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Selling house, how much taxes will I owe?

Posted By: Darva on 2007-06-14
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Never lived at this property, got in my name about 6 years ago, never had it appraised, the person living there before also did not. My question is how much will I owe on taxes, say on a percentage basis, according to what it sells for? How do I go about figuring this out? Thanks.

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I think he did it wrong; even if you are selling a house - sm
or property yourself; any downpayment money is to be put in escrow for the closing. If his buyer had backed out due to a problem with the house (like an undisclosed problem; or a found problem) then he would have had to come back up with their deposit money and refunded them; and if he had already spent it he would have been in a difficult position to come up with the funds. Escrow protects not only the buyer but the seller as well. As for the 10% I have never heard of such a high commission; we did 7 when we sold our house (the standard is 6%) only because my DH knew the realtor (old school friend) and to give him some incentive to sell our house quickly; unfortunately that did not work as it took us 9 months to sell our house (at a loss) which doubled in value about 6 months after we sold it, talk about the unpredictable real estate market.
Since you're selling the house, I would not go with claw foot
I think the claw foot style appeals only to a certain market, and you want to appeal to as wide a group of potential house buyers as possible. If the claw foot tub is really what you want to live with, then save that style for the house you build for yourselves.

I grew up in an old home with two claw foot tubs. They were huge and comfy, but you have to clean behind them, under then and all around them. Since I was the youngest and smallest, that was my assigned job. Ugh.

We've lived in our current home for 23 years and expect to live here until we die. The house was built in 1915, and we have an enormous tub that was installed in 1922. I love it because it's sleek and built into an alcove. At one point my husband was really bent on ripping it out and putting a claw foot tub in there, saying it would look more authentic. Well, this baby IS authentic. It reminds me of a moving train. It's porcelain over cast iron, and it's not going anywhere. We've had it refinished, and it's beautiful and so lovely to soak in.

My point is, you can look for something along the lines of art deco/noveau which has the classic, stylized, and even sort of old-fashioned look, but still appeals to modern taste as well. (And no cleaning underneath!)
With the prices of homes and property taxes today, just about everyone is house poor.
It's so sad when you can't go out to dinner often, buy nice expensive things for yourself *just because*, go on lots of trips, go to sports things, see shows/concerts, etc., all because you own a house. I'd truly rather rent and ENJOY my life! :)
Site for selling Giftcards?
Does anyone know of a popular site shopping enthusiasts go to purchase giftcards?
I remember selling them for 35 cents.
Then the year they went up to 50 cents I had to explain to all my neighbors why the price went up.

One year my mom was in charge of ordering and receiving all the cookies for our troop. Our living room was floor to ceiling brown boxes of cookies. What a lot of work to divide all those into each girl's order. My mom said "never again". Ah, memories!
that's true but back then we had no prez selling us....

People there are already being tricked into selling their organs (sm)
Did you see that special recently? They are promised a lot of money - which they really need - especially single women there - and they end up getting measly amounts for selling a kidney...it's very sad that people are that desperate for money. We are very fortunate here and need to remember that.
Central WA - 4.09 a gallon. I'm selling my SUV! Anyone interested?

Selling things other than MT equipment,books etc

Does anyone ever post things to sell/trade other than MT items on this site (in the classified)?  I am a wah MT and I am looking at reaching out to some wah MT's who scrapbook as a hobby and would be interested in joining a hostess club I am setting up.  I already have some people signed up and just looking for a few more.  I am on the MB for the cricut website, but trying to reach out to other MT's who like this as well.

Thanks for your help.

A true surrogate is not selling a baby - sm
the woman would be carrying someone else's biological child, most likely because they are not able to physically carry a child for whatever reason. In that case I would have no problem with it. Obviously women who also supply the egg as well as the womb, that is a totally different scenario. I had a friend that considered it, and I believe had I known about selling of eggs I would have done that before I was too old....by the time I heard of that I was 32 and too old and married at that point. But I think I would have seriously considered it in my 20s had I known about it, my life would have turned out a lot differently then I believe--but then I would not have the two great kids I have now which I would not have missed for anything. Everything happens for a reason.
Mega-mother selling her story
Well, today we find out the mega mother of all mothers wants to sell her story for 2 million. Talk shows, baby expert and all offers are being looked at to "tell her story" according to her spokesperson. I am hearing from this person she is very balanced, very happy about all 14. If she tells her story, maybe that will open up new pathways for others to strive for more than 8 at a time. Just think about the possibilities!
seeking advice on selling used items like
I'm sure a lot of people at the hospital are selling these types of stories
to the tabloid shows and the tabloids. Unfortunately, stories like this sell. Yes, whoever the source is should be fired.
Talk about dating yourself? I remember selling them for 0.75 cents! (nm)
Not originally from the south, so imagine my surprise when I saw them selling - sm
Cracklin at a roadside stand!  It was cooking in a huge pot of grease.  I thought I might faint from the smell - beyond description.  Then I noticed it being sold packaged in grocery stores with all kinds of flavorings added.  I cannot recall seeing cracklin sold in the other parts of the country I have lived, but maybe I just never noticed.  All I know is I cannot even stand to look at the bags while waiting to check out at the register.  YUCK!!
Me, too. I never agree with popular opinion. Same with best-selling books and/or TV shows. nm
Need help with ideas for remodeling house and decorating. We bought a house

in fair condition about 10 years ago, got into some medical problems, and have just now paid off the mortgage.  Hubby and I agreed we would do nothing to the house for remodeling because we wanted to pay it off first, then the medical bills.  I need to know of some websites/magazines/books to start researching for how to go about this.  These will be major repairs - roof, septic, basement, windows, pretty much everything except wiring.  Where do we start?  Maybe hire a general contractor just to do an evaluation and give us recommendations?  Hubby is a handyman but cant seem to get a handle on where to begin.  We would like to do as much of the work ourselves as possible - labor of love and all that...   

Thanks for any and all kind suggestions!


LOST, also Project Runway, Grey's Anatomy, various HGTV home buying/selling shows

This is my first year having to figure taxes w/ IC and I've only done it for a few months.  I'm wondering if anyone can tell me anything they think would be helpful to me regarding filing my taxes.

Here are a few things I have heard:  That I need to send in 30%-40% of my gross pay quarterly.  I have heard I can claim my office space, percentage of my utilities, and any other cost involved with my work BUT  I have also heard that amount has to exceed a certain $ amount before I will be able to claim it.  That really doesn't make any sense to me but I honestly have no clue. 

We normally have our taxes done by a certain company and am considering going to someone else and, of course, plan to ask him loads of questions but I'd like to have some sort of idea from any of you who are doing this of what to expect.

Thank you for any help you can give me.  



Be sure to read all the way to the end!

Tax his land,
Tax his bed,
Tax the table
At which he's fed.

Tax his tractor,
Tax his mule,
Teach him taxes
Are the rule.

Tax his cow,
Tax his goat,
Tax his pants,
Tax his coat.

Tax his ties,
Tax his shirt,
Tax his work,
Tax his dirt.

Tax his tobacco,
Tax his drink,
Tax him if he
Tries to think.

Tax his cigars,
Tax his beers,
If he cries, then
Tax his tears.

Tax his car,
Tax his gas,
Find other ways
To tax his ass

Tax all he has
Then let him know
That you won't be done
Till he has no dough.

When he screams and hollers,
Then tax him some more,
Tax him till
He's good and sore.

Then tax his coffin,
Tax his grave,
Tax the sod in
Which he's laid.

Put these words
upon his tomb,
"Taxes drove me
to my doom..."

When he's gone,
Do not relax,
Its time to apply
The inheritance tax.

Accounts Receivable Tax
Building Permit Tax
CDL license Tax
Cigarette Tax
Corporate Income Tax
Dog License Tax
Federal Income Tax
Federal Unemployment Tax (FUTA)
Fishing License Tax
Food License Tax,
Fuel permit tax
Gasoline Tax (42 cents per gallon)
Hunting License Tax
Inheritance Tax
Interest expense
Inventory tax
IRS Interest Charges
IRS Penalties (tax on top of tax)
Liquor Tax
Luxury Taxes
Marriage License Tax
Medicare Tax
Property Tax
Real Estate Tax
Service charge taxes
Social Security Tax
Road usage taxes
Sales Tax
Recreational Vehicle Tax
School Tax
State Income Tax
State Unemployment Tax (SUTA)
Telephone federal excise tax
Telephone federal universal service fee tax
Telephone federal, state and local surcharge taxes
Telephone minimum usage surcharge tax
Telephone recurring and non-recurring charges tax
Telephone state and local tax
Telephone usage charge tax
Utility Taxes
Vehicle License Registration Tax
Vehicle Sales Tax
Watercraft registration Tax
Well Permit Tax
Workers Compensation Tax

COMMENTS: Not one of these taxes existed 100 years ago,
and our nation was the most prosperous in the world.
We had absolutely no national debt, had the largest middle class
in the world, and Mom stayed home to raise the kids.
What happened?

And I still have to "press 1" for English
I hope this goes around world 10 times

It's America, I shouldn't have to press
anything to hear English. The constitution
was written in English, not Spanish.

I do our taxes myself
and he never even looks at them. Hopefully we won't refinance or anything anytime soon where they'll need to be looked over. I'm going to pay these things off and stop it... hopefully within the year.
I would rather pay more in taxes than to have--sm
someone garnishee my wages for her insurance program that I may or may not want!! Besides, his idea of changing the way taxes are collected is much more fair than the way it is now. Is that all you have against him?? Gotta do better than that!
Honey, I feel your pain.  And, if at all possible you do need to get on top of your quarterlies.  I failed to do that and now owe about $40,000.  My husband and I called the IRS and they generally will work with you on a payment plan that you can afford, but unfortunately, interest and penalties contine to accrue.  I think as long as they see you are making an effort they will work with you.  I think if you make payments to the IRS you can claim that as a deduction for the next year's taxes as well.  Best of luck to you!!!
Me, myself and I and my taxes sm

mmm 'scuse me.  I had only my IC income and only Federal taxes to pay last year.  I paid in $7000 and some.  I don't quality for a stimulus check either.  Raking it in? Hardly!  I pay 30% of my taxable income in taxes and I can only take the standard deduction, plus what came out to about $2000 in office expenses last year.  You add up $7K x 3, + 2007 standard deduction for a single person + $2000 and you got my income. 

I don't call that raking it in!


You can claim your adult kids (if you are single) to put you in the head of household category (which is a lower tax bracket) than claiming single. You can't claim married and head of household.   


You have to be able to prove you provided over 50% of their expenses, such a rent, food, utilities.  If they have a job and are working you can't claim them unless you can still prove what you are paying for them is over 50% of their expenses.  So basically they have to have a really lousy job or no job at all or be working spoiled brats!  Mine have fit into all of those categories at one time or another. 

Indiana taxes
A family I know in Fort Wayne area had taxes double this year since annex of Allen County to Fort Wayne. What can I say, welcome to my world in New Jersey (12,000 for property taxes in a townhouse with no backyard)
I agree wth what you said about taxes

I loved what that professor said on the show about Hurricaine Katrina.  Of course we didn't see who could pay before we rescued them.  We just needed to help them in a time of natural disaster, and the professor pointed out that if a woman gets breast cancer that IS a natural disaster to her.  I don't think she should have a better chance for survival if she is a rich American versus a poor or middle-class American.

If we can afford the very expensive war we have been in for the last 5 years I think we can afford better healthcare for US citizens.  I feel like although it is important to be safe from terrorists, the most likely threat in many of our lives isn't a terrorist's bomb; I think it is a disease that will cost us hundreds of thousands of dollars in medical bills that we may or may not be able to pay.  I think many Americans die each year because they cannot afford the lifesaving treatment they need to save their own lives, and that is tragedy in my book.

When you file your taxes
Churches should pay Taxes?
My question Do yall think Churches should pay Taxes? I see and hear a lot about some of these well to do Pastors driving MERCEDES and living in fine homes!I personally believe they should why are they exempt?

At least you own property to pay taxes on -
I don't have my own pot to p__s in or window to throw it out of. I was totally depending on that refund to help pay down my gas credit cards.
are your taxes and insurance in with
the house note? By the time you have to pay for these out of pocket, will you realize much difference; I'd say keep paying your house notes and work on the other stuff; just my thinking. DO NOT TOUCH THE 401K; you will be horribly taxed on it as income. Actually, you guys are not that bad off debt-wise, know it's crowded, but you can survive for awhile yet and may another addition to the house would be feasible later; sounds charming, I love rock houses. If you have land, I'd say hold onto this deal, land's getting harder and harder to come by. For sure you don't have homeowner's agency to contend with. This will get better; just keep on keeping on. Good luck.
So how do you know they didn't pay taxes?

Some people on SS file because they make money on the side, or they also have things that give them interest income.

Are you against SS recipients getting money back? After all, those on SS paid in as long as they worked how many years, and they do deserve it. SS doesn't give eough to live on unless you made a fortune in your earlier years. I don't know anyone who can survive on just SS.

What do you do if you owe taxes this year but
Pay part of it?  Do they have payment options?
How tough is it to track taxes
Have a job offer but am worried about going IC.
What are you talking about. I work and pay taxes.
Do you pay her taxes like a good employer?!
That $6K a month I presume is before taxes - sm
if so, I highly doubt you can afford such an expensive house. My DH makes $70K, I make about $15K; even with the 2 incomes it gets tight, and our mortgage is only $1K a month. However we put about $800 a month into a 401K plan, another $210 a month into a college fund/plan with the state, another $150 a month for our life insurance; what is left to pay bills/buy food after the mortgage is about $1500. Believe me it goes fast. Taxes take a huge chunk, and no we do not get a big refund, maybe $1200 if we are lucky; owed this year for the first time in years. If you can I'd max out at $300K on a house. I am looking forward to when ours is paid off, which will be in about 6 years at the most (10 year mortgage); we also try to make extra principal payments when we can. This is w/o car payments too, can't imagine how we would do it if we had that too; guess I'd work more, the kids would have less stuff which would be a good thing and we'd eat more frugally. Babies are expensive, diapers, formula (not all women can breastfeed or want to), daycare presuming your wife goes back to work if not, then there is no way you can make your mortgage on $2K a month, daycare would be $500 a month probably. What if one of you loses their job, any plan for that? I would want a little less stress myself if I were buying a home with a baby on the way. Find something more affordable, sure it won't have all the bells and whistles but do you really need all that? Remember to ask yourself if you need it or want it. Big difference.
Must be he owes back taxes or is
wanted for some other crime that worse than $200,00 is good!
Property taxes...oh my goodnes!!

Our area and I think much of the state were being reassessed this year.  The first tip was when my husband read in the paper that our particular county did an outstanding job with their assessment and should be an example for the rest of the state.  My husband called today to see when we would could be expecting our tax bill and was told they could give us the amount, did he want them too.  He told them he really wasn't sure he wanted to hear it!!   OK - this marvelous job that our county did was -------- a 60% increase.  Can you believe it?????  And we do not live in an extravagent area at all!  We have to come up with an extra $1900 in three months!  Piece of cake! 

I fear America is in for tough days ahead.  Our society in general cannot keep up with the increases that we see on every hand.  Milk - Close to $4 a gallon here.  Gas price increases - and we live 30 miles away from anything, work, church, shopping.  Cheese - $7 for a pound of cheese! 

How can we continue on this pathway when our incomes do not increase at the same rate?  Can't our congress people and senators see the predicament we are in?? 

Another issue along the same line - I'm wishing today that I was on Welfare.  If I was on Welfare, I would have no problem running to the eye doctor because I desparately need my lenses changed in my glasses which are at least three years old.  My son needs to go to the doctor for an infected, ingrown toenail - no money so he endures it.  My daughter needs a graft on the gum line of her teeth where here gumline is beginning to expose the root of the tooth - again no money for that so it won't get done.  I could go on and on - but I'm paying for all the Welfare people to go to the doctor for their sniffles.  Yes - I have insurance that we would be covered for a major medical expense, cancer, etc - but there is $3000 deductible so none of these smaller things are covered.

OK - I'm totally overwhelmed with these issues right now and I know that I am not the only one with these issues.  Thanks for the listening ear and the wonderful sounding board that you all are!!!

When you are sinking in this deep pit - it hard to remember and to comprehend that "MY GOD SHALL SUPPLY ALL YOUR NEEDS ACCORDING TO HIS RICHES IN GLORY."  I'm sure He will do that because He never fails.  I'm anxious to see how he supplies that need.

You talk like the only ones involved with big taxes
My father got killed in an accident, left me his property, I sold and for upcoming year MY taxes on that ALONE over $13,000.00. I did not fuss, I did not oh woe me- just put that money in the bank to draw interest until tax time. Know I owe and have that set aside. That does not count all the other taxes DH and I pay for the year and I sound like a grinch? Sure don�t get that remark. I am as much into keeping all that I can but EVERYONE (unless on welfare) has to pay their share, until and if they change the laws. I would be glad for any bonus he or I either one got but not happening here, so where does grinch come in?
We pay property taxes in KY on car tags. (nm)
SKIING! Taxes done or still procrastinating?
Taxes done. Mountains or Ocean?
you should only get money back if you pay taxes.nm
Don't do your taxes with Turbotax on line.

I was having problems getting my return to e-file and called customer service for a refund and guess what, customer service is in filthy stinking India.  Do not give your business to a company who sends not only jobs but OUR FEDERAL TAX INFO to India!  I will never use them again. 

I've been paying a lump sum for my taxes
and was starting to get scared that I'm doing it wrong. Actually, my husband was doing the taxes, and this year we're separated. I've just been an IC two years and an MT for a little over three. So is it okay to send it all in April? This will be my first year to write off an office space and such. So many other things were going on before that I had no time to really think this all through. Numbers and taxes and math are not my thing!
Good, does that mean I can stop paying taxes? - nm
They may be citizens and are paying taxes like the rest of us.
What difference does it make?
Help Needed on Taxes/Finance Board


I am close to retirement age and got property taxes
just a few days ago, about $2,250.00- I called and asked if I got anything off when I reached another age, say 70 or so and was told in 2009 I will have reached the golden age of 65 and my taxes would be only about $800.00 per year! Good Golly Miss Molly, talk about good news! The school tax break comes through then for me. There are some good things that come with aging and this is one!
Apparently paying my Iowa taxes
Man, they've gone up. Dang it all to heck.

Otherwise, I'll be using the difference by knocking out my small bills in anticipation of paying off our zillions of dollars worth of student loans in about 800 years.