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Really odd. I had a cold about 3 weeks ago and got another one now and a lot of

Posted By: PAMT on 2009-04-11
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other people are having the same problem.  This is very unusual for me to have this happen.  Not much fun!  I really dont get around many people at all so I have no idea where they are coming from.

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I live in Wyoming and it is freezing...high of about 5 tomorrow with icy north winds and -15 for tonight.  I am tired of snow, I want summer so I can complain about no rain and being hot.


Wow, that's cold!
We don't know individual circumstances of every single person. Things happen. Sometimes we can control the things that happen to us, sometimes we can't.

If no one helps these people, we add to our future burdens on society. Help them find a way to help themselves and be productive, learn a lesson or two, take care of their own, take care of someone else.

Guess you have never made any kind of mistake in your entire spotless life. Good for you!

Unfortunately, the rest of the world's population is not so perfect and we make mistakes and hopefully learn from our mistakes.
At least with a cold pak. The need to be kept cold. sm
whatever, even if you keep them cold, they are total junk food, eaten cold or warm.

Just because they like them, like McDonalds, you don't have to feed them that junk. Yuck.
Anyone tried Cold-FX yet?
If so, did you experience positive results?  I am looking for any help I can get this winter!  Thanks!! 
cold hands

I bought a pair of cotton gloves from CVS and cut off the fingertips.  cotton won't make your hands sweat and they are very comfortable and keep the heat in.  look for them where the first aid products are.  if you can't find them someone in pharmacy can help locate them for you.  you get several pair in the box and are very cheap!

I'm 45 and get COLD flashes!
While I'm glad I'm not suffering from hot flashes, I'm amazed at this cold business. It was 85 the other day, and I actually had a sweater on! My doc is sending me for thyroid studies, but she said that she's seen this happen occasionally, too. My mom and maternal grandmother also never suffered from hot flashes, but often complained of cold flashes. Go figure.
It might be cold where you are and they trying to find
Hot/cold sweats
I have been having worsening hot/cold sweats for months.  They are very embarassing.  I don't think they are hormonal.  Had hysterectomy in 1999 and had those hot sweats for a while, then went away.  Not on any hormones.  These sweats happen with no warning, nothing, just all of a sudden get very flushed, hands feet cold, and sweat profusely head and face, Im talking sweat running down my face.  Docs dont know and are not really concerned about, but I have not really pushed the issue, but am ready too.  Does this ring a bell with anyone?  I have thought it could be a side effect of a med, but I have been on the same meds for years. If anybody has any answers I would sooooooo appreciate it.
They get cold really easily (sm)
They are low to the ground as you know, and don't have much fur on their tummies so they get really cold easily. I have had one for 13 years and he has always lived inside, stays outside a lot during the day but comes in whenever he wants and sleeps inside. He gets shakey shivery freezing cold if he is outside in the cold for long. I do have two outside dogs who are quite happy out there but they are not dachsunds. I would at least make sure he has somewhere to sleep where he can be warm. They make really great pets.
i think i'm catching a cold

in the library yesterday at school, someone sat across from me and kept coughing, and i thought this is just freakin great, now i'm going to get sick again.  I didn't want to switch computers because i wasn't going to be there long, and it takes so freaking long when you turn them on and log in that switching really wasn't worth it.  So here i am feeling like i'm starting with something.  Yesterday, I really felt like tellling that person that i was going to kick his @$$ if I ended up with his cold.  I'm just really tired of catching things all the time. 

Cold Mountain
no msg
How to you start car when it's that cold?
cold hands/feet

Any ideas for cold feet and frozen hands (fingers) when working?

On a cold wintery night . . .
the night my mother was buried. My daughter and I came for her funeral. That night we slept in her bedroom, her bed. I closed my eyes and tried to sleep, but I kept seeing these images, like flashing, scenes of people and neighborhoods, going very quickly and changing. You know how people say their life flashed before their eyes, it was like that. My daughter said "do you think Grandma is here". I immediately said yes. Turns out she was having the same experience. We started talking to my mom. We weren't scared, we felt that she was the one who was scared. Maybe she didn't know what to do or something. We told her what a great mom she was and she had to go to her next destination, that we were all okay. Then it was just over. It was nothing tangible, very subtle, but I'll never forget it. I've watched some of these shows but never heard of anyone experience anything like this or an explanation for it. It was almost like we were seeing her memories.
cold hands solution

I found the best solution for when your hands get too cold to type.  I filled an old tube sock with rice. Pop it into the microwave for 4 minutes or so. Put the hot sock in my sweatshirt pocket. I can stick my hands in for a quick warm up most of the afternoon.  It also keeps the rest of me pretty toasty.  ( it is only -3 degrees here!)

Just thought I'd share my idea. Happy Friday.

Those work great on a cold. But this is
in my chest and neck nodes with body ache. Yech - flu.
Second day of quitting cold turkey...

Today is my second day of quitting smoking cold turkey. I have some patches, but that is it. I am determined I will quit this time though, without a doubt.

This morning has been really hard not having a smoke with my coffee. My nerves are just on edge.

Any words of encouragement would be greatly appreciated!!!

If you go outside in the cold with a wet head you'd get sick...sm
the principal at my daughter's school thought that was still true until I showed him studies that showed it doesn't make you sick, it only gives you a cold head. I wouldn't let a child go outside if it's below 20 with a wet head but I do have a child that hates blow drying her hair and doesn't mind a cold head, so I leave it up to her when it's above 20 outside and she gets a shower before school.
Quit cold turkey because
admitted to the hospital with asthma exacerbation and put on theophylline. That is probably the worst thing ever, sped me up, no sleeping, sweating and I swore if I could get out of the hospital never again. That was 1998 and not 1 cigarette after then. I hated the theophylline more than I loved the cigarettes. What I thought would be outpatient treatment in the emergency room that day changed into a 2 week stay. I was put on prednisone and gained 26 lbs in 2 weeks, horrible. If a doctor now says prednisone, I said what is my second choice? I am remarried and thank goodness stopped the smoking, this hubby is so much against it. I never, though, call anyone else down on their habit if they smoke because I have been there myself.
Heat or cold for a toothache?

Advil isn't working much anymore.  Heat or cold to the outside?  It's going to be a long weekend.

I would get some really cool/cold water
sounds like an extremely good idea to me, wished I had thought of that earlier.
Just lotion or cold cream or something like that (sm)
I would be afraid the baking soda would be too abrasive and he'd have mark from that. If you get most of it off tonight and the rest in the morning it shouldn't be that hard to get off.
Yes, exactly, like I am getting sick but not quite. Almost like I have a cold, but it never develops
I feel vaguely nauseous, hot a lot at night, hands hot all the time. Almost feel like I am going to come down with a cold but just as you said, it never develops. I never knew those were rheumatoid arthritis symptoms. I am sorry for your diagnois. Do you do ok with medication?
That is cold. My furnace is broke...sm
Getting it repaired tomorrow. YAY! Freezing sucks! It has been in the 30s at night here in South MS and that is too cold for no heat. I do have the little electric space heaters though so that helps. Heat tomorrow finally!
Not to bad if you like snow and sleet and cold.
Good ole life in the midwest.  72 here on Monday and Tuesday, below freezing, white stuff, sleet and cold/damp here.  Good day to work from home and gomake another cup of hot chocolate.  BRRR. 
Ditto, I would think anyone with a cold sore - sm
would know not to kiss anyone, especially a newborn. Obviously the mother was not thinking, it was her baby, etc., unless she did not know she had it, and/or that it was herpes as all cold sores are and very contagious and spread by kissing, contact, etc. It is very sad the nursing staff did not say something to her prior, during, after the birth as this all could have been easily prevented.
Water with lemon, hot or cold. nm


Anybody else coming down with a summer cold?
I am 16 weeks pregnant and I woke up yesterday with a sore throat.  I never get sick during the summer and the only thing you hear about going around right now is the swine flu and I am all paranoid because I am pregnant and I know that my immune system is more susceptible.  Just wondering if anyone else has caught a summer cold?
No, they are both cool to touch. It's cold here so I'm always chilly. nm
I always put them in the lunch boxes with a cold pack. NM
I quit cold turkey 10 years ago, YOU CAN DO IT!! nm
Well, eating ice chips, cold water mostly
because tomorrow is a feast day and hate for my mouth to be hurting still. Tried this morning to fine the campho (sounds like) fenequic- you know what I mean and if and when I find that bugger will put on my tongue, inside on the membranes and that should help - thanks
Quit cold Turkey 2 months ago. Still want one. Ugh

That sounds delicious! I wish I had V8. It's rainy and cold so I might have sm
to compromise and use something else. thanks for the idea!
Bunch of cold fish on this posting.....nm
This annoying little cough I have from allergies or cold
Can't tell which it is. But it has hung on for a long time, and today really driving me nuts. Glad no one is home, they'd think this is the "house of tuberculosis!" My own cough is today's pet peeve!
like they say, revenge is a dish best served cold (nm)

I like it cold for the holidays. Was in Florida last week and...sm
it just did not feel like Christmastime (temps in the 70s--not that I was complaining).  However, I wish the temps here in WA State would get above freezing so that I can get my Christmas/birthday shopping done.  Some roads are still a sheet of ice.  Your 40-50 degrees sound perfect to me. 
Putting cold weather to good use.
This morning I made home-made chicken stock in my pressure cooker. It's now been strained and is sitting on the back steps in a metal pot. It's only 18 degrees outside, so it shouldn't take long for the fat to come to the top and solidify, which is something I usually have to do overnight in the fridge. I should be having some nice soup for dinner or late afternoon snack today!
Some of us are fortunate enough to NOT be cold-hearted shrews!

who care only for themselves and nobody else.  We care deeply about our loved ones and it is extremely difficult to turn them out, even if it is the right thing and only thing left to do!  It's not about backbone, lady!  Where's your compassion?  This is painful for her.  She is watching her father sink further and further into mental illness and she feels helpless.  She wants to fix him, take care of him, and make him better, but she is realizing she can't.  That's a painful realization -- the realization that no matter how much you love them, no matter how much you try to help, it will never be enough, you will never succeed, and the only thing left to do is save yourself. 

Curious Girl, will eventually do what she needs to do, but doing what is right can be just as painful as something that is wrong.  What she needs are shoulders to cry on and people around her to tell her she's a good person NOT criticize her and tell her she needs to grow a backbone!

Back in 1990 we had an unusual cold snap, and (sm)
the lakes & ponds here froze over, as well as local swimming pools. It showed on the news that people were ICE-SKATING on one of the lakes in Golden Gate Park!
...the old lady died. Good riddance cold &
Well, it's gotten cold enough to burn the fireplace. I'm in northern AZ. How bout you?
WHy when I did a shot of whiskey it help my very very sore throat and cold??
It was suggested to me to do a shot of whiskey (which I hate by the way) because I had a very bad sore throat, the kind of sore throat that is deep down in your throat like towards the bottom of your neck...anyhow I had been battling this for over 5 days worse with it getting worse with each day...So, I do the shot of whiskey and it helped reduce the intense pain immediately and while my throat still aches, the intense deep pain is gone....Why does this work?
What part of country, mild, cold weather or?
Do not remember seeing what part of the country you live in. Florida as compared to Michigan, I think makes some difference.
Cold/sinus infection with beginning of period?

Okay, here's the deal.  The day before my period, for the last year or so, I get a horrendously bad cold/sinus infection/flu-type process.  It usually goes away about a day or two after my period.  I have never ever had this happen before and its really bad this month.  I have all the symptoms... stuffiness, red runny eyes, runny stuffy nose, pounding headache, throat like daggers, etc.  It started as postnasal drip yesterday and I thought ohhh great... here we go.  Needless to say I was up most of last night in complete tears because of the pain of it all and not being able to swallow at all.  I have tried researching on the internet about this happening, but can't find any information.  Has anyone heard of this or had this happen?  I just want to stop it.  truly, I would take the worst god awful cramps over this torture.  I have had this both on and off the pill and I am only 31.  Any information would be appreciated as I know what a wealth of information our community could be.  Unfortunately, I am in Europe and so I can't go to my GP easily.  The doctors here don�t do anything about anything unless its major either and I know they will brush it off as some silly sinus infection, but it happens every month and goes away in 3 days on its own, so it can't be a run of the mill thing.  Any advice is welcome.  I go home to the US in 6 months and I can wait if I have to, but maybe some angel out there knows something to help.  I have tried tons of medications and herbal things/natropathic and nothing works except my period being established.


Thanks in advance and sorry for the icky topic. ;)

That's New England - cold winter, warm bread! nm
Our first cold front in Miami. High 50's. It hasn't
cold compress and clean it with baby shampoo.
Would go find another eye specialist ASAP. I have this happen once in a while but not on a consistent basis. Can also be allergy related, i.e. if you use eye makeup or anything like that, or even if you are allergic to other stuff.

I am allergic to Pine Sol. When I use it, my eyes swell up and go shut. It is an awful thing to behold, let me tell you.
Quit cold turkey Thanksgiving day 1989
but was hospitalized and put on Theophylline. Now some might like this medicine, acted like speed and I was up for 2 days and 2 nights, sweating, hair sweaty, bed wet. I hated this and said dear Lord please let me get home and never smoke another cigarette and did not. The cure I hated more than I loved the cigarettes.
You could also make a cold rice and tuna salad, with a little - sm
mayo, some onion, maybe some peas and/or mushrooms if you have 'em. But, yeah, the add soup and call it a casserole/hotdish idea was the first one I had, too. :-)