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The rest of the story . . .

Posted By: Pink Ice on 2009-03-23
In Reply to: That has to be one of the sweetest stories I ever heard. Just curious . . - Oh, my gosh!

I took him the stuff as a thank you for his time and because he looked like death warmed over (found out later he'd pulled 16 hours, off for five, and called back to that intersection).  Actually, when he came back with flowers I was shocked.  I figured his main agenda was to talk me out my panties since his girlfriend was on a cruise or something.  I had just come out of a 14-year marriage that went from good to bad to downright ugly.  The last thing I wanted (or felt I deserved) was attention from a decent man.  I said thank you for the flowers but I can't accept them.  I would put water out for a dog on a day like that.  No big deal.  I declined his offer to go out and he persisted.  I figured he was turned on by a challenge and I would stop this right quick.  I told him I was fresh out of a bad marriage and that I like my men like my cats--neutered.  Well, he had a thing or two to say to me.  He said he simply wanted to take me to dinner for my kindness in giving a snack, he wasn't trying to get in my pants, and he sure as hell wasn't asking to marry me (God help the poor SOB who ever did ask me is what he said).  Well, then I felt like a hateful shrew so I apologized and agreed to meet him that Saturday in a public restaurant.  We had a very nice time.  He gave me his number and said call when you feel like it and I hope you will share your number with me if you feel comfortable.  No pressure.  He became my best friend and true partner. 

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Rest. doing bad, Chef comes in sets things right, rest. does okay,
this is funny *lol*.......el....ya know the rest
LOL - no, the rest were a partial
Good. She is no better than the rest
of us, but she thinks she is. Isn't she 26 years old??? GROW UP. GEEZ. She is just getting too much attention and SHAME ON HER PARENTS. They are enalbing her. 45 days. GREAT. She better not get out again.

Her visitors can bring her magazines and books, or maybe she cannot read. LOL
Me too! But I cook, he does all the rest : )
Rest in Peace,
Oh NO! I didn't know. I am devastated!
rest of link
dunno why it got cut off. after HTML:

God help the rest of you if you're ever in need!! sm
I can't believe nobody could possibly believe maybe this man just has a kind heart and saw a woman about to give birth ALONE, who's maybe not in the best of situations, and he was able to help.
There are kind people in the world, and really they have known this woman for a decade, there is a friendship there.
My husband doesn't consult me on purchases, nor do I consult him, we have separate accounts, we make our own money to use as we wish. I can assume this couple is the same way, since the OP had to check HIS checkbook to even know what he spent.
The stylist was lucky to have a customer with a heart.
Thank you for sharing the rest of
the story.  It just proves there are really decent people out there, but sometimes it is difficult to trust.  I am the same way.  I am so glad things worked out the way they did for you! 
Do not know much what is going on in the rest of the world, outside US........nm
there is really no bed rest anymore -
I went home from the hospital 12 hours after my son was born and had no problems whatsoever. I was at Wal-Mart shopping that night because the doctor told me it was good to start walking and just not to overdo it.

I don't remember there being any pain after he was born, just soreness all over really.
Because the rest of the thread was compromised & only the OP


It's a really nice foot rest ...
because most of the time you are not going to want to lift it down. If they still have pictures of the tablets, that was a handy feature in case you ever find an unpackaged tablet in your house and can't identify it. :oD
Strippers work for $ just like the rest of us.
What is the big deal?
The rest of the Sweet Adelines
Time to finally put the Sox to rest...
and move on the World Series. GO TRIBE!
My stepmom, rest her soul
used to love to have my child visit (we are talking in 60s/70s and so) as did her mother who visited them quite a bit. She always talked about how my son loved to be around her mother, her mother quilted, broke the beans in the summer as did my son right along with them. The stepmom only in say 14 years or so (they first took him home with them, my dad and his wife when my son less than 6 months old) that my son acted out on her- at a grocery when she had bought him something and he wanted more. She was mortified that he would have done this. She said he never did this again as he got his privilges taken away. The kids now are certainly in a different place then when mine growing up and I think the Man above for allowing me to raise my children then, not now.
So why has most of the rest of world abolished
Blessed, Stressed, and Need More Rest
While the rest of the country prospers, it sure seems like
Rest in peace, Fred!
We just put our 22-year-old cat, Fred, to sleep this evening. He had wasted away from 17 pounds to 5 pounds and was too weak to stand or eat. He was a loving companion for the past 22 years and will be missed dearly.

Rest in peace, Fred. Benny, Gus, and Lily will be waiting in heaven to greet you with open arms!
secluded from the rest of the inmate population

They may be citizens and are paying taxes like the rest of us.
What difference does it make?
Agree with that! Looking down from her high horse on the rest of us?!!!
Ex-husband had it. Same thing..out of nowhere, even at rest, his heart would just take off, up
over 200 beats a minutes. It was very scary. I think his was caused by congenitally having an extra vein or artery on his heart on the underside to which electrical currents travels and no way to slow it down. Evidently, he went to a cardiac electrophysiologist who did an ablation. Basically, put an electric wire up through the femoral artery to the problem and zapping it with an electrical current which shorted it out, much like if you would stick a wire or key into an electrical outlet. It cured him, but up until that point, he was having to stay on medication to control his heart beat so they wouldnt go out of control.
Hey Board Nazi, give it a rest already!
I just took 10 minutes to write a supportive response to this lady for nothing apparently.  Just because a topic leads to a heated discussion, we do not need you to quickly take it down.  We are all adults here.  At least make it clear to all those on the board that we are going talk about what the moderator wants to and that is it.
Rest easy. Aborting is not murder.
tooo funny - God rest their souls!...


By the 4th day, I would be too sore to continue the rest of the week...
Hopefully this child can finally rest in peace....
You know it has to be the Anthony girl.
Oh sweetheart, give it a rest already..we know how perfect you are..
we heard your opinion honey, go back to work now.
Sounds like a scam. Crap like that costs the rest of us
Absolutely!!! Get a room already and stop boring the rest of us!
This is a free country, be a doormat for the rest of your life
if you want. You are the same one who writes husband left you after cesarean section, had vehicle accident and he was no help to you, told you he was never happy with you?? What kind of life do you think your children see you having? A good one? Doubt that. I really do not know why you post because giving a person who does not care for me 1 more chance is just idiotic to say the least. You can throw your life away as well as the children. Not this lady. I actually could thank my mother for leaving my father. I visited him, called him, cared for him as much as possible prior to his death in his 90s, loved my stepmom, went to see them often but he certainly as far as I could tell, not father material. Too critical, overbearing and someone I would not have been happy around. She did us kids a really big favor. I have not always had a wonderful life and probably went through a lot more than most but in my golden years I seem to have about everything I could have ever imagined. Life for me is wonderful but then each and every person has the right to make their own decisions and lives and lead a miserable one if they want.
Rest in Peace, Pavarotti. Your gift will be missed. nm
Parents might prefer "alone" time to rest after the
I bowl on Thursday nights so it's take out for the rest of the family - NM
To anon..She was trying to explain to the rest of us in simple terms...sm

how mares foal, bkz most of us don't have the opportunity to see that. You don't even know how many horses and other animals Hayseed has and cares for every day!  

I suggest you apologize immediately.   Cat      

Actually, the tail is the ONLY part of a turkey I will eat. Can't stand the rest nm
That I could live the rest of my life in a 25-year-old body.
Anyone ever get pain in your hand on that bony knob othat rests on the wrist rest. nm
There is teacher's side of story, kid's side of story
And I DO not believe her story, either
This day and time you can get outside help. She kept her eyes down all time while questioned. If in front of Judge Judy she would have to look the judge straight in the eyes. I think she should have gotten much more time, flimsy story, crocodile tears.
come on now...tell the whole story.
You decked her out, right? LOL. If you didn't, she is one lucky woman.
Do you believe this story
For the most part, she blames her actions on stress from her illness. I can (somewhat) see someone stealing to pay bills or to put money aside for savings, but not for a lavish wedding or cruises.

GOFFSTOWN, N.H. -- A woman accused of stealing more than $1 million from her nonprofit employer said she used the money to pay for medical bills, vacations and her daughter's wedding.

"My daughter was getting married; I wanted her to have a nice wedding," said Linda Bevins, who has colon and lung cancer. "I had nothing, it all went to cancer. I thought I was going to die. I wanted to have a good life. I wanted my husband to have peace of mind."

Bevins was fired in June from her job as a payroll supervisor for the Crotched Mountain Foundation, which runs a disabilities rehabilitation center in Greenfield. She, her husband, and daughter now are being sued by the foundation. A criminal investigation is also going on.

Bevins was diagnosed with colon cancer in 1999 and took a job as a payroll specialist with Crotched Mountain in 2001 to help pay her medical bills; she was promoted to supervisor a year later. She told the New Hampshire Sunday News she began taking money in 2004 after doctors told her the cancer had spread to her liver, and the prognosis was not good.

Bevins said she's not certain how much money she took, but doesn't dispute Crotched Mountain's estimate of $1.3 million. She said at least $200,000 went to medical bills for her cancer treatments and another chunk paid for her daughter's wedding, which included a custom-made wedding dress. Bevins said she also took her family on two cruises and used stolen money to make donations to churches and other organizations.

"It bothered me a lot because I was not the type of person to do that," Bevins said of the thefts. "I would get depressed that this was happening and I'd say 'I can't do this anymore.' But then something else would happen and all of a sudden I'm doing it."

An audit commissioned by Crotched Mountain revealed allegations that Bevins issued payroll checks to her daughter, Holly Sears, and herself, and funneled foundation money into personal bank accounts. Bevins said biannual company audits didn't catch her scheme, nor did a co-worker who helped her with the payroll.

Neither her daughter nor husband knew anything about the thefts, though she acknowledged that sometimes she asked Sears, 26, to cash checks for her, Bevins said.

Bevins said she's ashamed of what she's done, but blames at least part of her actions on her former employer.

As the only employee who could handle the payroll, Bevins said she was constantly on call, even while on vacation or sick leave. She said Crotched Mountain workers even called her cell phone while she was in the hospital, and nurses became so fed up by the they asked a doctor to put a stop to it.

"If I didn't have the stress, maybe I wouldn't have gotten sick and wouldn't have had the bills and maybe (the stealing) wouldn't have ever started," she said.

My story...{sm}
I understand.  One time on our way home while on vacation, I was driving through the mountains in Colorado, and I was driving about 50 or 55 mph.  I am not used to driving in the mountains - I'm a flatlander.  My husband got mad at me because I wasn't driving fast enough!  I told him that this is the speed I felt comfortable at.  He told me that someone was going to run into us from behind because I was going so slow.  At the next town we came to, I pulled into a restaurant and told him I wasn't going to drive anymore.  He said that one of us was going to take the bus home from there.  Well, that didn't happen, but it sure was quiet the rest of the trip. 
That's a whole different story
I had a friend in a similar situation. Her hub didn't beat her, but pushed her on several occasions and was generally overbearing in all their day-to-day decisions. She did leave him, but the middle one of her 3 children opted to stay with the dad and the judge allowed it, thus splitting the family. He went on to lavish that child with all kinds of goodies, alienating the oldest child. My friend later moved in with another guy, much like the husband she had left, and at that point, their youngest child refused to change schools and also moved in with her dad.

So, either way, I would suggest counseling for you anyway, if nothing else to insure you don't end up with another man just like the first.

Another cat story . . .
BARTLETT, Tenn. -- Tabitha Cain has fed a feral cat she calls Wild Oats for several years, but now she's thinking of changing its name to Survivor.

That's because she said the cat survived for 19 days with a peanut butter jar stuck on its head.

"We tried to get her, but being the type of cat you can't catch, she kept running and hiding," said Doretha Cain, Tabitha's mother.

The family saw the cat several times and tried in vain to catch her. She disappeared for a week, and the Cains feared the worst.

"I thought she was going to die with that jar on her head," Tabitha Cain said.

They found the once chubby cat on Wednesday, too thin and weak to escape. They caught her with a fishing net and used some oil to get the jar off her head.

They gave her water and treated her wounds and on Friday she began to eat again.

"I've heard of cats having nine lives but I think this one has 19 because she survived 19 days," Doretha Cain said.

Dr. Gerald Blackburn, a veterinarian at Gentle Care Animal hospital in Memphis, said he's heard similar stories of pets getting trapped for days or even weeks at a time and surviving.

Blackburn said the cat may have lived off of its excess fat, but Doretha Cain had another explanation.

"God will take care of animals just like people because that cat is really a miracle," she said.
I believe your story, but
if you could not move, how did you use the phone?
Oh please, the OP's story
is bunk. If this really happened *as described,* anyone adult would realize steps would need to be taken.

Really, someone at the school called her a bad parent over the things she describes?

If it was *truly* over being late in the fog or a flat tire, or "coddling" a second grader, or saying you were encouraging a romantic relationship in 2nd grade (what evidence is that one based on?) wouldn't YOU know you need to deal with that **without posting on an MT board to ask advice???**

Also, she titles the post something about the counselor being "defensive." What exactly was the counselor defensive about? Sounds like she was on the offensive, if she busted a gusset to talk to the OP and considering what she "said." Clearly the OP was on the defensive! Sounds to me like the post changed somewhere between the subject line and the narrative to make the OP sound and feel better.

The post does not ring true. There is more to it than we're getting.
It is her story
Management company wanted her to go to rehab. She asked her dad if he thought she needed to go, and he said no. It may not be pretty but it is a true life story.

I find that much more compelling than Brad Paisley singing about picking ticks off his lady love!