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Severe Avon ladies

Posted By: Had to chuckle on 2008-09-29
In Reply to: At the hospital where I worked there were - severe Avon ladies, Mary Kay ladies

Not busting on you personally, but I had to chuckle picturing the severe Avon ladies!

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I don't know anybody who sells Avon, but
I am remembering he likes Curves and he has only had it once.
I am sure the Avon lady above would
I use Avon Footwoorks instead sm
I like the Footworks Cracked Heel Cream or Footworks Silicone Glove better. I use it all day long and before bed. It also works great for those teeny tiny paper cuts that hurt so dang bad.
Avon actually caused problems for me
with allergy type reactions and skin irritation. I think their products are often too strong. JMO
I'm a sucker for the Avon TV commercials
I sold Avon for 20+ years

I sold Avon for 20+ years & I loved it when I first started, I had a great number of customers which you do need and periodically would add a few more.. BUT, when I first started you could make some money at it, even living in a small rural area like I live in.. but things are so costly, the books, bags, samples, etc.. gas lately wouldn't be worth it, selling in businesses is great IF you can catch everyone there at the same time, but when I first started if you sold $1000 half was yours.. since then they have raised it (not sure what it is now), but the last I remember it was closer to $1500 before you earned 1/2.. so things keep changing, I quit after I started typing, no time & I would much rather be home..

I made money doing Avon for years, but if you were the only one in your area doing it you might do okay, but I do still order, because I have used their products for so many years, I just can't find nothing I really like better in the stores.. plus they do have great sales on things, I'll not go back to it as of now, but don't want to say never cause that is usually a for sure that you'll eat those words..

I overted one of these last week with Avon Moisture Therapy sm
and I swear by it. This time of year I cream up, especially rubbing into the areas that these occur, then put on some socks on my hands for the night. I have not had one of these until recently and like I said, I averted it with this stuff. I am nice and comfy this week.
Bought some Avon cologne Island Vibe - daughter came by (sm)

and tried some.  She was ecstatic.  Said it was the old Malibu Musk I used to buy them from Avon in the early teens.  I can't even remember the name Malibu Musk.  (I do however certainly remember their teen years for other reasons). 

Anyone else tried this or remember the old scent.  Seems like her olfactory memory was really triggered by this one.  She spent a long time chatting about the "old days" over this.

If you know anyone that sells Avon, the new Driven by Derek Jeter is real nice.
SEVERE acne while on it
Years later and I'm still left with scars on my face, chest, back, and arms from the horrible acne I had with Depo. I also gained around 50 pounds on it! I'm on Yaz now and it works wonderfully. I also started using Proactive a couple of months ago and it seems to be working just as well as the prescription stuff I was using and costs a lot less.
Does anyone out there have a problem with severe

gum recession and bone loss?  I did not go to the dentist for some years, but kept up a very good routine at home. I have no cavities and my teeth are very clean.  I use an anti-plaque, antibacterial rinse daily.  I floss regularly, but just recently switched to floss instead of dental tape.  I am now using the tape again, as advised by the dentist I saw Wednesday.   He said in areas where I have wider spaces, if need be to use actual yarn.   The dentist said my care was actually too good.  He said that I am literally brushing way too hard, and that regular cleanings at the dentist are essential because bacteria between the teeth and gum line actually clings to the plaque,giving it a place to hang on and grow.  My father also had this problem with bone loss, and the dentist and hygienest said this is hereditary.  My dad had upper and lower dentures when he was still a young man.  After a thorough exam by both professionals they feel that if I come in every 4 months regularly (which I am going to do religiously), continue a good home routine being much more gentle with brushing, etc., that I can possibly keep my teeth for several years, possibly 10.  Some areas are worse, and my lower teeth in the front are the most affected. 

The dentist said to buy very soft tooth brushes and hold them between my two fingers and very gently brush in a circular motion to avoid more gum recession.  They told me these brushes are made by Colgate and are very, very hard to find because when people find them they buy several at a time.  If anyone has seen them please let me know.  I looked again yesterday and only found soft, medium and hard. 

I stopped going to my dentist when my insurance was cancelled when management changed. 

Sorry for rambling.  Hope all this made sense.  I hope I have helped someone today.  Please look for those soft brushes. 

Anybody ever take Paxil and have severe drowsiness....
I started on Paxil 20 mg on Saturday and I can barely function during the day.  I have to lay down every hour for about 15 minutes just to be able to work.  It is very bad.  Has anyone taken it at bedtime and did that work better for you?? 
Suggestions for severe dysmenorrhea, anyone?

You all have such a wealth of information that I just know someone will have a suggestion for me!  I have had severe dysmenorrhea my entire life.  I am talking pain so severe that it feels like an elephant is standing on my back and lower abdomen at the same time for 4 days a month.  I am now beginning to have pain outside my cycle that is nearly as bad.  Various doctors have suggested birth control pills, which I cannot take due to the severe nausea from the progesterone, to help the severity of my cycles.  I am currently on a progesterone cream with, you guessed it, the same nausea I get from the birth control pills.  What else can I try?  This nausea is 24 hours a day and 7 days a week and makes me feel awful.  I just want some relief from the pain of my periods without nausea as a trade off.  Thank you so much for any help you can provide!  :-)

We are having a severe thunder storm right now
and I am working like crazy becuse my dog won't get off my feet so she is working the peddle for me.  I just love my furry critters!
I suffer from severe hot flashes that have been going on now for s/m
several years. I know hormone replacement therapy is very dangerous. I am about crazy with them as they have come back stronger than ever, every several minutes. This is life altering and I am not sleeping because of constant waking up all night long. I tried black cohosh some years ago at the suggestion of my gynecologist which in the beginning worked like a charm. Then I noticed it actually made them worse and more frequent, timing them to every 15 minues. Can someone please help with some suggestions that would actually help get back to somewhat of a normal life and sleeping pattern.   Thanks in advance!
Severe Financial Problems?
Like many, we are really suffering. My husband's employer filed Chapter 11. He kept his job, but his salary has been cut in half.

I have been out of work and looking for months, though I do get a few hundred dollars every month. All that goes toward our household expenses.

We are so far behind in our rent that the landlord's kindness is all that stands between us and eviction, but it's coming.

I know the only solution is more income. My husband WAS persuaded that he would have to find a second job, then I had two interviews. He felt optimistic that I would get on or the other, but I didn't.

Now he says he shouldn't have to get a second job if I don't have one. I understand how unfair that must feel, but his job hasn't paid our rent for nine weeks. Fair seems kind of beside the point.

In previous relationships I've gone through hard financial times, and the men really rose to the occasion. I don't know what to do. My husband plays video games several hours a day while we are going under.

We could have eviction filed on us within two weeks and I'm scared to death. I haven't even been able to get a minimum wages job. I feel that he's just going to ride it down and live in his car.

What should I do? What should I say to him?

I had a problem with severe dry skin patches also....

I found this Super E Natural vitamin E ointment for $5.00 at my local drug store and it went away almost immediately.  Hope you find something that helps!  



I hear ya.....severe occipital neuralgia here too!!!
My little brother suffered from severe migraines.
Finally when my Mom took him for an eye exam, he apparently had terrible vision.  He would vomit and needed to be in the dark.  Have you had her eyes examined as of late?  Worth a short.  Also, if these continue, you may want to have her seen by a neurologist.  OR - She may just have a flu, there is a lot going around right now maybe since the weather changed.  Not that a flu is a very nice thing to have, but hopefully she'll feel better soon.  Also, try a washcloth with hot water across her eyes, that may reduce the throbbing of the headache itself and help her to relax.   
Our stories are very, very similar. Due to my severe depression sm
something horrible happened which I cannot speak of here. It is the main reason I found God, so you and I are alike in that matter.

As for God rescuing you like that - that is amazing. I guess we can just agree to disagree on this one. He saved you by showing you meds and saying it's okay to take them, and He healed me from my ailment without meds. Who is to say one is better than the other? That is why the saying goes that God works in mysterious ways!

I am happy for you! Continue to do what you are doing. I am not judging you. I only spoke to NCMT through my own experiences. We all have our own experiences.
I do know my flu started with a severe sore throat
and then progressed to a very high fever, and chills and then it coupled with bronchitis. But the other poster is right, my doctor said there are so many different types of flu around this year. If he gets worse I would definitely call the doctor.
it's the only thing that works for my severe insomnia
i have tried everything else.  it's amazing how it is impossible for me to get to sleep.  even when i'm exhausted and think i don't need anything, my insomnia is so severe i cannot sleep unaided.  i think my "off-switch" is broke.  i get so jealous of people who yawn and say they're tired.  my friends can call me at 3 in the morning and i'm as bright and cheerful as if it's noon.
Severe warning about dangerous dog-toys!!

I came across this blog today on Craigslist:  http://www.thechaistory.blogspot.com/

And if you have a dog, it's a must-see.  It details what happened to a dog that was severely injured by a dog toy called a "Pimple Ball" made by Four Paws, Inc.  The dog ended up losing his tongue, and the pain he had to endure was excruciating. 

The dog's owner relates that the Four Paws Co. hasn't owned up to the fact that its toy is dangerous, and he's calling for a international boycott of Four Paws, Inc.  After watching his video links of his poor dog's suffering, even though I have cats, I plan to be sure I don't purchase ANYTHING from this company, andhopefully you won't either.


Without anesthesia, and done by a dentist with severe halitosis. :)
had a chihuahua who had severe grand mal type ones and never came out of her last one; be persistent
Have had a cough for a week - woke up last night w severe arm pain, all the way down

I have been coughing and kind of achy, yesterday hurt all over, no fever, but in the middle of the night last night, woke up with horrible pain, to the point of making me cry all the way from my shoulder to the joints in my hands.  Both shoulder joints are sore, but the right arm hurts all the way down.  I have taken Advil, used muscle rub and am working with my arm propped on a pillow.  Anyone ever had this happen?  Wondering if it is just muscle pain from being sick or if I got something out of whack in my cervical spine from all the coughing!!  This stinks!!!

I posted earlier today asking for some suggestions to relieve severe s/m
hot flashes. Tonight I am doing a search for cures and came across a site that swears by apple cider vinegar. There are many posts on this site stating this has been a miracle for not only hot flashes but many other conditions. Now my question. . . How do you drink vinegar in water every day?  I am terrible about any liquid medicines, etc. with a bad taste. Anyone use ACV? I wish there was a better way to ingest it. Thanks!
Have any of you ladies
Ever had an ASCUS Pap Smear result?
Oh, so ladies not the only ones who do this
I went somewhere the other day, can't remember where but my husband said so glad when he drove up and my car not home. Folks, he had bought himself a new toy, so to speak. He has invested in another large, really large TV (he has bought 3 in the last several months, returned 2). He went and hid this in the garage (I am not using right at this minute but usually park my car there) and then came telling me yesterday he had to tell me something. Well, I think the worst and then he tells me he bought another TV! I knew ladies sometimes hide shopping items but men? Thought that was cute.
Okay ladies, here's how...are you

educated at all? Do you have a job? If you live in a community property state you are entitled to half of the household. If you have children you will more than likely get child support, sometimes alimony. You may have to pare down your lifestyle a bit, but what is more important, material things or being healthy and happy emotionally? I got out of a horrible, abusive marriage that I guarantee would rival any of your experieneces. If you don't have any family how about friends, church members, etc., who can help you along. Save some money, put it aside. Either do something proactive, get some counseling or get rid of him. Also, have any of you thought that maybe you may be partially to blame for how you are treated by the man in your life? It works both ways, men aren't always the B@#$ards in the relationship.

Ladies: What can I use to get rid
This is quite embarrassing!  I wake up one day and have dandruff and can't seem to get rid of it.  What will work without leaving my hair oily???  Please help!
Thanks a lot ladies
you just helped my diet along!   Just kidding.  These sound delicious.
Ladies, please after reading your
posts you are sounding like a bunch of feuding school aged girls. What in the world is your problem? Retract your claws and be friends again, ok?
Ladies, you all are missing so much
I just got back from a wonderful, wonderful vacation today. I read below the women writing in about their husbands and the lives they have to lead. I wrote a post earlier about going out west- I go on 1 vacation that I want to and then my hubby and I go to Las Vegas together. I have visited 6 states in 7 days including Utah, Montana, Wyoming, Colorado, Idaho and South Dakota. I do my own vacation each year - my hubby is a long distance driver and to take a trip like this would be just too much more traveling for him- last year Alaska. I meet up with a tour with others from all walks of life. I had 1 lady ask me on the trip "did you husband LET you come on this." I told her we are way past the age of letting 1 another do anything. Women, why in the world don't you wake up?? There are so many really good men out there that would love you, be really good to you. You do not have to put up with crap. You are wasting your life away. I have said this before and will say again- one of these days you will look back and wonder where your life has gone, in a flash you will find yourself in your 50s or 60s and why should you put up with anything other than the best in life? I have a honey of a husband that I adore, love and cherish with all my heart. He is my best friend and there is not enough money on this earth to take the place of him. He never fusses, screams, or even gets upset with me. The most even tempered person I have ever met. He is short, balding and the most sexy man I think I could ever meet. I thank the Man upstairs for this man in my life.
Ladies, please tell your mothers this
If they are in the midst of a divorce after all these years, they can get a very good lawyer and have most all their husbands have made or have. I know this for a fact, happened to my cousin. A wife after this long of a marriage (could be even less) gets money from not only what he brings home but can got after any homes (they have to either be sold and money divided or she might even get), they can go after any IRAs the male has, any savings, bank accts and even insurance money- say a guy has a 500,000 insurance on his life- in case of his death the longtime wife can even get half of that! A good lawyer gets good money for the wife- do not sit back and let them accept pennies- they can come out smelling like a rose. I have known scorned wifes who have sued for alleniation of affections in courts (old, old terms but your mothers probably heard of it) and won millions against insurance carrier of people involved. Ladies, please tell your mothers about the above, don’t let her settle for crumbs after all these years!
Ladies, you just have the wrong ones...
I met and married my present husband at age 59! He was never married, had no children. He is 10 years younger than me and the love of my life. He is a hardworking man, was brought up on a farm so he knows work. He has brothers, all married for years and no divorces in his family. He is loving, kind, thoughtful, complements me on my clothes, always bringing something home for me "because he was thinking about me," a professional chef who does all the cooking here plus does repairs around the home (just recently installing flooring and cabinets in a bathroom in my daughter's home). He probably is the best man I have ever met and that includes any men in my family,honest, upfront. I tell him all the time how much I appreciate and love him. He is funny, sexy and he makes me laugh. What a catch! Married 8 years and counting. He told me one day I was his best friend. What a joy to my life he is.
now read this one ladies
Between 18 and 22, a woman is like  Africa, half
discovered, half wild, fertile and naturally beautiful!
Between 23 and 30, a woman is like  Europe, well
developed and open to trade, especially for someone with
Between 31 and 35, a woman is like Spain, very
hot, relaxed and convinced of her own beauty. < BR>Between 36 and 40, a woman is like Greece, gently
aging but still a warm and desirable place to visit.
Between 41 and 50, a woman is like Great Britain ,
with a glorious and all conquering past.
Between 51 and 60, a woman is like Israel, has
been through war and doesn't make the same mistakes twice,
takes care of business.
Between 61 and 70, a woman is like Canada,
self-preserving, but open to meeting new people.
After 70, she becomes Tibet , wildly beautiful,
with a mysterious past and the wisdom of the ages...only
those with an adventurous spirit and a thirst for spiritual
knowledge visit there.
Between 1 and 70, a man is like Iran ,
ruled by Nuts....
Opinions, Ladies?

I took the bait and sent away for the free 30-day trial of Raw Minerals makeup.  I normally use Bare Minerals, but this product was a bit cheaper and had some good performance reviews on the internet so I figured I'd at least try it (and if I don't like it, I can send it back and not be charged for it).

Has anyone here tried it and, if so, any opinion of it?  I ordered mine Friday and it arrived today (speedy shipping, huh?).  If you've used it, any advice on application, or is it just like Bare Minerals?

TIA for your thoughts and opinions, ladies!!! 

Ladies can you remember what you ...

cooked for your to be hubby for his first meal?

I know what I did !!!

Meatloaf with a tomato gravy,fried okra,mashed potatoes,Squash casserole and corn bread stx ,banana puddin' !!!

I got flowers at work the next morning !!! woohoo!

You ladies sound really young as you
have no idea this is not something new on the scene. Back in the 40s ladies fainted with the swoon singers and like the post said above, if you did your research you will find not a new finding- bulemia and anorexia not an issue then and the ladies acted like that, had nothing to do with self-esteem- that is why our world is soooo mixed up today, everyone wants to put a diagnosis along with a part of a growing up process that is in the past, will continue now and after we are gone from here. As long as the stars and entertainers around, this is just part of what goes along with this type of rapture from these young girls. My girl loved Bon Jovi as did her little friends. I went to a Barry Manilow concert 2 years ago and the ladies swooned with him. Just goes with the territory.
Ladies, these posts have made me so sad for everyone sm
who is experiencing the same thing I am, which looks like quite a bit of you. Wow.

I have a to say, but right now I don't have the time or energy to reply to everyone....Thank you all so much for your responses, though. It's so nice to know I'm not alone, yet makes me sad so many of you are going through the same thing. What is wrong with our husbands????
Ladies, can you buy Viagra online?
My mum plant aren't doing well around the flag pole. Can you buy Viagra online?

Little ole ladies, gift suggestions?
I have 3 older ladies (in their 80s, still very much active) and then 2 I would say in their 50s, also working and active. I am at a loss as to what to buy them for Christmas. I would like to buy mostly the same thing so 1 would not think playing favoritism. Any suggestions at all would be helpful. Thanks.
gifts for the older ladies sm
Usually older people have "enough stuff" and gift cards are great, Perhaps you could present them in a little basket or a teacup with some non-caffeine tea. Make sure it's to a place they can get to without any problem. Usually by this age they have enough lotions and soaps to last them until they die. Stamps, now they have "forever" stamps which are pictures of "bells" I believe and supposed to be good even if postage goes up, This would be nice with a box of all occasion cards. I checked with a local deli who delivered and paid them ahead and gave them a paper menu and a card stating they had - X-amount of dollars paid up. Older people are funny, they hate to even spend YOUR money, so it's very hard. I think transportation is always the problem, just be sure they can get to where you're sending them. How about Netflix, or the local movie store, but be sure they have a DVD. Tough choices.My mom used to ask me to record movies for her, she didn't care that they were secondhand. Paid-for manicures - probably don't get there on their own, they have them in Wal-Mart and all over now.  Food is so expensive, the local market gift card would be great. Nice of you to think of them. I'd say certificate for a delivered pizza, but they would have to like it.
Ladies - I know this strikes a nerve with some of you (sm)
Just remember-everyone is different. The situation is not the same as yours as they are all different. I asked for opinions and I got them. I said I HAVE been making them go. I am just wondering if I SHOULD continue that. Some think I should and some think I shouldn't. This is not the same as your SIL telling you off or your DIL not letting you see your grandchildren. She sees them as much as she wants, any time she wants. I got to all the family functions she wants us to go to even if her son can't go. I help her when she is sick. I call her on the phone and check on her. We all spend several weeks throughout the summer at the lake with her. We spend EVERY holiday with her. How do you figure this woman is being short changed?? My own mother is the one being short changed - she lives 8 hours away. She never gets to see me or her grandchildren for holidays because my MIL would have a FIT if we were not at her house for these events. When we visit them once or twice a month, we spend ALL DAY at their house. How is she being cheated if she doesn't get every single thing she wants but does get at least 95%?????????
Ladies how did you meet your hubby?

Where and when and did ja' like this guy ?Was your heart justa jumpin'?

For those middle aged ladies on here, if you are
5' 3-1/2" and a medium build what weight do you like to keep yourself at without looking too gaunt or too heavy. 
A "Lunch Ladies" opinion
I work in an elementary school in Ohio. With a lot of hard work we have pretty much removed junk food from our menus. Just today we served Chef Salads for one of our choices. The kids love them. As one first grader said "My mouth is watering just looking at my salad!". We have a lot of freash fruit and vegetables too.Please let your school system know your concerns. There really is no reason to serve sodas and they should be removed. I do serve ice cream, but once or twice a week. We laugh sometimes when they call us their Lunch Teachers. When I ask why, they usually say because I teach them how to eat right. As far as the grandmother who brought home food from the kitchen, I hate to tell you but that is stealing!
Men the older ladies love
Link Below.
Any ladies had an umbilical hernia.....? sm
So I had a baby a year ago, gained about 30 pounds. Ever since, my belly button has just looked funny, like there is no hole and there is a big lump covering it. I thought I was just fat and didn't really think anything of it.... until it started to hurt. I went to see a new doc (my dr recently switched to ER, I LOVED him :(). Anyways, did not like this new lady at all, but she did tell me I in fact had an umbilical hernia and referred me to a surgeon. However, that is all she said. I see the surgeon on Tuesday. I am nervous, so if anyone has had one or knows anything, please share! I want to know if I will HAVE to have surgery, if I can workout (see 30 pound weight gain above haha) and if somehow this could affect a next pregnancy (like if it will come back/get worse with pregnancy). This dr didn't tell me anything, diagnosed me walked out before I could ask anything and then the nurse came in.
What kind of people are the ladies above running into
I have never had anyone question why I was married or not, why I had 1 child or 2, why I this or that. Where do you live to have questions put to you like this? I live in the deep south and I am an older person and I just do not get questioned like this. My business is mine UNLESS I volunteer it.