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Thanks, Phillychick...nm

Posted By: moo on 2008-04-19
In Reply to: Over the bra. It really is worth it! nm - phillychick

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Where to Stay in Las Vegas PhillyChick...sm
Just wanted to add my 2 cents!  We usually stay with my sis when we go to Vegas, but in the past two years we have stayed at the MGM and New York, New York.  I really liked the MGM - lots to see inside the casino.  We aren't gamblers.  The first room we were given at the MGM was very small so we asked for a different room and we got it.  Things I like to do in Vegas: visit the Fashion Show Mall on the strip {across the street from Treasure Island}, the Bellagio - the dancing waters, the Forum shops, Eiffel Tower and the shops at the Paris, Fremont Street Experience - the light show is great!, and try to find Elvis impersonators!  Nothing can compete with a Nascar Race - I'm envious - but have you been to Sedona, AZ?  It is beautiful!  About a 2 hour drive from Phoenix - I think.  And Jerome, AZ, on the way to Sedona is an old western town that is fun too.  Oh, almost forgot, "The District" in Green Valley in Henderson {suburb of Vegas} is a neat place to go to shop also.  It is about 20 minutes from the Strip - very easy to get to.  Have a great time at the Nascar Race and a great trip!