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Our school has an excellent system in place - sm

Posted By: on 2008-09-12
In Reply to: fire at school, i was not contacted - XanaX

Every year we fill out a million forms that have to be turned in on the first and second days of schools or they get grades knocked down----they then call and email you when they have anything going on. When they first implimented it last year I got 5 phone calls (have 2 kids in school). They worked out the bugs and now I get one call and one email. It is all automated and works quite well. I also work PT for the school so they they know my face and name so that helps too. The school policy is not to let any elementary or primary school child off the bus unless a parent is there. If the driver does not see anyone the kid goes back to the school. Parents get upset with it too, if they are too lazy to come out to the bus stop, then they have to get in their car and drive to the school (not a short jaunt) and pick up their kid. Very safety conscious here. (or lawsuit fearful!)

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Our school system already has a
dress code in place, no belly shirts, shorts and jeans have to be a certain length, no huge baggy jeans on boys, etc. I know for a fact this is being in enforced in most of the schools becuase not only do I transcribe, I also substitute. My niece's parents were called over shorts that were to short. My son also had to change into his gym shirt because he was wearing a (green) T-shirt from Octoberfest with a beer mug (in all white) on it. That was my fault, I stupidly did not think anything of it but would not have let him wear it had I realized what it was advertising. My kids and so many other do follow the rules. I don't think they should be penalized for the few that don't. We live in a small town so we don't have many of the same problems that bigger cities have. At the first of 3 forums the other night, the auditorium was packed and not a single person spoke in favor of this. I would like to know how this will improve our education system.
Mainly because I am fed up with the school system here. sm
He is in the 1st grade for his second time now and still very far behind in my opinion. Teachers last year felt he needed held back and I agreed, but it is just no better this year so I just pulled him out. At this point, I hope I can get him caught up! I have priced cirriculums, but really need to wait until after the first of the year to purchase with the holidays right now so I wanted something to get him going in the meantime. He has dyslexia and ADHD and the public school setting is just not a great learning environment for him. He needs more one on one attention and help than he is getting at school with 30+ kids per teacher.

I also found this site. Any opinions on if you think it is worth joining? I think it is $19.95/mo.

As a product of the USA school system, yes I have.

Nothing more than daycare in my opinion.  We should be looking at how other countries run things as far as the education system.  Why is there no school in summer anyway?  Wasn't the original reason so that kids could be with their families to work the harvest?  School should be year 'round and the kids should come out of it SMART.

Product of USA school system.....
Both my children are a product of the USA school system and they both graduated with top honors, high SAT scores, got scholarships for college. It's what you put into it. If students don't make the effort, or parents, what do they expect the results will be?
sad we have to battle the school system that we pay for, but has she been tested for dyslexia? sm
sounds like a repeat of my daughter who is now in 5th grade and it has been a battle every since. in fact, i posted message on here few months ago regarding her. she also has dyslexia, which is quite common and sounds like your daughter may have too. we had it in our family so i knew she had it given her symptoms. school says they can't test til 3rd grade. hello, who can catch up when they are that far behind? i fought it enough i finally got someone to say, we can test earlier if the parents' request it. so they did and it has helped her tremendously til we moved this year and now she gets a "video" dyslexia class that sux and doesn't help. i am not sure how to continue battling it from this point. at her prior school though she went from failing to A's and B's with dyslexia help and extra time on assignments, verbal reading, etc. with her IEP.
I still think it should be the parents who teach the child these things, not the school's place.
Each child goes to school to learn facts. They learn their social skills, values, etc.at home and from friends that their parents allow them to associate with. The school is a public entity full of many INDIVIDUALS who all have different values and opinions. Teachers should not be teaching children their own personal values and should leave that to the parents.
They think anybody who is on aid is abusing the system. They resent the system and the people sm
who receive any aid at all.  that is very clear.
Call the school. I had a threat like this in my high school and they cancelled school that day.
Thankfully, because the person making the threats was found with material for home made pipe bombs and quit a bit of ammunition and a shotgun. He was arrested and charged. Never allowed back in the school.

I think it would be safer to call the school and get classes cancelled for a day to investigate versus make a scene in the parking lot, especially if the student with the knife is inside with the knife.

Good luck. If nothing happens, pull your child out of school for a week. See what happens. I know that sounds horrible, but small towns is where this happens most often.
Wii system sm

I am so happy. Live in NE. My DIL inquired of a small local game store in a small mall when they would be in, they told her Tues. and to be there when they opened. She appeared and no one else was there, called me and said she was leaving as the shipment had not arrived and she waited alone for an hour. I told her to shop around in the little mall and keep looking for the brown UPS truck. She did and when the truck appeared at the small game store, she went over and acquired 1 of only 3 shipped. Another lady showed up, called her sister and they got the only 3 that the company shipped. This is how they are getting people, they' re limiting the shipments. At least this little store told her what day they come in, although only 3 arrived.

I asked at a Target down the street when Wii's would be in and they were very rude, "We get them, when we get them, don't know, Maa'm, you just have to keep coming in."

Motto of my story: Smaller is better. So happy, perhaps you can try the smaller game shops who will tell you when they're coming in. Since so many are looking, thought I would share our success story. The kids will have the Wii as well as the guitar that goes with it, thanks to the little guy store. I know Christmas is not only about the gifts, but I'm happy we got something the kids really wanted this year as they both take guitar lessons. Happy MIL

the system
In my opinion, I would not bother talking to any doctors or the school. The very, very last thing your son needs is for you to think something is wrong with him enough to drug him, maybe even for life.

There is one other resource:
Goertzel, V., Goertzel, M.G., Goertzel, T.G. & Hansen, A.M.W. (2004). Cradles of eminence: Childhoods of more than seven hundred famous men and women, 2nd edition. Scottsdale: Great Potential Press.

Based on this book of extraordinary and brilliant people, a happy childhood and a good mom don't make you successful. It is just the opposite. Look at any president, including the current one...not a happy childhood, but there they are busting their butts. We want our kids to bust their butts too, but it does not seem to work that way.

Read the book anyway and at least you will know that it is not your fault.

Sounds like my kids...on a school day "we just got home from school!" on a vacation day....sm
But this is our vacation! My husband takes vacation days and leaves town without us...lol! He would never dream of taking a day off to work around the house!
I have a point system...

My kids love to come to Wal-Mart with me on the weekend and so if they get X amount of points for the week they get to come to Wal-Mart and get a little goodie.  If they get X amount of points above that, they get two little goodies.  For letting me work in peace I give two points, versus the one they get for everything else, so that acts as an incentive to keep out of my office.  If they come in while I'm working they lose two points.  This has worked pretty well thus far.  For your kids the incentive might be a different kind of treat, but try it and see how it works for you!


Yes, that's what's wrong with the system

That's exactly my point.  It's wrong on any level.  It was obviously an unfortunate accident that no one should benefit from.  If you daughter needs counseling to overcome this, then by all means take her and ask the dog owner to pay your copay.  I think it was very reasonable that the dog owner offered to pay your copay from the hospital bill.  You want revenge, not compensation. 

Something about this story doesn't make sense.  Your daughter comes running home dripping with blood and they had to pull the dog off her hand, but yet nothing was done with the dog.  The dog's owners are so unreasonable and yet they're offering to pay your out-of-pocket expense.  Your daughter is completely traumatized by all of this, and all you can think about is getting an attorney to sue for her pain and suffering.  Again, call what it is.

Probably because our judicial system keeps
I do believe it is the same storm system s/m

Not sure when it turns to ice though.  If I remember from the radar last night, looked like southwest to northwest Ohio is going to get hit with this too.  Not sure about Sunday's storm yet.  I tried to pull up the radar, but it isn't showing for tomorrow yet. 

My daughter is supposed to be driving up from Dayton tomorrow and going back on Sunday, but I warned her not to.  She just might have to stay!

Have you used a tooth whitening system?
Like Crest Whitestrips or something else? Anything other than having the dentist do it? (That's so expensive!)
Yes - Rembrandt Whitening System. sm
It works beautifully. I am a smoker, unfortunately, and my teeth are actually white, no stains, and you could never tell I smoke. At least, that's what many people have said.

It is a gel system with a mouth piece. I love it. Cheaper than Zoom in the dentist office.
You definitely need a strong support system sm
right now. If being closer to your family will help you trough this then that is what you should do. You will be a better mother to your children if you are able to handle this better. About the money, since your child will be in first grade that should cut down on the cost of preschool. I am sure there are wonderful other speech therapists out there. Listen to your heart and "Go Home" and be surrounded by people that love and care for you.
Your state has a kickin' cam system!

I just spent about 15 minutes at this site: http://www.wsdot.wa.gov/traffic/default.aspx

lookin' at all the cameras and the different weather situations!  Wow--that's incredible the HUGE differences in weather!  "The man" has cameras EVERYWHERE--and that's just the ones we can see on the internet!  


Sounds like the legal system
is trying to leave the discipline to the boy's parent. Is that so bad?
I did the "point" system several months
ago that I had done a long time ago and it does work. I lost 18 pounds in 3 weeks. Just stick with it.
I have a filtered water system on

my fridge.  It tastes better than any bottled water I have bought, it is free, and I don't have to worry about the plastic bottles to throw away or recycle. 

I once saw a thing on TV that said that bottled water is no healthier for you than tap water.  You might look into a Brita pitcher or something.  I think it would be cheaper than constantly buying bottled water.

How is the school's fault if Johnny comes to school armed?
And how is the school's fault if off campus people are getting jumped? Everybody wants to blame the schools, but the reason places have gone "zero tolerance" is because every parent whose kid gets popped for an illegal weapon says, "Oh, my little pookie wouldn't do that." Which is exactly what the parents of every perpetrator of school violence has said. At 15, this girl should have been aware that it was verboten and, if they felt that strongly it was necessary, kept it hidden. If she is not capable of thinking that part through, maybe she shouldn't be trusted with pepper spray anyway.
How is this kid in school with chronic infestation? School nurse
I tried a system restore too, but wouldn't work.
I've had a lot of problems, even problems just getting used to the new set up. My Quick Look constantly freezes up on me too. It's very frustrating.
She needs to find out more about the system, and just how lucky she is. She is a misgruntled sm
middle classed woman, resenting any hands up those below her get.  She needs to count her blessings.  If she is not eligible for food stamps, then she is way ahead of the game. 
Aquasana shower filter system

Does anyone have this?  It sounds great and I'm thinking about getting it. Curious if anyone uses this or something similar.  tia


they have some system now that they can sign up for to track who views sm
their myspace. not sure how it works because i didn't sign up for it, but i see it posted all the time. i view my daughter's friends sites all the time. noone has said anything to me yet about it, but i do communicate with a lot of them on there as they are friends and any friends of my children are friends with me as well. they know i wouldn't going ratting off on them unless it was something majorly in the wrong.
You can't force someone to learn so that they leave the system
,,,use your support system, and find a lawyer who
The court system is a rotational door
There was enough evidence. Even the mother who got the children back had her own father testifying she did drugs, lousy mother, on and on. I am so glad I don�t have to put up with that crap anymore. This is where the welfare $$$ went, to a person who did not have enough get up and go to see the kids off to school in the morning. What a waste but lawdy, lawdy, make sure these mothers get those kids back. Glad I am not involved in the court system anymore.
Sadly they would probably be better off in the foster care system.
I wouldn't want to. I'm angry that our system is set up so that this innocent man could not b
Could be issues with 9-1-1 service and if you have a security system (sm)
I think most home security systems require a land line to work. There are some possible issues with being able to call 9-1-1 without a land line - in case you can't talk and tell them where you are.
I think the OP's disgust was aimed mostly at "the system" in general. Picture this...
you awaken at 5:00 a.m. after only having slept 4 hours, get the children off to school, work a grueling 8 hours transcribing for incomprehenisble dictators, while in between getting the house work done and prepping dinner until you remember you have to pick up the kids and take to practice, and you need to make one last stop out of your grueling day to stop at the market and boom. You encounter what she did.  Sometimes it makes you wonder why you bust your hump day in and day out, year after year, for the mere pennies this so-called profession provides while others are getting handouts. So she had a 'moment.' That's all. No more, no less. Give her a break.
Not chastising you, or someone in a similar situation. It's the people who abuse the system by ly
about their under the table income, assets, shiny new car/S, high def tvs, etc., etc. et cetera..... 
You are wrong. They don't resent "anybody on aid." Only the people who abuse the system, li
lady driving the Cadillac Escalade. You are still missing the point!
EXCELLENT! Whatever you do, please
dont mutilate their claws! I have adopted two lovely males who were butchered in this way and they are OVER-aggressive to compensate for their lack of natural defense.

And this solution really does work. If you say HEY loudly while you spritz them eventually just the HEY will work... they are trainable to a degree.

If you can't get a scratcher box, even a sheet of cardboard will do - good luck!
There is an excellent one, but I don't think
Wow - those are excellent
If I was really into music and guitars or knew anyone really into guitars I'd definitely buy one. The quality of your craftsmanship is excellent!

Hope you do really well with them.
Excellent - way to go for your mom
Excellent tip - thank you so much
I always get those two mixed up and have to stop and think about it. Thanks for the tip.
Looks excellent, bet its even better with
EXCELLENT joke! *LOL*.........
Excellent reply!
Happy Hanukkah by the way!

Does it start today or tomorrow? I have two calendars that conflict each other.
Excellent!!! More women should do this....
This is an excellent post.
How awesome that you took so much time to reply to "exhausted" and yes, it's all very good advice. I've been there, done that also. I wish I had this board to come to years ago, but the advice here is right on the money.
I have an excellent recipe if you want it. sm
just make a note under this message, I'll check later and type it in.

that is excellent advice. sm
i guess my will power just isn't very good right now.  we have five acres and i try to get out every day and walk our fenced area, which about five or six times around is a mile. i guess i should put up a picture of myself when i was thinner and have that be a motivation   
Excellent suggestion
Thank you all SO MUCH for your excellent info!!! sm
I knew I was doing the right thing to ask you gals.  After telling my hubby everything you all said and researching online a bit, he and I agree that - although we THOUGHT we were going to DISNEY WORLD, our kids would actually probably like Universal and Sea World. (And my youngest is 48 inches and rides every roller coaster Six Flags will let him on).  Looking at the TV/Movie themes between Disney and Universal, I hate to admit it but they all seem to have outgrown Disney a bit.  Is there any sense in staying in the Disney resorts for the specials/perks but mostly going (DRIVING) to other parks?  Or if just staying off would be better?  I just want to spend the money wisely.