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Same happened to me this year...

Posted By: Veronica on 2008-04-18
In Reply to: Can we talk about bras? - sm

I tried every size and styles... I thought I would have to get an EE bra or something. But then I asked a kindly lady at Sears, and she had me try the bras in boxes, that hold you up and conceal instead of pushing everything up so much that all you see is tremendous flabs. The key is making sure the cup has a full line, not half of one. I know it sounds complicated... but anyway it turned out I'm a 38C and not an EE!

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Bigger issue - a 16 year old living withi a 29 year old and liability
Are you still not responsible for him until he is 18, how can he tell you where he will live?  Unless he emancipates himself and he does something wrong, can they go against you since you are his mother and legally responsible for him?  I worry more about him living with a 29 year old sister rather than returning a house key to me that is a bigger issue.
My 14-year-old is going to be a mother-in-law (so funny) if you google it and 11-year-old daughter
Won $2,000 on slot machine on New Year's Eve. What a way to start the year. nm
Set my budget a year in advance, save all year and
What a difference a year makes! Last year, sm
we had the same problem.  Fines everywhere for watering.
Paid $60,000 on principal last year and this year
planning on another $30,000 after my taxes paid for the year. We are getting our house paid down very quickly.
55-year old woman has birthday sex with 12-year old

DAYTON - Gloria Murphy gave children celebrating her 55th birthday alcohol and then had sex with a 12-year-old boy at the party on Thursday, Jan. 29, according to police.

The boy got into Murphy’s bed at 5440 Rawlings Drive, where the married woman had sex with her adolescent neighbor, according to police and Montgomery County prosecutors. 

Two of the children at the party ran home at about 6 a.m. Jan. 30 and told a parent they saw the boy and woman having sex, according to 911 audio.

The parent then called police at about 6:15 a.m., according to a police report and 911 audio.

Murphy did not force the boy to have sex, but since he is younger than 13, it is considered rape, Lt. Patrick Welsh said. No other children were involved in the sexual encounter, but some other children at the party consumed alcohol, according to police.

A 17-year-old would have the same goals as a 20 year old (sm)
Only the 20 year old is hopefully more responsible and based on what you say about his character, would be a better choice than someone her own age.
I have a 9-year-old son that sounds just like your 10 year old...
Lately he has been so negative about everything...trying to make him have a good summer and whenever I take him somewhere, he is just a brat when we get home...I think they are called tweens at this age...not quite teenagers but have the attitude like one---LOL
We skipped it entirely last year, and THIS year?

This 40-year-old got dumped for a 30-year-old
This year will be our 35th year
The first couple years it was literally 5 or 6 times a day every day (more on the weekends). Over time it gradually slowed down (once a day) and over the past few years its been 2 or 3 times a week. Not sure that is average or not. There were times were I felt it was too much and him not enough, then there were times where I wanted it more and he didn't. Guess everyone goes through a phase. I guess because of how long we've been together, now it's just comfortable - nothing exciting about it. Just a routine. I have to make it exciting in my mind and pretend I'm someone else.

I don't know what it is, but you are correct...after awhile the lust and infatuation wears off and you get in a routine. I guess for us it was that we really didn't know each other when we married (we dated for 3 weeks then eloped). Once I got to know him it was too late. Now 35 years later it is just comfort (and amazingly we never once used birth control and never had any kids). My mom still tells me she's amazed at the frequency of our encounters that not even once did I even have a "close call" with getting pregnant.

But 35 years once or twice a week and 3 or 4 times on weekends. Not sure if that is normal.
When it happened before

about 5 years ago it was about 3 months after the birth of my first child.  I have an 18 month old and she was born via C section.  I had a pap smear about a month after my 18 month old was born and it was okay.  Just the one in April has come back abnormal.


Oh boy! I'm really sorry that happened. SM
I don't blame you or your son for not inviting him to wedding. But perhaps, just perhaps, you should have. I have a feeling ex-hubby probably realized he made a huge mistake long ago and is sorry for it. He is probably now taking that anger out on you. If he continues, (gulp), try talking calmly to him and tell him you understand how he feels. If he has shown any atonement, see if your son would meet with him, briefly.

It takes a lot to show forgiveness. Be the better person.
That happened to me too.
I gave a HS gal money for her  grad, never heard a thanks.  Then  I gave her $ when her baby was born a few weeks later. I thought well she doesn't write thank you notes apparently, but the next time I saw her at a picnic, she didn't even say thanks.  I still think thanks are necessary when someone gives you a gift. 
What ever happened with that?
Happened to my mom . . .
she was a little devastated at the news when she read about pulmonary fibrosis, but turns out she didn't have it at all.
This happened to me before, too, SM
This happened to me once. I was taking a walk this time of year (late October) when a TON of blackbirds flew up. They landed on all the trees, telephone poles, etc. all around me. It was really creepy.

Even though you're having a warm day, they probably are getting ready to fly south.
Hey! Maybe something happened
to my husband when he went through Roswell, NM on a trip for work!!  He didn't see any UFOs or aliens but plenty of ads. He sure has selective memory on many occasions!
That happened to me
I had the same thing happen to me a few days after my surgery. Woke up to find blood on my sheets and then stood up and it just burst. I had a seroma in the area of the incision that had collected with blood and turned out to have an infection. I was on antibiotics for almost 4 months. It was very slow to heal, but this also happened to my nephew, and in speaking with the doctor this sometimes happens. It either drains spontaneously, as mine did, or they have to take the patient back to surgery to drain it and pack it, and they also have to be on antibiotics for an indefinite period of time. I am now one year out from the surgery and you can seen on the MRI where this occurred, and the bone graft is not healing as well in that area than it did in the other areas, but I am fine now. You SIL will be fine with time too, just have to closely watch this for evidence of an infection. As I said, it took me 4 months before it totally healed.
Happened to me sm
It has been many, many years since I was in elementary school and I still remember the mean things the teachers did and said to me.  I really feel for you.  Good luck!
what happened
I don't know why info was left out of OP. Many things don't make sense the way it printed. Anyway, I hope you get the basics.
This is exactly what happened with me
I did it for about 6 months or so. It was very time consuming scanning everything in, punching in the prices and quantities sometimes if it didn't have it in the system. It just wasn't worth it, and then I had the same software problems. Same answer.. keep trying. Same threatening letter. I also finally sent it back with great relief.
What happened with this...
I just slept more than 12 hours! What's up with that? My little boy was home sick yesterday and I took my afternoon nap when hubby came home and I just got up now! (3 a.m.).  What's the deal? Anybody else ever do that? Missed 2 hours of my afternoon shift, though I can make the 2 hours up. Still, really that is kind of ridiculous... anybody else ever have this happen? When I woke up I did not know if it was day or night LOL.
Happened to me too
You know, I now do not have to wear any glasses to read at all or to type at the computer! I am in my 40s as well and I wondered why I had headaches while transcribing. I took my glasses off and I felt much better. Only time I wear my glasses is when I drive or if I need to see really far. Isn't that great! Finally something good about getting to be "mature." LOL. PS: Still can't find my glasses every morning though. My husband or son usually find them for me. Sad, but true.
I am so, so sorry that this happened to you. I really am. sm
I have a very best friend who says kind things about my husband and I don't know what I'd do if she were do to that to me or if my husband were to do that with me. Was that the demise of your marriage? Did you stay? Leave? Did she apologize??
OMG That happened to me too before! sm
I was feeling really bad, depressed, tired, defeated, you name it.

I normally don't even open/eat fortune cookies, but my daughter was trying to make me feel better, so she insisted that I open/read one. 'It will be a good fortune. It will make you feel better. Come on, please open one..' So I did and it was EMPTY!!!

We both laughed hysterically but it was still kind of depressing.... I said, 'See? I HAVE no fortune!!'

Guess you can look at it both ways, no fortune or everything you need ;-)
I know someone that happened to

She needed a liver transplant, got the liver and ended up with liver cancer from her new liver.  We were all so happy that she got the transplant, but it ended sadly anyway. 

Same happened to me....go get a
professional bra fitting. I did mine at Macy's (Nordstrom has someone too) and ended up buying 5 bras (Wacoal brand...spendy but worth it). The fitting wound up revealing not 36D but 34DD and even 32DD in some brands. I am so much more comfortable and no more wasted money on bras that sit in the lingerie drawer.
Yes, happened to me just now...
something trying to install, my Spy Sweeper blocked it, called it malware.
but it happened
Went to a psychologist with a problem - I am psychic and have struggled with this for most of my life.  Well, after telling the psychologist this, she asked for a psychic reading - wanting to know about her upcoming marriage, whether she would be able to get pregnant right away (she is 41), if there were any impending problems going to happen, and on and on.  I obliged at first (that's what I am used to doing) then I realized that she was going to want to be paid.  I then told her that the session was over and that I wasn't going to pay for her services and that I wouldn't charge her for mine.  Then about a month later, I got a bill.  I promptly sent the bill back with my explanation that she had not serviced my needs, but had taken advantage of me as a patient - and that once again I would not be paying her $125 for 45 minute fee.  She actually called the day she received the copy of her bill, a copy of my bill to her, and apologized for stepping out of line.  I do have to applaud her for knowing that she was wrong, but could not refer anyone that I know to her in the future.  At least she was honest.  Anyone know where I can find a good therapist?
This is what happened to me
Times have really changed since I was in school but I remember this incident very well and what happened in this case. A classmate of mine had taken my homework on the way to school (can't remember why). I told my mom that she took my homework and I can remember my mom talking to the girls parents (we walked over to their house - she lived on the same street). My mom talked to her mom and told her what I had said. Her mother looked at her and asked her what happened. The girl looked at her mom and said "I didn't take her homework, I don't know what she's talking about". The mother turned back to my mom and said she didn't take it and my mom and I left. Luckly my mom believed me. I hope it works out for you. That's a lot of money and only right the girl should give it back, but in my experience parents always side with their kids whether they are right or wrong.
This also happened to my son
The friend "loaned" it to another friend, who broke it,evidently, before giving it back to the original friend. Same thing, a video game. Every time he approached the friend for awhile he got a vague excuse, and then he finally 'fessed up. Bottom line, chalk it up to experience and never loan out your stuff. He was in, I think 9th or 10th grade at the time. Nothing teaches quite like experience!
What happened to you....

that made you such a mean and nasty person?  Really, what's your story?  We would probably all like to hear how it is that you were elevated to your high horse.  I'm sure that all of your relationships are above reproach and you get along with everyone perfectly, as evidenced by your interactions with this poster, who was merely venting her frustrations.  Get a life! 


Does anyone know what happened to the
wonderful guy on America's Got Talent who sang opera for his first audition and then last week sang There's A Place For Us?   They brought back the acts from last week and announced who was going on to the next round, but he was not there this week and they did not mention him.  I wonder if he dropped out?  He was just wonderful. 
This happened to me
I kept threatening my mom that I would move out if she didn't let me do what I wanted (I was 17). Finally one day my mom marched into my room with a suitcase and started to pack my bags. Really opened up my eyes quick. Sounds like your daughter is using that as a "threat" believing that you will back down and let her do what she wants if she "threatens" you with leaving. My mom's words to me were (as she was packing my bag)... "You want to leave so bad? You think you have it horrible here and I'm such a bad person cos I won't let you run around whereever you want, take my car whenever you want? Here let me help you". When I knew she wouldn't put up with the bull I was giving her I backed down. Mom told me its her house, her rules, you can go out with your friends, but as long as you live in this house you will do follow the rules. She wanted to know where I was because she loved me and wanted to know I was safe. That is what she told me. She said that when I turn 18 I will be of legal age and if I want to move out she will help me find a place that I can support myself on. But until then I had to respect her as much as she respected me. I had a curfue. Midnight on weekends, 11 pm on school nights. As for the drinking thing...its not okay...it is illegal. There are laws and they should be followed. Under age drinking is illegal, robbery is illegal, speeding is illegal, etc, etc. There are many things that are illegal and for good reason. I worked with a lady who told me how responsible and wonderful and mature her son is. At 16 they bought him whatever kind of car he wanted, let him do what he wanted. "He's such a good person and we trust him totally. He tells us he doesn't drink or party or "hang out". He's always at the library or his friends studying. She came in one Monday in tears. That weekend the police had brought him home from a "party" where there were no adults. He was drunk and the police were called in because there was underage drinking.
Happened to me too sm
I had trouble breathing and swallowing and the left side of my thyroid had grown pretty big.  I had the left thyroid taken out.  The surgery was no big deal.  I was not in much pain either.  My left thyroid was about 3 times the size it should have been, but it was not cancer.  Don't worry.
This has happened before and ....sm
it is such a sad sad story. I am a pitbull owner. I will say these dogs are not for everyone. It takes a certain kind of owner to have these dogs and in the wrong hands they are dangerous. I am a dog lover. I love pits BUT there are mistakes people make such as having more than one pit of the same gender. I don't know the circumstances which led to this attack but I can say I do not believe the dogs attacked for no reason. Something can set them off. But a dog that is loved and is a stable well minded dog who loves the owner is not going to attack for no reason. Usually there are circumstances we don't know. The dogs could have got into a fight or simply a spat and he could have intervened and they might have attacked him in the heat of the moment. I would never have more than one at a time unless they were different genders. I will say again not a dog for everyone. Until we know the nature of the attack we can't judge.
It happened to me. (sm)
We had all sorts of vet bills from previous dogs, and then were hit with health bills of our own (both DH and I), and insurance that didn't turn out to be very good, and suddenly the reality was that we couldn't afford to care for our 2 dogs responsibly. We didn't have these dogs very long, but I'll be heartbroken if they aren't adopted.
Has This Ever Happened To Any Of You Here?

This was unreal...I had made a trip to the store for cat food (before I became cat food LOL!) and while slowing down behind a car that was turning, I got hit in the back. No real damage, just a scruff on the bumper of my Subaru Forester, and a bit of a blow to my ego, but the dang kid who hit me was texting her boyfriend while driving and obviously not paying attention to the road. She was only 19 years old! Holy cow!

I got out, she got out...still texting. She said, "Wait a minute," and continued texting. I couldn't believe it. I have that hands-free voice-activated cellphone setup in my Forester that DH set up for me, so I got back in and called the police department. If she hadn't been so rude, I might have let it go, but when she pulled that, I decided to teach her a lesson.

She was horrified to learn that I called the cops while she was texting. She actually yelled at me, saying, "My Dad's going to kill me! Why'd you do that? I didn't hurt your stupid car!" and on and on. I just stood there and looked at her.

The cop got there, threw the book at her: failure to yield, following too closely, texting while driving (it's a law here now -- you can't do that) and she has a nasty fine and her insurance is definitely going to go up. She was horrified.

Maybe she'll think twice before texting while driving again...before she causes real damage and people get hurt.

So that's my new pet peeve! Grrr! I'm going to find and buy that bumpersticker that says, "Hang up and drive!"

Has this ever happened to any of you?

Same happened to me..........
My mother is in a nursing home with dementia. She did never write a will. I do not live in the same city as my mother, my sister does. So my sister takes more care of my mother. Although my mother's retirement benefits cover all the expenses in the nursing home, my sister took all the money in my mother's bank account and put it into the purchase of an apartment for her and her boyfriend, without telling me. My mother told me before she was admitted to the mursing home that my sister and I should split the money that she had in the bank, 50/50, but my sister did not know that.
What shall I do now that all the money is invested in my sister's apartment?
I too have to turn the other cheek, so bad, so sad.
I'm sorry this happened, but you might

in a similar situation but different diagnosis (Tourette's).  You might actually take advantage of the situation.  Sometimes kids need to learn tolerance outside the home because they don't learn it at home.  Maybe the kids need to understand exactly what ADHD is so they can begin to understand?  You can talk to your child study team about this.  Maybe they can arrange for some sort of presentation, or perhaps you might want to take a role in that.  If he's classified and covered under IDEA and an IEP, you actually probably have a case against the school for her sharing that information, but you'd have to weigh that against possibly turning this into a positive situation and experience for your son.  Kids often tease and bully over things they don't understand.  It's natural and part of being a kid, but they should have some sense of tolerance for those who might appear or act "different." 

I can also tell you, since your son is in the 6th grade, you might really want to start working on having him advocate for himself.  He's getting up to that age where he will need to be able to do this to survive middle school and beyond.  This would extend not only to his peers, but his teachers and administrators too.  I can also tell you from experience that kids mature a LOT over the summer between 6th and 7th grade and hopefully this will help your son's situation going forward. 

Good luck to you!!  It's hard enough parenting the "normal" teenage, but add in one (or try 3) with disabilities and you've got your work cut out for you.


Yes - that happened to me with my first too (sm)
I went home weighing the same as I went in weighing! But!!!!! I lost 35 pounds in the first week after I sent home, all water weight!! My skin was loose on my feet and ankles for a week or two but it did go back to normal. I had watched sodium very closely but still had a lot of swelling. Don't worry, it will go away!
What happened

Why don't I remember any of these things being issues when I was a kid?  The world seemed so different then. 

Am I just looking through rose-colored glasses at my past?

Well, I do know there were STDs back then, but I never heard of AIDS then.  Kids weren't shooting other kids and teachers.  Drugs?  I never saw them being dealt or used at school.  Not then.  There weren't locked security doors or metal detectors when I went to school. 

We used to be able to go to the airport then and just stroll around, watching planes take off from the open observation decks.  There was even a movie theater in our airport.  Later, when I had my own kids, I still would take them to the airport, they loved watching the planes take off.  I remember a flight I was on with my husband and my oldest son when he was just the only one and a little guy at that.  They actually gave him a little packet on the plane that had crayons and a coloring book and a metal pilot-wings pin to wear.  Oh-God-now that would be considered a deadly weapon. 

It is such a shame how things are now.  Kids face a tremendous amount of pressure and dangers in school.  

When did the world take this sharp turn for the worst?  Was it the proliferation of drugs?  Now they are talking about legalizing marijuana.  Not sure if that is a good thing.  I guess there are many who would argue with me, but I just don't think it would be a good idea. 

I just wouldn't want to be a kid today. 

Happened to me all the time. sm
My son was very bad about "leaving" things.  A lot of times the kid who takes it will tell the parent they "traded" with another friend, something else for it, or that it was given to them.  I also had a child that visited every other weekend, and he would put my son's clothes on under his and walk out the door, clothes gone forever.  Maybe it will show up. 
I am so sorry you had to witness this and even more sorry obviously that it happened. (sm)
I cannot even imagine your pain.  And it hits so close to home as you have a teenager.  Praying for the poor person that was killed, the teen driver and your family also.  Hugs too!
What happened in the first place??
I'm sorry all that stuff happened to you, too, and
am more glad that you moved on as well!  Thanks for bringing me perspective again. I have to run now -- off to the happy world of MTing.
something similar happened to me (sm)

Everyone just loved my husband, even though he only went once in a blue moon.  But me and the kids, we were there for everything, helping out, participating, and yet it seemed like all anyone ever said was, "Where's your husband."  Eventually, I got tired of answering the same old questions, not being appreciated for what I contributed to the church, and left.  So sad that people act this way, but I guess it must just be human nature?

Happy New Year Y'all!

This has happened too many times to me. sm
I have been hired and they told me I will be taking on all their offices to later find a temp sitting there. Then they'll say "I never said I would never keep you." This was not contracted services.

It hurts. I had that happen to me last year and I don't think I've recovered yet. Told the client I don't catch clients up. She said ok. I started work without a contract (not good). Then I felt trapped in the deal. She negotiated everything in her company's favor and then one day suddenly said stop. They were "caught up." I wondered how did I get into this?

I realized the following:
1. Never negotiate your services.
2. Never start work without a contract.
3. Always meet them (no telephone negotiations).
4. No giving prices over the phone.

Wish I had other ways to weed them out. So many OMs where I live who want to cover their bottom line while misleading MTs. I have been so reluctant to market because of this. They fish MTs out. It hurts.

Whatever happened to MANNERS?!
I think it is extremely rude to bring your pet into shopping malls/stores! Just like I also believe that children should be taught to behave well while in stores! What is wrong with people, why on earth would anyone ever think it's okay to bring an ANIMAL inside a store?? Of course I also think it's insane to treat an ANIMAL like a baby! Some of you people really need to wake up and realize that this "precious little baby" is NOT a baby, it's a little creature that licks its private parts!! And for those of you crazy people that posted down below, I'm a perfectly happy person and actually like most dogs, but I again I think it's extremely rude to subject other people to my pets.