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Thank you for asking, and funny you should ask today

Posted By: trose on 2008-04-25
In Reply to: trose....How's your son? Everything going well? nm - mt

Everything seemed to be going fine until last night. I asked him a question that he totally took the wrong way (can't even remember what it was cuz it turned into such a huge argument)and things just escalated from there. He is still going to the therapist, goes again next Wednesday but either I have completely overreacted or he is still in total denial, maybe a little of both. Still says everything was just a joke. Let me know that he was still mad at me for sending him to a shrink, didn't like me walking on eggshells around him (had no idea I was doing that), not being able to trust him, and thanks for talking to his friends cuz now they think he is crazy.

He can't seem to understand that any caring parent would have done pretty much the same thing. I also told him if we didn't trust him we would have taken his car keys from, we certainly wouldn't let him drive our daughter around, and we probably wouldn't let him leave the house. DH did back me up on this. Our son doesn't seem to have an anger toward his father even though DH has agreed with everything we have said and done so far. As far as his friends go, they have been doing everything they possibly could to talk him to going to the prom. He is a junior but two of his closest friends are seniors and really want him there. They are going in a big group, some couples and some singles. He did ask me this morning to take him to order a tux, so I was really glad for that. I felt like after the fight last night some things are more out in the open now. Maybe we are making progress, but I still don't know where we need to get to. Next week I am going to talk to the therapist first and tell him what happened last night. DS still won't talk about what goes on in the sessions.

I walked with my SIL this morning and talking to her helped. She kept reminding my that he is only 17 and some of the things he said last night were out of anger and he meant to hurt me. I understand that now, and realize that there is defintely some teenage angst that he just really needs to release right now, and I don't think he knows exactly how to do that. Please keep us in your thoughts.

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That was funny - thanks! LOL - he's nicer today (of course) sm
he saw me looking up "signs that someone close to you is an alcoholic" and of course using typical verbal abuser behavior, he has been really nice yesterday and today...I used to fall for it hook, line and sinker and believe that things had miraculously changed...I don't buy it any more but do enjoy the reprieve!
What do you think of the quality of clothing today. What I looked at shopping today in nice stores
the stuff wasnt even sewn properly.  Do you have to look at everything you buy or just hope it lasts a year. 
You're so funny!!! That's what I wanted - funny redneck stories
Just kinda tired of my house looking like Sanford and Son - LOL!
Added fresh chives today. to the egg today.
and a SMIDGE of soy sauce.
That is too funny... I'm sure it wasn't funny at the time.
Funny looking Bob with the funny looking wife

How is she today?
She seems better today

She seems better today, sort of.  She hasn't eaten anything since 12 or so last night, but she didn't puke or have diarrhea that I've found anyway.  I'm going to call the vet and see about doing some IV fluids if she won't drink something pretty soon.  She's just all sunken in looking from dehydration.

She is a very high stress dog.  She's trying to sit even closer to me than usual and even tried to get under my legs while I'm typing but I kept stepping on her.  I'm hoping this isn't going to be a long term issue for her    Poor dog.  I'm wondering if maybe this is a recurrent thing and she was so stressed by her prior unknown situation that is what caused part of her being so skinny when we first got her.

how are you today?
From what I saw today, I do not think
Noah will make it. Does not look good. Not sure about Jack since he is trapped with the methane gas and it looks like he was injured too after getting Sharon and Nick out. What a story line. I guess some people want to leave or are being fired.
I have today off....
Just started FT with a new company last week.  I don't get paid, but I don't care.  I actually have a holiday off without having to use precious PTO, like at my old job at the Q.  I'm doing laundry this morning and then having lunch at my sister's with  whole family.  Can't wait!
Today is my day off......
normally I try to catch up on cleaning, laundry, errands, etc. Spent 2 1/2 hours at the doc's office...DD has strep. Sigh! Life is what happens when you are busy making other plans.
It was on today. sm
Only a couple of mins on the Toys for Tots.  Most of the program was devoted to the studio audience, victims of the fire in the Santa Monica Mountains.  Lots of gifts.  Only a few mins devoted to Toys for Tots, but the kids looked really happy.  Merry Christmas to them.
So OP, how are you today?? Are you ok? nm
Now, maybe, maybe not...44 for me but today...
I feel like I am maybe 64? Been working since approximately 3 a.m. and still a couple of reports left to do before a close my eyes tonight.  So, what did you do for your B-day....
Got ours today
I'm happy about it, but it's going to help pay off a credit card so I'm trying not to think of what I really wanted to do with it.
Sorry-- Not with it today-- been ill
Please forgive me.  I've been fighting a bug all week. 
I saw it today
I thought it was absolutely the sweetest thing and it made me cry a little tear also.  It was heartwarming.
What I am doing today
I had meant to buy my husband and my daughter some cheese and crackers (they are getting other things) and almost completely forgot so went to the store earlier this morning and got 2 of each. Straightened up in the house some as having company over tomorrow. I am going to fix a picnic ham but hubby wants to be here when I start that later on today (he does not trust me much in the kitchen- goody for me). Much of the day is pure leisure- no more shopping, just relaxing. Nothing special for later on tonight.
I took her to the vet today...sm
I wanted to make sure of what the problem was. I took her and he examined the leg and said that she sprained it. He said there was no serious problem in it. He said that with her weight, she is a beagle who weighs 40 pounds, that by jumping on the couch and bed she probably sprained it. She is pretty fat to be jumping around. I said well have you ever seen a beagle this fat and he said oh yes I have seen quite a few. He said she is spayed isn't she. I said yes and that is when she got so fat after spaying her. He said sometimes that happens. The medicine starts with a P but it is the same basically as Rimadyl. It is for pain/inflammation. He said give her one every other day for 2 weeks. She had been taking one every day. He said since she seems to be getting better change it to every other day and then in two weeks just stop giving it. She is back to her old self so I guess her fat butt sprained her knee jumping off the bed or couch. God love her.
my b-day today
Today was my b-day. 49 years old. I handle my b-days really well. As my grandma used to say one year closer to taking a nice long nap. HA HA. B-days don't really hit me, but sometimes I just feel like I'm falling apart. Losing hair, now have rosacea (at least I think its rosacea), and these whiteheads like I had when I was a teenager, and i've got one of those nice nasty yeast infections. Started taking Monostat and now I've got my period. Then I go to the eye doctor and he sits back and says - so tell me about your family history of eye diseases. First thing I think of oh, this doesn't sound good (dad has macular degeneration - he said right away I don't have that). Well I'm on the watch list for cataracts. He said I'm not old enough for that, but it's upper high pressure (or something like that). Oh and I've got some membrane dystrophy syndrome where at night time the membrane doesn't attach to where it is suppose to attach and causes me eye pains for about 10-15 minutes every morning. Oh isn't life grand! javascript:editor_insertHTML('text','');
My ER report today -
CHIEF COMPLAINT:  Difficulty pooping.   
Anyone else waddling today?

I feel like I have been soaked in turkey gravy, mashed potatoes, sweet potato casserole, and pecan pie.    I glanced a rear view of myself in the mirror today and said WHOA, love handles!!    Today and yesterday we have all been grazing on all the great left-overs from Thursday.

Anyone else feel full and ready to go on a diet??

Go today. Right now. Go to ER and tell them about bite.
Who has snow today? sm
Big snowstorm here in Ohio! It's been snowing nonstop since early this morning and isn't going to stop anytime soon. My husband's job even cancelled today! We probably have 4 or 5 inches already.
None today but everyday is like
Valentines to me, no difference, love, smooches, sweet talk, hugs, kisses and just everything I need in my man.
Today, 55 is the new 35; and @ 55 I still live like a 25-yr-old.
Haha... maybe the doc is in his 20's and right out of med-school? Or else really old, from a time when 40 was considered ancient?

You're only as old as you act and feel. So that makes me physically 25, and mentally 16. ;p
What is better than getting you pay check today?
Getting your tax refund also. I am now making plans for my vacation trip this summer out west!! I am so excited. I will use a tour company as my dear hubby and daughter neither one want to travel with me. Oh well, their loss and Yellowstone, here I come!
Thanks everyone! I'm convinced! I will buy one today! nm

Alice - how is your cat today?
While out today, I was so tempted to
stop and get a pack!!! This is so hard, but I am doing it.

I cannot drink a coke though. It tastes really gross and I love coke. Dr. Pepper tastes gross too, but not as bad as coke. I've just been chugging water every time an urge hits.
Well, thanks for nothing! What is with you people today?!
All I asked for was a little help. We're actually going to see if the builder will put the fence up if we give a full price offer, but I have NO IDEA how much something like this costs INCLUDING labor in case they try to say it's some crazy figure! If they won't do this, then we're going to offer around $4000 less than the asking price, but I wanted to know if this would be equivalent to building the fence or not???
Yes, snowed all day today
I live in CO Springs and it has snowed all day today. We are supposed to get 2-3" today and more tomorrow. However, my daughter in PA tells me it is supposed to snow in the Poconos tonight, so you just can't win.
I finally saw it today ...
I was off today. First I watched it when DH left the house to run errands and I was supposed to be showering. Then I watched it again with DH tonight, never telling him I'd already seen it because he'd be disappointed that I already knew what was going on! But I still misunderstood a line between Juliet and Hurley. I thought Hurley said he REMEMBERED Juliet from the dock, when the hoods were put over their heads and they got shocked, and then she said it was her day off, like her day off from working as a doctor, so she joined in the fun of shocking the prisoners! Which I thought was wicked humor. But DH said Hurley said he DIDN'T remember her from the dock. I would have thought she was there, but maybe not.

Anyway, what proof does Juliet have that her sister's cancer actually came back? I don't remember Ben proving that, except with paperwork, which could have been faked. And why were we looking at a heart rhythm strip to see if her brain cancer had returned? Wha? And the way I was reading Juliet when she was with Ben, his manipulation of her actions didn't mean she was back on his side or necessarily going to do all of his bidding, even if it she might appear to be doing what he wanted. After all, she was alone now either way, and seems like she needed to join up with the group for herself. So when she said to Jack she was in it alone already, I think she could have meant from Ben, too. She's just trying to survive and find a way back, and this group wants to get back as bad as she does.

But I'm not addicted to this show or anything ...
Just having flare today
I had put posts on the fibro post and started water exercises but that for the day or the day after seems to exacerbate. I do have a pain management place I have been to before so am sure can get another appointment if need be. I am not returning to the rhematologist nor any other physicians for the time being. I, like you, am tired of paying and paying and nothing. I have hypothyroidism so will return to the endocrine and if and when I need some medical assistance, have a family practice but for the time being all others are out. So much time, so much money and nothing- still having the pain.
Yep, me too. Turned it on today just to see...
her "announcement" and I had to quickly change the channel again. She's the worst. I will be happy to give it a try again once she is OFF
You are right, too much work today
I am thinking social security and that kicks in for me at 67. I would love to stay on hubs insurance rather than receive Medicare at 65 but will check closer to then.
In Pittsburgh, gas is $2.85 as of today.
Tomorrow could be a different story.
I live in Nevada and today it was $3.45 and more at most stations, but at Costco it was $3.29. You are not too far from me and it seems we have the highest gas prices. I drive an SUV too and it is very painful when the pump shuts off and I see the amount. Maybe I need a Volkswagon or something like when I was young! We need our SUV because we have a lot of people in our family. All the small cars or hybrid cars are too small for our family. I guess we could strap some kitchen chairs up on top and some of us could ride that way! I have no answer for this - maybe I'll invest in a few horses. Feed and vet bills are high too, but they are so pretty and I actually think I could save money! I have to fill the SUV up twice a week. That is about 150.00 x 4 weeks = $600.00. Like half a mortgage payment or about the same as my electric bill! Guess I'll have to type more!
they don't care today, what with...


I watched it today
not too bad, kind of leaves you with the idea that their lives will go on as usual with the normal changes etc. Of course it is just a television show ;-)
Today for Orlando, FL.

Anon - please get help today -
I really don't want to be an alarmist, however, we all read the news and every day there's a report of wife who disappears (or is killed by her husband.) If (and this is a big IF) he is getting worse and IF you feel threatened by his behavior - get help! Look in the white pages for social services and find a woman's help group. Only you can tell if he's getting angry and if you're frightened. If I were frightened in any way by my husband or his behavior I'd be out of there! We cannot give you any other advice than to seek advice in your community before it's too late. Again, to reiterate and make my point, it really sounds like he's into porn. There's many types of porn from the mild Playboy type to the really ugly violent porn! I hear that it becomes addicting to some people and, if that is the case here, I would seek help immediately!
How is your son feeling today?
My 3yo had a fever last Friday. Don't you just feel so terrible when they're sick?
What did you see today about Noah?
All I saw was that they knew he was inside with possible internal injuries. I can not imagine Sharon and Nick would lose Noah. I know it is soap world but they just is unbelievable cruel even for a soap opera.
My son is 10 - bought him a men's 9 today (sm)
I know the feeling! His feet are bigger than mine and the same size as his dads!
I will be going to Whole Foods today to look for some of that - thanks! (nm)
Today is my birthday, so..!

the family and I are having a birthday picnic.  Nice weather here in Michigan too.  You're invited!

Turned 40 today
You wanted some positives....if you are healthy, be thankful, a lot of people are not....I will be 65 this year, people say I look 40.....I'm healthy, physically active, triathalons & all that that entails to stay fit.....very fortunate--kids grown & gone.  Worked hard raising kids & now it is paying off.....don't have to raise grandkids.  Retired from one career & started another.....Be happy!  You know more now at 40 than you did at 20.  Work smarter, not harder!
I'm so sorry...my thoughts are with him today. nm

We had rain twice today, so
we are pretty happy here.