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She truly is a little angel. Thank God for those who care, and SM

Posted By: with much emotion on 2008-04-01
In Reply to: What a happy ending for this little pup! - ER MT

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YOU are an angel
I hope that your loved ones shower you with the love that you display for others. What a kind, loving heart you have. God bless you. I wish there were more like you, this world would be a better place to live. Merry Christmas to you
You are an angel.
My grandfather used to call me his angel but I think all caregivers are angels. Take that step and do something now. My doctor is my angel.
You are an angel.
I know there is a special place in Heaven for you and all animal rescuers.

I've taken in strays all my life and literally work to feed my animals! Besides dogs and cats I've able to adopt goats and horses now that I live on a few acres in the country. There are so many, many animals in need..

God bless you.
I don't care about your things, and can't imagine anyone would care about mine.
Whether it's my eating quirks or my sexual preferences, I have no need to divulge that stuff here.
It's NOT that interesting (mine OR yours!) and nobody cares.
What an angel! A keeper for sure! nm
Angel Food
We are having a difficult time right now also. One thing that has helped a lot is using Angel Food Ministries and grocery shopping at Aldi. There has been discussion on this board about Angel Food before, but if you have any questions let me know.
Your a guardian angel to that poor dog...

and these people have children? If you get updated, let us know. You are a star!


Four abortions is not excessive to you? Never said I was an angel...
but at least I learned my lesson and decided not to abort again, and never would again, and gave a child a decent life that I couldn't have given her. Now, as far as not wanting to know the child I gave up for adoption, as they say, walk a mile in my shoes and then perhaps you would understand. Not all of us have the mothering gene, sorry to burst your bubble, which, if true, I do give the poster credit for admitting to. Just because we are women doesn't mean we want to be mothers. Using abortion as a means of birth control is a dysfunctional trait as far as I'm concerned.
the angel food cake
come from Weight Watchers, so it's good for a diet~
angel food cake with strawberries and
You carry food for lost animals in your car? You are an angel!
Angel story - Was driving with my kids to Florida from NC (sm)
We always say a prayer before starting on a trip like that, asking for God to send his angels to protect us. My children were about 5 and 8 years old. I got onto the interstate and before getting to the next exit, my car started bumping really bad, like I had a serious flat or something. I pulled over, got out and looked. It looked fine.  I got back in, drove some more, a few minutes later, it happened again, much worse, the whole car was shaking - hard - not just like an out of balance car, but seriously shaking, almost like the brakes were on and the car was still trying to move.  I took the first exit and saw a repair shop right there!  I asked the guy to look at my car - it looked fine.  He test drove it.  Nothing.  He told me it seemed fine, didn't charge me a dime, and I went on my way.  A few miles down the road right in front of a rest stop was a huge pile of 2 x 4s and 2 x 4s scattered all over the road.  I never had that problem again with my car, ever and never knew what caused it.  But I believe that we were being protected by angels from being there when the 2 x 4s started falling, who knows what might have happened.
Someone on main board I think, recommended angel food network, which (sm)
I have been familiar with in the past. You might want to check that out as a way to save a lot of money on your food bill.
I am using Angel Food Network for help with food (sm)
Being much more careful not to waste food. No more fast food. Soda only if bought in a two-liter bottle, not singles or fountain. Most of my money waste was spent on food.
got that right!! If u don't take care of your man....nm
Somebody already took care of that

I don't really care if you believe me or not.
Whoever stated above that the mother must be a decent person because she raised Daniel for the first 6 years of his life is stating something that is not true. I am just saying that you cannot base her character on that because it is not true, period.

You can believe what you want. I don't care. I don't have reason to come here and make this up, but I know who Daniel was raised by and a lot more than that. The grandmother did not raise him though. A very loving person who I am very close with and who has been in my life as a second mother to me raised him. The grandmother deserves no credit for that.

Trust me, there are a lot more people who this has hurt and affected than just those you see on TV.
Don't really care for any of them that much
And I used to be an AI addict! Now not so much. : (
I just got it right on #4, could care less what others think
Oh, now that would just take care of everything..
Not. I would be just as scared seeing something behind me, if only a glance, as in front or the side. My husband is much more respectable than most because he lets me know prior to entering the door.
Of course I care....
It's called human nature to care about another person who is suffering. And the people who are obsessed with her private life, like yourself, are more than likely a big part of the reason for her suffering. It's just so sad that you felt the need to berate the care she is receiving. You would want the same care for yourself. And with the way she's treated every time she steps foot outside her home, I would think she deserves to have all the privacy that her money can afford. And you can bet it's her own money paying for it, so why do you care if she gets any special attention because the general public won't leave her alone? Shame on you!
You know, I don’t care what you or others do
and I think most here are just seeing what others opinions are, not that they use your suggestions but asking if others have similar things going on. I think you can do what you want at any age; having said that I also find it silly when a really older woman tries to be as young as her grandchildren. I don’t listen to loud music because personally I want to keep my hearing intact and it bothers me now (think it did when in my 20s also, just don’t care for it, ever). Play your games, wear your hair long, blast your music, it is your life. I don’t tell others how to live their life and others don’t tell me. I think most here only asking opinions.
How I took care of this...
…Ok, the housekeeper lives with a sister and they both oversee the care of a retarded lady who is blind, unable to speak, cannot take care of herself- that might be a place the panties could have been used- this person would not know nor care. I brought the housekeeper over tonight and asked her to "look" for my panties as I knew where I put them. She denied taking them, but never would look me in my face, keeping her eyes down to the floor. I am no longer going to use her services- by the way she is most always calling me asking can she come to work, not me as she has never had a real job in the work force, used to live on welfare and food stamps before that went out so making 60-70$ (or if she did more would pay up to 100 or so for her time here) was ok with her. She spent no money driving here, riding public transportation here- I always went to get her which if you look at money wise, it comes out to more than what I actually paid her. The bottom line is my husband has told me for some time things were missing but now I have seen for myself. I want to be able to trust people who are in my home.
when they are old enough to take care of them on their own...

I wasn't allowed to get my ears pierced until I was old enough to take care of it myself...I think about 10 or so?  So I would think whenever he's old enough to take care of it himself, that would be the age. 

Sheesh.  From reading some of the posts here, you would think he was wanting a tatoo of the devil...it's not like he couldn't take those earrings out later if he decided he didn't want them!!!! 

You need to take care of your
bills first and not worry about giving gifts. Explain to your family that you will not be giving gifts this year and you expect nothing in return. They may not like it but they will get over it. If they ask questions about what you do with your money (which really is none of their business)just answer them with the economy being so bad you are unable to give gifts. I would hope they understand as everybody is going through it right now. You may feel uncomfortable, but at least you will be able to sleep and not worry whether your bills will be paid or not. Stand firm on this and DO NOT feel guilty as there is no reason to be.

I have also chosen not to exchange gifts this year as I cannot do it. I was surprised that my brother was relieved. Everybody is feeling the crunch.

I wish you much luck!
Do you care....
Which way the TP goes on the roller? I don't but I know some who freak out and have to change it if it's going in the wrong direction.

I don't care for the new way
It's too obvious who's going to get it when they call up a couple at a time.

Secretly, I was kind of hoping Nick Norman made it LOL
These can be taken care of
by injections, just zapping them away, heard not much pain at all, check with a dermatologist. I would not see a plastic surgeon, just give a call and ask. I would not think a cream would do the job.
I really don't care.
An eye for an eye. You correct someone else, so you should expect to be corrected. I only popped in here today to see what was going on. Oh, hey. Ya wanna know what? I can block this site on my own! And I can keep coming back no matter how many times I get kicked off the boards. There are unlimited free email accounts and dynamic IP addresses out there.
The best way to take care of this is
to grow a backbone and say no, cannot have company such and such a time. I do not have to give out any phony pretending not to be home, any thought up why I cannot have company, I just say nope.
Couldn't care less
I couldn't care less whether someone gives me good wishes for Christmas, Kwanzaa, Hanukkah, Winter Solstice, or just a generic "happy holidays." I also don't care what any store decides to name their holiday decorations or sales after.

From a purely economic standpoint, it does make sense for businesses to combine holidays when they occur near each other. If they advertise only "Christmas" items, then it potentially excludes anyone who does not celebrate that holiday. The same goes for Kwanzaa, Hanukkah, etc. To market to the largest number of people, a general "holiday sale" works because each person can take from that what they want. For Christians "the holidays" in December means Christmas. For Jews it means Hanukkah. For pagans it means "Winter Solstice" (which, by the way, is where many Christmas traditions originated from, including the "Christmas" tree, but that's another story for another time).

I guess my point is that I personally feel some people make too big a deal out of things like this. There are far more important things in this world to focus one's attention on than what a store wants to call its sales.
Well, you should care. Clearly, you are not God filled otherwise
you wouldn't have such negative, uncaring thinking about Christmas and not merely assume that it's all about commercialism. 
I agree with you, and don't care who it is...!
Even my family doesn't drop by without calling first and I would not do it to them. We were brought up to be polite and courteous. Unfortunately not everyone is.
The police have enough to take care of besides
a person calling them if they got a card from an unknown person?? That is not what the police are for, them out investigating a birthday card and someone else is being robbed, assulted or whatever.. My goodness, think about your answer before you do post. The person on the post seems to be a caring person. If you have emergency, then the police should be called!!
I don't care if they belch,
yawn, cough, or fart, as long as they don't KEEP TALKING while doing it! ARRGGHHH!
Acute Care?

Hi there,

I was wondering if someone could help me.  I've been researching courses in medical transcription, and I have seen quite a few times a reference to "acute care reports".  I was hoping someone could explain what that was.  Thanks!

I also don't care if they are young
and committing such a horrible crime on someone else who is more vulnerable.

The excuses run out eventually. If they give the excuse that THEY were molested as children then they absolutely KNOW that what they are doing to someone else is COMPLETELY wrong. No sympathy. Not one teeny tiny little bit.
No. I don't care what others say, I make my own
Why did you get a dog when you cannot pay for health care
Went to podiatrist, got it taken care of and
so painful but was assured that if I ever had another 1 it would not be on the same foot. That was about a year and a half ago and fine ever since.
Then you ARE able to pay for health care for her. You are not
The schools have enough to take care of
besides crap like this. Kids, source, name calling SO? You are grown, supposed to know better, do not stoop to their level by retaliation, nothing gained as hubs would say.
they don't care today, what with...


RoC skin care
Anyone use RoC skin care?  If so, did it burn when you first began using it.  It does say that it may burn a bit when first starting out, so I only use it qod, but geeze, my face is warm feeling.  Think maybe it's partly my imagination, but just wondering if anyone else experienced this and if so, how long it lasted.  Thanks y'all!
Kids who really don’t care
I have posted here before so mine might sound similar and it is but my son decided, over money that he thought I should give him, to tell me "you got it all" when talking about money left in my fathers acct when he was killed in an accident. Now this is the kicker- my father gave my son and his family $60,000.00!! I think that is a chunk of change and instead of being grateful for that- then he says about what I get?? I raised him without the first dime from his father and he talked like that to me?? I said to hel… with that and quit even trying. He is in his 40s. If on my death bed, no one has to notify him and I REALLY, REALLY feel that way. Probably get blasted now for sorry for the way you feel but I do not have to take abuse from him or anyone else. My grandparents when all died did not leave me 1 red cent and just image him talking like that to me. I was the only living child, father had no living siblings, no wife and I should have had EVERYTHING my father left on this earth. How dare him.
You know, sometimes the people you think care
or love you, well this is how it goes. If I got this kind of reception, I can so cut a person(s) loose. If they don’t like the name of your baby- whose baby is it?? You can name it Moose if you want, no one elses business!!! I cannot for the life of me figure people out, your family and you get yelled at? I would call the police and ask that they check (if no one else able to do and respond back to you) and would keep my distance if I was being belittled by them.
I am so happy so many of you care.
I think bipolar is very possible, also jealousy is a big one. Her daughters, my wonderful nieces are grown women and wonderful parents. They have told me different times they know how she is, and they call each other before calling her to find out what mood she is in before they call. She has a very sharp sarcastic way about her when she is in a mood, and believe me, everyone around her pays. I have lived my whole life this way and have asked over and over why it has to be this way. I have tried so hard for so many years, only to be the one that is considered dirt in her eyes. When she needs something I am the first one she calls, and of course I did what she wanted to win her favor, which will never happen. I know it goes a lot deeper than that.
grandma care

Does anyone know any good sites for information on taking care of the elderly.  My grandmother is 82 and is in a steady decline, but all i find online are places to put her and in care aids.   Thanks for any help.

do you care where your eggs come from?
Does it matter to you whether your eggs came from a cage-free environment, or a caged one?
Try Divorce Care
I went through a divorce. The kids were very young and many years after the divorce, the kids started asking questions. I heard of a program through our church called Divorce Care. It was wonderful! That support group helped my children as well as myself. Google it and there just may be a church in your area that provides that. Good luck.
No, this is wrong. Move him now to another hospital. Ask for copies of the charted records.