8 weeks into the pregnancy. Yesterday I e-mailed my friends/family the entries I had made in a journal starting the day after I found out I was pregnant. If you're interested in reading the various emotions that I've (and others that have been through a similar situation) been through then keep reading (Rick is my husband, Kyley is my stepdaughter and Kerstin is our foster child we're adopting)....
Over the past week I’ve had a few times where I felt like you do when you go over a dip in the road too fast. I know these sensations are you moving around in my womb. Dad is already rubbing my tummy & talking to you because we want you to know how much we love you. I love saying things to you & rubbing my belly as well – it feels so good knowing you’re in there – God’s gift to us. We love you! Mom
October 22nd:
Today we told Kyley, Kerstin, grandparents, aunts & uncles about you. Everyone is excited & eager to meet you next summer. Kerstin was so happy she danced & kept screaming “we’re going to have a baby!” then asked me to take her to Target to buy you some things. She wanted to buy you a lot of things but I told her that we had to hold off a little bit as we could get somethings now & more later. I love you, baby Oldham! Mom
October 23rd:
Today we told our friends about you. They’re all eager to meet you in the future! For lunch I had Spaghetti-O’s and about an hour later I could feel you moving all around – so I think you like them!
Kertsin likes talking to you & telling you that she loves you whether you’re a boy or a girl – but she thinks she wants a brother. We’ll see as time progresses. Love, Mom.
October 25th:
Kerstin stopped people in the hallways at choir tonight telling them about you. We’re so excited!
October 29th:
We had a busy weekend, baby. Your nana sent you some booties. We went to Kerstin’s soccer game, the Smyrna Jonquil Festival, church & Drew’s soccer game and and didn’t make me feel sick at all. However, some Wendy’s french fries with supper didn’t settle well with indigestion agalore. Dad & I love you & are excited that this week you grow arms, legs, eye rims, intestines & pancreas. You’ll be quite busy for sure! Love, Mom.
October 30th:
Hello sweetheart! I continue to have occasional sensations of you & love every minute of it & knowing you’re growing inside of me. You are very much loved by me, your dad and sisters. Love forever, Mom.
October 31st:
We had our 1st Halloween with your being a part of our family. While at the church fall festival tonight Rick & I looked at the babies there & commented that next year you’ll be 4 months old by then. We can’t wait to dress you up & show you off!
Your dad has given me 2 very sweet toy stuffed baby dolls to remind me of your coming in the future. Your have a GREAT dad who is very excited to have you growing in me. We all love you very much! Love, Mom.
November 2nd:
Hi angel from God! I love you & want you to know that you are a true gift from God to your dad & myself. We love you immensely. Love, Mom.
November 5th:
Hi Sweetie! You’re entering your 7th week of growth. This week you’ll start developing your fingers, toes, eyes, ears, nose, intestines, & teeth. Dad & I are very excited thinking about seeing you on ultrasound on the 13th. We love you immensely & look forward to being your Mom & Dad. Love, Mom
November 7th:
Hello honey! I’ve had yet another wonderful day with you continuing to grow inside of me. I still have indigestion after eating & occasional flutter sensations, but both are neat because I know that they come from you. Dad & I love you VERY much! Love, Mom
November 9th:
Hi “Baby O” – life has been great this week knowing you’re working hard at growing to be an incredible child. Your dad & I went to an OB class at the doctor’s office tonight where they talked about your upcoming arrival. We both love you VERY much & look forward to your 1st photograph on Monday. Love, Mom.
November 11th:
Little angel, we had a good day today. Dad, Kyley, Kerstin & I went to the zoo & we look forward to taking you there in the future. Dad & I went to Hobby Lobby where dad picked the softest yarn for me to make you an afghan with. I started this project tonight. You’ve had a busy week with all of the growing you had scheduled to complete. In 2 days we get to see how well you’re doing. We love you! Mom & Dad
November 13th:
Hello honey, we went to the doctor’s office today for the ultrasound & found out that you’re not as big as we expected. They drew lab work on me & will repeat it on Wednesday to see if you’re OK. Dad & I are trying to not worry & remember that your life is in God’s hands. We’re praying that He hasn’t called you to heaven & that you’ll continue to be with us still here on earth. We love you sweetie. Love, Mom
November 14th:
Little angel, Dad & I were at the doctor’s office again today because I started having some bleeding this morning. Dr. Morell & the staff were great & sympathetic, and it’s too early to know what will happen. The good news is that you are still in me. I’ll go back tomorrow for more blood work. They’ve put me at bedrest for a couple of days. Dad dreamed last night that you were OK so we’re trying to stay positive with that & my dreams I’ve had before & after we found out that I was pregnant & you were fine. You’re in God’s hands now for the final outcome. We love you honey. Love always, Mom.
November 15th:
Hello sweetie! We found out that yesterday’s HCG level was good & high. Tomorrow we get the results of the Monday & today’s tests. We continue to hop & pray that the numbers are going up. I didn’t work today. The bleeding is less but still present. We’re still rooting for you honey. We love you very much! Love, Mom
November 16th:
Hi honey! We found out this morning that my lab work was inconclusive so they’re repeating the HCG tomorrow. We’ve got a lot of people praying for you, Dad & I that you’ll continue to grow & this scare will end soon. I did work today but was able to take breaks to rest & didn’t do much of anything else. Dad & I love you tons. Love, Mom
November 18th:
Hello little angel in heaven. Dad & I were devastated to find out that you will not be joining us here on earth but instead are already in heaven on yesterday. Please know that we both loved you while you were in my womb & look forward to the day in our future when we meet you in heaven. We love you, Mom
I had a miscarriage in November at 8 weeks after having abnormal test results and got pregnant after my first period in December. I'm now 7-1/2 weeks and the baby looks great on the ultrasound and blood work they drew. I'm due on September 14th and my husband & I are tickled pink (or is that blue?) 
For those of you who responded to my post in November about having the miscarriage thanks for the support and encouraging us to try again. I've had a lot of women tell me that they had a successful pregnancy after a miscarriage and while the emotional pain of the miscarriage is still there, it was comforting to know I wasn't alone.
How did you get through the time period when your baby was due? I lost my little angel at 11 weeks and the baby was due mid-June. Both my husband and myself have had good and bad days since the miscarriage but I'm fnding the closer to the due date I get the more sensitive I'm becoming. I just about burst into tears when walking into Target tonight I saw a lady that looked like she was around the stage of pregnancy I should have been at.
I have had 2 miscarriages over the past 1-1/2 years, the last being in January. Both times I had a D&C. The first time I got my period right back within a month and stayed on my normal track for periods, which I've been having for 25 years now and are calendar regular. Now since the 2nd miscarriage and D&C (at 11-1/2 weeks of pregnancy) my hormones have been crazy. I didn't get a period for 3-1/2 months and that was only after they gave me progesterone to induce it. Then I started the next month on time, followed by periods every 2 or 6 weeks, no regularity at all now.
Anyone else have a hard time with their hormones just bouncing all over the place and the body not understanding what to do with regularity anymore? My OB/GYN says this doesn't happen very often but isn't concerned yet and since I'm trying to get pregnant again I don't want to go on BCPs.
I appreciate all of you who responded to my original post 3 weeks ago. Physically I'm doing well with the recuperation from the miscarriage and subsequent D&C and the doctor told us that we can try to conceive again in a couple of months, which we will do.
Emotionally it's still tough but getting better each day. I miss the baby very much. I'm keeping up the journal that I began during the pregnancy and writing my thoughts to the baby in heaven when I feel like it and it helps to know I'm communicating my thoughts to our baby. I'm actually able to say the words "I had a miscarriage" this week without bursting immediately into tears. My husband continues to be very supportive and we both shed tears together at times over our loss. Our friends, family and church family have been incredibly supportive and that helps tremendously and we've definitely felt their support through their prayers and expressed concern.
For any of you who encounter a woman who has had a miscarriage in the future, the best thing you can do is be there for them and show genuine concern.