiliating.
Hope It Works
You're welcome. Let me know if it works for you.