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Where do I start

Posted By: Snoopy on 2009-03-25
In Reply to: Cheating Spouse? - Private Eye

Sorry to get you all excited, but I don't have the time or energy to go into it all now ... I will just say it all starts from noticing some things don't add up. You accidentally catch them and then just set out to prove it to yourself.

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For those people with school aged children when do vacations start to dwindle and you start getting
ready for school.  I usually take a vacation when things slow down at the end of Summer and I am just wondering when in August most people start getting into school things and less vacations are taken. 
In MHO when they start asking its time to start explaining.
My daughter and I started discussing the basics in like second or third grade.

Good luck it was much harder for me with my son.
I think we are going to start having more
play dates with my sister's dog. She is an adorable mix that looks like a border collie, and my sister's hubby does not allow spoiling of mere dogs. Therefore, any time we have pet sit for them, this young dog has had a wonderful time, though Misha found her a bit, um, disrespectul to her queenliness, but it was just inexperienced puppy excitement My sister lives 5 minutes away, and it was my sister's idea. So when we go to a park, if I feel like doing 2 dogs, I'll go get her. When we want to go to a pet store or other more civilized place, then I'll just take my well-mannered Sasha.
Where to start. -
I have 2 teenage boys and yes I so agree with you there. If I have to tell them one more time to put a belt on that I do not want to see their underwear I am going to scream.

Another one is people who say K-Marts and Wal-Marts. There is no "s" on the end of these stores. I drives me crazy!
You know what I would start saying? (sm)
"Oh my goodness!! You better knock - one day you're gonna walk in and see me naked!! LOL! Maybe also put a little note on the door that says "please knock". that way it is to everyone and not just them.
I could start doing that...
We have a baby that still takes naps so it would be for everyone too...and especially knowing we have a little one they continue to do this anyways...barge right in and yell HELLO...good grief...can't wait until we move---LOL
Where does it start? sm
What I mean is, where is the line drawn between helping and enabling? I'm not talking drinking, etc. There's no drinking or drugs involved, just an 18 year old son who started community college because his h.s. grades were too bad for a four-year, hasn't made it to school on time more than a handful of times since September, finally got his driver's license (after our driving him to and from school 30 miles away for two months), and two weeks later totaled the car in a rollover. No ticket - he swerved to avoid a squirrel. He has no job, puts in an occasional application. But he's obviously not ready to live on his own. How do we know if we're helping or enabling him?
Well, where should I start?...sm

I love comedies and it's hard to choose just a couple.

The Birdcage 

8 heads in a duffel bag 

Sister Act

Meet the Parents

Monty Python and the Holy Grail (that's a given)

To Wong Foo

Stir Crazy


Miss Congeniality

I could go on and on.... Cat

How do you start on that? I went there..

Do you just make a profile, introduce yourself, and then go on your own diet?  It seems like a good place to check back in for support.  Is there anything else there I didn't find?

Looking for help on where to start
over.  I've decided to leave my husband and will be searching the internet for affordable places to live, etc.  I would prefer to live in warmer climate year round.  Any ideas, sugesstions would be appreciated.  This has been a long time coming and I'm tired of this battle.  Thanks for your feedback.  Please fee free to Email me if you would prefer.
Start here
Read this article and check some of the links.

what age did this start?
I am 42. My NP said that sometimes husbands refer their wives for hormones. I just told her at my house they just make fun of me until I realize that I am skipping off the cliff.
As soon as they start asking! sm
My mother never spoke to me about things when I was young. Maybe, if she had, I wouldn't have been a single mother in my teens.

I am completely honest with my kids about everything. What good does it do to lie? If some think it protects them, it won't.

My kids are all pretty much grown now but they have all told me that they appreciate my honesty about my past because it means more coming from someone who has been through it, not just telling them not to do something.

I trust my kids but I don't expect them to be perfect. There will be mistakes and errors in judgement, it happens.

Only one has gotten into any trouble (minor in possession) and has never had any trouble since then, graduated from high school, joined the military, and now married.

Trust me, I wasn't really comfortable talking about it with my kids but I felt I was doing them a favor and hopefully preventing them from the same or worse.
Where to start?

I could use some help finding a starting point.

Yesterday I called a friend and found out she is wanting to leave her DH. She has 2 kids. One 6 and one 2 yo.

Her complaints:

1. He will not spend any time with the kids.

2. He will not spend any time with her. He told her "Haven't you noticed when I have something to do (hunting or spending time with guys) I get off work at 2:30. When I have to be with you, I work until 6:30."

3. Money. They have not made their Jan. house payment, yet he has money to go out.

She has begged him to go to marriage counseling or at least talk to her about the problems. He refuses. She told him she was going to leave. He told her she was not and makes fun of her abut it.

OK, she wants to know some of the laws about leaving. Especially pertaining to taking the kids to another state. As far as I know there is no physical abuse. I would like to help her at least look up stuff online, if such stuff is indeed online. She does not have internet.

Where to start? Any advice? She wants to have her ducks in a row by the end of thie school year.


Here's a start...sm
See the link below and please read it carefully, by which I mean following the links in the article as well.


As for Obama's rep as the "abortion president", etc., perhaps you don't watch the news but I presume you know how to use Google and won't have any problem educating yourself on that score. And please remember, I don't sign the executive orders...he does.
This will start a thread about who does not like her
but I was reminded when I saw your post about seeing Sylvia Browne in person 1 time. She said if someone toxic, no matter who they were, your own son, you should exclude them. I truly believe this to be the case.
It all has to start somewhere doesn't it?
Maybe if you start a fire in your
fireplace, your swamp cooler will be more effective!

Either that or get a dehumidifier.

I hate humidity also, and here I am in NC. Would you believe that when people are sick they sometimes run HUMIDIFIERS HERE?? Makes no sense to me when they could just step outside most of the time, and we have enough fungus amongus, LOL.
Now he just came in and asked me to start over (sm)
He hugged me and said, "do you want to let's start over?" (which we have been through so many times) and I said, "how do we start over? I lose weight and get super-organized?" and he said, "Well, not SUPER organized."
Here in mid-TN they start the first of August, sm
Unfortunately, the temps have been 100+ and messing up the air-conditioning, so some school districts were just going half days, also no air-conditioning on buses.

Local university started classes today.
Where Did the MyBad start at?
I keep hearing the younger generation saying this and it isn't even proper english.Where did it start and When. What made me think of it I just seen a commercial for Macys and JS unpluged the radio and she said MyBad. I get onto my kids and Grandkids for saying it I tell them it isn't proper english and to talk right.I know its slang but dang its stupi*d.

Were you always in shape before that or did you start at 49? nm
Anyone start Atkins on Jan 1?
I'm doing it again......Atkins that is. I started January 2 and have lost 6 pounds, yea! I want to lose about 30. Anyone else start it that wants to encouarge each other on here? I can't find a dieting forum, so hope it's okay to put it on the gab board. Think I'll go eat some chicken!
But if you are going to change, have to start some
I definitely will let you know when I start seeing results! I sm
am usually a quitter when it comes to stuff like this b/c I'm so busy with work, home, kids, but I am not giving up this time even if I don't start seeing results in 3 months!
I start feeling bad when #s go into the 60-70s. Had
Thank you everyone! What a great start to my day
I can't thank you all enough for your kind words and hugs here today. I figure today is the last day of bad stress since tomorrow is my husband's final hearing and we received the report from the court that the children will stay here, but the child support and financial issue stands on the table for tomorrow. So today is the last day I can be subpoenaed (the ex always subpoenas at the last minute) and after today's "knock on the door" and tomorrow's judge decision, maybe things will let up. But you are all right about counting blessings and so nice for saying I am strong and everything. Just knowing there are people out there understanding, especially MTs (who I value opinions) it will help me get through the next few days. Thank you! And BTW: The birds are fine today and DH cleaned the living room! Today is another day. But I will refer back to this often. And thank you so very much! :)
It is going to hurt less if you just say no at the start.
my way to start to achieve this.
human scum who abuse innocent, defenseless children and animals should be quietly eliminated.
And just wait until they start using your DNA sm
to profile everyone for genetic health risks. I see that day coming. Some states already are proposing creating a "DNA databank" for newborns....
Again, thanks to all of you. I was gong to start s/m
drinking soy milk, which I understand is to really help, but I will look for the pill form of the ACV today. Here's to feeling better! 
Any words that start with th come out ht
Let's start a why do they thread!
Why do they make spice jar openings to small for a measuring spoon?

Why to they pkg 8 hot dogs and then pkg 6 buns? you never catch up!

Why does yellow mustard opening plug up and when you shake it, it squirts yellow oil?

Why do credit card cos send blank checks through the mail, forcing you to open all of it?

okay next?
Yep, RUN, she was never really a friend to start with.
A true friend doesn't do that, it's just an unwritten law and common sense.  Dating a friend's ex is going to cause problems and hurt feelings no matter what.  Sounds like your new husband has a good head on his shoulders.  Hope it works out well for you.
those are a great start!
Mine is to start believing in people again.

Happy Early New Year :)
How to you start car when it's that cold?
I guess you are trying to start a war on here- sm
but there are many that believe abortion is not murder. If my 15-y/o came home pregnant, you'd better believe she would not stay pregnant long. I have had 2 friends that had abortions, both in college actually, I do not look down on them because of it. Every state is different in defining when a fetus becomes a living being. Obviously abortions in those states are more limited. I find PBA totally sick and gross and though I am pro-choice/abortion I find that hard to swallow. I guess that is why many cap it at 12 or so weeks which I find more than acceptable. But since it is NOT murder and not considered so your thoughts above have no basis. If you believe someone murdered their unborn child because of an abortion that is your right, and if it offends you so much they just cut them out of your life, problem solved. But comparing a woman who had an abortion to a woman who kills a living breathing (breathing here is the optimal word) and living baby, who can cry, eat, make noise, and live outside the womb is not a equal comparison.
Oh, and I think anyone can start a group there.

You can start an MTStars group most likely.  It will advertise MTStars as an MT forum and then if people use monikers, they can say who they are, or they can just be a part of the Facebook MTStars group.  I am not sure if MTStars would mind or not, so maybe we should ask the admin, but I would think the would want posters to draw their friends here.  JMO.  I don't want to step on any toes though.  It is networking and I learn a lot from Stars. 

So, Yeah, Thanks for being here MTStars...   

Do not start crowing too soon because
you can and possibly will get the annoying calls on your cell phone. My hubby gets them, does not answer any number he is not familiar with. I have started getting them on my cell phone also. As far as the home phone goes, I think read somewhere if you let it ring 3 times (even if computer call) that eventually will stop the persistent ring back calls. I think if 1 stops, another just picks up on them. I answered 1 the other day calling about my dire need to get my vehicle warranted renewed or something to that extent. I spoke with a person and said wondering why they were calling me as I have no car! (That was a big one but it just came out). Again, likely not to take my name off of autocall though.
Anybody recycle? I want to start, but

I am wondering about what I am going to put in the liner of my trash can.  I realize almost everything is recycleable, but there is bound to be some left over and I don't want to wrap it all up in a big plastic bag.  Any suggestions?

I saw some of the saddest footage today.  I've always heard save the planet and all that, but I am a real animal lover and knowing what it does to them is what really got to me. 

it's ridiculous. they should start sm
taking away from the politicians salaries and all the "pork" and leave the folks drawing SS benefits alone! Its a disgrace!
Perhaps we should start a new TV show
Husband Swap...

Loser has to keep him..


Hope tomorrow goes better for you!
go to start, my computer, C-drive

cookies to start - and if you can find a history click on there - but if he is tech saavy - he will have already deleted all that via tools, internet options, and from there you can delete files and cookies and history - that's another way to see.....tools (top of browser), internet options, then settings and then VIEW FILES.......but if he deleted them - you won't find them, unfortunately



this is so not true - please do not start rumors

Please do not start rumors about IAMS - perhaps in the past what you posted may have been true but if YOU, the poster, researches IAMS - you will find you are just starting unfounded rumors today in 2006!


Thanksgiving day treats that start with N

I need help with some ideas for turkey day treats that start with N for my kindergartener's class.  I can only think of the following:




First place to start is with berries.
My husband is in produce, and he says we should always buy organic berries because they tend to absorb pesticides more than say, apples, where the pesticides can be washed off pretty well. And he said it was true of any soft fruit, so I'm thinking maybe peaches, with that fuzzy skin. He also reports that an unofficial taste test he did on organic carrots was interesting. He made carrot juice from regular carrots and then from the organic carrots. He said the organic juice was much better, and everybody agreed. What we'd be smart to do is grow a lot of our own stuff, but I don't have any flat land in the sun, personally. I do grow herbs in pots, though. Wow are those good.
Now I start on my quest to let everyone know, STAY AWAY
I bought my furniture at Fine Furniture Discounters in Forest Park, Georgia but they also have 3 other stores here, around the Atlanta area, really pretty furniture but having said that and all the trouble I went through, never again and would tell no one else to buy from them. I purchased dinette 4/1/06, never delivered, would not give money back, went to court, got judgement, they never showed in court, did not answer summons. I was told I would not get back my money from them- no refunds?? Made no sense to me either. Went with deputy sheriff to get furniture Tuesday, they offered check that afternoon, did not have until the next day, gave me bad check, could bounce all the way around the block, took 3 x to the bank and never had the money in the bank- went back to the store again- I was giving them until Friday morning to make check good or else gonna swear out warrant for person who wrote. They had the CASH ready for me when i got there today- wanted the check and I counted my money twice before I gave the check back to them. People, DO NOT EVER give up on your rights, what you believe to be honest and if worse came to worse I was planning on picketing their store. It had gotten down to the principle of things. Thanks to each and every 1 of you who gave suggestions because i really, really listened and tried to see if there were steps I could take by your suggestions. I told my hubs next time I buy furniture I want to cash and carry Thanks again, group - you are sensational!
I usually start around the 2nd week of December or later
I have a terrible problem of putting things off until the last possible moment, then frantically searching the internet and often paying large shipping fees just to get it on time. I need therapy. Help! lol
Most colleges start back after Aug.20 or so. Think that
I would love to start beading. I can tell you this.

One of the girls at the office I pick tapes up from beads.  They're beautiful.  I've bought an anklet and bracelet for myself and an anklet for my daughter.  She only charged me for the beads that it took to do it, but I love them. 

I'll see if I can find out the web site she uses, as she says it is cheaper.  I'll get back to ya' on that....  Happy Beading!

AC Moore in our area is offering a 2-hour class, and I'm so tempted to take it.  I'm just afraid I won't have the time to bead once I learn! 

Robe until first break (I start at 4 am)...
then shower at 6 am and put on yoga pants and comfy shirt. Sometimes even put on a bit of make up just in case someone shows up! A bit more professional than working in robe or jammies all day!