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Well, it's actually Nickelodeon, not Disney Channel.

Posted By: anon on 2008-01-05
In Reply to: Well, updated news... - Wind blows 1 way and the other

Since everyone is trying to set the record straight here, but I am willing to bet they don't even know what they are going to do yet.

Also, the "Zoey movie" didn't answer a thing. It was left as a cliffhanger...sort of.

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Do the Disney Chanel and Nickelodeon count - sm
 Roll  I have a 3-year-old and yeah some days the TV is what I use to get some work done.  It is only scary when I am humming the preschool tunes when I am alone in the car.....  Star 
Universal DOES have Nickelodeon.....sm

Sea World has been completely REVAMPED - haven't been there since 1983 (when it cost $12.95 to get in) and has I think TRIPLED in price if not quadrupled.  It was wonderful in 1983 so I presume it's even better now.

I forgot Universal DOES have Nickelodeon and used to have Hanna-Barbera - so 3 and 7 year olds would like those 2 places in Universal.

Beaches near Disney?
Are there any nice clean beaches anywhere close to DisneyWorld that would be a nice place for kids too on vacation?
Disney has its own beaches
Ah, maybe 5-6 on the property and really loads of fun for everyone. Other that that, Orlando is middle Fla as far as I know, not close to beaches but people more familiar might know differently.
Anybody with Disney Cruise
Disney area restaurants??
I'm going to Disney World with my family next week and would love to have some opinions on restaurants close or in the parks. A friend of mine told me about some restaurant where they "throw" food at you and the servers are kinda silly, but she couldn't remember the name of the place. I have an 8 y/o daughter and this is our first trip to Disney World, so would love to make it as fun as possible. Thanks for any suggestions!
Disney does consider Nov-Feb off season. Much cheaper. nm
Disney World input (sm)
My daughter is doing a persuasive speech on why Disney World is the ultimate family experience.  She wants to give some examples of intances where cast members have gone out of their way to make an individual/family feel comfortable or "special" outside of being their normal friendly selves.  If you have any such experience, she would appreciate your input!  Thank you :-)
I would stay off if you're not going to Disney (sm)
Have you ever been to Disney? Obviously it's your family's decision, but one NEVER outgrows Disney! My mom used to pay for tickets for all of us (mom, my DD, and me) in return for me pushing her around EVERY park in a wheelchair ;-) She was 65.

Again, it's your decision, but I've been to Disney and Universal many, many times and Disney is just so much more classy, from the rides to the way visitors are treated.

Universal does have a lot of coasters, but Disney has a pretty good array... omg the Rockin' Roller Coaster (or whatever it's called) and Tower of Terror (not a coaster but the most incredible ride I've ever been on).

I'm sure you'll have a great time no matter what you do. Orlando is full of amusement!

International Drive would probably be a good location. Lots of stuff around there, like the poster above said, and you can walk around. It's nice :-)

already had it! Went to Disney World for a few days sm
the first week of March. Hopefully we will get to our friend's cabin in Cook's Forest for a few days and always have my mother's trailer up at Lake Erie for weekends. That's good enough for me!
Reality channel!??!!??
Not available here.
You need to get Sundance channel on
She has news channel no one else has?
I have home page as CNN and nothing mentioned, no news on local 3 channels, no CNN, Fox or MSNBC.
Saw on Discovery Channel sm
Special showed Nigerians conning people with phony history, etc., and the poor donors being lied to. It's a horrible situation both for the donor and recipient. The only ones who benefit are the con artists big $$$$.
we had 1 channel when we were north
and it was great. We only had an antenna. Got used to just those shows that came on and if I didn't like something on TV I read or did something else.

For some reason I enjoyed TV much better when I didn't have so much to choose from. Now it's all garbage.

I hate TV but do find I keep it on for noise.

All I say is GO FOR IT. My sister says she wishes she cut the TV off more with their son. Now he's hooked, but their daughter has very little interest in TV. She reads and plays and does other stuff.
you have to do a channel re- scan!
Press 'menu' on your remote control
Go to 'Channel Menu'
press 'Auto Scan'

Sytsem will do a Channel scan and look for all available channels and start sending 1st channel.
Check out this Disney message board also...sm

You will find everything you need to know here. That is where I heard about Chef Mickey's and so much more. We also rented a private villa/house through here and loved it! It only cost $450 for 5 days, so much cheaper than the hotels, plus a private heated pool. We plan to go again in about 2 years.
Need advice re: visiting disney world!!

We are FINALLY going to break down and take the kids (ages 6, 9, and 12).  But I've heard so much conflicting info.  Stay in the resorts/stay in Kissimmee, go in Sept./go in Dec, Go to Disney/go to Universal - I'm soooo confused.  Yes, we will be on a budget, but I DO want to have a good experience as this may be the only time we can do this, at least while the kids are young enough to see it through a kid's eyes.  PLEASE, some of you who have been before - tell me where you stayed, which parks you went to, etc.  THANK YOU, thank you, thank you...Sherrie

Yep, Disney World in August. Doesn't get better
Not allowed to swim at Disney "beaches" though
They have little man-made beaches at some of the resorts, but you are not allowed to swim in the water. Stayed at several places at Disney... Grand Floridian, Polynesian, Caribbean Beach, Coronado, Dixie Landings, Dolphin/Swan... and it's the same at all. You can play in the sand, but you have to use the pools.
Disney movie gets unacceptable rating (sm)

This info was just passed along to me about Golden Retriever puppies dying during the making of "Snow Buddies." 

American Humane is the authority behind the �No Animals Were Harmed� end credit on movies, and they can't put this statement on this movie. 

How awful. 

See link below for the details.

Disney World over spring break! nm
It's a video from a news channel
That shows how crooks can use a method called bumping to open DEADBOLT doorlocks in a couple of seconds.

The crook has some sort of key made, they stick it in your lock, rap on it with a screwdriver or small mallet, and bingo, it's like the key was made for your lock!
Yes, I enjoy Discovery Channel.
I'll watch for that. I can add it to my DVR recordings, too.

food network channel

I watch the Food channel and now they have a special:  Giada in Paradise.  Love love love Santorini (Greece) where this is filmed but I am so distracted by Giada's massive ginormous head and large numbers of teeth along with her phony inflection. It is driving me nuts!  How mean am I??  She just irks me and it's ruining the show for me. 

oh puh-LEEZE!!! Turn the channel if you don't like it. nm
My cat loves the Animal Channel.
I swear she does. She is sitting on my desk watching someone fish, catching Marlin, as I am typing this. I have noticed with other Animal Channel episodes she will watch. There is now a bunny going across the street, then back again and she follows her head with the bunny running. No, I am not crazy. My kitty actually does this. Anyone else?
Well, guess what? I boycotted Disney when they started GAY DAYS!
I turn off the food channel when she comes on. I cannot deal with her at all. I would much rather
watch anyone else on their but her.
History Channel and a turkey sandwich!

Every now and again I get WICKED insomnia myself...definitely stress related.  It totally sucks too, I know what you're goin' through.  Throws everything outta whack. 

Tylenol PM works really well for me...just one tablet and I'm out for a minimum of 9 hours.  Wine will make me sleepy but really just puts me out for a 2-3 hour nap.  Otherwise, just my daily chores and typin' work is enough to make me want to be in bed by 7 and not get up until the alarm goes off at 5.  

"They" say to set a schedule and try to stick to it.  No naps during the day, and the bedroom is only for sleeping and, er, well no tv and no food anyway ;-)  I also use a white-noise machine (actually just a fan that I affectionatly call "noisy fan") and have one of those Plug-Ins in a relaxing scent (lilac).

Being anal retentive, I find I can fall asleep easiest knowing that all the house stuff is done (dishes, laundry, coffee maker prepped, etc) and when I get up everything is clean and ready for the next day. 

Good luck with it all...have the hot flashes hit yet?    

There is another guy on the food channel who eats yucky!
Funny! I love the History Channel and...
Dirty Jobs and cannot imagine the drama of living with another woman. Have you not seen how much they complain?
Perhaps an entire cable channel devoted to multiples?
what channel, what time? I want to respond to that host in a negative manner
I love the animal channel, really love it and
my sweetie and I both watch but I absolutely, even if I know nature and the balance of, want to see small animals being killed and eaten and so forth. I know it happens but I either change the station or pick up the paper and read or find another way so I don�t watch. Also watch Discovery, love animals and love those shows!