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Party in SF as a send-off for friends leaving for Burning Man.

Posted By: San Francisco on 2007-08-17
In Reply to: Weekend coming. What is everyone doing? - I'm cleaning my 7m pregnant daughter's house

I'd love go myself, but can't afford it.....

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Chain emails! You know, the ones that say send this to 10 friends and...

something good will happen to you in the next 30 minutes.  I absolutely hate those!  No offense to those who happily forward them whenever you get them, they just clog up my inbox and annoy me to death.  I'd rather my friends just email me and let me know what's going on with them.  I don't need some teary inspirational story to forward to the people I care about so I can be blessed.

Work related peeves - doctors who practically whisper when they dictate!

Looking for graduation party ideas for son's graduation. I have a few friends helping me sm
but any new ideas would be great too. This is my first born graduating so I'm kind of clueless what I'm doing. One friend suggested a poster board with lots of his pictures. My sister suggested putting his trophies, awards, acceptance letter from his college, etc. on a table. As far as food, we are having sloppy joes, meatballs, pulled pork sandwiches, possibly some sausage sandwiches, fried chicken, pasta salad, macaroni salad, german potato salad, olives, pickles, nuts, cookies, chips/pretzels, dip, cookies, cake, etc. Any more ideas?? I'll be doing this three more times (oldest son is 18, youngest son is 3 so I have a while in between - hopefully I'll be a "pro" by the time the youngest graduates!! XXXXX)

I agree, I would send just send a card....
maybe a mass card if they are Catholic.
Burning Man
I can't remember who posted the article a couple of weeks ago about the Burning Man Festival, but I found it interesting, and not being able to sleep tonight I got back up and got on the computer- Yahoo News has a couple of articles on the festival and what happened this week- I won't spoil it for you if you like to read about things first. But I found it very interesting. Thanks for bringing something new to my little part of the world.
itching burning sm
It's a very embarrassing subject, had to bring it up with two docs. Both ignored it.  I ended up diagnosing myself, it was a pain med I was on, stopped when I discontinued. Had them after pregnancy, used hot baths, then hemorrhoidal ointment. Sometimes the hot baths will dry the skin, thus the itching. Bubble baths are also VERY bad for both the anal and genital area. Don't blame your husband yet, could be an allergy to something, i.e. new laundry soap, etc. Good luck with it.
Any one out there using a wood burning - sm
stove for heat?  Preferably a Glacier Bay stove but if not please feel free to chime in.  We just bought an old Glacier Bay wood stove so we can supplement our propane heat next winter as the cost of propane is a bit higher this year and he hears they plan to start taxing it to death soon, so we figured this is a good way to cut costs, etc.  This particular stove has 2 decorative embossed doors on the front with a winter cottage scene, house in snow/pine trees, really very nice.  Apparently originally they were highlighted wtih a bronze or silver finish, according to the sales brochure the previous (or original) owner had.  Really very nice looking.  They were a rusty gray which my DH refinished yesterday and painted black with the stove paint they gave us.  The previous owner refinished everything but the doors.  They are solid steel.   So my question is does anyone have any idea how we could refinish the doors to their original glory?  Or where we may take them to get them restored?  It looks great now but obviously would look fantastic if we could re-highlight the higher raised parts of the scene.  If I can figure out how to post picture I may do that later today. 
You might have something burning in the back or underneath. I'd have someone look at it. Could be
Burning? Wow..what kind of acid does it have in it? nm
The Burning Man website is even more interesting - sm
reading. I'm addicted to the photo gallery, and there are all sorts of articles on "how to survive Burning Man", (lots of which is how to camp in a hostile desert climate & environment, and still leave no trace when you leave, etc.) My friends are there right now.... can't wait to hear how it was once they get back (and of course to read about it on the B.Man website.
(Type in "burning man" on Google, and look for their official website.) Not being that big a fan of camping or the desert, I myself am looking forward to San Francisco's "mini" Burning Man event, the Decompression festival held in the city on Indiana St. in October. A nice taste of all the fun, fire, music, art cars and general craziness, without the sand or the long drive! ;)
I've used it with slight burning for 3-4 days.
OK, I'll prove my ignorance, what or where is Burning Man?
you do the leaving
My ex was the same way. After 17-1/2 years, I did the leaving. I know it is hard, but YOU CAN DO IT!! You and your kids will be better off in the long run. My oldest child wishes I would have left when he and his brother were still little. Don't let him keep abusing you - you are just as valuable as he is - don't forget it. Hope your cold/flu doesn't last too long. Will be thinking of you.
Leaving an ovary or not?
I had one at 35 and kept my ovaries, although now I wish they'd have taken them.  Within an hour after surgery, I was up and around and ready to go home and had NO pain afterwards (this was vaginal).  I felt better than I had in years and I think every woman who is beyond wanting children should have one. It gives you such a freedom from all the "mess" and such. 
He refuses to do that. He says no way is he leaving (sm)
I have tried for so long to hold this marriage together for the sake of the children - but what am I teaching them if I continue to live in this situation? That it is okay for men to treat women badly? That you just let people treat you however they want? That spouses don't have to respect each other?
Any regrets leaving the Q?
They're getting on my last nerve, but there are those that say that being an MT is pretty much the same everywhere.  I hope not; I'm tired of having multiple different hospitals during each shift.
re: leaving pets
No I don't leave messages but we've done some camping this summer and my kitty gets very mad when we leave. When we walked in the door after being away for a few days she wouldn't stop meowing at me, like she was telling me off for leaving her..she wouldn't let me pick her up either! Anyone else's pets get mad when you leave?

If you are serious about leaving, you need a plan. SM
First, get some therapy for yourself to gain back some self confidence. Then make a plan. Find out how much a divorce attorney costs and start saving. If you are not being physically abused, try to stay in it as long as kids are young. Then make your escape.

Believe me, you are not the only one going through this. Are there any women's groups in your town you can join? You really need to vent. I know what that's like.
My DH is leaving in just a little bit for Atlanta
He is going on business for the weekend (we are in VA and have about 2in of snow now and more on the way) and he is taking my DD along for a little Father/daughter bonding. We have been following the weather and saw that it is in the 30s today and up to in the 50s tomorrow then back to 30s on Sat. with snow expected. My daughter is going crazy trying to decide what to pack. LOL
I don't regret leaving either...

Been gone since last August and couldn't ask for a better company to work for now.  I owe MQ a lot as they did hire me right after I graduated my MT course and I did learn a lot while I was there, but having said that, I haven't looked back once since leaving. 

When you have friends - it's good. But when you don't have friends it's


I swear, I have this one friend who just gets mad at me stupid stuff.  I told her a few weeks ago that I could probably go out this sat. but now I can't make it (just dinner). So, I emailed her and told her I can't go. She's upset.  Thinks I should not have made plans in the first place. Well, things come up.

Why are people (women) so catty? Immature?

Are there any women out there who can: Forgive, understand, not get offended because I am not perfect? If so, I'd like to meet you.  I highly doubt she exists though.

If you are leaving for 3 weeks, take them to a kennel and sm
pay for daily care.  They need more than food and water, they need attention and loving and daily petting, and exercise.  Bless you for taking them on, but don't desert them now.
Rosie Leaving The View
Just watching The View.  I know a lot of you wil be happy.  Rosie just announced that she's leaving The View.  I didn't catch exactly when she was leaving or why, but she did mention her children as a factor.
Leaving for New York tomorrow sm
with my family.  Watch for us in the Today Show audience.  I will be the one with the laptop so I won't fall behind in my work.    Just Kidding. 
Running over a dog and leaving the scene?
Going on her merry way, shopping or whatever...?

Probably doesn't have animals; I agree.
She knew she was visiting and would be leaving (sm)
She just wanted to do a few things with her granddaughter before she left. If you had my in-laws you would understand invasive. You have to share your daughter. She is your child, but she is that woman's grandchild and she has rights too. She is sooo not asking too much. She sounds very humble and non-demanding. Try to be sweet to her. She won't live forever. Let her enjoy her granchild while she can.
sweats usually, unless I am not leaving the house and then PJs...
I'm loving life since leaving MT.
"I'm leaving my wife." I bought it once...never again. NM
uhh...that should be "suggested leaving"...not counseling...nm

I'm leaving what little I have left in my 401K for now - sm
(what's left wouldn't do me any good, anyway), with the hope that someday it will gain back some of what it lost. THEN, even though I probably still won't have as much as was in it before, I'll most likely take it ALL out of the stock market forever, and invest in something concrete, such as land (which even if it can't be sold for a profit, can be lived-on). The stock market has become so volatile and flaky that it no longer makes any more sense to put your hard-earned retirement money into that than it does to blow it all on Lottery tickets or slot machines.
I heard just last week that she was leaving the show--sm
Why would she suddenly become a host if she could not work out an agreement with CBS? She said she would be back for various shows already set up, but that she was not going to be there day to day...did I miss something?
I agree and leaving early not sore loser (sm)
I think that's just graceful, letting the winners have their day plus that had to really sting after the great season they had. But what a great game it was. Both teams should be proud they made it there.
I have been single again as long as I was married and there is not a day I don't regret leaving s

BUT it was still the right thing to do. I have been happier since and I am fine on my own, but it was extremely tough as he didn't pay child support and I could not find a way to make him (not for lack of trying though and a social worker whose job it was to collect his arrears kept telling me no, I didn't really need it!).  Financially it was terrible, but the relief of his absence was enormous. 

He was critical.  He was always rude. My friends would only come to visit when he was on the road.  The kids would pick up their messes, but he made more than they ever did, never helped and constantly criticized me for not being a perfect housekeeper like his mom...who didn't work, had a housekeeper and spent her days at the mall shopping.  I had more kids than she did, worked always and ended up being too exhausted for him.  He is a homophobic homosexual and going out on "mommy and daddy" dates was always humiliating because he spent the evening looking at other men's behinds. 

I got out and suffice it to say, at quite a price financially and emotionally.  I have not remarried, have only had one relationship in 15 years and feel too damaged to ever try again, but I am FREE from all of that. 

My kids were pleased when he left and were all too anxious to help him to leave the house! 

People leaving their McMansions and traveling West
Spending a romantic weekend in Atlanta with hubby. Leaving at noon. Can't wait! nm
send the 2yo to the
I have found the best way to handle it is to refuse to buy my husband any clothes at all. He has to go and buy his own clothes, and live with the look. It is none of my business. I only fill requests for bags of socks.
I always send
I always give a beautifully illustrated children's book, which truthfully people are never impressed initially, but after they cuddle their babies and read to them about 100 times in the middle of the night when they are sick, and eventually teach their kids to read the book back to them, they usually decide to keep it forever.

But receiving blankets are nice also.. :)
I wouldn't send it and this is why . . .
People like this get off on how they are hurting people. She can see in your email that you are hurting, and although it is a valiant and kind effort on your part, she will see it as a sign of weakness and groveling, which is what would delight her.

I'm so sorry you're put in this situation. You sound like a kind, gentle person and you certainly don't deserve the way she treats you.

The only thing I can suggest is to be around her as little as possible (family gatherings, traditions, etc.) and always choose to be in another room, on the opposite end of the dinner table, etc., as physically far away from her as possible.

Continue to be pleasant, don't stoop to her level, and you don't owe her an apology for anything.

She's the one with the problem, not you.
Know anyone can send email...
I said sent in error and that is what happened, not that you had anything to do with this, you did not. Apparently by saying independent and asking about how to send in taxes, this person thought I was maybe owner of a company. Maybe rereading the post I held no one accountable, no one. I would never respond to a post like this because of it being from India and just too many scammers out there for me. The first sentence says - - I don�t know where they got my email unless this site is giving it out - this sentence did not come from me.
Where are you? Wish I knew how to send
pictures so I could show you what our place looks like. I live in suburb of Atlanta and even the bigger homes in my neighborhood, say the 2-3 story places do not run, say over 400-500$$. I could not imagine paying huge price for a home to have a cracker box. I think lot of people paying huge amounts for homes would be surprised if they went on line and checked for homes say in Henry County or Fayette County, both just right outside Atlanta. You really get a bang for your buck here. Not only the cost but wonderful place, clean, quiet, really nice. What are the costs of your homes there?
Maybe I should send milk
I can't believe the milk prices elsewhere. Anyone want NY milk. LOL.
Let me send you my address...LOL!! nm
Send some to Arkansas PLEASE! :)
Send the over 60 crowd to war....

Maybe this should be on the politics board but it's funny on any board......

Drafting Guys over 60        
----this is so Funny & obviously written by a Former MARINE-----

New Direction for any war
Send Service Vets over 60!
I am over 60 and the Armed Forces thinks I'm too old to track down terrorists. You can't be older than 42 to join the military. They've got the whole thing ass-backwards.  Instead of sending 18-year olds off to  fight, they ought to take us old guys.  You shouldn't be able to join a military unit until you're at least 35.

For starters
Researchers say 18-year-olds think about sex every 10 seconds.  Old guys only think about sex a couple of times a day, leaving us more than 28,000 additional seconds per day to concentrate on the enemy.

Young guys haven't lived long enough to be cranky, and a cranky soldier is a dangerous soldier. 'My back hurts!  I can't sleep, I'm tired and hungry' We are impatient and maybe letting us kill some asshole that desperately deserves it will make us feel better and shut us up for a while.

An 18-year-old doesn't even like to get up before 10 a.m. Old guys always get up early to pee so what the hell.  Besides, like I said, 'I'm tired and can't sleep and since I'm already up, I may as well be up killing some fanatical son-of-a-bitch.

If captured we couldn't spill the beans because we'd forget where we put them.  In fact, name, rank, and serial number would be a real brainteaser.

Boot camp would be easier for old guys.  We're used to getting screamed and yelled at and we're used to soft food.  We've also developed an appreciation for guns. We've been using them for years as an excuse to get out of the house, away from the screaming and yelling.

They could lighten up on the obstacle course however.  I've been in combat and didn't see a single 20-foot wall with rope hanging over the side, nor did I ever do any pushups after completing basic training.  I can hear the Drill Sgt. In the 'New army' now, 'Get down and give me ... er .. One.'

Actually, the running part is kind of a waste of energy, too. I've never seen anyone outrun a bullet.

An 18-year-old has the whole world  ahead of him. He's still learning to shave, to start up a conversation with a pretty girl.  He still hasn't figured out that a baseball cap has a brim to shade his eyes, not the back of his head.

These are all great reasons to keep our kids at home to learn a little more about life before sending them off into harm's way.

Let us old guys track down those dirty rotten cowards terrorists. The last thing an enemy would want to see right now is a couple of million pissed off old farts with attitudes and automatic weapons who know that their best years are already behind them.

If nothing else, put us on border patrol....we will have it secured the first night!  

Share this with your senior friends.  It's purposely in big type so you can read it..........





OMG! Please tell me you didn't send this
While I fully understand wanting to protect your kids and trying to deal with the bullying this is definitely a letter that would create a bigger problem (at least that is the way I read it). If I was the receiver I would be outraged.
If my kids were being bullied, I would call the parents and introduce myself and tell them about our kids being in the same school then very politely and gently tell them what has been happening to your kids.
When I read this letter I was picturing myself being the receiver and found myself infuriated. It is very condescending, and is basically telling the parents they are really lousy (can't write the true word) parents. There has to be a better way to deal with this.
I would not send son back.
he did send a thank you letter
the following day. See I don't know if the secretary gave the interviewer the message and he didn't call back or if he didn't get it. If he did get it I'm worried if he calls again he'll seem to pushy.

They should just make it a law that you have to tell them right after the interview!! LOL
Anyone know of a place I can send...sm
My father took our wedding pictures as he is good behind a camera and we wanted to save some money. But now (a year later..lol) I want to have some of them cropped and black and white and softened, etc. Anyone know of a reasonably priced place I can send a CD of pictures to and have them edit them and print them out for me so I can finally create my wedding album? Thanks in advance.
$50 a week if I send DH. $100 or more if I go

I always overspend cause there's always something on sale that I will need sooner than later. DH goes by the list and the list only.

I live in PA and there are only 2 of us now.

Send me one of those. LOL I get pumpkin pie
only if I buy it. DH doesn't like it.
Tried to send but guess what?
My street address ends in Trace and it said I had to put in road, street, etc.- would not accept the Trace. I appreciate it anyway.