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While driving, some guy got really mad at me one time - I guess I cut him off? (sm)

Posted By: NCMT on 2007-11-27
In Reply to: highway rage sm - me2

I have no idea - but he followed me for miles on a busy road and kept pulling in front of me and slamming on the brakes, pulling up beside me and flipping me off, running up at the back of my car - scared me to death. No cell phone back then to call the police!

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I guess next time......

I should preface my comments with:  WARNING:  BIBLE SCRIPTURE WITHIN? 

I think NOT! 

I read most of these boards on a daily basis and have seen plenty of instances where gay rights, just as an example, are being forced down the throats of Christians every day.  Of course, the gay community probably does not see it that way since that is their lifestyle and we Christians should not judge them for it, or so they believe.  Yet, let a Christian post their point of view based on their tenents of faith as outlined in the Bible and we are jumped on like a bug by a hungry hen.  Can you not see the irony here? 

Christians must live in this world, that is true.  But we don't have to be a part of the sin and degradation going on in this world.  By the same token, gays (or whatever group is feeling picked on) do not have to conform to the Christian belief system.  Each person will have to answer to his/her own on Judgment Day, and like one old guy at church says, "There's gonna be some sad singing and slow walking."

Time and a half... take a guess lol (nm)
I guess by the time anyone reads this, they'll be up! Silly question! nm
I'm the last dinosaur - I don't think teenagers should be driving their own cars. She needs to be spending her time on school and music, maybe working 8 or 10 hours a week at a job if she can handle that as well.

A car is a tremendous responsibility and she will have her entire life to paying ins., gas, etc. Give her a couple more years without that responsibility.

Frankly, unless she has to drive to school or work, I wouldn't let her have her own ccar. Not because she isn't mature enough, but because the roads are filled with angry, distracted drivers and I would be afraid everytime she was gone.

Senior year is early enough for her to have her own car.

I know no one else will agree with this, but I wanted to say it. As a former teacher, I believe this is part of the reason the rest of the world does a better job educating their young people. No one else in the world expects their high school students to work for money for a car - their kids are in school as full-time students. Look at their test scores compared to ours and look at who is populating our graduate and professional schools.
Driving to NYC
I'm leaving Saturday morning to go to NYC to see an off-broadway play with my daughter and her friend (my daughter's 13th birthday), and I was wondering if there was anyone in the areas between Upstate NY/Pennsylvania/New Jersey (my route) here that might be able to tell me how the roads are and how the weather in general is.  We have a lot of snow here (some places have over 6 feet) and I'm a little worried.  I've never driven to NYC before so I'm a little worried about the weather.  TIA.
I just dropped you an email.
These floaters are driving me ...
crazy!! Have any of you had these and if so were they able to be treated and how? Seems like today in my right eye they are worse (I know they can go back and forth). I hope someone out there maybe has an answer to this irritating problem. Thanks.
I hope he is not driving because if he is -sm
it is only a matter of time before he is in an accident, hopefully only a 1 car accident. If is is driving he is not only endangering those in the car, but those on the road driving around him. Point that out if you have not already, very irresponsible and foolish of him IF that is the case. My DH is similar with docs, though he will go the eye doctor, but anything else he has to be dying, I am surprised he is not dead (Had a horrible case of pneumonia a few months before I met him, was out of work for 3 week, temps of 104/105, hallucinations, horrible sweats, etc, crawled in to see the doc at their office a few times, the only thing that saved his life was his girlfriend of the time, though why she never called 911 or took him to the ER is beyond me, he needed hospitalization, total miracle he lived). Mine acts like a big baby most of the time too. If you don't have life insurance on him, get it now while you can, then you will be okay if needed. As for SS disability, it will take a while to get that if he gets to that point, and even then he needs to see doctors and get doctor reports to have that submitted to SS so they can approved disability--but if he has a fixable problem then there is no way he will ever get it. Try to guilt him into to or else just get him in the car somehow and get him to the ER.
Tell him that his criticizing you is driving you away!
My DH has issues with my weight, too. Well, he's not perfect either. He's just as overweight as I am, so why the double standard? I told him if I didn't have to work so much and handle EVERYTHING else that I do (and then I listed everything for him), maybe I'd have time to exercise. He's doing more around the house, and I am making an effort to increase my activity level and eat better. He also had to stop pushing food on me, which I think he equates feeding me as an expression of love. Don't worry about the weight. You can still curl your hair, put on some makeup and wear a little slinky something. Cripes, this is the only time I've actually had boobs! It's not so much the weight that bothers them as the attitude. When you get in a rut wearing elastic waistband pants and a ponytail to work at home in, and you stay in them all the time, you don't feel as feminine as you can. Know what I mean? Forget about the underwear and give him a real woman!
I am not alone! The news is driving
me nuts! But I am like a person with a sore tooth and your tongue can't leave it alone. I should just quit watching. They throw out these headlines and never follow up. The reports involving children are really getting to me. How many times have you seen a missing child story only to have the camera pan to the cross street signs, the block number of the house and then, of all things, "here's her best friend, Ginny, who lives right next door, and says she is really missing her friend tonight", and then they post the child's name on the screen. If the parents don't have anymore sense, you would think the TV station would. They have practically made themselves the pedophile home shopping network. And yes, I have actually written to all the major Houston stations and only one bothered to write me back, the NBC affiliate. I don't know if they stopped doing this, but I just saw one yesterday on ABC, so that had no effect on them. Oh, well, enough of my soap box.
haha! My 5 year old wants to know: Who's driving and what are ALL the
Mine also, and I go very fast driving over them
and hold my breath or pray pretty much. Years ago my sister had gone over a bridge traveling to Tennessee just before it collapsed and I never forgot it.

On the news today they said something like 70,000 bridges in the country are in disrepair. I say put our taxes to better use! Do something constructive for a change.

Scary stuff.

I was driving home from work..sm
got the tail end of the report, mostly just that he'd been taken to the hospital, but the somber tone of voice made me realize pretty quickly that he had died. VERY sad day for me, I've always been a fan.
This mother saying too big a town for driving through yet
I honestly can understand this as when my children first started driving we were living in a huge city and all the freeways around, not some small town where everyone knows everyone and I bit my nails to the quick. The mother probably just wants the child to get more experience under his belt before he tries such a trip and the son is lying to her and making this trip regardless. He and the girl both sound like they are too much into each other for things like school right now. It happened to me- son just did not want school after high school. Sad when it is handed to you on a silver platter.
i stopped night driving when I was 48....

I live in a huge metropolis where everyone on the road is nasty.....gave up night driving at 48 due to problems seeing with the red, green, orange-yellow traffic lights PLUS headlights and rear lights. 

I also have just given up driving all together...people are too nasty on the road.......I never did like driving, let my permit expire when I was 16 - never had a huge interest in driving.....just me is all.......

My children drive and all my friends drive so there's no problem whatsoever *lol*


Those low-mounted driving lights that - (sm)
illuminate both sides of the road are really helpful on dark country roads at night, and in the rain, too. They help me see puddles of deeper water, especially those along the side of the road that can get you spun around if just one front tire hits them. They're also good if you're watching for deer, pedestrians, etc.

I've learned a few tricks that help improve night driving vision:

First, if your windshield is pitted, replace it. The pits diffuse bright lights and make it hard to see.

Keep your headlights, tail-lights & turn-indicator lights clean so they'll be as bright as possible.

If I've been doing a long drive from daylight into night, especially if headed into the sunset, I'll wear sunglasses that are as dark as possible during bright daylight. Once the sun sets, I'll switch to more lightly tinted ones and wear them for as long as I can to help get my eyes better adjusted to the dark.

Once it's pretty dark, I usually take a break at a service station, and in addition to the slight rest I get from topping off the tank, I also take that opportunity to get my windshield as clean as possible - inside and out.

Next I'll wipe off my driving glasses, and finally, use some "Clear Eyes" eye drops in my eyes.

Finally, a sort of "last resort" trick I use to improve my vision right after passing an oncoming car with very bright headlights is to close one eye for a few seconds as the on coming car is within a certain distance. That way the iris in that eye doesn't have to readjust as much as the one that was blinded by the oncoming headlights.

All of those things make driving at night a little easier.

I must be the only one who LOVES driving at night.
When I was a kid, I did a lot of long-distance driving with my dad, and we were on the road a lot at night. I always loved that. It seemed so cool to be out on the roads at night when most of the world was tucked into their houses. It always seemed like an adventure. And then, I'm an avid backpacker and have been known to solo. I love the woods at night and the sounds of owls. It's lovely at night when it's quiet and dark.
Within the last 30 minutes I walked in the door following a 3-hour ride, mostly on the PA turnpike. It's not late, but the days are short now. I purposely left as the sun was going down, because I love watching the pinks and oranges of sunset. The moon is full tonight, and I saw the moon rise tonight, too. Che bella luna! It was just beautiful.
I have a dependable car, and if I were in trouble, I know basic mechanics, have a cell phone and AAA. I also know that most people are good people, and so that's how I choose to live my life ... counting on the good and appreciating the beautiful things. It makes me happy, and I'm well aware that the time is approaching when my eyesight, joints and muscles might not allow me to enjoy the simple things like driving at night or setting up my tent along a trail somewhere. So I'm doing it while I can!
One day a few years back I was driving
to work (when I actually left the house to work) and I saw a man shoveling snow in his driveway, dressed like a normal man, but wearing a pair of red pumps. I almost crashed into a parked car doing a double take. He was tall and husky, built like a man, so I know it wasn't a woman. I got to work and told everyone and I don't think they believed me.
I went to 2 different high schools and when it came to driving....sm
the 1st high school a lot of the parents gave their kids brand new cars for their 16th birthday and paid for everything. A lot of those kids would wreck their cars and didn't care because they had no true repercussions.

The 2nd high school I went to after we moved was in a more economically depressed area. The kids that did have cars, generally had older used cars, had to work part-time to pay for the expenses of it and rarely got into accidents.

I drove a family car and while I was a senior in high school I took a full load of high school classes, 12 hours of college classes, worked 15 hours a week to pay for gas, insurance, upkeep, and was in marching/concert band, and made straight A's because I was determined to do all of this.
No way...driving cross country just as..
we do every year. DH and I take the month of May off for vacation and drive a Ford Explorer. Yes I have a large vehicle and no I don't feel guilty about having it It comes down to being economical in other ways. We use a credit card for the whole trip for gas and hotels, etc and get a 5% rebate. The vacation money is already put away in the bank so when we get back I just write a check for the bill. We have some of the highest gas prices here in the west and always figure it is a treat to head east and watch the prices drop a bit.
husband driving you crazy
Well, you could be like me and a lot of other women...no husband...all alone.  I have all the time to myself I want and care to have.  I was married once, and we worked together on the ranch and loved it.  I like the suggestion that you go on a weekly date, or biweekly.  Men do not know how to set these kinds of things up, so I will be on your shoulders to do this.  Be creative and include things you both like to do.  Wish I had that option.
I have two teens of driving age who both have their own cars. sm
My older teen is 19. She pays for her own insurance, but is on my policy. I will pay for my 17 year old until he is 19. I got them both used cars, and now if they want to sell them and get another one, that's up to them.
I am randomly tested for my bus driving - sm
duties. I get one day notice then have to show up at the testing place with a few other drivers and we either get alcohol testing (breathalizer) or a drug (pee) test, or both. If you test positive, you are immediately fired. I don't have a problem with that as I am responsible for other people's children and certainly would not want some alcholic or stoner driving my kids.
They see someone driving a nice car who paid for food sm
with food stamps, and this is where we began.  They have no knowledge of income, housing, if that person owns that car or not, etc, etc.  It is all jealousy and rage against a system they do not understand.  As I said in the beginning, if you want to change it, then start by trying to change the regulations.
It depends on your vehicle and driving conditions...sm
In most cases you do not need to change it every 3000 miles unless you do a lot of strenuous driving (i.e. mountains or towing things). Your manufacturer of your vehicle can tell you what they recommend. A lot of the newer vehicles have sensors that advise when the oil needs changing based on how dirty it senses it is. The sensor on my Saturn usually alerts me between 6000-7000 miles that the oil needs changing. On our Kia they recommend changing it only every 7500 miles unless rigorous driving has been done, in which case they recommend changing between 3000-5000. Our Ford recommends changing the oil every 3000-5000 miles but it's also the oldest vehicle in our driveway.
How long are my hot flashes going to last? Driving me crazy!!!!!!!!!!
Not wanting to stop for gas and then driving on fumes SM

in hopes of reaching the pumps in time! 

Well, my significant other and I went away today and I was driving. Now he is a very aggressive
driver and I am much more cautious so it did not go well.  I just dont pass everything in site with one foot on the gas and one on the brake.  What a pain to have a passenger like that in the car telling you this and that and I would have been way up there by nowetc.  Not much fun.  I dont like to drive by the seat of my pants.
Unemployed husband driving me crazy sm

If my chair so much as squeaks, he has to open the bedroom door and see if I am really working.    If the phone rings, he picks up the phone in the bedroom to listen in.   This is getting way out of hand.

I asked him to stop doing this but he got really mad and said I should have nothing to hide.  I don't have anything to hide but he is really really working my last nerve!

I am about ready to flip out.

We cut back on driving, and the demand dropped.
Goes to show there is no reason for it to be that high anyway.  If they think they can charge that much and get it, they will. 
I was 18 and driving my Mustang on Main St. listening to the radio.
I am thinking of driving to another state for a few days by myself to do some sightseeing. Has
anyone that has done this felt lonely on a driving trip by yourself.  I have done bus trips and trips overseas with groups when the husband doesnt want to go but never drove by myself unless I was meeting someone I knew somewhere.  I just wonder if it would be lonely in a hotel and sightseeing on your own.  Any suggestions.
Angel story - Was driving with my kids to Florida from NC (sm)
We always say a prayer before starting on a trip like that, asking for God to send his angels to protect us. My children were about 5 and 8 years old. I got onto the interstate and before getting to the next exit, my car started bumping really bad, like I had a serious flat or something. I pulled over, got out and looked. It looked fine.  I got back in, drove some more, a few minutes later, it happened again, much worse, the whole car was shaking - hard - not just like an out of balance car, but seriously shaking, almost like the brakes were on and the car was still trying to move.  I took the first exit and saw a repair shop right there!  I asked the guy to look at my car - it looked fine.  He test drove it.  Nothing.  He told me it seemed fine, didn't charge me a dime, and I went on my way.  A few miles down the road right in front of a rest stop was a huge pile of 2 x 4s and 2 x 4s scattered all over the road.  I never had that problem again with my car, ever and never knew what caused it.  But I believe that we were being protected by angels from being there when the 2 x 4s started falling, who knows what might have happened.
I totally relate..my daughter AND my mother are driving me insane.
It's funny you should mention Melodie Beattie as I went online today to look for support groups and someone mentioned that book. When I saw the description of "copendency" it fit my daughter..in EVERY category, and I know that I, of course, fell into the "enabler" category. Between my daughter calling 15 times a day and my mother..I am ready to move away and let someone else deal with them for a while. In a way, my mother is like my daughter..she also calls for money. Ironically, she does not like my daughter because of what my daughter has put me through. Funny how she doesn't realize that she does the same thing..emotional manipulation..guilt trips. I just want to be mentally free from them, and for this, I am getting help. They have drug me into depression, along with them. They are both bipolar and I think I am almost there with them, because one minute I feel so happy and positive..and then they call..and I'm depressed. I pray for strength..Thanks for your kind words. I can't help them anymore but I can save myself.
I'm in lower NY state. Driving and parking in the city is atrocious. He
Question. Do many of you have problems with streets, turns, etc. driving at night in strange areas

you are not familiar with.  I am not thrilled by night driving in unfamiliar towns. 

You live where it's cold or warm? Driving gloves? Some nice body scrub/shower gels? nm
No! That sounds too desperate. TIME. Just give it TIME. If it is real, then sm
something will definitely evolve. If you like him, flirt back! Don't act desperate because if he DOES like you, then the suspense will just make him want to get to know you more. Trust me on this.

I worked in the medical records department of a hospital when I was single and dated a few co-workers in my early 30s. It was fun. Nothing serious came about any of the relationships.

This sounds like fun - the beginning of maybe something to come....Keep us informed.
Totally agree, get these from time to time since teens...sm
It's a neuro condition, it does not mean there is anything at all wrong with you, it is actually related to narcolepsy, hypnagogic (sp? I just got up!) hallucinations, etc. And I HATE when I get these, it is always freaky, my siblings get this too, at times. I can "go away" for years and years before you get another episodes, so don't worry! I heard that when you are under a lot of stress or are very busy with things that this happens more??? Take care!!
It's time to stop when you or the kid(s) feel it is time, and no sooner. sm
My grandmother (who passed away at the young age of 107 back in the mid 1990s) was STILL celebrating every little holiday for all of her many kids and grandkids, and she would STILL give me a chocolate bunny every Easter, as she had since I was a toddler and even though I was 40ish at the time (and I still delighted in biting its head off in front of her, as I had also done since I was a toddler, which always met with mock disapproval from her).

Don't let anyone dampen your joy in celebrating your traditions.
The very 1st time he talked about killing you, was the time
The guy sounds like a psycho.
Rachael Ray has a segment from time to time
on using the bottom of the bottle receipes (i.e. bar-be-q sauce, peanut butter, maple syrup) and I have used many of her ideas and been amazed at how far you can stretch a dollar that way. Go to her website, it will give you many ideas.
Oh Amy, surely there was a man who "kept" you from time to time..
or you were at least married and had access to money!
It was a great time - I just hate the time we are in now
I liked your post. Thanks for replying It's nice to know other people were raised like me. We seem to appreciate the things we have. Oh I should've also said we didn't have A/C growing up. My parents idea of A/C was having my sister and I wave a piece of cardboard in front of them. HA HA HA.

I just couldn't stand the 90s and 2000s are even worse. I hate all the politics going on today, the world events, the bleak future. The degenerates running around, listening to kids talk back to their parents, girls gone wild, etc, etc. I'm grateful my grandparents and mom are not alive anymore to have to go through this with us.

I love watching old movies and the music of the 40s/50s. If I was alive back then I would've been doing the jitterbug and all those other fun dances. Life seemed simpler and cleaner (even though I've got a mouth like a sailer - guess I got that from my Army days).

I wouldn't mind the turn of the century either. I love the clothing and the simple life. Those are the times when the husband took care of the wife. If I could be transported back to the 1800s I surely would in a second.
It's anybody's guess
I hope it's Sanjaya, but three people forgot the words to their songs. My guess is maybe Brandon (one who forgot the words). With the exception of Lahisha, Melinda and Blake, I am not impressed with this years singers at all. It's one of the worst seasons for me.
Just old, I guess :(
I guess

...that's why I gave up on Christianity.  Jesus' message was beautiful and loving for the most part, but the religion has become inundated with intolerance and condemnation and even damnation.  Religion world-wide is too much of a trigger for war and violence and I'm not sure how it got twisted into its present form(s).  Well, let me take that back -- it seems as long as there has been religion humans have been fighting and killing each other over it, which is a sad advertisement for a particular religion, unfortunately.

To quote from a favorite folksong, I'm willing to "let the mystery be."

no, actually, i guess i don't. (nm)
Well, I have 8, so I guess not . . .

and, if I had it to do over again, I would do exactly the same!  My youngest will be two in June, and my oldest has two of his own.  Yes, we have quite an age spread there.    Our 2-year-old is the joy of our lives.  One little laugh or even a smile from him, and everything else seems to pale in importance.  He's a great little de-stressor. 

As I have always told my children, "Friends come and go, but familes are forever."


I guess it's not who you know, but who you ?
not funny
Hey, guess what???
Still havent called… I asked if anyone else had done this. I don’t live in terror that I will fall over, have my own blood pressure cuff. I can ask if others have done this without showing up at the emergency room....