for this year, and it was a big one. My son has been wanting a Playstation 3 since they came out, which I think was last year. They were $500 last year, and luckily he didn't push the issue cause that was out of the ballpark. Well I saved a little this year so I could buy him this gift for Christmas this year. He says that is what he wants. They are now $400 this year. I saved and saved and I had the money put back to get it. So I gave my mom the money yesterday, and when she went to Walmart this morning, she bought it. I am so relieved because this is a major portion of Christmas bought. I only have the one son. No more children. I am so glad I was able to get this for him this year and so glad I already have it bought and put away for Christmas.
Told you about assuming. Said I should have bought. It was a gift and
my mother always said "don't look a gift horse in the mouth." Tsk, tsk.
My son is 10 - bought him a men's 9 today (sm)
I know the feeling! His feet are bigger than mine and the same size as his dads!
I just went there today and bought candles!
Love them! I always buy candles there! I am burning gingerbread right now :)
And why was it appropriate for a Christmas gift? lol
I just bought a starter pack today
I'm going to give it a whirl. I figure I have about 40 pounds to lose to get back to where I was for most of the years between having my son at age 25 in 1987, and my daughter at age 38 in 2000. After gaining the pregnancy weight in 2000, I really barely lost any of it and now nearly 7 years later am about 10 pounds up from that. So, I'm going for about 40 pounds but 30 would probably make me happy. I figure since I work at home, if I end up with the "alli oops" at least I'm right by the bathroom.
Looking for Christmas gift ideas for
a 14 yo girl and a 17 yo boy. Any suggestions???
Christmas Gift for Boss
My other job is a legal secretary. I am looking for gift ideas for my boss that was not too expensive. Any suggestions would be much appreciated! Thanks!
christmas gift exchange again sm
Our family has always picked names for Christmas and bought only for that person. The limit is supposed to be $25. You know how hard it is to just spend $25 especially on someone that basically has everything. In the past this had just included the adults in their 40s and 50s. Of course one felt obligated to buy the teenagers and younger children something. I'm single with no kids. Last year I spent close to $200 on Christmas. I really couldn't afford it last year, absolutely cannot afford that this year.
This year my SIL presented the idea of a low cost gift or gift card (my mother hates gift cards) and playing the game of picking a number, then picking a gift, etc. Well my other brother and his wife, who are well off, and my mother decided they didn't want to do that and also now want to include the teenagers and young adults (20s) in the gift exchange. I told my mom I don't want to participate. I can't afford it. "Its only $25 they say. Aren't you making any money?" Well its never "just" $25 and what can I buy a teenager that has everything for $25? They turned up their noses on the small gifts I gave them in the past. I also don't want others to spend more than $25 on me when I could only afford $25. I already feel inferior about my financial status in comparison to my siblings and I feel the best thing for me is to not participate. What's the problem?
I really loathe Christmas anymore. No one really appreciates any gifts they are given and I don't want to participate anymore. I guess I'm antisocial. Why can't we just have a family dinner and forget about the gifts?
Thanks for letting me vent.
Gift certificates for massages for Christmas question. (sm)
There is a little spa near us that has gift certificates for massages, aroma therapy, etc and had thought about getting my daughters each one as a Christmas gift. Thought they could go together as they are good friends as well as sisters. I am a bit of a country bumpkin myself and know nothing about these things. Anyone tell me a little about what they might expect? One daughter is pretty easy going, the other is a little more conservative. I understand sheets covering the body, just wanted to make sure the massage is confined to extremities and back, nothing too personal. TIA
Happy Watching! I'm buying the whole series for myself as a Christmas gift.
I got the best Christmas present today,
an answered prayer. My oldest boy got a job (he's been out of work for 6 weeks)and starts on Monday and the pay is actually pretty good compared to what he has been getting. No box for me to open on Christmas morning, this was all I wanted.
Snapfish free gift today on Oprah
Today on Oprah she announced that anyone that went into her website could get a free personalized picture album - with up to 20 digital pic upload by Sunday night. Looked it over quickl and is really neat. $30 value.
What are people supposed to call Christmas Eve and Christmas Day now?? (nm)
What do you think of the quality of clothing today. What I looked at shopping today in nice stores
the stuff wasnt even sewn properly. Do you have to look at everything you buy or just hope it lasts a year.
Added fresh chives today. to the egg today.
and a SMIDGE of soy sauce.
Home Alone 1, A Christmas Story, Home for the Holidays, Chevy Chase's Christmas, sm
There "The Gift of the Magi," He sells his gold watch to buy her a comb for her hair and she sells her beautiful long hair to buy him a chain for his gold watch. It used to be on "Short Stories by O'Henry" but that's long gone, long ago. Good moral to the story. I can't stand "It's a Wonderful Life" -- too depressing, especially with banks closing, too intimidating right now!!!
you should have bought it together.
my husband adn i shop together at the sex shops. i would be angry too if you were trying to hide it.
What GPS was that you bought ?
I am terrible with getting around. I could get lost easily and the older I get the worse I get with not wanting to drive. I would love a GPS that has the capability of telling you exactly when to turn etc. I have no sense of direction.
I just bought something like that, it was about , sm
$14.00. I have 2 cats and they would just play with the mouse, so I thought I'd try something to keep it away.
I just bought it the other day and so far no sight of the mouse. Hope it keeps it away.
I bought
I just bought one this weekend for my 6yo son. He LOVED it. I made the outside only rule too and so far he has obeyed. It doesn't hurt to get "hit" with one and it seriously provided hours of fun for him.
Just bought my mom...
I just bought my mom Paula Dean's set which you can purchase at Wal-Mart. It is stainless as well.
I will take more than I bought in the first place
if they don’t cough up the $700 plus Tuesday morning and according to what (if that is the way it goes) it brings in on the court house steps, then I get % and the courts take % but not as much as mine. I can hardly wait until Show-Down at the OK Corral Tuesday morning. I just get ticked off thinking about their nerve.
Our son just got married in May and I bought
Regularly $129.00 and I paid $35.00 for it, so it is not necessary to pay a lot of money, the sales are out there. The colors were blue and gray and I wore a darker pink dress (not bright) and it worked out really well. I am a larger sized woman and the dress looked very nice in my size. I wish you the very best.
Just bought a Fleetwood PUP (sm)
and you don't want to know what we paid!! But we plan to have for years - into retirement so looking at it as investment. Have been out twice so far - we have the hard-sided bathroomm - we absolutely love it. I was concered about storage inside but very spaceous. We're on west coast so no advice on camp sites. Have fun and Happy RVing!!
My daughter bought that for her son
and he LOVES it. He learned so much and had a lot of fun with it. I remember my three kids all watching that show and it brings back memories. I really helped my grandson with several things he kept "forgetting." Does anyone else like Bill Nye the Science Guy? My grandson loved that too and my grownup son is still crazy about it. I say more good shows like those! Bring them on!
I actually just bought a Rug Doctor
from their web site. It is the best thing ever! It does a great job on the carpets and furniture. I can't wait for the weather to warm up so I can try it in my minivan. We have owned the store brand ones like Bissel and Dirt Devel, but they just don't do nearly as good of a job as the Rug Doctor. Ours came with huge supply of different cleaning fluids too. I love the thing!
I bought a new car a week ago...
If anyone cares. A brand new Kia Spectra. I got a great deal on it. They gave me a $2000 rebate so that meant no down payment. And they took off an additional $500 for applying for it on the internet. I love the car and it gets around 35 mpg. So that is my good news!
what is something you have bought in the past you will NEVER
Mine is Little Critters Omega-3 Gummy Fish. Cute concept but the berry, lemon and strawberry flavoried gummies somehow manage to taste like fruity flavored fish
When I got them, my kids gagged with the first one and wouldn't even touch the second one for the recommended 2 a day. So guess who is choking down 2 of those suckers every day now?
LOL I just bought some candles SM
at the dollar store - I actually prefer them. I think because they are such cheap candles that the scent is not as strong as the nicer ones, but for me it is perfect - just enough to smell nice without being overpowering. I was just thinking I could buy 325 candles for the price of 1 of those Jo Malone candles. LOL
We just bought a new mattress - sm
It's a Sealy. Can't recall exactly which one but lower end on the price bracket. I think it was about 1000.00 for the mattress and box springs.
We had one of those air beds for a long time and I will never ever recommend one of those.
My husband also has back problems and needed a comfy mattress so he wanted that number bed thing. It was horrible. I would wake up with lower back pain that would stick with me half the day. His pain was worse too.
Not to mention the fact that his side of the bed sprung a leak so after about the first year or so, there was no adjusting it to a comfort zone. Had to pump it all the way up and by morning, it was completely flat and he was laying in a hole inside the foam frame. It was cheaply made, uncomfortable, and a HUGE rip off.
Go for a Sealy, it's worth it. I'm loving it.
No, but I bought a few things from WP
I bought a convetion oven a year ago and it puked out this past week when I wanted to broil a london broil. I was very disappointed. Up until then, I used to make cakes and whole BBQ chickens on the rotisseie which all were great, plus the baking/roasting things. I'm hoping I just did something wrong when but I'm afraid I might not have. I also have his SS pots and pans bought a year before that that are still sitting in the box because I found anoter set of pots and pans that were given as a Christma giflt, so I'm using them.
i will be making chicekn again this week rotiserries style so keep your finers crossed for me. Of course, the warranty ran out prior this happening.
You should have bought different camera. We went
I just bought some this morning -- our
local convenience store (Sheetz) sells them in packs of 3 for $1.00. Love 'em, but nothing beats scraping the pot when it's still warm!!! MMMMMM!!!!
I bought everything I need for my Kodak
at Wal-Mart. Target & Walgreens also carries everything you need.
Need some advice. I bought what I thought was new
jacket (listed stated New with tags) on E-bay. Paid through PayPal. Got the jacket. It was obviously a used jacket (had a business card in the pocket and a small stain on the front. Contacted the seller. Said I could send back for refund minus $1.50 (for what I'm not sure). Contacted again. Offered to keep the coat for a refund of $10.00 only. Seller wouldn't do that. Will not refund money until he/she has coat in hand. This means I have to pay for return shipping. I want him/her to refund my money before I send coat back. After all, I didn't make the mistake, he/she did. besides that, if he/she would ship an obviously used jacket when New with tags was listed, I'm not sure this person is very trustworthy. I have to wait 10 days to file a complaint with E-bay. Should I keep pushing for the refund first or just wait and file a complaint with E-bay. BTW, this was supposed to be a Christmas gift, so, of course, I had to buy something else to replace this. TIA for any advice. Sorry for the long post.
I've bought several things on E-bay and this is the first
time something like this happened. I hope your purchase is a good one. Most of them are.
Years ago I bought a used Blazer from a guy -sm
who had gotten an extended warranty (6-years), he paid $1200 for it, it had 4 years left on it when I bought the truck. I had it transferred to my name for $100 along with the powertrain warranty. It came in very handy in my case, but it only covered parts, I still had to pay for labor. I did get my money's worth, but I only spent $100, I had way more than $100 in parts go over those 4 years, but I did pay a fortune in labor unfortunately. But if I was buying new, NO, I would not do it. They rarely pay for themselves, you'd have to have a real lemon to get your money's worth, and you don't want a lemon. They are just another way to suck money out of you. Whenever we have bought new appliances we always say no, and never has one died in the 3-year (or whatever) period of the extended warranty. Granted a refrigerator is not a car, but unless you are really hard on your vehicle I would not waste my money.
I watched it on Oprah and then bought the CD
It's an interesting CD and I really like the theory behind it, which has been around forever if you think about it. What I didn't like was all the emphasis on material things, wealth, money, etc. To me it seemed that was the focus of the CD whereas on the show the panel focused on many other types of issues besides just getting wealthy.
I have bought 4 homes in 4 different states
with my husband and I am an IC. I have never been asked to get a letter from a service stating I would have work for a period of time. Anyone you contract with, would probably not do that. They cannot promise you anything. WE know that.
BUT what I am asked is how long I have been in the business. That seems to matter the most, as it should. And when I say *over 32 years*, then there is no problem.
If you are happy with you mortgage company and have good rates, then just explain to the loan officer how your job works and emphasize that you have been in the business for 6 years.
As an aside - the last mortgage officer knew I was self employed but when we went in with our W-2s and 1099s, he was shocked at my earnings. He said, *Most of the time, self-employed means no income and a lot of deductions." Make sure your mortgage company knows you make money at this and are not using it as a tax write off.
Good luck to you! and congratulations on your new house! 
I learned so much when I bought and then refinanced (sm)
that I was astounded. I've probably forgotten a lot of it and will have to retrain myself for the next time!! Your 'loan boy' as you call him will probably tell you he needs this info so the underwriter will not turn you down automatically - that's a ploy they use to get everything they can out of you. If they ran your credit you have a right to have a copy of it and you can take it to your next place, give it to them and ask for some numbers. Then if they look good to you and you want to go with them - they can run the credit again. And like someone else said - it is not at all unusual to check with several mortgage companies when doing something like this and those are not big dings on your credit.... inquiries for the same thing are lumped together. You would not believe how aggressive you can be and how much you can get if you get pushy - they act like they are doing you a huge favor when in fact they need your business - go where you get treated well - you will never be sorry. Go to a credit union if at all possible - the closing costs are really minimal and if they can take directly from your checking account - you can usually get a better rate also - they like knowing they can count on the same amount each month on the same day. Get your credit scores and call around - tell them your score is say 725, you are self employed, you want $300,000 and want to pay less than $2,000 in closing costs. I bet you would be surprised. Good luck!!
I have bought this milk for years
and I have not had any problems like that, I have had menstrual problems but that is due to my thyroid. My hubbie and I both have drank it for that long. I hope that is not true but you never know.
We bought some Ashley furniture sm
If the picture comes out (is there any way to preview before you post??), it is the sofa you see on the left and also the matching loveseat. We are very happy with it. But there is just my husband and me and our college-age son when he is home, so it doesn't get a lot of wear.
We just moved into a new house and bought new furniture for the living room and dining room. The other brands we chose were Hammary (dining table, chairs and sideboard) and H00ker (entertainment center). We are very happy with all of it.
LOL - it wouldn't let me post H00ker!
Already bought twice since Friday. Bless them.
LOL - that is gross I would not have bought ice cream from him
I bought a couple of things already...
not much. I used to try to be done by October, but that doesn't happen anymore. Last year, I will still shopping up until the week before, but the sales are AWESOME!
Well, I did it. I bought a foreclosed house!
Last year, I posted on this board about how to buy a house at a tax auction. I came into a very small amount of money and bought a very small (2 bedroom), 50 year old home that needs a little work, but is livable right now as it is. My plan is to live in it, work on it a little at a time, and eventually sell it for a profit or turn it into a rental property.
This is a huge deal for me. I've been living paycheck to paycheck, trying to make ends meet for years now. A year ago I seperated from my husband because he was screwing up my credit and not working and now I was able to buy this house outright. That means no house payment! Of course my mother was negative. Saying I better prepared to do a lot of work and I bought the house. Why can't she just be happy for me? This is huge! I'm doing this on my own (with a little help from an insurance settlement).
Anyway, I just wanted to share my good news with people who could actually be positive. So, if you're going to be negative -- don't post.
Also, the first step is deciding on refinishing the hardwood floors or going with carpet. Then I have to think about remodeling the kitchen which has the hideous 70s linoleum in it and counter tops to match. It's gross. The good news is it is a small kitchen so replacing that stuff won't be real expensive.
So any ideas of how to get great deals on things like flooring and laminate counter tops? Also, I suck at decorating. I just don't have that creative flare, so I've been watching a lot of HGTV, but I still have no idea about color schemes, etc. So any ideas would be great!
Okay, back to work. It's so hard working at home when you have good news! There's just no one to tell! Thanks for taking a coffee break with me!
My SIL bought one, used it a couple of times and sm
now it is a useless gadget sitting in the spare bedroom. I agree that an exercise ball would be a better choice. I really like mine and actually USE it!
Just bought a husky pup two weeks ago.
He is the cutest little thing. He is all white but has some cream running through him. His dad is pure white and his mom hs the reddish color running through her.
We also have an Olde English Sheepdog, who is almost 1 year old now. If you want to see another cute puppy, check out Olde English Sheepdogs. They have such great personalities too!!! My husky and my sheepdog just play all day together. They get along so well. But I must admit the husky doesnt take any of the sheepdogs crap..... He's just a baby and he is the more dominant already.
Oops should say "was it that you bought." ..nm
I just bought a Rug Doctor last month
The thing cost almost $1000 (I financed it) with a year supply of cleaning fluids, and one of my friends wanted to borrow it. I don't think so!