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That is so funny Hayseed!

Posted By: desperado on 2007-11-27
In Reply to: This was the strangest thing I ever saw (visual) - Hayseed

City slicker breakdown in the boonies, eh?  Never would have guessed the diagnosis, as I often feel like the way he looks, but haven't exactly come up with an excuse for it yet!!   Thanks for the chuckle!

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Funny, Hayseed, you and I feel the same and we don't even have children
I wonder if these other "pro" Kid-Nation posters do?!?! Wow.
Hayseed, I think you should write your own advice column, kinda like "Dear Hayseed"....you cra
You're so funny!!! That's what I wanted - funny redneck stories
Just kinda tired of my house looking like Sanford and Son - LOL!
That is too funny... I'm sure it wasn't funny at the time.
Funny looking Bob with the funny looking wife

Thanks Hayseed
Nick Nolte was having a bad hair day . . .   
ER MT or Hayseed....
How did you guys get your avatar pic on this profile here on MT stars?  I cannot seem to locate a way to "edit my profile" so to speak.  Hubby says I can get those from yahoo, but I do not know where to go here on this site (MTstars) to add it.  Any help would be great! 
how would you know what an IUD from 30 years ago looked like?  But I am with you.  They offered me an IUD after I had my second child and I declined.  I thought I had enough put up there LOL. 
WELL SAID, Hayseed! (sm)
The people behind this whole right-to-life movement are quite deft at camouflaging their more sinister long-term ulterior motives under the guise of morality, religion, human life, and yada yada yada. It's an ingeniously orchestrated plot to gain control of this country, and the best way to do that is to find a highly emotional, hot-button issue that will DIVIDE them. It's truly appalling that some women seem to actually WANT their personal healthcare and body choices to be dictated to them by a bunch of ancient, narrow-minded old MEN.
Hayseed, thank you so much for sm
posting those links to  pix of your family.  Kathie and Ellie, sittin' in a tree.  LOL.  What great pix.  I love them all.  Your animals, and you, are gorgeous.
Thanks, Hayseed
Love your posts too!! You really have a great sense of humor!
Yay! Hayseed, you did it!
And you are adorable!!
Thanks Hayseed!
I have the same problem as the OP and I'm going to try the Pine Sol! Then I'm going to start using Gain like the poster below suggested. Cool! :-)

I had to lol at your use of the word grody! As an 80s girl I absolutely LOVED it!!!!

Hayseed! (nm)

Just looked at your web site (from under your MT Stars name).  What a dream your place is!  Congrats for making such a dream come true for you.  Thanks for sharing.

Thanks Hayseed!
I recently checked out your website -  how awesome!  Buck is a beauty!  Loved the pictures with the subtitles of all your animals.  Also, how cute were you as a little girl!  I think that pic should be your Avatar! 
Hayseed !!!
You were just too precious as a baby hayseed not to have that as an Avator!  You have just made my day/week/month!!  Too cute! 
Hayseed look!
Hi Everyone!

Just wanted you all to see the pic of my kitty that Hayseed helped me crop so I could put it on here! I'm gonna learn this, it was just easier this morning to send it to her !!!

Her name is Tigger and she THINKS she is the queen of my house....I've got news for her....hehe
Hayseed now I know

what you do in your spare time when you aren't MT'ing and tending to your farm . . .


Hayseed and ER MT
You guys are hilarious!!   You always make me smile, and let me tell you, I need it today!  I need to figure out this avatar thingy....
Many thanks, Hayseed!

I'm going to work on becoming a little more savvy with this stuff, really appreciate your time!  Most days, this board is my main source of entertainment (except for Jake now, of course) or consternation depending on the subject, and you are always a bright spot in the day...

For anyone interested in another puppy story, we adopted him from a shelter, had been put there by a family who decided they didn't want him, had a little kid, but I think the truth is, and the people at the shelter thought, that the family just didn't know what having a puppy was like, so their loss, our happiness!  He's a labradoodle and found him through an internet rescue site that came up when I was searching on it.  We had seen a tan one at a house for sale that we were looking at (I thought it was some kind of terrier or something), and my DH fell in love with that dog, so I did some searching...and there he was.  About dropped my teeth when I found on searching what breeders are getting for these dogs... as somebody pointed out to me, they are just mutts, after all...But I was happy to find him at the shelter, have always adopted dogs like that, am always amazed at the wonderful animals that get dropped off.  My wonderful Boxer had been rescued from a puppy mill situation and many moons ago I had a little German short-hair pointer/Brittany mix that was very ill at first, didn't think she was going to make it, but she lived to 17.  I don't usually do all the little doggie accoutrements, like scarves and such, but he was pretty matted and dirty so had to have a professional trim the first time (dang thing cost more than my haircuts!! so I guess the scarf was part of the doggie-do package.)  Wish I could find the pic that stole our hearts at the shelter, like Misha's pic of Cedric.  Anyway, thanks again Hayseed, you rock!

Are you a Steeler fan??????
Thanks, Hayseed. You are right. I don't think it is

fair either, to me or the dog. I appreciate just hearing your comments and understanding that I am in a bad situation. I certainly thank everyone who has commented. So many of us have a deep connection to God's magnificent creatures. There is nothing like it in the world.

Hey, Hayseed!

I just 4 Advil an hour or so ago, so it's not too bad.  The Anbesol works for about 15 minutes and then it's like I never used it.  Just hanging in there until I can call the dentist tomorrow first thing.  I think I'll live.

Thanks for asking! 

Where have you been, Hayseed? - nm

Can someone email her just to ask how she is and to make sure she's ok?
Where is Hayseed? nm
I'm so sorry Hayseed
I went through this in March of this year. My 16 year old cat died at home. I'm still not completely over it. I still think about her all the time. Just know that he led a wonderful life and that you took great care of him.
Where is Hayseed?...I
I miss her, and her posts!! Hope you are okay Hayseed. Please post. This board is not the same without you.
Hayseed - see msg

The snow finally stopped and now comes the rain.  This combination always make such a mess! 

I was watching the WSDOT cam yesterday and that road is a four lane road where the cam is set.   If you watched that particular camera you would notice that there were maybe 3 lanes of traffic and ALL of them were heading in one direction.  The folks going the opposite direction were getting the squeeze.  Of course, it was hard to tell where the lanes were because it was all compact snow and ice but dang!

The winner of the biggest snow driving dingbat (apparently MTStars says i*iot is a bad word) goes to the person who actually stopped and let the kids OUT of the car in the middle of the road to play in the snow while the adult cleaned off the windshield.   I am not kidding!   Lots of people were stopping in the middle of the road to clean off their windshields but this one let the kids out to play in the snow!    Geesh!


Here ya go Hayseed..sm

Just a clip to crack you up...They were a phenomenal team in that movie!~ I couldn't stop laughing either.  It really was hard to pick a couple favorites...I coulda gone all the way back to Duck Soup (Marx Brothers).  Cat  


Thanks Hayseed! Let us know if you get one. nm
Thanks, Hayseed!

For figuring out what they were called.  Melted Plastic Popcorn would have not been the first thing that came to mind, and I never knew there was anything other than the snowman, BUT!!!! Now that I know, I am determined to get the whole set!

Hayseed, how are you doing?
Did you post back about the results of your lupus tests?  Was just thinking about you and wondering how you are doing.  Hope things turned out okay and got some help for the pain...
Hey Hayseed
Aren't you about ready to get another cat. You could get an adult cat that you would meet at the shelter and know its personality and get a little cuddle bug this time around, can't beat a cuddle bug.
Ha, Hayseed...
I used to love liver & onions until I became an MT and learned the function of the liver... Don't eat that no more.... Slim always bringing back a deer, I use a lot of red wine in cooking, fooled my daughter-in-law who refuses to eat "Bambi" She thought it was swiss steak. But she doesn't trust me anymore, when I say, anything, Is not that silly?
anyone seen hayseed around?

You may see Hayseed again

the topics that she saw here and they are all laughing it up including the owner of the other board.  You can tell the topics that no one wants to talk about or be "for real" about because the OP will go unanswered.   This board is way better, believe me!!! 

P/S:  If that's all they have to laugh about is an inquiry in this board, does that tell you what kind of board they have going over there?

What's a hayseed??
oh, never mind, the answer is in your post.

doesn't do the porker justice, tho.

(?) kisskiss
Agreed Hayseed!
I think is about manners. These things happen, sometimes kids cannot get to the bathroom in time, but they can say excuse me. Still not sure they should be punished if it cannot be helped.
Exactly, Hayseed. Just look at the comments
on here. I feel sorry for her. People go through things like this all the time in life and do some of the things she has done, but they don't have to read about it in the paper the next morning. I think she needs some help and her family really needs to step in. I read an article that the guy she was seeing last said she would curl into a ball after they had s** and would say, why can't they just leave me alone. It's really sad. I don't think she is a bad person, but that she needs help. She's obviously crying out for help and is going through a lot right now. Everyone on here that has been divorced, just imagine everything about your divorce being front page...it's already painful enough without all that. People are cut throat.
Hi Hayseed...sent you an e-mail...nm
did not mean you personally Hayseed..sm
I did not vote for 'em either, but unfortunately have to pay the price for ill made decisions in the present and the past. I know an awful lot of people who did vote for this regime though and are sure crying the blues now! Wish they had gotten smarter about 30 years ago! I know we have differing opinions on this subject. I do not agree with abortion one bit, but I do agree that there should be no government making our decisions for us...male or female. Unfortunately, I do think this country is too far gone to get it back to the true democracy is was meant to be.
Hearin' that, too, Hayseed!

Although I live in a small city (~95,000 people) it is a college town and has a small-town atmosphere.  Rush hour means one of our 23 daily freight trains hit at 5:30 and held everybody up.

However, it is situated in what I call "the buckle of the Bible Belt", so I don't have a lot in common with most of the people here. But that's okay. I never discuss religion or politics, anyway. It's just hard to find really close friends when you live in that kind of environment. I'm perfectly okay with them being Christian, but they are not okay with my not being Christian. Too bad.

Hayseed, thanks for the offer but
today on my way back from ceramic class, I stopped and got my babies some of the organic catnip and ground it up between the fingers and they rolled and sniffed and had such a good time. I wish I could have taken all the covers including blankets, sheets, whatever that I have put over my new furniture from 3 days ago but had no time before had to get to work. Am off tomorrow so will try and orientate the babies towards their new delight. They did love it and am hoping this will be a good thing for them instead of the new leather.
ROFL Hayseed you are something else!
You always make me laugh. Thank you!
I Agree Hayseed
I couldn't even read the article because I knew how upset I'd be. They deserve a whole lot worse.
I'd vote for Hayseed. Maybe she'd run? nm
How are you coming along with it now Hayseed? nm
Great tip Hayseed - thanks!
These scammers are pretty darn crafty!!  Scares me sometimes. 
Hayseed you crack me up!!!
Don't hold back so much next time, tell us how you really feel.  LOL.  I love your up front and no nonsense attitude.  You are a breath of fresh (or not so fresh from your avitar) air.