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Wacoal bras....

Posted By: mteagle on 2007-02-20
In Reply to: On the topic of consumer reviews :) - anon

are absolutely the best. They are high priced, start at about $45 and up, but worth it. I got mine at Nordstrom and will not settle for cheap bras!  I also get Victoria Secret Ipex and Secret Embrace. Very comfy, believe it or not.

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I second the Wacoal brand!
I am also a 36D and I have tried every brand out there it seems. The Wacoal are pricey, but they seem to fit the best.
Re - bras and E-Bay
I have a neighbor that buys clothes, underwear and all from Nordstroms or the nicer stores, wears them a bit, knows how to put the tags back on (if she even takes them off) and then either sells on E-bay or returns then after wearing for a while.  She is really weird.  Buys nice dresses, wears once to the event and then back it goes.  But when I learned what she was doing with bras, sleepwear and swimwear I told her she was absolutely nuts. 
I find this funny. Lighten up. My daughter wanted a bra at age 2, her grandmother bought her one, she wore it around the house once and then put it away. I still have it and she is 14. I don't think I will ever know why she wanted one, and I certainly would not have gotten her one, but MIL did to please the child. It would not hurt to buy those cute little matching crop/bras and panty sets for kids with the Disney stuff on them. It is just clothes or underclothes. Be thankful she wants to wear them and not running around naked. You got to know what battles to pick.
Happens with bras with me!! nm
Wearing Bras

Yes, I just for the first time this year bought bras for my daughter.  She seemed okay with it, but she's slightly overweight, so I felt this would be easier than buying T-shirts that are not long enough to tuck in.  So, we went with the Sport Type kind that she seemed to like at first, and now I've noticed she's not wearing them.  So, I asked her why, and she says she just forgets, which is highly possible, since it's only been since school started.  I just feel better knowing she's wearing something, but of course, she was wearing T-shirts.  So, what is one to do?  I really do not see any harm in the bra.  I am totally against having little girls dress beyond their age, but we're talking underclothes here, so if the child is comfortable, then just try one to see how she likes it.  My daughter was kind of embarassed as it was actually my idea since I felt she needed something under her regular shirts, since they tend to be thin and unforgiving in her situation.  Good luck to you, but I in no way, shape, or form believe that bra at 5 means thing at 10 and even if it does, so be it.  I think a person has a right to a certain degree to wear the underclothes of their choice if any at all!   

I just think there could be worse things that she is asking for at 5. 

Can we talk about bras?
I am a 36-D...or so I think.  The 36-part is okay, but the D-part is the problem.  Any style of bra I try, I get the "muffin boobs" out the top and it drives me insane.  A DD is too big...is there a size in between a D and a DD that I'm missing? Any particular brand that might fit better?  Thanks y'all!
why are big bras on the bottom and
the cute little AA's on top. If I reach for the ones on the bottom, I may just keep going over, unable to stop myself!
Thanks! Bras are EXPENSIVE!! nm
Bras - NOrdstroms fitting
I never thought that I would pay this much for a bra - but I went to Nordstroms about 10 years ago to be fitted -- before it was on Oprah - and fell in love with them.  I usually buy 3 bras at a time and they last me for at least 3 to 4 years. I tried some cheaper ones when I was going through my divorce taking the same size that Nordstrom's gave me and did not work.  I do not have straps slipping, or tightness -- unless I gain weight.   But they do know what they are doing and I now feel comfortable wearing a bra even in the hot weather.  Oprah had a special on them with the type of bra that she wears and it was all true and I agreed with all of it as I had been through that experience before.  To me a comfortable bra is more important than comfortable shoes.  
If they are wearing bras at 5, it will be thongs at 10
makeup at 12, and birth control pills at 14. How about these unbelievable salon parties some of these mothers are doing for their 8 and 10 year old girls; taking all the girls to the salon to have the hair and makeup and nails done. Today, just about everyone is a ''wannabe''. I want to be rich; I want to be beautiful; I want to be famous; I want to have big boobs; I want perfect teeth. I want a nose job. I want to be thin. I want a designer handbag. I want a cell phone, an IPOD and a blackberry! Why, because everyone that matters is or does! Everyone they look up to. Everyone on TV! That is all they know.

Ask a group of very young girls today what they want to be when they grow up and see how many say, a singer, an actress, a movie star or just plain rich and famous in any way possible! It's terribly sad what this world has turned into. And some parents are just as bad because they want this for their children, also.

TV and media magazines should be banned; it's not only destroying the kids but adults also. How many of you feel your self-esteem lowering more and more by seeing all of this stuff? How many of you have contemplated plastic surgery, veneers, teeth whitening, losing weight, especially in the last ten years? How many of you suddenly are feeling bad or envious of others because you don't have that big gorgeous home or that expensive great car?

It's a horrible world we now live in and that's why I am not having children.

And don't tell me I don't know about children because I have two nieces and a nephew that I practically raised.

Good day ;)

I hated to pay for expensive bras as well
but it really is worth it I promise you. I have a black and a nude bra from VS. I went in for an actucal fitting and these bras have been wonderful. I don't think I will ever wear anything else. I know that you don't have to go to VS to get a good bra, but I had a gift certificate, and while I don't think that is what DH was expecting my to buy, it was totally worth it. Right now I am in the second year of both bras, just wash in the sink and hang dry which definitely helps keep them in shape. I am 38D so I really need plenty of support. It is almost time for new bras, but since you can tighten the straps as well as around as you go, they have made all the difference in the world. Like I said, you can get good quality bras at major department stores without spending what you would spend at VS, but just check into it. I promise you it will be worth it.
Underwear, bras? Only to leave the house.
I am small and only wear sports bras
I can't stand wearing a regular bra. I'd rather go without. LOL.
I buy mine at Lane Bryant. Everything else I buy at Wal-Mart but they are the best for bras and fitt
A local mastectomy center might fit you for bras, too. Or a high-end lingerie store. nm