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This is what I did...

Posted By: Thoughtful gift on 2007-12-09
In Reply to: Any ideas on what to get in-laws for Christmas whom already have everything - sm - Wilson

My MIL is very hard to buy for, so I took a digital picture of her wedding photo, cropped it to get a closeup of her and her husband, and added a red text in it saying their names and in love forever. I uplodated it to Walgreens and had it put on a tote bag. It turned out beautiful! My husband loves it. And it only cost $33! Maybe get a picture of them and add it to a shirt, pillow, etc. They have so many things you can do. Even a picture of your children would be nice. I've done that for my husband with the kids' picture on a thermous type mug for his coffee, and he loved it. I can't wait to give it to her.

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