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Shakie Carolina is a really good stripper name!

Posted By: Hehe on 2009-02-05
In Reply to: Hi Friskie Willow - LOL!! (sm)


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North Carolina and South Carolina info needed. SM

And thank you for all that answered regarding Charlotte.  But I think I am going to look a little bit more east.

If anyone has info on the following towns, I would love to hear.

1.  Fayetteville, NC

2.  Goldsboro, NC

3.  Greenville, NC

4.  Rocky Mount, NC

5.  Jacksonville, NC

6.  Charleston, SC


I have a good friend who used to be a stripper....sm
She was still a good person. You would never know she was a stripper just by meeting her. She didn't look the type. But she was. She said she made good money. She quit because she got tired of perverted men. She said they were degrading to you sometimes.
So Carolina law
Honestly don't think seeing an ultrasound would matter all that much.  Ultrasound isn't going to change your personal or financial situation.  Who is paying for these ultrasounds?  Again, trying to legislate morality. 
I used to be a stripper!

How many of you know your stripper name?

In order for you to know your true stripper name add the name of your first pet and the name of the street you live on so mine is:  Friskie Willow


And you?

stripper name
Shawn Labo...I think I like it!
Oh gee..mine is Francois Lamar. I see a future for me in dancing. UNLIKE transcription where I see no future for any of us. So sad.
i think yours is the best stripper name!

Stripper name
Sheba Montclair.  I kind of like it.
North Carolina. nm
North Carolina (nm)
North Carolina (nm)
I have been to N. Carolina several times
but hubs thinks he can vacation no where besides Vegas?? I do my own trips with tour groups and then we go to, you guessed it, Vegas again!! We are into mine and our trips, works for us.
North Carolina

I am from North Carolina.  I would make sure I visited the Outer Banks and Kitty Hawk.  If it was the right time of the year, I would see "The Lost Colony".  I just love Hatteras and the lighthouse.  North Carolina has some very interesting and beautiful places to see.  Also, the Biltmore House in Asheville is very nice, and has beautiful gardens.  North Carolina is a wonderful state.  Oh, I almost forgot -- the beautiful mountains -- Cherokee, Maggie Valley.  Too much to mention.


North Carolina??
My husband and I are considering a move to N.C. Does anyone live in the Cary area? If so, how do you like this area? Could you tell me about the community there.  Thanks
Anyone have any good holiday dessert recipes? Looking for something good to take to a party. nm
What a good role model you are for good holiday spirit...wow nm

Awesome! Good service is good news.
glad to see you look at it this way! Really good idea! Have a good season! nm
Good Fences make good neighbors
You can get premade cedar fencing that comes in sections. You dig a post hole at the appropriate distance and fill with a bag of quick-crete. Alternatively, you could buy a used fence from a place that hauls away.

You could also get an electric fence, just hook to a battery and run the cord (for retraining purposes) it would not hurt your dogs.

I feel your pain. Roll up your sleeves and pray for some digging weather!
Hey hon, you can have one. There are tons of good ones out there looking for a good woman. They ain&
doorstep. Seek and you shall find. So, if you 'really' wanted one, me thinks you would have one...
All good points, good post. (nm)
a good movie with a good lesson
Good for you! Keep up the good work!
Yes there are some that are good. This wasn't about one that was good.
R-I-D-D-A-N-C-E. Good riddance. Not good riddens. Riddens is not even a word.
my pet peeve
I would make a good Beth with wig on. Not sure DH would make a good Dog.
Here's a good one.....
She is sexually inactive since being widowed by choice.
Good for you!
Good for you

Sounds like she has a good home.  It just may take her time and I am sure professional help will help.   We need to learn not to let them train us.  I have two cats and my dog and I am sure I spoil them according to most people but right now they are my family.   I am sure Tasha will not be around much longer and don't think I will replace her for a while.  Would be nice to be able to come and go for a while and not worry about someone taking care of the dog.  Also it is a little more work training a puppy down here on the water in a floating home.   So it will be me and my cats for a while.   I am also not sure I have the energy for a puppy.  But it sounds like you have sure provided a good home for Miss Lilly. 


good for you--sm
Puppies have a way of healing our hearts! We won't forget, but they fill that empty gap..for the other remaining pets, as well. They get lonesome too after having had a companion for a period of time. Just give them time to become friends. I am happy for you!
as an IC you need to get a GOOD CPA....

I truly do not think you can do this yourself, unless you are so business-books acclimated and always on top of things.....

I've been an IC for 10 years and an MT for nearly 30, and as an IC I always get my things CPA-ready for the CPA (receipts/bills/statements, and I write everything down once I get the receipts/bills in good order in the late winter/early spring, by March, and so I go to him with all the categories and the figures and not the receipts/other garbage).  You get a percentage off for your office, your electric, et cetera.  The CPA's know all the in's and out's of this and are quite helpful and worth every dime, in my mind.  I used to pay quarterly taxes (about $500-750) but now I choose to pay yearly, one lump payment by April 15th and I'm all very legal!!

 Best of luck!  

It looks good!
And shouldn't that be rheumatiz? :-)
Good for you and your Dr..sm
That is great to hear.  Our GYN office was out of the vaccine at the time of our visit, so they must either pushing it hard, or getting a lot of requests for it. I had seriously considered having my daughter get the vaccine, but after I have had a chance to think about it, I'm having second thoughts.  I don't want this generation of teenage girls to be guinea pigs for something that may have harmful effects later on.  And the government making it mandatory?  Let's hope not.
some good, some bad
but don't you want your kids to have a better and easier life?
That's a good one!
not good
according to about-to-graduate as vet daughter. As certain nutrients that the one animal NEEDS, is not in the other's food. I can't remember all of what she said, but know it can lead to deficiencies.
Good for you!
Glad to hear things went so well, and I'm sure your mind will rest easier now too.
LOL! Good one... : )
Good for you.....
So excited to read that.  I would swear that is the best "diet" so to speak.  Great news - keep up the good work!       
Good for you
I find it very hard to believe that it happened to you and you can be so flippant about it.

Mine happened more than 25 years ago. I was 14 years old. When I told, I was branded, I was a liar, I was asking for it, etc...

How is it that a grown man can beat the living daylights out of a young girl, rape her, cut her legs with broken glass, and then act like nothing happened. How can an entire community act like nothing happened?

I still have nightmares. I can sometimes even still smell that cheap cologne he wore. I want to vomit every time I get a little whiff of it.

The next 3 weeks were the longest of my life, wondering if that monster got me pregnant. I absolutely would have aborted if he had. Either that or I absolutely would have killed myself.

I would love to give you my nightmares since you seem to be so strong. I would gladly give them up.

Good. I used to like her; but since she
came out of the closet, she has become more arrogant.

Not that there is anything wrong with that. (coming out of the closet).
Good - thank you (sm)
You both just posted about the same time. Not sure what I did to that poster. Anyway..I made an appointment which my boss agreed to, and I haven't given my notice yet - thought I should wait until I feel better to make any big decisions. Thanks
Good for you. --sm
once you start feeling better, the other positive steps will fall into place too. Hang in there, you can do it!

and DumDum is not so DumDum--I have been around the block a few times myself, and have had many experiences such as yours. Think positive thoughts for what you want out of life and those positive thoughts will create positive energies around you. Don't let anyone elses criticisms get you down. It can be hard because all it takes is one negative remark to set you back sometimes. Take care and good luck to you!
Good for you! I am on day 2.
You can do this! We both can do this.

I am on my gazillionith quit attempt. Stress always does me in, but I am like you, thinking this has to be the end.

This stinking habit is really jeopardizing my healt. I had a really bad URI about a month ago and then ended up with costochondritis. I quit for a couple weeks, and then picked them up again. Got fed up yesterday and said enough. I can't smoke, because it kills to cough. I am so tired of the way cigarettes make me feel, both physically and mentally.

Look for the book, The EasyWay to Stop Smoking by Allen Carr. It helps to get you in the right mindset and put in perspective what the addiction does to you.

Good luck. Keep fighting the fight, no matter what. E-mail me if you need a quit buddy!
Good for you!
That sounds like fun.  I would love to find something like that so I wouldn't have to be at this desk quite as much.
Good for you! If you have
made it through the first 3 days I think you are pretty much home free, so day #8 is excellent. You have gotten the nicotine out of your system and have conquered the physical withdrawal- now you just have to deal with the mental/emotional addiction.

I quit 15 years ago and it was a struggle but what worked for me was to ride out each craving when it came on, without trying to stuff it down with food or whatever. In the class I took they said that if you stuff the cravings at the beginning then they will pop up 2 or 3 months down the road when you are totally unprepared mentally for them, and that is usually what makes people relapse.

The other thing that really helped was when I was in a good solid mental state and really aware of how much I wanted to quit I sat down and wrote down all reasons I wanted to quit and all the bad things about smoking that I hated and all the good things that life as a nonsmoker would entail. It was very good to have that to read at times when my mind would try to play little tricks on me.

Also, watch your self talk. If you see someone smoking and think to yourself "man, they get to smoke and I can't" you will only feel deprived and punished. Think to yourself "I'm so glad I choose not to do that anymore."

Good luck!!
Good for you!
It will get better. DH did it 3 years ago, and he is unbelievably glad he did. Smoking is sooo inconvenient these days. When I see people smoking outside their places of business these days, they don't even hold their cigs like they used to; now they usually try to hide them. They are probably wishing they were already where you are right now - at 30 days. Your breathing is going to be improving, exercise will get easier, and your skin will start looking younger.

You certainly have a lot of stresses in your life, and this change is going to help you in the long run, as you know. I applaude you for making this positive change and handling all that.

You are pretty awesome.

When I say it's good for ya it's good for ya! nm
LOL. Good
I was afraid you were one of the many that didn't like him. If you need to know anything else, just let me know.
Another good one
We recently had an article in the paper here in town where a woman won on the Price of Right, a very expensive car, not sure if it was a ferrari or something else - wanted donations to pay the taxes, tags and insurance, something like 25,000, so she would not have to sell the car because she liked it so well.
WOW! Good for you.