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So cute...

Posted By: MtMommyof2 on 2009-02-06
In Reply to: Just wanted to share my new cutie pie! - sbMT

we have a 7-month-old boxer and he is the best...great family dogs...enjoy him!!!

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How cute is that?
Once again, out of the mouths of babes!
these are cute!

I have a brother that would have been good for doing such things.  He use to try to scare my mom too.  one time he had a halloween tape and called her up (mind you he was just upstairs in his bedroom) from his phone and play some pranks. in the beginning she believed these were real callers!

That is just too cute! sm
My little guy barks like mad and runs and takes the toy, then hides it. My big guy likes to tear them up.
cute ! nm
You are just too cute!
Check out my new one!  I don't do very well with pies either, but I sure can bake a birthday cake!  I love the beach!  My husband and I plan to retire there just as soon as we get these children through high school!  So, my daughter decides (she's 7 now), that she is just going to retire with us after high school!  Yeah, right!  No way, Jose, you're going to college girl!  LOL, LOL
No not cute, but certainly not an act
problems.  You can teach your child to have manners, but the original post was in regards to a "school" rule that the child would be taken away from the general population and "punished".  I just think there are much more that we could focus on than a natural process of the bodily functions.  Just say excuse me, and move on.  Whoever is making the big deal about the actual act is "the problem" and not too cute.  I do not agree with you there.  I do not laugh or make a big deal about it, I just move on.  I still don't believe a child that passes gas should be sent to detention unless they are being obnoxious.  I will tell you though that because my child had a "track record", he got blamed for every incident as if no other child in the class was guilty, and it really kind of ticked me off that my son was being accused, when they really had no proof at all.
how cute!!
bet they were darling...little pit puppies in coats.  Mine is black lab/pit mix and she is a rescue, from southern California.  We are now in the Tahoe area and she cannot stand the cold (but loves to play in the snow - go figure).  She needs a coat and mittens and boots but I could never convince her.  Whenever it gets above 55 degrees out, she finds a spot of sun in the backyard and lays out soaking up the rays, probably dreaming of those warm California days gone by.
How cute -
the comedian I saw on Comedy Central who said he found his 6-year-old nephew yelling at his Easter basket.  When asked what he was doing, the boy replied, * I'm giving a shout out to my peeps *
How cute! Thanks! nm
Cute! (nm)
Aww, too cute! I just might try that! nm
no message.
Cute! lol
How cute is that?!

Oh my word that is ADORABLE!!  I can never get pictures to work
though--somehow a quotation mark always winds up in there that I don't put
in.  I looked at the html code too and I don't see them, yet when I try it,
some reason they get put in there.  Very frustrating....one last try then I
give up.

" align=baseline border=0>

How cute is that?
Looks like he has his nails done.  Cute!
Cute :)
I haven't done that, but now I think I will!

Sometimes when my husband calls me from his cell phone I make him talk to the cats and their ears perk up when they hear his voice! Only when he calls from inside his car of course, not in public or anything like that! It amazes me that he even does it. He's a big mush like me with the animals.

That should be cute
that is how my auto correct kicks in, make cute to acute.
he's cute!!
Oh my gosh he is so sweet! He looks totally comfortable in your house! What an awesome dog! Pet him for me would you?

Jan :)
Cute! Thanks
I love the new picture feature.
Oh how CUTE! nm
Oh, he's too cute!
What a sweetie. Good luck with him. My neighbors have a Yorkie, but not a teacup and he's so spunky and adorable.
How cute.
You'll want to keep her on the lean side anyway to optimize her breathing.

Good for you for adopting her.

Now that is just too cute!
too cute!
Too cute!
My recently adopted kitty, Tinkerbell, loves attacking my feet when I get in bed.  Does she care that I'm tired and want to sleep?  Nooooooo, because it's all about Tinky! 
Too cute. In the the toy box just like a kid, LOL. nm
Aww, how cute!!!
Thanks for the pix, and for brightening up my third shift today! He(she) is adorable.
I bet that was so cute... just goes to show you that kids don't need expensive toys to play with. . .
Too Cute!!! NM
so cute
Jake is so cute - I used to have a dog named Jake!
How cute.
I used to have a Border Collie. Her name was Andi. Seeing your baby makes me miss her more.
very cute pic

So funny to see them totally zonked out like that, and own chair too!  By the way, I LOVE the carpet, but then I've been known to have some different decorating tastes.   Reminds me of when I was a kid in the ཮s.

too cute!
give him a hug for me :)
How cute! Really
They are really cute.

So cute
Thanks for sharing.....made my day!!
Oh how cute!
so very cute
Looks like beautiful green eyes too. Thanks so much for your get well wishes, Adia truly is one of a kind and owns my heart.
For me they are not cute
They've been invading my basement, ripping up my plastic ductwork to stay warm and fighting under my floor in the middle of the night, scaring the crap out of me.  I didn't find that cute.  We had to shoot a couple of them, as they would not leave willingly and were too big to trap with our live rat trap. 
Your dog is beautiful. . My little Corgi is a killer - he kills turtles. . I try to rescue them but I'm sorry to say he has already got one this year. . For some reason we seem to have a lot of them in our 3-acre yard. . He also kills snakes and moles. . I'm sure if he could catch a squirrel it would be history too. . But luckily he likes cats.
I saw that too!!!!!! What a cute dog!
How cute! Thanks, will do. nm
that's cute!
I would have served hot chocolate every day to hear that one over and over. :)

Wish I could have that simple mind of a small child again.
That is way too cute
Even though I've never owned dogs (always had cats) these are the types of dogs I would get if I wanted them. Way too cute. Thanks for sharing.
how cute!
I'm old fashioned and I love your mom's ideas. I could see putting the pacifier on top of little mini cupcakes or just in candy dishes even. Certainly something kids could do too. The bottle idea could double as a gift for mom after the party.

Gift certificate for pictures, fantastic idea for the practical person. I have 3 to buy for in the upcoming months and one is a very practical person. Plus, since I have to ship it, I would save on that cost too!
Here's my baby girl, Daisy, nursing her babies: 
very very cute.
We have a boxer, but he might not be this pretty ;)
Very cute!!!! (sm)
I love the black and white front legs. :)
oh cute
never heard this one... i will go today cause im bored with no work!! i love having new things to do, thanks!