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Third graders little deceivers?

Posted By: MQmomma on 2006-12-13
In Reply to: Kindergarten, yes. Third grade, no. - 8 year olds?

My daughter is in 3rd grade and still believes in Santa but I sometimes wonder if she's in on the gig but just thinks she will get more presents if she keeps her mouth shut, maybe kids aren't the ones being duped but we parents are, there's a thought, haha.

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Spin the bottle with 2nd graders, sure
not. I was reading this last night and that was the first thing that came to mind when I read about Valentine's party and told my hubby I was going to post a spin the bottle. That should get some thought. He and I both had a laugh. Of course, not, you silly bunny....
School decided to make a new class/2/3rd graders

I get a message on my phone this weekend from principal saying my daughter was selected to be put in a 2/3 grade class.  She is in 2nd grade.  I think personally something else is up.  Why such a great class being formed in January??? and why call on the weekend?  She's not that upset about it, but we just moved to the area and this starts this morning.  So now she had to meet new friends and now new friends again.  Not sure how I should handle this.  I'm upset, but at same time, might not be a bad thing.  I do want to let them know I'm not pleased though.


Valentine Party games for sixth graders . . .

Does anyone have appropriate valentine games for sixth graders??  This is a tough age to impress; any help would be greately appreciated!!!

We had our sixth graders do a sack race and we also had a game ..sm
where they were divided into teams and they had to put on gloves (nice thick winter ones) and open up a Hershey's kiss. They had a lot of fun with both games, but they had a ball trying to open that candy!