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Thanks mom and dad.

Posted By: ludicrous on 2009-05-15
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I went to a local hospital today to pay on my daugher's ER visit 3 months ago.   I have been making monthly payments but since my tax refund came in I can just go ahead and pay it all.  I asked the clerk to add up all that I owe on myself and H as well.   This hospital and clinic merged their billing all together.  I was kind of annoyed anyway to find out that the insurance H and I pay $600 a month for would not pay a dime on my recent lab work because it was pre-existing condition.   That was $124.  Also it would not pay much on H's two 15-minute visits with the physical therapist, that was $280 but what really bothers me is that they also added a bill in from 1987.  I was hospitalized in this hospital when I was 11 years old for a week and mom and dad never finished paying on that bill and they are trying to say that I am responsible for it.   Twice they have  brought this to my attention and I told him I was a minor child back in 1987 and I don't think I would be responsible for any hospital bills that my parents are.  They said that it is kind of weird that they would put me as a guarantor and that they would look into it.   That bill is $274.   I worked for this hospital from 1993 to 1999 but not a word was said about it.  It is just now comming about.  Are they right?  Am I responsible? 

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