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Sounds like you prefer to accuse first, ask later.

Posted By: power play on 2009-02-25
In Reply to: Whatever, reward your husband - SM


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Well, they could accuse all they want
because hardly fits me as having mixed family but yes cannot stand ebonics.
I don't want to falsely accuse...

I haven't talked to the principal yet as I had to leave early that morning to have some teeth pulled. But I think I will on Monday. I hate to falsely accuse but I'll suggest they compare handwriting before they talk to him. If it doesn't match at all then maybe they don't need to talk to him.  Like I said, if I don't say anything and he did do it....well, future scenarios could be horrible. It could also possibly save his own life if he gets help now before he really does hurt someone. I know that the racial slurs don't normally mean anything, and I don't usually take them to heart,  but it's just too much of a coincidence that it happens the same time as the note with the same racial slurs that he used on the kids as well as getting punched by a black kid just a few days prior.

My son did go to school the next day and of course everything was okay. I just get so nervous because of everything you hear these days. No one is safe anywhere.

Thanks for all your input. I really do appreciate it. I'll keep you posted if they ever do find out who did it.


I would not accuse him, but I would definately look into it.
This is not something I could ignore, but I would try to remain calm and not cause a big fight over it. 
I wouldn't accuse him, but I would show him the
Prefer GE
I prefer GE appliances, and that's all I use.  Don't like anything else.  I would get the heavy duty with the large tub for the larger loads.
I prefer a
But here is your place to go for advice:

Need new contacts, which ones do you prefer? sm

I currently wear Acuvue but my eyes get so dry. Any opinions are appreciated!


i prefer frontline plus,
it takes care of fleas and ticks. My vet has it cheaper than on-line.
I also prefer died
tells it like it is. Expired just sounds dumb. I have not heard these in medical records but here are a few terms for disabled people I hate (I am disabled): Differently abled, physically challenged and - (gag) - handicapable. Who came up with these?  Admittedly, crippled does not sound right anymore and handicapped sounds passe but just plain disabled will do.
some may prefer to be more proactive.
I prefer to be called...
nutritarian. Going meatless is easy. We love it. Need recipes... email me. :-)
I would prefer live geese, which I would also
I'd prefer to stay mainly anon except to say
I recently relocated to Texas (I have a few co-workers/friends that visit these boards and I really don't want them to know about my daughter's situation, it's rather embarassing to me).

I'm very angered with the school system. Not just this situation but also the special ed stuff going on with my son. The district my kids are in seems too busy to really want to deal with the parent. That's why I know if I marched down there tomorrow about my daughter's punishment, I'd get nowhere but have a headache. It's just not worth it to me right now, as I'm so very busy and with the holidays, it all stinks, ya know.

Thanks for listening.
These are my two most favorites, but I prefer the CSI in Vegas...sm
I think Grissom is awesome!
i used to prefer stethoscope type
(i've been doing this many many years) and used the foam in ear flex type more recently. Looked into active noise canceling and didn't want to mess with batteries etc, and opted for passive 'noise canceling', now using the Bose, over/head, over/ear type and really like them a lot (not too pricey off Ebay).
I prefer over -- but most days I'm just tickled if 1 of

I prefer superficial relationships
I find that the only people I like are the ones I don't know very well. So I try to like everyone I meet, and just keep it light.
...and the clickable link for those who prefer that. sm
See below.
I usually prefer a hotel bed. Most people's
I can stay up til 2AM like I usually do, eat whatever, get up late, have M&Ms for breakfast and watch cartoons if I feel like it. And don't have to keep on being chatty and nice. I can just be my grouchy old self in a hotel room. The TVs are usually better too, and you don't have to wait to use the bathroom.
Most doctors I know prefer women that are open....sm
and not trying to act like someone they aren't. Just treat him like a regular person and hopefully you'll have a great time.
Oh I much rather prefer my furry friends to the kids now
also, so much easier, less cost, always loving, always there for you, cant do without my precious ones.
Absolutely true; that's why I would think most people prefer girls.
I agree - I would prefer Ariana Huffington to Oprah!!

There are all types of gods, not just yours, guess it depends on which one you prefer to believe in.
Parents might prefer "alone" time to rest after the
I prefer Danny. He's got soul, unlike Adam.
You may be, from the sounds of your posts, sounds like an *illegal*
and that in itself is a crime. Nobody else would take 65.00 for an entire day slaving/laundry, heavy cleaning, etc. LOL. Nah, I don't think so. I'm just saying, what it sounds like to me. : )
He sounds wonderful...sounds like you two have a relationship (sm)
based on love and nothing superficial at all. I'm glad you appreciate him and are so grateful for him. Best wishes & continued happiness to you both :-)
Sounds like you are doing everything right...

Hang in there.  It sounds to like you are doing everything right.  I totally agree that kids are under too much pressure these days and that they certainly need to be given more time to just be kids.  Being a single mom I try make sure that my children grow up to be responsible adults with good morals and values, but I also make sure that they have their space so they have a chance to make their own choices (when possible) and see the consequences of those choices.  Being a parent is certainly not easy and doing it in today's society is stressful to say the least. 

As for your neighbor, I think she could take some lessons from you.  Good luck and keep your chin up!!! 

Sounds to me like . . .
she has the attention she wanted, it's almost like you took her bait. She sent you nasty Emails and now you are begging her to forgive you. You know the the saying "Don't cast pearls before swine". Sounds like she can more easily respond to the negative rather than the positive. Anyway, what would you do if she forgave you? Be her friend again? Until she changes her heart, you're better off, keep your distance. She sees your goodness as weakness. It's probably fun for her to make you uncomfortable. Maybe deep down she is jealous of you. Don't hate her, be sad for her. Don't fall into her games.
sounds like a CC I used to have, which did--sm
pretty much the same thing. They said it was their *annual fee* and, like you, I just paid it to keep the peace and close the account. Personally I think it is a scam just to get a few more dollars out of you, but how do you prove it and who do you complain to??? I don't have credit cards any longer either. Learned my lesson too. what a rip!
Sounds like (sm)
your FIL has two abled bodies to care for him already.  Why should you go back?  It would probably be nice if you checked in once in a while and took your 2-year-old to visit, but moving back sounds like it would put a strain on things.  Your husband may be feeling guilty and feels the need to "help".  Explain to him that helping is taking some groceries once in a while or offering to pick-up meds, etc.  You, your husband, and child would be probably a breath of fresh air once in a while if you were to just visit on occasion.  Moving back seems a little like overkill, but it is tough because when it is family you want to give it your all!  Also, there is one in every family that "freeloads".  Let them figure it out for now.  Hope your FIL is feeling better soon and hope you can find your way to be helpful without having to sacrifice your new home....  Take care and good luck... 
sounds mean . . .sm
but when my daughter and husband were pulling that on me I told my daughter it was not safe that she could die very easily in the front seat or get hurt very badly. She quit asking, daddy quit doing it. Now she is 12-1/2 and no problem there, she is 5Ƌ" and weighs about 130 pounds. But I used to get SO FRUSTRATED!!! Daddy's little girl . . . .
Don't know that one, but it sounds sm
like a good time.  if you are in for an evening away from the parks. I have friends who own Sleuth's dinner theater.  Three theaters, dinner included, plus one is only for kids, I think.  You enjoy a great dinner, and a murder mystery play, where you take part in solving the mystery.  It is right on Universal Drive and I think the website is sleuths.com
sounds like your going to anyway.
but i would urge you to proceed with caution, go very very slowly. When it seems too perfect, too good to be true, it may be wrong. One of my first thoughts is that if he is the spiritual man you think, ie, Christian, he might not have had 2 divorces -- not always the case, but often times. you both need to know what your own faults are and be careful to not make the same mistakes. More than anything (outside of knowing each other very well, nonintimately) is have real committment on both sides, the determination to stay with the marriage. i married a man with 2 divorces too -- 25 yr later we're still married. But it was sheer determination to make it work on my part, lots of prayer and such. I did endure what one should not have to, to get to this point. Once i was into it, i certainly understood how come he had been divorced twice. Wishing you the best.
Sounds like now as of this a.m.

Apparently the so-called lawyer owns a business called Hot Lips Smoochy or something like that and has never tried any cases at all.  He is apparently the executor of her estate.  Now isn't that convenient?  He tells the photographer Daddy that she lost the baby, but she winds up having a baby anyway 9 months later.  The photographer breaks it off with her because she is drinking while pregnant.  Oh my, the gossip.  She looks like she's all drugged-up on any interviews I've seen, and I saw one last night from 3 days before her death.  She is wearing dark glasses for the first part (inside), and they go outside, and she takes the glasses off.  Makes no sense.  I don't know, but what does Granny want with the baby now?  That poor baby!  So many Daddies??????  I have never seen men trying to prove they ARE the father in all of my life?  Twists and turns this story has, which I'm sure has the producers in Hollywood salivating.  There will be books and there will be moves.  Life happens, I guess. 

It sounds to me like you are not even willing --sm
to compromise on this and want everything YOUR way. What arrangement does HE want? Do you even know? You never said what HE would like. It is just my opinion, but it does not sound like you are even ready to get married, if you cannot find a way to compromise on even this small detail. Good luck to you.
Sounds to me like you were just being
very thoughtful, and I bet he appreciates you as much as you seem to appreciate him. What a wonderful thing!
She sounds like quite a gal . . .
especially the part about being a practicing Buddhist. She probably marched to the beat of a different drummer. The doctors might have saved her but who knows what quality of life she might have. My mom, dad, aunts all were healthy until their 80s. They end up in a nursing home. My aunt is 90, she's really been dying for a year, they keep on prolonging it. I think death at some point may be a blessing. You're going through a mourning process. Your tears are for you, you'll miss her, she'll be in a better place. You are going to have to brace up and take comfort in your faith.
Actually should be It sounds.....nm
sounds like my SIL
We had a chow years ago. We raised him from a pup and he was very protective of all of us but especially the kids. ANY kids for that matter.

The kids in the yard, someone comes up the driveway, he was there. Would not let anyone get between him and those kids. Didn't matter if they were our kids or their friends. He never bit anyone but he wasn't going to let anyone take "his" kids either.

Never did that to the parents of the kids either, just total strangers that he didn't know. For Chow's, he had an exceptional personality and never saw him so much as growl at anyone. He would bark but would back away as he was barking.

My SIL's chow is a rescue so who knows how he was raised.
She just sounds like someone who has --sm
to pick and pick until she starts an arguement. Try to ignore her. If you don't give her what she wants, she will go away. just my opinion.
sounds like it to me . . .
I've seen two physicians recently, one who specializes in anxiety, and they think the crude policy under my current company of having to "make up" any time I take off is burning me out, promotes physical and mental self-neglect and is fueling an anxiety disorder. "That's sick," is actually what one said, and put me on a mild anxiolytic temporarily and told me to find a way out. The company says "everyone else does it" like I'm some kind of freak or bad MT, but in talking to other MTs there I'm finding the majority saying no they're not or they are frying themselves out doing it and have also complained about it. Having to always "make up" a day off is not a day off and does not promote rest. I'm having to learn to take the doctors' advice I'm typing for, letting go and taking care of myself. :-) The consequences of not doing so are much more dire. It kills me they have an EAP program. Seems to me investing in just letting people have a life would be more efficient. Recently bought out, the new company acted like it was a plus to keep this crappy policy. Yeah, right.

I'm really, really close to singing "Take this job and shove it . . . " Shame, because it's an otherwise decent company, um, unless you want a life.

Watching all my family enjoy this weekend as a 3-day weekend while I type. Sometimes I wake up and cry before starting work because I feel like I can't get a break from this job without consequences.

WORDS OF WISDOM: When applying for an MT job, ASK CAREFULLY about the EXACT way "time off" is calculated and quiz their MTs, not the administrative people who have never done MT. What looks good on paper . . .
Sounds like they don�t have a pot to
pi..s� in. These sound like grown folks and I do not consider myself a bank, therefore do not loan money out even to my grown KIDS. Only could a child move in with me if they were sick and unable to take care of their own self. Sounds like they have no responsibility about financial business. Sorry they would just have to do things on their own. Loaning money (or giving it away, whatever the case is) only makes relationships strained. I do not sign as collateral for anyone, do not take stray folks in, do not run a banking business.
That sounds very pretty. You can also do just a border around the top of the wall with the sponge paint effect. That way it keeps it from being too much green!
Sounds to me like
although getting paid, maybe not the right 1 to be trying to watch the kids. I am a grandmother myself. This sounds like she is irritated by their actions and maybe they did kick her more than you OR maybe with her older legs it just hurts her more. My legs now are a lot different from when I had children as far as the aches and pains, even bruises and sometimes cuts just show up without your knowing where they exactly came from. Yes, she is offended they said something about her legs (even though on the 7 year old I would know probably too young to really understand what the veins were) but she is getting back at them now and trying to get her point across - even if they arent understanding she is trying to make them understand. I don�t see this as a really workable situation. It has been 2 weeks and already everyone at everyone else. Not a good situation. Pretty soon grandmom and kids just doing tit for TAT at each other. Maybe a good sit down and talk it over or else grandmom goes back home and you get someone who is a little younger and able to corral the kids better?
Sounds like you are doing everything right to me - sm
I lived at home for years as it was too expensive to get your own place where my parents were unless you had a really, really good income, which I did not have unfortunately. I did not have a firm curfew once I went to college but it was understood they prefered I be home by 1 a.m. which I ususally abided by, if I knew I was going to be out later I told them, or if I was not coming home at all, I told them. They always knew who I was out with too, and the general plan for the evening. I never really resented it, yeah it was a drag sometimes but at least they cared enough to ask and try and keep me out of trouble (they don't know half of the stupid stuff I did do and never got in trouble for; i.e. going out with stranger met in a parking lot, that sort of stuff, nothing criminal). One thing that will stop her from staying out really late is make her get a summer job, that is one thing that kept me from staying out all hours, sleep was necessary to get up at 6:45 and be at work at 8:00 (til 5pm). My parents paid my tuition but I paid for all the supplies, books, etc., and I also worked 2 jobs at school. Sounds like she needs something to keep her busy and grow up some. If she does not shape up, pull the car privileges unless it is to go to work, and have her pay her own car insurance and cell phone, that may wise her up to life.
Sounds like when I got...sm

a Christmas card from a friend AFTER Christmas.  I still don't know what was up with that. 

BTW~ My friends threw me a surprise birthday brunch today for my 40th birthday and I have already started writing my thank you notes!

Sounds like her first kid and she has never
been around others to me.
Wow - that sounds so much like him (sm)
He left me alone after my c-section, he left me alone when I got devastating medical news, etc. Once I had a car accident a mile away and he would not come and help me after I called him all shaken up. When I mention these things he just accuses me of bringing up the past. But they are real examples of how I have been treated for years.
Sounds like me and my cat - (sm)
I went through something similar as you are going through with yours.  I kept saying I'd know when it was time and really watching to make sure I wasn't being selfish.  She went on about her business, albeit different from before, just made herself new routines, and did what she was able.  When she couldn't jump on my lap anymore, I picked her up, and things like that.  If she didn't like one can of food, I'd open another.  This went on for months.  I feel like I had the opportunity to let her have a good life, and show her how much I loved her, right up until the end - she decided when it was time.  I know what you are feeling.  Just love her and enjoy the time you have.