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Trose -- I saw your post below

Posted By: Snuggs (sm) on 2007-10-01
In Reply to:

and just wondering how you are . . . hoping everything is okay.  Please let us know when you can.

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above msg for trose..nm
For Trose... (btw, this is my day off :)
If you want to know what you're going to be like in Heaven, what your Heavenly body is going to be like, it's going to be like you are now, only much more Heavenly, eternal, beautiful, wonderful, thrilling & glorious! (Phi.3:21)

When the Lord created the cycles of butterflies & moths, He was illustrating resurrection. They hatch from eggs into little worm-like caterpillars. Then they wrap themselves up in a cocoon called a chrysalis, almost like a coffin, & it SEEMS they die!

BUT THEN: Spring comes & suddenly the coffin splits open & out comes a beautiful butterfly or moth! Once it was just a little crawling worm, the most despised of all creatures, & all of a sudden it breaks out into a beautiful butterfly that flies in the heavens! -- One of the prettiest creatures!

Like the difference between the grain of wheat & the full-grown, full-blown stock & head that comes from one grain, or the flower that comes from one tiny seed, that's how much better your new Heavenly body is going to be!

It will be so much more wonderful, it will be like the difference between the seed & the flower! (1Cor.15:35-38, 42-58)

You're going to be like the Angels of God! (Lk.20:36)

I DO get that, trose...and thanks :)

thanks for what you said....it's better late than never...I had a huge problem with my mother for 10 years and then 9 years....a total of 19-20 years......but in that case, SHE lost out.....SHE missed the entire journey (and was physically there but not emotionally....very bad if you're like that...to have kids anyway).  I'm fine today but took mucho years of therapy from like 8-28.....

And as a result of all that badness, I've been a better parent because of it...

out of every bad thing that happens to one in life, something good and positive comes out from that........

To trose
No....I was only thanking others for responses.....
to trose
yes, I think Obama actually addressed this saying people were sending out these e-mails and they weren't true -we have to be careful what we read on the internet - everything is not true and you kind of have to do your own research - on another note, I tried the pinapple cheese recipe you posted a few days ago - YUMMY!
LOL trose !


Trose, please do not take this
lightly.  A few posters thought it was nothing to worry about.  WHENEVER someone talksabout being unhappy and suicide....DO NOT TAKE IT LIGHTLY.  Yes they may be trying for attention or doing one better than the other...you are doing the RIGHT THING..take him to a therapist or psychiatrist.  He needs to express his feelings but unfortunately, not with his parents.  Do not feel bad about that...it's hard to be honest with the folks as you know.  Keep up with all that you have been doing and even if it turns out to be nothing - YOU ARE GREAT PARENTS....some kids just need attention and not from their parents.  Hang in there...things will turn out!!!  Good luck, hugs, and my thoughts are with you.  You are doing the right thing - don't take this lightly...please.
trose....How's your son? Everything going well? nm
Trose - Heaven
Trose, I love the creativity of this site.. go down the page for the beautiful animated graphic, and oh the words underneath are awesome.


Trose I wouldn't let it go at that (sm)
I haven't chimed in until now, but I would go to the school and talk to the principal. My daughter is 7 and I can't even imagine someone doing that to her. Our kids are at the mercy of their teachers unless their parents stand up for them. They have no recourse against adults who treat them badly, unless we help them. It is not a matter of being overly sensitive. I wouldn't just hope that she gets reprimanded, I would see to it. I would request a meeting with her and the principal. I had to do this once when a teacher made my son clean feces off a bathroom wall - he reported it to her and she told him to clean it up. It wasn't his!! He would never have done something like that. So my son had to clean sh*t off a wall that wasn't his and be exposed to who knows what. I think it is good that you sent her an e-mail first, because that is documentation, which she knows, and that is why she did not respond to you in writing. You go mom! Keep your cool and remain calm but let them know it is unacceptable! I let too many things slide when my kids were even younger that I already regret. No more!
You sound like me, Trose
I'm 45 and my daughter is 14 and I've been taking her to concerts since she was 6. We just went to a Matchbox 20 concert and a few months ago we saw Daughtry. I think it's great when people don't necessarily act their age, within reason, of course. I think I also dress appropriately for my age. And yep, I wish I was the same weight 20 years ago. LOL. But whatever works for others is fine with me. My neighbor across the street is my age, but you'd never know it. She acts and dresses like she's 60, but she's still a friend. Long hair short hair, it doesn't matter as long as you like it.
(((((((((((hugs))))))))))) to you trose...sm
I'm so glad you took him in. That's a very scary situation, and I think you did the right thing having him talk to someone right away. I'm very proud of you...it must have been hard, even knowing that you had to.

About the eating disorder, keep an eye out for signs. I did want to say though that my hubby and all his buddies as well as my son and all his buddies say they're fat all the time. They rip on each other constantly too. They just walk up and say, *hey fat***, been going a little heavy on the cupcakes?* They all do it--no matter how skinny they are. My 12-year-old is 5 feet tall and weighs 90 pounds. Skinny as a rail, but he says all the time, *gotta feed the fat* or *fat guy in a little car*.

Now, I don't mean that you shouldn't take it seriously and watch for it (especially if his friends are concerned), but I thought you might like to hear that sometimes boys are just dumb. We (the wives) always say how mean they are and can you imagine if we did that? Oh, hey mt, (doing my best macho tone) still carrying the baby weight, huh? Can you imageine saying that to a friend?!? We'd all be in tears!

Please keep us updated, we'll be thinking about you.

One more thing--you might be able to take him into the dentist just for his check up. When they are making themselves throw up, one of the signs is the enamal on the inside of their teeth being damaged or gone.
Trose, I don't believe in heaven, but I would teach SM
heaven to small children, until they are older and can grasp death in the reality of truth. Hmm,did that make any sense? It's late.
Trose, I emailed you back...
This time with the right web address I hope.  Let me know if the one I sent doesn't work...and I hope you enjoy the site!
Hey trose - I have A child...one...by choice...LOL

  Hi trose!

I knew I'd do GREAT with one and felt I'd be inundated with 2, especially since the husband was the 2nd child......in age and maturity...*lol*...I felt like I had TWO kids for 10 years.....I divorced him, got the kid, and she's TERRIFIC and close to both parents...

Came out nice and well adjusted, considering..........*ROFL*  had I had a better marriage, I'd have had a gaggle of kids...*lol*  But one quality child is better than 3-4 ones that can and might (will) run ya ragged.  And mine is not all that spoiled, CERTAINLY NOT FINANCIALLY that's a given...*rofl*  (on her own now for a long long time but around the corner...*whew*)

Hi Trose - thanks for the great idea!
I think I'll start recording the games on the camcorder.  That should keep me out of trouble.  Then I can watch the game at home (alone) and yell all I want at the bad calls!!! Hahaha!  Thanks.
Trose: Update on swimming class

Funny you should bring this up again.   I sent the gym teacher an email the night of the 19th and she never responded until today, AFTER I sent her another email with a copy to the district office asking her why she had not responded. 

She basically said that she didn't realize that her direct questioning and her "simple suggestion" was "too direct for someone who was apparently over-sensitive." 

Offered no apology, nothing.  Her reply was not copied to the district office so I replied to her with a copy to the district office so her response went to them also. 

Since this incident last Wednesday, I have learned that this is certainly not an isolated incident but the kids were basically too scared to say anything about it.  They feared that if they complained, she would fail them and has apparently threatened to do so.

Basically, it is still unresolved.  My daughter is back to swimming today so we will see if there are any further comments tonight when she gets home.

I hope the teacher is at least reprimanded by the school district and maybe given some training on how to handle delicate situations with young girls going through the beginnings of puberty.


Here it is, trose - Khalil Gibran on Love
On Love

When love beckons to you, follow him,
Though his ways are hard and steep,
And when his wings enfold you yield to him,
Though the sword hidden among his pinions may wound you.
And when he speaks to you believe in him,
Though his voice may shatter your dreams as the north wind lays waste the garden.

For even as love crowns you so shall he crucify you.
Even as he is for your growth so is he for your pruning.
Even as he ascends to your height and caresses your tenderest branches that quiver in the sun,
So shall he descend to your roots and shake them in their clinging to the earth.

Like sheaves of corn he gathers you unto himself.
He threshes you to make you naked.
He sifts you to free you from your husks.
He grinds you to whiteness.
He kneads you until you are pliant;
And then he assigns you to his sacred fire,
that you may become sacred bread for God's sacred feast.

All these things shall love do unto you that you may know the secrets of your heart,
and in that knowledge become a fragment of Life's heart.

But if in your fear you would seek only love's peace and love's pleasure,
Then it is better for you that you cover your nakedness and pass out of love's threshing floor,
Into the seasonless world where you shall laugh, but not all of your laughter, and weep, but not all of your tears.

Love gives naught but itself and takes naught but from itself.
Love possesses not nor would it be possessed;
For love is sufficient unto love.

When you love you should not say,
'God is in my heart,' but rather,
'I am in the heart of God.'
And think not you can direct the course of love,
for love, if it finds you worthy, directs your course.

Love has no other desire but to fulfill itself.
But if you love and must needs have desires, let these be your desires:
To melt and be like a running brook that sings its melody to the night,
To know the pain of too much tenderness.
To be wounded by your own understanding of love;
And to bleed willingly and joyfully.
To wake at dawn with a winged heart and give thanks for another day of loving;
To rest at the noon hour and meditate love's ecstasy;
To return home at eventide with gratitude;
And to sleep with a prayer for the beloved in your heart and a song of praise upon your lips.



Look trose, there are limits to how weird the things can be!! LOL (nm)
Thank you Trose, so do I believe it will make a huge difference, NM
Trose - would love to hear what happened at your SS class.
Hey trose, I've had many yard sales over the years and have

seem some pretty surprising stuff go on, only to watch people battle off and jump in their "fancy" cars.  I've had people set a whole pile of stuff in front of me and throw a 5 at me and try to take off knowing that what they had cost more. I had one lady say "quarter?" over and over and over trying to buy two folding lawn chairs and I kept saying, "NO." She finally gave up and left.  I've had people steal right out from under my nose and jump in their "fancy" cars and take off.  I've had a whole "family" of Mexicans pile out of a very nice van and converge upon my yard sale with one person trying to keep my attention while their family members steal whatever they could from me.  When I saw a one of the kids stick an X-Box game in his shirt, I told him he had to pay for it and he tried to walk away.  When my husband came up on the boy, the father tried to start a fight with my husband.  My neighbor called the police and when they arrived they had the adults and teens in cuffs and the children in the back of a unit.  Turned out they were illegal and were arrested and hauled off and then a tow truck came and got the van. 

I haven't had a yard sale in a long, long time.

yo trose? What is *normal*? Normal means

*normal*?  that only means one has a preconceived idea of what sanity is....

which I don't - so I have no answer......*lol*

Well, you post with something that is going to --sm
get your *butt jumped* and then you cry when someone does. judgemental of everything, huh? don't get your halo in a twist. geez.
your post says *they*...
Is more than 1 of your children living with this person? Just curious...
Thank you for your post....sm
at least YOU seem to understand the concept of what a thyroid problem can do to a person...unlike anon poster below, who has a very closed mind about ANYthing she does not agree with.

My thyroid problem is quite bad. I HAVE seen an endocrinologist who explained that thyroid disease is an autoimmune disease, where the body attacks certain organs for no reason. I did not do well on synthetic thyroid replacement and switched to a *natural* form. I am currently taking 120 mg daily and that is a lot. The endocrinologist said that my thyroid was barely functioning at all.

I feel very bad for your brother in law, as I truly understand how he feels. Thank you again for your understanding support for my problem, rather than attacking me with being a food junky, being paranoid, needing a psychiatrist, telling me I am nuts, and to pursue bariatric surgery, which all tends to lower my already low self-esteem. thank you for your courage to post. It is nice to know that SOME people understand.
was the *duh* in yer post necessary?.....
better post than your first one *LOL*

I like what you said there - you have had a GOOD solid thing for 41 years now.......or thereabouts with your husband -

Doing this to him, even surreptitiously....do you think this is what HE deserves after you having a full life with him?  Do you have a conscience?  Even if you don't see this guy from 900 miles away - YOU'RE STILL CHEATING, you are carrying on a secret relationship in a secret email account behind your husband's back.........

I ain't judging.........but points upward.........towards G_d.........

jes' sayin'..............


how did this post above from 1/16/07 end up

on the top of GAB BOARD?  And silly me, I answered it *LOL* - says Jan 16, 2007....all below this are March of 2007........very bizarre...someone probably trying to invoke conversation(?) 


what does this have to do with my post?
to be adopted already....
I really liked your post, thanks for that!!!..sm
I so respect what you said/typed.......thank you :)
oh that post is NOT *way down below*...sm
it's right under this post *ROFL*....I'm tired.....
Cut off from above post: j/k nm
Post (SM)
All prayer requests belong on the Prayer Request board. You access it by going to the Gab board first, then clicking the Prayer Request link just above the posts.

I have not received any emails from you regardnig your post.

Sorry to post again about this but (sm)

Divorce is a huge decision - I have been talking to family and friends but this is the only place I can get anonymous opinions from a lot of people, and it is more likely that someone here may have been through something similar.  My husband now is asking me to not go.  But he has already told me just a few nights ago that he was never happy with me, was always disappointed and frustrated with who I am, and that this is probably the reason he hit me a few years ago.  He went nuts a few years ago during a very minor argument (children were not present), and now says that it was probably because of years of frustration.  But now he is once again asking me to stay.  Because my parents are divorced he says that "divorce is the only thing I know" when faced with conflict.  I have been here almost 14 years and he has never been happy with me.  Even when I was young and thin and our house was spotless.  My question is - if he has never been happy with me, and I have always been a source of frustration, why should I stay now and expect things to improve?  We have been to 4 marriage counsellors in the past.  I am scared about leaving and I still do love him deep down, but why continue to stay if I will never be good enough? 

I should have put LOL after my post
about the fancy car. My parents and my MIL drive "fancy" cars. I agree that wasn't a nice thing to say.
Well, here you can post what you think

Well, here you can post what you think is an awesome idea or might we say lame... (Creativity is the key)

I'll start with:

Water powered cars...

Really cool stuff that is ridiculously expensive(i.e. PS3)

Please do post a pic of your pup
if you haven't already. Hayseed knows how.
Was this post really necessary?
Why bother reading a post that doesn't interest you just to post something rude and totally unnecessary? I for one love hearing about the good things in life. It's not just all work, work, work.
see my post sm
Would anyone who has used Cymbalta please reply to my post on the Mental Health board. I think this is suitable for "gab" but only one answer on that board. Thanks! BTW, I don't think exhaustion and pain from this profession is all "in our mind." I hope you agree.
Post her pic?
I saw that post too
I'm glad I wasn't the only one confused. This is a gab board and that's what we're doing gabbing about cats and other animals. If he/she isn't interested, just don't read the posts. By the way, I have an all black Halloween cat and the kids get a big kick out of him when them come to the door.
I think your post is right on
My hubs and I have separate and I trust him beyond belief, would never know what he made a year except at tax time. I think it is great to have hubs you trust and can take care of things like yours does. Seems like a dream deal to me. I could care less for doing anything when it comes to financial deals but sometimes have to fool with that. If I had a hubs that dealt with everything, I would be more than happy. You are blessed.
Just saw this post
Yes, his anal glands were really impacted- the post below this 1 helped me tremendously. Never knew felines got that way. He went to the veterinarian the very day I learned about the possibility of what it could be, the vet expressed the glands and relieved that problem. Yesterday my big boy (20 and a half lbs) went to the groomers to get him all cleaned and smelling good again. One more thing I learned- he is double furred boy and hair was even growing over his anus which had to be shaved. He is quite the handsome guy today!
100% right and that is my post
Give varied foods to be served but can you just imagine if 10 or more kids would not eat and demanded certain foods for their own eating? Did not say kids should be forced to eat anything but definitely needs vegetables in their diet. Sit foods on the table, not much fuss and let the child eat and eat good, no junk stuff, no Cokes, no sweetened drinks, no overloading on the chips, cookies and other sweets.
By the way, there is a second pic in that post above. (nm)
I just had to post this pic too!
This is my youngest, Scooter, when we first brought him home 2 years ago. He is MUCH bigger now! LOL!
Above post is IMO, of course.
Thanks for your post
She's actually the one that's hard on herself. If she was in regular classes it wouldn't matter to me. I'll see what happens when she gets home in an hour.
The post above you was right
You have said as much by "someone saying to mind your own business." It is her business, not any of yours at all. As far as the thrown away card, once a person is given a present, whether it is a card or whatever it is, it is their property then and the person can toss it, hold onto it or do what they like. She is minding her own business as you should. In your posts you come back time and again about what friends you were, how you emailed every day, you seem really clingy to this person, like you cannot make it another day before you hear from her. Do you have any life of your own?
your post
The mare is foaling - NOT having a "baby" thats human and she will either have a colt (male) or a filly (female)