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There has to be a reason for all these calls

Posted By: Something fishy on 2009-01-14
In Reply to: My husband has a CitiBank card - sm - watchful

I would think if the payments made on time, paid when they are due- what would a company call that often for? Do you have privy to that account to check it? Do you see the statements? First of all, they have laws about the calls all day long-you can put a stop to that. I have credit cards, my husband has credit cards- we never ever get any calls to ask us to pay in advance. I think something else is going on here.

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Stepdaughter calls me "SM" (stepmom), daugher calls me mom. nm
Daughter is only 3 and she calls me

Me:  Momma 

Dad:  Daddy. 

When she gets older I think she will probably call me mom.

I know when I was younger something that would really irritate my mom is when I called her "mother'. 

Do NOT take any calls when you are at work.
Her BF is controlling? Yours calls and you hop in
Does anyone else keep getting phone calls
from 877 numbers and 800 numbers but no identifying info, the phone will say unlisted number, and other times the phone will say 000-000-0000 as the telephone number, and other times it will say private name, private number, and when you pick up nobody is there.

I've been getting these calls 4 or 5 times a day. I let it go through to answering service and nothing. Surely after 3 months of this they would get tired and stop calling.

I really have to figure out how to have these numbers blocked but in the meantime it drives me buggy.
annoying calls
I get them also, especially with all 000, very annoying.
put it to you this way--know a guy in is 40s who still calls it his bobo. NM
I use only for emergency and quick calls. Pay $100 for yr.
Nuisance 800 phone calls
Does anybody have ideas on how to stop unwanted phone calls?  There is an 866 number that calls literally a dozen times a day, obviously computer generated as I pick it up and no one is there.  It's incredibly annoying, not scary or anything.  Nobody ever leaves a message, and it has me running to look at the caller-ID an extra twelve or so times a day, just to see that it's them again.  Has anybody (or everybody) else had this problem, and how did you deal with it?  Thanks!
Husband gets mad and calls me a *itch....

We have been married for 10 years.  Lately when he gets mad I am reduced to being called a *itch.  When we don't make love, it is because I don't want him. Does not matter what I might do, not cook for him, not turn on the heater this morning when I am supposed to be working. 

I am an MT working at home.  I have to work a schedule, which I fail to do, so I have to be more stern about what I can and cannot do because I want my job.  Being called a *itch---what does that really mean.  I do not view myself as a *itch but then no one does.  I have read that it is a woman who is extremely disliked, spiteful, overbearing, and I am reduced to this name calling because it is something he wants to call me only because I did not do what he wanted and it made him mad. 

He says that he is not in the mental state he should be regarding me working as at home as it is --just not working--   Yes, for years it seems I always work as I try to be with the family and as a result I get behind and have to work every spare moment I get and even then do not make my commitment.  Okay, I do get fatigued, maybe depressed, but I love working at home and I know that I have to stick to my schedule.  maybe 70% of that is my fault but a lot is from him as well wanting me to do things for him that he can do for himself. like wash his clothes for work, sometimes he does and sometimes he doesn't. 

Well the reason for all that is to ask.... does my husband really hate me so much to call me a *itch.  What really does he mean?  I am not overbearing.  I let him do whatever he wants.  He did not have to work for years.  Now he finally gets a job and he is all high and mighty about me and what I do and don't do.  He can improve on things just as much as I can.  does that mean you have to yell, scream, rant, and rave because he don't get his way. 

He says the way to a man's heart is his stomach.  Yeah, I have heard all that but does that mean you have to take it so literal.  If we don't make love, it is because I don't want him and then he throws a big hissy.  I am a man.  My testerone levels get too high!  he start punching the wall!  okay, maybe we don't have time, maybe I am trying to get caught up on work and trying to balance all things, cooking, cleaning, being with my 1 child and husband and work. 

Yes, I am reduced to yelling right back at him.  Everyday I think I am not going to yell, but I do anyway. 

Sorry, any advice.  I feel we havea  shallow relationship now.  He gets mad and then I am a *itch.  I try to get along with him and watch our shows together, then, later I get yelled at because I made time to watch TV.  We make love, I think we are getting closer, and something else sets him off.  I realize we have deep issues we have to work out, but I also think getting mad making the other person miserable is not the answer. 

What does he really mean when he says I am a *itch now.  helpless....

Thanks! My husband calls it porridge and
my 7-year-old LOVES it!!!
My son's kindergarten teacher calls him

that all the time.  How old is the child we are talking about and the sex of the child/teacher? 

There's just not enough information to give an opinion.

I just use the answer machine to screen calls - sm
if its a recorded call, it doesn't record. If it's a sales call, they rarely leave a message, and if they do, I erase it. If I need to be available to family members, I tell them to identify themselves in the message, and I'll pick up.
I use the answering machine to screen calls too--sm
if it is something important and they begin to leave a message, I will answer, otherwise I won't. Most of the time, they will not leave a message.

The do not call list is helpful, but not for everything. If you really want to take the time, you can answer the phone and before they start their pitch, tell them nicely that you wish to be removed from their call list. They are supposed to remove you. If they call back after that, you can report them to the do not call list and they will be fined for it. Also ask for the name of who you are speaking to. Sometimes two or three different people from the same place have your number and even though you ask to be removed from one person calling, the next may not know that and call you anyway. It took me almost a week of doing this on a daily basis and eventually the calls stopped. It takes time, but it works. oh, heavenly peace and quiet!
Not necessarily, many phone calls may have been made. (nm)
Love my PJs. DH calls them my "leisure suit." LOL
withheld cell phone calls
my son keeps getting crank calls on his cell phone all the time.  I called ATT and they say there is no way to tell who it is.  How can I find out.  I know it has to be one of his friends.  Now he is actually getting weird messages.  Any ideas??  Thanks
She says if she calls the cops every time he shows up ...sm
he will just be gone by the time they get there. She did pick up the phone several months ago when he put the gun to his head. She said I am calling 911 to come take you to get help. He immediately stopped and sat down and said no please don't call the cops. I am not going to kill myself. I won't do that anymore. Now if he was serious, he would have not cared. He would have said hey I will be dead before they get here. He knew he wasn't going to do it and he didn't want to get hauled off for psychiatric evaluation. THen he started threatening this again on the phone one time and she said ok I am going to have you committed then cause you need help. He said oh no I am not going to kill myself. And for a long time he did not bring it up again. It is for attention.
hubby calls them 'health food'
cuz of the peanut butter and oatmeal -- he's always "needing" more health food :)
i don't understand why there is not a limit on how many calls can be made from 1 phone. I know D
register are set up to only let you in 1 time by either phone or internet, so why can't AI do this also????
I am sick and tired of the umpteen million calls every day

I am on a DO NOT CALL list and I cannot turn off my phone for another few days until the kids are out of school for the summer (school needs to be able to reach me in case of emergency.)

Today, I have had THREE organizations call me for donations to cancer research.

One call from the National Federation for the Blind. 

One call from the National Firefighters Association.

This is a typical day. 

I have caller ID but the school number shows private so when these places call and also show private name/number, I answer them.

How many times does one have to say DO NOT CALL ME AGAIN?


Okay, I'm done venting.


Phone calls are defininely in order here first! Passed
I hadVonage & experienced choppy & dropped calls. They are much like AOL
and if you do cancel you have to pay a hefty cancellation fee.  Never again.
P.S. Before anyone calls me a bad mother or blames me for any of his issues, my other two children
When the physician personally calls you, red flag time
I just had an MRA of brain this past week and nephrologist called today, not in and he left his cell phone # for me to call him back. He said an artery showed up as bigger than should be - I asked aneurysm and he said, well he wanted to know about my seeing a neurosurgeon ASAP and he said he would call and talk to 1 he knew (if I did not have one of my choice, nope didn�t ) and get me in just as soon, hopefully tomorrow and then nephrologist called back in about 5 minutes to verify he did speak with the neurosurgeon and appointment tomorrow. Now I have just started to draw my full social security, still working, planning vacations and yes that is pleural and crud!! Maybe good this anomaly caught in time, would hate to stroke out or worse. I had been going to another neurologist, started having some twitches in my face and also nystagmus in my right eye here lately. I was knowing something was up. I will collect that medical license just any day now. Wish me luck with tomorrow....
My father-in-law sends my daughter presents, calls her, etc. BUT

pretty much ignores my son.  My son is 16 and my daughter is 8.  They are both his grandchildren.  He will send a gift to my son on his birthday, for Christmas, etc. same as he does with my daughter.  But the presents are usually not equal in price.  Then he will call and talk to my daughter and not ask to speak to my son or even ask about my son.  He will send postcards when he is on vacation and address them to my daughter with my son's name squeezes in as an after thought out to the side.  When he is in town visiting his mother and sister, he will bring my daughter little gifts and call and ask to see her, but usually never asks to see my son.

I don't have a very friendly relationship with my FIL as I divorced his son and the divorce was not an amicable one.  However, when my son was little and I was still married, my FIL was very close with my son and treated him similarly to the way he treats my daugther now.  It seems as my son has gotten older, my FIL has simply decided he doesn't count anymore.   I think some of this has to do with my son being a teenager with a smart mouth who has been very vocal about the divorce, my ex, and his grandpa.  My son doesn't get along with his father and he took my side in the divorce.

I really, really, REALLY want to tell my FIL off, but then he'll stop having any contact with my daughter and she's too young to understand everything that's going on.  She loves him to pieces, but I'm also afraid that the same thing will happen with her as it did my son -- as she gets older and starts to figure things out and understand and become more opinionated, my FIL my just shut her out too.

It is really just a crappy thing my FIL is doing.  If I confront him about he'll just feign innocence and act like he didn't realize he was treating them differently.  So maybe my anger is just fruitless anyway.

The original When a Stranger Calls...at the height of my babysitting years. nm
Basically stick to a schedule. Laundry is only "housework" while I"m working. Keep calls sh
Love the cell phone commercials (cingular?) about dropped calls
They are so funny.
if actual threats then report it; keep all records/emails/calls for reference
'scuse...keep calls short as I feel I must do these things in order to make money. No babies
I have had several, unfortunately. Is there a reason they did
an ultrasound at 7 weeks and again at 10 weeks? Mine were later attributed to the genetics of my husband's connective tissue disorder, but we were unaware of his diagnosis during that time. However, I am curious as to why they would be following you so closely with ultrasounds at this point in your pregnancy. (((hugs)))
The reason I asked is because our 3 year-old neighbor girl walks around with hers all the time.  Drives me nuts.  Like you said, cannot understand them when they talk.  I figure if potty trained can get rid of that too.  Of course they like to brag about what a big girl she is now, but........
Ok, the reason why I ask, of course, is
the medication you possibly might have been taking but back to the drawing board. I took synthroid since the late 80s and my hairs, yes hairs, about 2 of them left was worrying the crap outta me. Read here and then other places Synthroid was known for causing the hair loss. By the way, it does not get better. Mine had gotten to the point of my wearing wigs and thinking about hair replacement but since overall, hair replacement not an ideal plan for me. I went to endo physician, told him not taking the medicine any more and asked for Armour. The hair is growing back and I am a happy girl. I at 1 time had the real lush hair so the falling out really did not get better until I changed the medicine. Oh, BTW, for the person whose hair comes out more after shampooing, mine did exactly the same, could run my hand through it and it came out in gobs. I feel your pain because I was there also.
No reason given so far...

I think she didn't think AJ could ever be a Tony...provide for her in the way Carm is provided for...just a guess. Love that show, absolutely the best writing and acting bar none! When that goes, so does my HBO, but I do like Big Love too!

the reason they
are taking it this far is because it is a drug-resistant form of TB.

I don't think they are quarantining each and every one of his clients are they? But yeah, if a person has TB and they are noncompliant with taking the medication they can actually be locked up for the period of time that they need to take the medication. Its a serious thing.
One reason might be that
girls are starting earlier, and the younger they are, the more likely mom's help will be treasured. What girl wants to be caught at school unprepared? Also, lines of communication need to be open because back when I was in school, there was no time allowed for bathroom breaks longer than about 30 seconds, so this can cause real management problems if you know what I mean.
This is something I would rather do without and the reason
first of all handing out money to people who do not even file taxes and handing out more money to stimulate the economy only is working against it. You don�t spend more when we are already in a recession. The people paying the most taxes are the ones getting the least out of this. Oh I love the way the gov works. If I get something plan on putting in the bank to draw interest to pay for the taxes I will be charged on it come 2009.
Reason behind my not asking
dont have to count on a job really anymore- doing now because want to- in the past raising family and such -only chump change needed now.
One reason would be
drugs like methamphetamine! Also, the easy times we had for so long are sort of bad for moral values. As a society we think we're entitled to have it all, whether we have worked for it or not. Even gluttony comes from this attitude, I believe. During hard times, sure there was crime driven by poverty, but it was a whole other country crime-wise. Men came back from the war with DRIVE to better themselves. They found wives and settled down to work and make something of themselves. They understood there was some luck involved too, and took it in stride. If they stumbled, they tried again. They had discipline. They expected nothing handed on a platter. That's why they are considered the Greatest Generation; hard times built character.
yes. I did. My son is the reason that...
I started doing transcription. I may not make quite as much as I used to, but I do not have to pay for daycare and I get to be home with my son, not to mention the gas money I save (especially when fuel was so high). I think that working outside of the home was easier than doing all of the housework, taking care of the baby (soon to be babies in a week, or so) and working. Even if I still had to do all of the housework, soimebody else watching my son would make my job that much easier. I choose, however, to stay home with him and work a little harder. What I do miss is daily adult interaction--especially with my husband in Iraq right now.
Yes for some reason or the other....sm
the girlfriend is out of the picture now. Maybe she saw his true colors.
The only reason I could see for not
letting someone work as a nurse or whatever with epilepsy is that they would have to wait a while if they had a seizure to make sure it had not become a chronic problem, just like not being able to drive for a certain length of time after a seizure.
no, that's not the reason.
Right, and men usually marry for one reason
for someone to take over their mom's job :)
Maybe that is the reason for my neighbors
still having their lights on the house, and ON. 
The reason they did the 2nd ultrasound was...sm
when I went for the monthly checkup yesterday they didn't hear the heartbeat on the external doppler; however, at my stage they told me before hand that they don't always hear it. They said that since I had the prior miscarriage that if I'd like they could do the ultrasound just so we could see the heartbeat and confirm all was still going well. The midwife I saw was just as surprised as my husband & I that the sonogram gave the results it did. We see the doctor this afternoon after the lab results come back from the blood work they drew yesterday. I am having some light spotting this morning. I'm trying to stay calm in case the sonogram was wrong but know that more than likely the baby did die.
The reason for the Pamelor is
hopefully to get a good nights sleep as the rheumatologist said so important because of my flare of fibromyalgia which has gone on for over a month now. No depression at all and not prescribed for this. I took the smaller dose last night, went to sleep around 11:30 and up with pain at 5 something this morning, so not getting the amount of rest I should. Hurting with the fibro has now put me into shingles. I want to know when the fun starts!!
I agree. The only reason she is on
is because of those x-rated pics of hers.
if there should only be 1 reason to abort
if you are pregnant by rape or incest, do you want to keep the child and explain to that child why he was born, do you not tell the child, and give up for adoption, when there are too many children waiting now, and most adopted children want to know/find their real parents, how does a child of rape/incest feel about themself, does anybody know, and they live their entire life knowing where they came from, and do you tell him who the waste-of-oxygen-and-taxpayers-money father is....
I have tuned it all out for a reason
I hate this happened to all those fine people. I told hubs yesterday the news channels should not be playing information about the killer, giving him credit and showing the ranting and raving of someone apparently totally out of control and that would be what the killer want. I had this "I told you so" morning when the news people said exactly what I had just said yesterday. I get so saturated with watching things like this and getting teary and sad, as in 9/11, Katrina and the like. I intentionally did not look except when the story first broke and then not long. My heart just breaks seeing stories like this and I am trying to keep my nose to the grindstone.