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That's quite a lot to assume that because

Posted By: TM on 2006-10-11
In Reply to: that stands as good reasoning, huh? "because of other people, that's why - i didn't attend church and worship You, Lord

I don't attend church that I don't worship.

Sounds like maybe you need to do a little more worshiping!

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Yes! Thanks very much. I assume I can buy the
wicks and scents from Walmart/Target craft department?
Please do not assume (sm)
That I have "never picked up a Bible or attended church much at all."  You would be wrong.  I do not believe in judging people and telling people who will go to Heaven and who will not.  I wouldn't presume to tell anyone that their loved one will not go to Heaven because of their religion - and unless you happen to be the Second Coming personified, you shouldn't either.
I assume you said...sm
rebellion because she chose to keep her maiden name. We don't discuss that in our family. LOL
you cannot assume
that she is on welfare. Maybe she is. but if so, do you really think that monetary compensation for the babies would hold a light to all she has to do to take care of them now and heart aches to come for the next 20 years? My concern is more for whether she LOVES her children and raises them well than the money and where it comes from.
That's a lot to assume. Everyone has bad days.
Everyone shouldn't be so quick to judge!

Even though I'm not in the mood, I usually give my husband a smile or something. He usually just smiles and then leaves me alone. I think sometimes even if they aren't getting anything they still just want to feel wanted, ego boost, whatever you want to call it. :)
When you assume....you are usually wrong..
as you were in this case...I used to live on a corner lot and when working away from home broken into probably 6 or 7 times, had to have bars put on the windows, stolen from- my son went by the house once and called me and told me he was there as were the police, just broken in on. One time I was at home, the house dark and someone entered the door thinking no one was there. Oh, by the way, had an exhusband who also stalked me for a long time. Please do not assume when you don�t really know about someone else. Unlike others considering being paranoid, just things happened to me like it happens to others- I just got over mine...
So, since he's divorced twice, do we assume that it

Isn't there such a thing as he divorced the wives?  Are you catching my drift?  I guess we automatically assume it was "his" fault, and never the woman's?  Just a thought.  I say just take it slow, but it is so much fun to have that initial spark, and if it continues, then great. 

I'm not sure of specifics, I assume it was
T3, T4 and TSH. Are there others they can check if these are normal? Everything I read says if thyroid usually these levels are affected. I appreciate all of your responses. I'm very nervous.
I am told never assume as you did
because you are usually wrong and such is the case here, and by the way, you are excused.
don't assume a 29-year-old is
responsible, either. My sister still lives at home (27) and my parents do her laundry, tell her to pay her bills, make her supper and clean her room. The age of the sister isn't the issue here.
assume this is true. God help you
and get away from him. get to the women's shelter, in fact, you probably need the witness protection program. he cannot legally drop insurance on the kids with a court order. There has to be someone legal to help you and the women's shelter or crisis abuse hotline knows all the numbers. outside of your kids it does not sound like you would be leaving much behind if you just went with what you could carry. I would take ANY death threat seriously and the fact he is now turning it on the kids is worrisome. Good luck.
Assume the smoking outside will not last. sm
I've lived with smokers. They all say they'll only do it outside. They ALL eventually revert to doing it inside. Especially when you are the only non-smoker. Consider how this will affect you. They may be awesome, but they're awesome smokers.
assume you are talking about sm
Something called big love, it's disgustingly funny, watch it so I know what some will do in the name of the Almighty One. I am a God-loving person but give me a break, please!! Let's just see if wife #4, the waitress gets to join the love fest. Yuk! Double Yik, yuk! Throwing up!
Not true. Don't assume because you store something somewhere
that the person storing it is liable if something is lost or stolen. In fact, I had stuff stolen from a storage facility and they were not liable. Luckily my homeowners insurance paid.

In this case I believe both husbands were at fault. OPs husband because he chose rest rather than being sure that the quads were safe....and BIL because he shouldn't have accepted responsibility for the quads if he didn't feel he could store them safely. Both should take equal responsibility for the loss IMO.

I assume you're single.......
You need to call this guy. Call him at the office with a "question" and see where the conversation takes you.....Good luck!!!
And you assume you are the only woman this has ever happened to??
Unbelievable. I have gone thru exactly the same thing, abused, mistreated, broken arm, blackened eyes. What does that have to do with forgetting other than possibly all those hits to the head. My children do not motivate me to remember. My dear, loving husband does not motivate me. My loving cats do not motivate me. No one can motivate me to remember, just ain't there. Very responsible person, pay all my bills, run 3 different homes, rentals included, write things down or give to hubby like I said so I won't misplace. I call that pretty responsible. I think no one should assume about another person's life when they really don't have a clue as to what they have been through.
and I assume they have all signed HIPAA
contracts!  Sorry about your loss.  That is a crowded workstation.  Why do my cats think they can sit in my lap while I type?
Why do you assume she married the money?

Jealous much?

I can't speak for her, but I've been married for 13 years and my husband certainly wasnt making 6 figures when I married him. Some people have goals in life, and do things early on in their life/career to help them attain those goals. 

Plus, you act as if a 6-figure income is rich and let me tell you, it's far from it (assuming she is on the lower end of that 6 figures as our household is). 

I'm not trying to slam anyone, honestly, it just amazes me some of the things people are posting to save money and makes me wonder how they can be content with their job/life if they have to struggle that much.  This is still America, the land of opportunity, and we all have a chance to better ourselves if we choose to do so.  Granted it is harder these days than say, 10 years ago, but it is still possible. Cripes, there are illegal immigrants living better off than it sounds like some of you are!

Why do you assume we're "behind"? sm
I think you'll find just the opposite to be true. Most of the therapies have come from adult stem cell research done in the US, or by American researchers in collaboration with those from other countries.

More to the point, and I hate to keep having to say this, my original post took no position against ESC research. I only pointed out that it does not appear to hold the promise that those who are grabbing for federal tax dollars would have you believe, that it has had a number of problems (such as seeding people with cancer), AND that it is a grave mistake to open these doors without due consideration for the potential risk to human embryos.

Let's think about this last point for a minute. It seems that this sort of precipitous action is becoming a habit with this administration.

We see this in the precipitous passage of the bailout package without the five days promised to read it.

We see it with Guantanamo, releasing terrorists BEFORE conducting the review that Obama himself promised.

We see it in the debacle of the proposal to Russia to dismantle the missile shield if Russia would help with Iran, which was releasedto the American press before it was discussed with Russia in displomati circles and, as a result, getting a world-class come-uppance when we were turned down like a bedspread by Putin.

I could go on, but this President is proving to be distressingly naive, politically inept, and impulsive. Whether it's throwing $billions at "fixing the economy" without proper safeguards, ESC research without proper safeguards, releasing Guantanamo prisoners without proper review, announcing the date of withdrawl from Iraq months in advance, or releasing sensitive diplomatic information to the press prematurely, the Obama administration needs to grow up and slow down.

One almost has the sense that Obama knows he will only have four years, and if he doesn't become much more measured in his actions, he just might be right.
oooooooh nooooooo....dont assume anything

NOT on line.  I went to a party....much like tupperware or candle party.  Only women.  It was so darn much fun - in fact, I think it was called a *Fun Party*.  It was done tastefully, as much as possible considering it started out with this 2 or 3 foot plastic/rubber phallus in the middle of the floor.  The hostess explained all the products and how to use them, etc., etc.  She even let you try out some samples of things, privately in a separate room if you wanted.  And when it came time to order, that was done privately also.  If you wanted to tell your friends what you bought, you could.  If you didnt want anyone to know, that was up to you.

We did have refreshments and, no, hot dogs were not served.

Come to think of it, we were mostly all transcriptionists there!  Ages from 20s to 60s.  We all worked together.  I guess we MTs are just a fun lovin bunch!!!

Nope - we assume it'll be tough

I think boomers are the last of the "fix it" generations - able to make simple repairs, jump a stalled vehicle, do things "the hard way/old fashioned way" on manual, non-electronic office equipment and machines, tell time on a wind-up non-digital clock.

Many people from younger generations admit they know how to do very little unless it happens to be their college-trained specialty.  Things boomers take for granted as normal life skills like

Sew up a rip in clothing or replace a button

Pull a car out of a ditch or change a flat tire

Cook dinner from scratch, and substitute ingredients in a pinch

Do long division on paper instead of a computer, and make change without electronic help

Many who don't know, don't want to learn - they always assume there'll be someone out there they can hire to do it for them.  As a boomer I've always been shocked and dismayed at younger generations blithe lack of self-sufficiency.  Seems like they don't know how to do anything - and don't want to know.

I guess these are the times when people just assume without knowing...
I said when I answered her call "She seemed out of sorts, curt reply, telling me to call her back." Well, with all "assuming" that is going on, I assume people are not reading the post as I stated. If she thinks I am angry, I have told her to ask me. A person who assumes is wrong a lot of the time- as you were here.

It's just as rude to assume everyone will want to drop everything to talk to you when you call. n
Most people would assume mom was cremated and waiting to bury urn
at least that's what I think.