That wasn't even the point of the OP. She wanted to know about in-laws or anyone else just walking in without knocking. My family and friends don't have to knock before they come my house. That was my point.
I live in a rural area that I grew up in, everyone knows everyone else. I have a nice, loud watch dog who lets me know when anyone is around. The windows are locked. The doors are locked at night and when we leave the house. I know what kind of a world we live in. The Pony Express brings the paper every couple of weeks back to the sticks. I try to stay informed.
Better Safe Than Sorry
Better to be safe than sorry, especially with beef -- that can be a very bad GI problem if the beef has gone bad with bacteria.
Happy New Year!!
is there nothing safe?
How can any of you get so excited and downright mean about something as basic as a vitamin question? Gee whiz, it's just a discussion board. So contentious.
Can't make them safe.
A 14 year old I know was killed on his bike a few weeks ago. You can't make them live in a bubble. I will pay for my kids insurance and their cars. Of course they will have rules, although our state has plenty as it is for young drivers. I will teach them to be responsible drivers, walkers, bike riders, etc. Just because life can be hard, doesn't mean you have to make it be harder. I moved out of my parents house just before my 15th birthday and took care of myself. While it can be done, it doesn't always have to be.
If they kids are safe there - just let it go.
Some families do holidays as major events. If the stepmom and her family are half descent people and the kids are safe there then don't worry about it. :)
She needs to learn about safe sex. Either you SM
discuss this with her or, better yet, see doctor and have her given some form of birth control. I think this is imperative. If she is having sex, I don't think she is going to stop. You somehow have to convince her to act responsibly. Condoms would be the best thing.
Wow, this just blows me away. Last year or early this year a mother aged 17 or 18 gave birth to her 2nd child without parents or anyone for that matter knowing she was pregnant. She walked into an Omaha Hospital and left her child in a restroom and walked out. Please note at that time Nebraska was the ONLY state which did not have a safe haven law on the books. It was pushed through shortly after and is now a law FINALLY. Which is good because now mothers, who do not want to or cannot take care of their children have a safe place to take them without being in trouble for doing so.
Well, to my understanding this law (NE only), does not have an age limit as to how old the chid can be when dropped off at the hospital. Other states have it cut off at 14 but none have ever seen a child OVER 3. This information came from a radio show about the new law yesterday. Since the law was put in place a mother dropped off an 11 year old, a different family dropped off a 9 year old and this mornings news has the following
OMAHA, Neb. -- The state has taken temporary custody of a teenage girl who was dropped off at an Omaha hospital Saturday under Nebraska's new safe haven law.
A representative from the state Department of Health and Human Services said the girl, 13, was left at Immanuel Hospital around midday. No other details were released.
The girl was the third child dropped off at Nebraska hospitals in the past week.
The state's safe haven law took effect in July and allows parents to abandon children at hospitals and other locations. The law does not set a minimum age after which a child can't be left without prosecution.
Does anyone have any thoughts on this? I agree with the law all the way. I am just concerned about the after shock of having an older child dropped off at the ages stated above, what kind of damage is that doing to the child? I do not agree with child abuse and know that older children are abused all the time but is there not another way we could deal with this?
Just wondering what everyone else was thinking.
It is already from a safe contact
I can open all mail, but where pics should be (and were before hotmail changed the look) are just boxes. It isn't just from one contact, but from all my contacts that I used to receive pics from. Now what? I sent an email to the contact site, but they have not answered me yet.
This one is completely fail-safe:
It's expensive. It's bad for your health. DUI's are expensive. AND, in 2008, if you're DUI and kill someone, you can be charged with MURDER, instead of merely vehicular manslaughter.
So I'm havin' a Coke, staying sober, and hopefully I'll live to enjoy yet another year.
my kids had a safe haven to come sm
home to and they knew it and still know it. They have come back twice when times were tough and we didn't charge them a dime until they got on their feet in a couple months. I just think is an injustice to not charge them at all and let them go and do as they please when working and not going to school. You don't get to blow your money as you please as an adult, why should they if they are not in school?
Abstinence is not Birth Control, it is SAFE SEX.
Abstinence is truly the only SAFE SEX....but it is NOT considered birth control........
Here's a couple of safe pet food sites.....
I hope your family stays safe. It looks really bad.
I hope they decide not to ride it out though. I have been watching on TV all day. Senator Kay Baily Hutchinson was just on Fox News and she believes Galveston is going to be underwater due to the storm surge. Not sure where your family is, but hopefully they thought better about staying and left.
Good grief, they deserve a safe sm
plce to live! They are not going to remember the big house, etc when they are grown. They WILL remember the abuse you subjected them to and did not get out.
Why not stay safe AND support the US economy
San Diego, Santa Barbara, Santa Monica/Venice Beach, LA Jolla, Pismo Beach, etc.
Also early spring is the best time to see the Grand Canyon, Southwest, etc., before it gets hot, and the hordes of tourist busses arrive.
So you think cell phones are safe? This is troubling! This is probably what it does to our brain power - like putting your head in a microwave,
Oh my word! Talk about timing - I know you are glad that he is safe sm
and I am so glad for you. Praise God. I had absolutely NO idea that many were killed. Today was a no-tv day for me so I had no idea of the death toll. Count your blessings. I know you are. And yes, how tragically sad for those left behind. so senseless....I am so sad now.
I personally would rather have my tax money go for this cause as opposed to going to cover welfare and disability incomes of people who are perfectly capable of working and just choose not to because they can. But that's just my opinion.
You know what? If it were me, and I know this may sound sm
way off to some people, but I would treat this young boy with love! Invite him over, talk to him, show him that someone truly loves him. I would invite him to church and pray for him. I know, totally unconventional. He acts that way because of his parents. He needs good, godly role models in his life. I would try my best to be that person.
I think too many people try to throw away bad kids. It's such a shame. They can be rehabilitated. 11 isn't that old. And I am not saying that is your responsibility because it's not! I understand that. But if I lived there, that is what I would do and see how that works. That saying, "love makes the world go round," is because love can turn a bad situation around. Bad always reaps bad.
I know because just this past Wed. I kept 5 kids at my house (I have 3 of my own!) and we stayed outside and played until 9 at night. I live out in the country and have a lot of land, animals, a pool, etc. The kids I had over has a dad serving in Iraq and I just wanted to give their mom a break. They don't have a yard where they live. They played until they collapsed. I ordered pizza and just loved on them. I see their mom struggling with them and I just wanted them to have a place where they could let loose and have a great time. One of them was a little ornery, but I would talk to her and be sweet and I really think I brought the best out in her. They brought their collie with them to play too and he ended up staying! So, we also have a new dog and we love him!
Good luck to you. I know this probably hasn't helped you much at all, but try not to be mad at him.
You sound
like a real taker and nasty, changing dirty diapers on a conference table?? I would have been finished with you then also. Gross. I have been at time share meetings before but a good answer is NO! Did not have to resort to a free this or that and I know how to get a point across without being offensive.
you sound like me
I have read people use timers to get themselves away from the computer when reading email on their working days. For me, I keep talking to myself and saying "just do it" especially when I feel the urge I want to begin and don't want to delay getting started any longer. I was more energetic when I was a SE.
How do you know who I am? You sound
That does sound a lot like us
I'm one of those tweeners size-wise; I'm not fat and not thin, wearing somewhere around a 10-12 jean, a 16 shirt, 5Ǝ", 170 pounds. But three children and breast-feeding have taken a toll, not to mention the varicose veins and a few randomly scattered keratoses. Like yours, mine claims (and acts) interested until it's actually bedtime, but then finds reasons not to come to bed. Like you also, the supposedly wanted advances have frequently been rejected (not outright, but more a 'not now' thing), so I've kinda quit putting myself out there, too. Fortunately, there are things that still say everything else is okay so I'm sticking it out, but with the price of batteries going up, we may have to find a better solution!
you sound like the big sis I need
Thanks for your note. I could be making more of this than what is really necessary. It is a horrible way to live (always planning for the worse and worrying about what's going on for things we can't control). I think he realized today that all the negative news and me having to work was really getting me down. I just feel myself getting heavier and heavier and I'm so exhausted right now I feel like I'm about to fall asleep and I have got to finish the rest of my work (about another 4 hours). The reason we don't celebrate holidays is actually an agreement we both have. We used to celebrate holidays but every year I found myself so depressed because I've been away from home for close to 30 years and it is still hard, and I cant just go home every year. And he does not like family rituals or whatever those things are called (can't think of the word), as in it's Thanksigiving so we eat Turkey because it's thanksgiving (family traditions - that's it). So over the years I found it easier to deal with the holidays by not celebrating them. If I do cook a turkey on Thanksgiving its because I feel like having turkey that day.
When I say I can't throw too much at him, he doesn't have health problems, but he just can't handle too much. We take one situation at a time. I learned that years and years ago. Me, I'll do 10 things at once, but I keep it simple for him otherwise, so he doesn't get too overwhelmed. Yes I know he's a big boy, but not all men act like it.
I may not be expressing myself too good at this point. I'm so exhausted and need to go lay down.
Thanks for listening. I liked your last line bout thinking his down and out feelings are more important than my well being. I will be thinking on that one more.
Thanks again.
you sound like me -
for the past couple of years, I have said, let's forget the gifts and just spend the day together at my mom's house -- but oh no, that would be horrible if we did not buy presents. This year, my sister's husband lost his job and now it's automatic, we are not going to be buying gifts.
I always wonder, why is it that one person in the family always seems to make the decisions for everybody else?
This is going to sound very mean, s/m
but I have three full grown cats and two of them won't leave the tree alone. We go through this every year. For the first two days, I do not plug the lights in but sit waiting with my squirt gun. Once they are in the tree, I shoot. They run. Normally after the first two days, they won't climb it again, but they will sit underneath it and bat at the balls on the lower part of the tree, which I make sure are plastic just for them. So far this has worked for me. Now if anyone can find a way to keep them off the counter, let me know! I have tried pepper, hot sauce, two sided tape and the squirt gun.
You sound like the
I'd rather live next to the cows and pine trees any day!
You sound like me.
We seem to get the strays. I don't have the heart not to try to take care of them. I am a succer for dogs.
If he has pit in him you definitely do not want to call animal control. I would just feed him and show him love and try to find him a home. I would just tell my husband look he has nowhere to go. Until I find his owner or a new owner I will be taking care of him. My husband gets annoyed with me too, but he won't deny a dog food and care.
LOL, you sound like me
Except not only would I start fights, if my BF was even 5 minutes late coming home I'd have his clothes and stuff on the front porch and him locked out. I'd make him beg and apologize for about 30 minutes before letting him in (but make him wait 30 more minutes before allowing him to bring his stuff back in so I could 'think about it'). Finally I realized why I was doing it and, once I did, I worked really hard on thinking before I did anything.
It takes a long time to drag yourself out of that craving for chaos. Now when I want thrills, I suggest he and I go do something crazy together instead of me throwing his belongings onto the front porch and it's been smooth sailing ever since, lol!
I would still like to know if the OP had the same type of upbringing we did. Hopefully she'll post again soon.
This may sound dumb...
but it's driving me crazy. Does anyone remember a Jewish actress, around 60-ish now, with very short dark red hair, very prominent features, large nose. I think she played in a sitcom maybe as someone's mom. We saw her tonight in New York and all recognized her but none of us can remember what show she was on! Just wondering if anyone might be able to help us figure this out.This may sound a bit weird., but /sm
I read your post and got to thinking about when I lived in a really large house and kept missing the knocks at the front door. I got myself one of those wireless doorbells, and would take the "bell" part from room to room with me when I was expecting a delivery... I wonder if you could take the part that usually screws onto the door frame and put it on a necklace or something for you mother to wear and "ring the doorbell" when she needs help, and then take the "bell" part from room to room. Actually mine was loud enough I didn't need to pick it up and move it unless I was going upstairs. They might even sell them with 2 or more receivers (what I call "bells") so you could hear it ring on whatever floor you are on.
Good luck. I took care of my uncle when he had lung cancer and we rigged up a baby monitor for him, but he was in a 1-story house and I could hear him except at night time, so I can empathize.
do any of these sound like you this year?
* 1. Schizophrenia --- Do You Hear What I Hear?
* 2. Multiple Personality Disorder ---We Three Kings Disoriented Are
* 3. Dementia ---I Think I'll be Home for Christmas
* 4. Narcissistic ---Hark the Herald Angels Sing About Me
* 5. Manic - Deck the Halls and Walls and House and Lawn and Streets and Stores and Office and Town and Cars and Buses and Trucks and Trees and.....
* 6. Paranoid ---Santa Claus is Coming to Town to Get Me
* 7. Borderline Personality Disorder ---Thoughts of Roasting on an Open Fire
I am in my mid 30s and currently having orthodontic treatment done. The doctor is so sweet (great looking too!). I find him staring at me whenever I come in there, unusually so. He's very, very attentive to me when he sees me. Fast forward to yesterday. I paid all of treatment within 3 months using insurance and cash (close to 5,000) and I received a letter today. He told me that he was so impressed with the way I set goals to pay my treatment in such a short time. Then he went on to say he was "looking forward to getting to know me better."
Okay. I was a little shocked. Is this normal? I've never had this happen before. It was a personal, hand written note.
Anyways, just wondering what your thoughts would be on this. He is the kindest, gentlest doctor I've ever been around. But, that's besides the point.
Just wanted to share this with you all. Not really looking for advice. Just thought it was weird.
Okay - this is going to sound crazy
But if you are an MT and this is MT business - you might consider contacting the AAMT - which is stationed in Modesto, Calif - even if you are not a member you'd think they could be halfway helpful. I'm familiar with the Sacramento area and could tell you places to stay away from there in Stockton and Sacramento but not familiar with Modesto. Sorry and best of luck!!
Doesn't sound right
under those circumstances. Then whenever someone wanted new wall-to-wall they could just crap it up themselves and submit a claim and get a new rug.
At any rate, even if this is somehow true, the insurance company will only jack up your rate or drop you all together, so you're going to pay either way. And then you'll have a claim history and no other company will want you either.
We tried the sound machine...
and he didn't like that. I think he likes the air flow even if it's not directed at him. I hadn't ever thought about the cost that fan is running constantly.
I'm not clear about the white board (drywall?, white boards that you write on?) but certainly is a consideration. I could make that easily removeable and yes cover with fabric. Thanks for the ideas too.
Never will be another Motown sound
or anything close to it. Gosh there was no one who wasn’t the best there, was there? Kids off the street (as in Idol) getting the chance of their lifetime and giving us all that wonderful music. I can sing along with so many of the songs from back them. Such fond memories.
You have to be honest with him, but you do sound a bit. SM
codependent on him. Something to think about. I've been married twice (once for 10 years and to my current husband for 4 years) and you cannot change people. You have to work on things together and try to change things together. I man will never read your mind and do what you want. You have to be very blunt with the male species and tell them what you want and need, but be careful about being too needy as that could be a turn off.
You must love him for who he is.
Good luck! I wish someone would have told me some of this stuff 15 years ago, but I'm in my mid 30s and still learning.
You sound so much like my daughter.
She did it all, no wedding planner. I did not see her dress until the day of the wedding. She asked to see what I would be wearing as she thought (being as I am known for liking flash, sequins and the like) I might try to be over the hill according to her. It met with her approval but I know her and know what she would not like. She had a beautiful wedding and she, like you, a control freak, some are, some arent but that is what makes people interesting. She is a highly independent person so we talk often, I do not get into their business and think things are good like they are. If she needs me she knows the number.
You sound like one of the monitors here.
It does sound good, but (sm)
DH refuses to live in a community where they can tell him to mow his grass. Now mind you, our community is pretty secluded, and most of the people here do keep it up, but he is of the old school where if it is your house and the grass gets a little too high, it's your own business. We don't like it trashy either.
You sound like hyperthyroid
with hypothyroidism your metabolish slows to a snail and you can actually gain weight. I have the one with the weight gain but never had the feeling of a lump in my throat and no throat pain. Dry skin, hair loss also goes with mine and the tiredness- hey I also have fibromyalgia and tiredness goes with that so I get a double whammy there. I do get really tired sometimes, just bone tired. I have not had some of the symptoms you talk about.
This is going to sound terrible
but my dad used to tell us if he caught us flipping the bird at anyone he would chop our middle fingers off. Of course he wasn't serious and I was the only one gullible enough to believe it.
Also I remember my grandma telling me when I was really young that kids that bite have to have all their teeth pulled out. God, it sounds like I had a horribly sadistic family but they really werent! LOL
I also remember being told if we swallowed watermelon seeds they could grow in our stomachs.