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Oh my goodness!

Posted By: American Idol Fan on 2009-03-10
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Watching tonight, not going to give away any secrets but so far there have been 4 performers and usually 1 sticks out far. I seriously am having trouble finding a bad 1 out of the 4. Well, how many more to go tonight, 13 total, 4 already.

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Thank goodness!
Oh my goodness...
Can nothing be said on this board without having someone saying something uncalled for??? What is wrong with you? The original poster came here with an honest question and you attacked. Sometimes things happen in life that we honestly have no control over and that includes with our children, as unfair as that may be. I know several people who don't have their kids living with them for one reason or another and the last thing they need is someone saying "what is wrong with you." I'm sure you're perfect but the rest of us aren't so I guess you should probably learn to live with it and maybe take some life advice from Thumper, if you can't say something nice don't say nothing at all...
Thank goodness for that! sm
I am so glad to hear it was not a spider bite and definitely not the brown recluse. You are so lucky. I am happy to hear you have a better prognosis. I am also glad you went to the doc!!! Have a good day!
oh! thanks goodness! I do not have tv on--sm
so this is great news!!! Thanks for sharing.
Thank goodness!
Now maybe it can be an actual competition instead of a freakshow! Let's see what Vote for the Worst has to say now!
Thank goodness!!!
I use to love her on her old talk show she was so funny, now she is just a bitter woman.
Oh, my goodness!
I was told about the boogie man, mother was sorta mystic type person and she wrote a book 1 time about the demons in her home, had priest to come and shake the holy water all over. Guess what? I am fine, ok, never been in trouble with the law, have good marriage, grown kids. Oh, by the way, I also got whippings (so did my husband) and we have turned out alright. I saw the other day where Billy Grahams wife also disciplined her children by spanking. Good for her!! Your mother probably also heard the child calling them worms- each side deserves respect, not just the kids. I am so sick and tired of what went wrong in years past when the kids now days are basically out of control. Thank goodness I do not have any more to raise. People now letting the kids get the upper hand and just look around you to see what is happening. There has never been a time in history as bad as it is now with the kids running the show. Sad.
Oh Goodness, it would
take forever, I really should write a book. Just a little for now. I started with Squeaky, a black and white kitten I adopted in front of a supermarket from a kid with a box of kittens. She was the last one left and rather ugly and I thought who would adopt this ugly little critter, and then decided I would. Once I made the decision, she suddenly became gorgeous. I worked at home at the time, she was a tiny thing and became very attached to me, definitely a one person cat. When I started working in the office, she didn't like that and was bored alone at home and get into mischief. I would come home and find kitchen cabinets and drawers all opened up and the toilet paper unrolled all over the apartment. I thought of a getting her a buddy, and wound up getting Button, a blue and white kitten with gorgeous aqua eyes. I lost Button at 13 from Lymphosarcoma, and Squeaky to old age at 17.5 years. I still miss them both. Button was my first cat I ever showed, she did very well. I still do rescue, and also breed the Somali cat and show them also. Made a lot of friends in the cat fancy and it is fun just to get away from the house/office here and there and socialize. Right now, my shows cats in Somali's are Cutey, Lwaxana, Arwen and mixed breeds Sisko, Kasidy, Julian, and lela Dax, but I don't show them all at the same time, too expensive. In fact, we have a show in NJ next weekend, I am looking forward to it.
Oh, my goodness...sm
it's still running pretty close to 100 here in Tucson, AZ!
Well, then that changes everything! My goodness.
I may have gotten into my car and chased her down! :D

oh goodness!
Such a nasty kitty! I guess he is kinda grumpy in his old age!

Thank Goodness
I knew it was going to happen sooner or later. Hopefully she'll get the help she needs. I actually think Kevin is a better parent from what I've heard. Of course I don't kown him or what may go on, but he's gone on the record saying that he doesn't go out dragging the kids around for photo ops and keep they out until the early morning hours. Brittany's parents from what I've seen recently on keeping close tabs on the children and have been seen at Kevin's house (boy do I watch too many tabloid reports LOL). In any event, I hope those poor kids can start having somewhat of a settled life (as settled as it can be in this situation)
Thank goodness!
You must have used that name to sign off on another post at one time and somehow it came back when you wrote this latest post. This has happened to me before and I don't know how/why it happens. I'm just glad to know you didn't mean to be mean-spirited. This poor lady needs all our sympathy and care right now.
Thank goodness -
I asked DH (he reads everything news about 16 hours out of the day) if he has heard of japanese people eating babies in the news and he started laughing and said its a hoax. Talk about feeling stupid for believing something like this. Why would anyone start such a disgusting hoax anyway! There are some truly sick minds out there. These are probably the same people who create computer viruses. I just don't get it.
Thank goodness!!! nm
He is so beautiful!!! I love his color and his face is just gorgeous!
Thank goodness
I thought we were the ones losing it. Like we were just big eaters or something, which I know in my head isn't the case. It's nice to know others go through these things. Hard boiled eggs are another good idea. I could just say it's something my mom makes and I can't have a Thanksgiving without them.
That is great that you animal rescue! I rescued a full-grown PITBULL that is just my big baby. Nothing mean about him at all. It is a shame you feel that way about pitbulls because they are honestly what people make them. You can see my beautiful rescued pitbull and read his story here: http://www.dogster.com/dogs/600278
It's bad enough, but then when you see the pic, oh my goodness!!! nm
Oh my goodness! I am sorry you sm
have to make this decision whatever it is! I couldn't watch it but would if I could, YES! I just know for myself I would never make it through it. If you can stand it and you think it will bring you some kind of.........whatever...closure isn't the right word, I don't know what the right word is, then by all means you do what you think you have to do and can do. I don't think there is any right or wrong to this.
Oh my goodness! I am sorry you sm
have to make this decision whatever it is! I couldn't watch it but would if I could, YES! I just know for myself I would never make it through it. If you can stand it and you think it will bring you some kind of.........whatever...closure isn't the right word, I don't know what the right word is, then by all means you do what you think you have to do and can do. I don't think there is any right or wrong to this.

For my own self, because I know I couldn't do it, I might try to find someone to "stand in" for me.
Oh my goodness
I rescued a cat last year out from under a office house at a park and brought her home and she licks plastic bags too. I thought what weird abberant behavior. I have had lots of cats and never seen this happen before, glad to know she is not alone. Minute plastic bags come in, she runs over to lick them.
oh my goodness.....
I just watched Marley & Me a few days ago and I recommend NEVER to watch that movie when you're missing your doggy who has disappeared! I was BAWLING...

anyway, but they said that in the movie, that sometimes a dog will "know" and leave. He just happened to break free of his confines, which he does at least once every year, he's a husky and its in him to run I guess, lol...but yes, the uncertainty is definitely the hardest. I check out by his fave laying spot in the shade every day, because in the past when he's gotten out, he's usually gone late at night and back by afternoon the next day sleeping in his fave spot, but nothing. :(

One of the women who saw him the first day he was gone said he looked hurt, but I think that's more from his limp from his arthritis in the hips. She said she gave him water and tried to feed him, but he just drank some water and didn't want the food. I was so greatful that someone tried to help him, but she said when she returned from her son's sport game my doggy was gone and never touched the food. Again, that was over a month ago, on Saturday it will be 5 weeks that he has been gone.

Well thank goodness...sm
  I was wondering what to do with all the bee droppings lying around my house. 
Thank Goodness
So glad to hear he's okay.
Goodness, I didn't mean to indicate

it was the end of the world, a lot worse things happen, as evidenced by the VA incident yesterday, and worse things have happened to me and my family.

I realize that lice can be picked up anywhere, I just thought there was a good chance that she got it from the girl she sat next to who had it and who my daughter hugged and exchanged hats with, and as I found out, the kids from that family had been sent home numerous times and told to deal with the problem.  No biggie, just had a confidential conversation with the principal and teacher, and evidently he agreed.  Probably not a good idea to have to close down a school for a week because all the students, the teacher's and everybody's families have lice, as a school in the same state had to do. Good thing they all probably had PTO to cover it.  I did have to keep her home for a couple of days to get the live ones cleared out because her hair is so thick.  No, I didn't go screaming insanely down the street to the world, didn't tell anyone except those I thought needed to know, like the friend's mother, and didn't even act upset in front of my daughter, just said it's okay, we'll get through it.  And as I said, the teachers gave out instructions on coats, hats, etc., and then began to send home a note when they knew it was around, which I think is appropriate, just as they did when the flu bug was going around heavily and even had to close the school a couple of times.  I know the administration has better things to do, I grew up with a father who was a school administrator, and I know what headaches he had to deal with, but yes I would have pulled my daughter out of school if I thought it was going to be an ongoing issue.  Thanks, was just trying to join in the conversation with my experience and tips.

My goodness, kudos to you and tell me
how did you achieve this weight loss?
Oh, thank goodness I did not get the other that really works
because I used on my child at a young age, they do not even produce it any more, first name Glovers Mange Medicationhe and then Glovers medication. My daughter had what looked to be cradle cap but she was older, toddler. Being elderly does not excuse a person for being nice. I could not get what I volunteered to get on my own, she owed me zilch for buying it and I told her that when I gave it to her and if she did not want throw it AWAY. I never go through her medicines to see what she has or does not have. You can no longer buy the Glovers but the pharmacist suggested a green tea type solution- his choice, not mine but from now on I will know just not to be available to buy anything. Looking to be offended, by my aunt?? No, always there to try to assist and I can be offended each and every day if I wanted to have that done by calling someone here in town, say city hall, the telephone company, cable. Loads of others who work in the offending business. By the way, I am also considered elderly and I have aches and ailments like the next person but that does not mean I can be rude just because my neuropathy kicks in.
P.S. Also than goodness for hubby

That's why I can work less than full-time.

Now if I could just control my spending!

Thank goodness don�t have to worry about
things like this but really have heard about it. Ladies, I am telling you now- you have no idea how fast your life will go by- one of these days you will wake up and wonder where the years went. It makes absolutely NO sense to stay with anyone and I mean anyone unless you want to be there- love or lack of, children, family, job security or benefits, etc. etc. Your will be getting older and believe you me when I say I wish I could go back to about 40 and redo things a little. I wasted years. I never worried about making it on my own, in fact I was the money earner in the family so was in a rut and stayed there, not anymore and I will say again, even if there are loads of children, you do yourself a disservice staying in an unloving marriage.
Thank goodness she's getting away from that psycho. nm
Should have said It not I goodness knows I am not a millionare. nm
Goodness--I am sorry for your loss (sm)
Miscarriage is hard, particularly so when your body does not cooperate.

Have you had problems with irregular periods in the past? Regardless, the most low-tech way to learn a lot about what is going on is to chart with basal body temperatures. There is a little bit of a learning curve to it but you can use software to make it learning-curve free (the software is free at Fertility Friend or for $40 at Ovusoft, my personal pick being Ovusoft) with a $10 basal body thermometer. You do need a BB thermometer, not a regular thermometer, because the BB thermometer is more accurate for the lower (unfeverish) temperatures you need. You take your temperature first thing in the morning, plot it down, and watch for the 0.2 degrees or higher sustained rise in temperature to signal ovulation has occurred. If you see that, you know you have your chance.

There are all kinds of things this can signal, like a short luteal phase (the time between ovulation and the period), which is sometimes detrimental to a pregnancy. It also can make you feel like you're trying to do something to bring about a new pregnancy beyond the regular "baby dancing."

Again, I am so, so sorry for your loss. I truly remember the pain and longing of wanting another life after miscarriage. Unfortunately, you had to experience it more than just once, and that is just unfair.
Thank goodness he doesn't eat
anything in front of the window, he just swoops, grabs and goes. He uses my front yard as sort of a "drive thru" I guess. He is a very pretty and majestic bird. I've tried to get pics of him, but my camera doesn't zoom far enough.

We also have Great Horned Owls that live in our pine trees out back. All through the summer I would hear them hooting. So I staked out the window one night so I could maybe get a peak at them and I actually saw one of them fly out of the tree, it was huge!

I just feel bad for my little feathered friends. I guess that's nature though.

Sorry for rambling, love to talk about my nature.
Oh goodness! Your poor mom!
Sort of have a similar story but my MIL was the one calling about my DH. She took DH to the ER for a severe attack of Crohn's; I stayed home with the kids.

I am dead asleep and MIL calls at 11:30 p.m. and says "we almost lost him." I asked what she was talking about and couldn't figure out what was going on. She tells me she thought he wasn't breathing, starts lecturing me about how I should have called her sooner to take him, that none of the triage staff would help my DH and she called 911 from the ER waiting room. I was far too disoriented to drive there as I had taken a sleeping pill. I felt pretty helpless.

She phoned me again at 6:30 a.m. She apologized for calling like she did.

He did indeed have a severe Crohn's flare up but his BP was fine as well as all his vitals. She insisted that the triage nurse falsified his vitals. Next time I'll call an ambulance for him instead of her.

I hope your dad is okay today. Saying a prayer for you and your family (if that is okay).
Oh, thank goodness, I loved seeing her but
my heart just broke to see her sit there, apparently getting passed by and so wanting a forever home. I have not seen the ad yet but will be so happy to see that precious pup again.
Thank goodness some people still see it that way!! sm
People are so self-centered these days. Boyfriend above my child? No way, no how.
oh goodness... that sounds like ME
but fortunately, I already knew I was going through a mid-mid life crisis. I'm 27 and don't know where I want to end up, what i want to do... who i want to be!! LOL

My boyfriend is like MAKE UP YOUR MIND, and then i get upset cause i feel like he's not being supportive.

So maybe I can just help you by trying to explain how I think he is feeling, because honestly you described what I do to my bf what your DH is doing to you!

Personally I really feel like my brain has two sides (literally obviously LOL) but they are working completely against each other. Now, I'm not crazy, I think I'm a good person, raised well, have my life together (or so it seems)... own a house, have two dogs, love my boyfriend, have great friends, and I'm extremely happy... but honestly sometimes I just get depressed for a minute and don't know what I want... just in life, in general... for myself, or my future.

I thought I'd be married at 24, baby by 26. Now I feel like I don't want either of those things when at one time that's ALL i wanted. Now I am ready to move across country, start a new life... go back to school MAYBE...

oh the list goes on and on. i wont discuss it more since you probably hear it at home, but honestly someone in his situation (at least i think) is really having a difficult time internally... so all you can really do is just tell him you'll support him no matter what he chooses :)

and im sorry you have to deal with that every day, you have opened my eyes to try to tone it down with my guy!!!

sorry for the long post, i dont talk about my internal stress much cause really im very happy and blessed for everything in my life so it seems petty that my biggest problem is "i dont know what i want in life". :)

have a good night!
Thank goodness I did not try to see Seven Pounds
the other night and instead apparently chose a more adult themed movie. After my movie a woman came out from the Will Smith movie demanding to see a manager. She said loads of children in the theater totally acting out and their parents not controlling them.
Thank goodness I don't eat meat! ugh...
Oh my goodness what a snob sm
you really are. I assume you are working. Do you spend your check as you wish or contribute to the family finances. My husband also works his butt off, it is an equal partnership here. I work for what I have and am NOT going to let somebody else tell me how to spend it.

If folks like you are a sample of what lives in a HOA, I will take my renters anyday next to you lady.

Personally I think you are just trying to start a fight.
Oh goodness I forgot about those sm
cracklins! They sell them in packages in the huge chain grocery stores here. Yuk! I know folks who make "cracklin cornbread." I guess it goes in the cornbread batter or something. No thanks!
My goodness, I am so past worrying
I have a mixed daughter who is 32 years of age. I lived in Atlanta proper for 29 years. I have NEVER had a problem with a mixed marriage. None. My daughter has told me she has the best of both worlds. She has all kinds of friends, white, black, Asian. I was sooooo kidding when I wrote that. I was first married in the early 70s to her father here in the DEEP south so if I were afraid, it would have been years ago. I was just getting a social lesson when the person referring to how things are in the south. Oh by the way, you know Florida is not really, for whatever reasons, considered a southern state. My BIL lives in Tampa and his daughter lives in a house that is outta sight. Folks do not have to just live in Atlanta (talking blacks) in order to have the better things in life.
Oh my goodness-Red Flag - Are you kidding?? (sm)
First of all, even if we didn't go as far as to compare this to truly neglective mothers, think about this. If the mom worked outside of the home and her child was in a child care setting, do you know how closely the child would be watched? By teenagers usually for summer camps at least, and they have many children to watch at once. Kids get hurt all the time. Even a non-working mom cannot sit and stare at her six year old watching their every move all day. If she did, she would be accused of being overprotective and she would never get her housework done, so then, of course, she'd be in trouble for that. The last 20 years or so children have been far more supervised than ever in history! For those of us who grew up in the 70s and 80s, we were outside playing til the street lights came on. For those who grew up in the 30s and 40s - they were out farming and cooking when they were 7 or 8 years old - heck, back then, the 6 year old would have been the babysitter while the parents farmed. People have to make money to survive. A mom working while her child is at home cannot supervise them 24-7. But she loves them and takes very good care of them, working to earn money to take care of them and I am sure setting boundaries and keeping the child in a safe environment. Kids today are soooo much better off than in the past. Be realistic, please!
Oh my goodness! I haven't been this passionate about something in a sm

LONG TIME! I so need your help, fellow MTs! I posted below about a local hospital that was destroyed by a tornado that desperately needs an MRI and Siemens is giving one away to one lucky winner.  PLEASE, PLEASE go to www.winanmri.com  and search the hospitals on the right - look for Sumter Regional Hospital in Americus, GA and PLEASE VOTE FOR US.


So far we are 768 votes shy of the leader.  I would love to see us win this.  I've emailed the hospital telling them how CLOSE they are to the winner.  As of last night we were in 8th or 9th place.  Today, we jumped up to 2nd place!!!! I'm so excited! I sent the link to over 100 friends.  If you've voted, THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You will be rewarded one day...


Talk to him. For goodness sake..
he is your husband! If you two can't have an adult conversation about things then it is time to assess your relationship. Move on if you are unhappy. Why spend your life being miserable, life is too short. The children would rather have a functional, happy mother than one who is worried and anxious all the time. Good grief ladies, wise up, be women instead of little girls! You control your happiness, not others!
Thank goodness, another voice of reason!
My husband did not "cop out", he provided more than enought support, insurance, braces, etc. The deadbeat mother who didn't want to work is to blame here, she taught her daughters to take men for all their worth and then move on; nice role model.As long as she got the child support and played the "victim" she was happy as could be, yet still dumped her children off on other's to raise without notifying the father. Yes, he did go back to court, but guess what, when kids are in their teens they are allowed to decide where they want to live and dad was not one of their options. Too bad because had they have given him one ounce of respect and kindness there is nothing he would not do for them. Now that the well has run dry for them support wise we don't hear from them. Grow up, accept responsibility and get a job to help pay for school; millions do it and have survived!
That is not creepy. She's 9 for goodness sake, not 15. nm
oh my goodness. It's free intraperitoneal air. NM
Oh my goodness, He is just too cute for words!
Thank goodness for fast forward on DVR! - sm
One word - LAME!!