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Obviously some people didn't read *or get* the whole post about the followup phone call ;)

Posted By: nm on 2006-12-01
In Reply to: That's what I am looking for- opinions from others. Thank you for your comment. - OP


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Followup - phone call with the principal....sm
I sent an e-mail to the principal this morning outlining my displeasure with the results of yesterday's meeting and CC'd our school board representative. Within a few minutes the principal was on the phone and asked me what I wanted them to do to educate our child. I told her that they're the educators, not me, and that they need to be the ones to figure out a reasonable game plan to get her caught up and educated during the school day. She then reiterated that they don't have the resources to work with her exclusively and won't unless she gets at least 6 months behind, at which point they'd then test her for potential learning disabilities and screen for special education consideration.

The school board representative sent me an e-mail that she'll be calling me tomorrow to discuss the situation. Hopefully by making the school board know that I'm not happy someone will intervene to educate her now and not wait 4 more months to give serious consideration.

Of note, my sister lives an hour away and her school district is completely different. Her son is ADD and is now a junior in high school. All throughout his elementary, middle and high school years there the teachers and schools have been great about working with her and him to keep him out of special education classes, and when needed at times they got parapros to work with him. I hear so many flip-flop stories about school systems and how some really work well with parents and meeting needs and others don't want to do what they're required to do until forced to do so.

We are hoping to be able to move out of our district hopefully next summer but that will depend on whether or not we can get our house sold. Rest assured that we won't move to a new area without my making sure that the schools my daughter will attend are willing to work with us to keep her out of special education and mainstreamed.
You obviously didn't read my post completely..
I said I USED to be overweight! I have not always been a size 6, I was much larger just a couple of years ago. I was technically considered obese and decided to do something about it. It was completely my fault and because of the food choices I was making and not exercising. I do have compassion for those people that have a problem and do something about it, but not for those that just sit around blaming others for THEIR problem! You really need to go see a dietician or someone who can help you eat correctly and start exercising every day. If you're really only hungry once a day, then you're probably snacking way too much and so your body only wants one meal. There are plenty of different programs out there that could really help you with your weight loss, but you have to be open to change and realize that you are the only one that has the power to change your life. You're also going to have to be completely honest about what your eating and it would really help if you wrote everything down. For me, I have to eat every 3 hours (3 small meals and 2 healthy snacks), stop eating 3 hours before bedtime and exercise at least 5 days a week to keep my weight down. When I started out losing the weight, I kept a food journal and it really helped me to see what I was putting in my body and make sure that I wasn't eating too many/too few calories. By the way, I not the same person as "anon" and I don't believe that I have said anything harsh to you.
Sorry - guess I didn't read the whole post (sm)
I have driven to Florida by myself many times (about a 9 hour drive for me). I do have family there though. But I stayed in a hotel by myself while I was there and did the drive alone. I listen to my favorite music, talk on my cell phone (when I have service), etc. The drive is not bad at all. As far as the hotel room - I kind of adjust my brain and tell myself this time is all mine! I can eat whatever I want, go wherever I want, watch whatever I want. As long as you adjust your mind accordingly, it will be great! It really is a treat to be able to just make all the decisions yourself once in a while and not have to ask anyone else what they want.
I didn't read anything in the original post
about expecting gushing or groveling. One of the things she did say was that she usually got gifts that the receiver picked out and then was just discarded or sold. I agree with the other posts, give gift cards.
bs. you didn't read her post very closely.
I was not laughing at anyone. I just wondered why people didn't post
Right now 120 people have read your original post in this thread
So that's 120 people that do not mind versus the few that complained. Keep writing. I get a kick out the stories of your little dog. It is better than the fighting and name calling that goes on other boards. Even my kids stopped doing that in middle school.
Followup on this post.....
Just ordered 1 tonight, got the thermal as I like for my coffee to be hot and here with the latest coffee maker my DH bought, not doing the trick. I can hardly wait...
Phone call of the day ....sm

ME:  Hello?

CALLER:  Hello, does anyone at your home speak English?

ME:  What?  Of course I speak English.  I was born and raised in the US and speak no other language.  Why do you ask?

CALLER:  I'm so sorry ma'am.  This is Jody with the Police Benevelance fund and we'd like to ask for a contribution for.....

ME (immediately cutting her off):  Ma'am, how dare you have the audacity to call my home, ask me if I speak English and then want to ask me for a donation?  Donkeys would fly before I'd give your organization a penny as you have now totally insulted me, a bona-fide English speaking American Citizen - one without an accent other than being Southern. 

Can you believe it?  My husband stood there shaking his head as I let into this lady.   It's bad enough to call somewhere and hear "press 1 for English, 2 for Spanish...." but to have someone call you and ask if you speak English is absurd.

call your phone co and ask if they have....

I have privacy director from bellsouth and also am on the donotcall.gov list and phone#.  However, I continually get a call with no one speaking from a SEBELL - I looked up SEBELL and it's a telecommunications company that once got into big trouble - with telemarketing - and now it *looks* as though they are back.  The only thing I could do with that number was STAR (*) 60 which blocks only 6 telephone numbers via bellsouth.


Followup to unfair practice and followup
This goes along with my first post. None of my references have ever told me they were contacted. That is just a waste of time and energy. I don't know why these companies lead you on. I would just love to find a stable company.
phone call, email, when there's a will.....
On phone call: Yes, this is her. ARGH! Should be: This is SHE sm
and I was taught (112 years ago in school) that it is she and her brother not her and her brother. I know it is not always her or she, but I am not clear which is which. I often default to my elementary school English lessons.
Cant beleive that instead of picking up phone to call Dr.
My boys didn't have their own cell phone but sm
used ours and bought us a new one when they lost it. They coughed up their share of the car insurance when they got their driver's licenses at 16. No way could we afford to pay insurance for 3 boys to drive. LOL-and they all have impeccable driving records.
Another phone related post....

Here is a neat site that gives suggestions for how to bypass prompts and reach a human at a number of US-based companies.  It also lists the 800 phone numbers for companies like Amazon.com and Columbia House music club and others that are seemingly very difficult to find! 



Really? People are invited to a shower over the phone?
If I were invited to a shower via a telephone call, I might think that my inclusion in the party was an afterthought. It's far nicer, and manners dictate, that a written invitation be sent for a party, especially when the party includes gift-giving.
There is no way to defend asking guests to address their own envelopes for thank you cards. I stand by the opinion that it is tacky. If you know someone well enough to ask them to a shower and expect a gift from them, then you should make the effort to get their address and send them a written invitation.
U didn't call the school?
You should have called the school, demanded to speak to the principal, then call the school board office. Get a group of parents to go with you to the next school board meeting and make sure you let them know what happened. THEN, write a letter to the Editor of your newspaper, call in on any talk radio show you can dial into it.

The next time, it could be your kid who has an emergency. Bless those kids for helping their schoolmate.
some people did, some people didn't. It's their choice.
But why didn't you just call anonymously? The police could have sm
taken care of it had you called anonymously. You didn't have to be outside with him while the dog was barking. I don't understand.....
I am wondering why you didn't immediately call the police
from your cell or if you don't have one go home and call and then stay there with the dog until they arrived? I'm shocked.
Sorry, I didn't read this one
before I replied to the other one. I see that you have had one. Did it not bother you? I do agree, however, if it is God's will, there is a reason. Nowadays, I look at it like if I had have had my twins, we would not have gotten the beautiful children that we have now and where would they be. In the situation they were in, that is a very scary thought!
From what I read, he didn't say it was okay
for him to go. He signed the form as required by the other school, but told him that if he went there would be consequences.
That gets soooo under my skin and I realize that people don't mean a thing by it but one day (must have been pms'ing) I went to a convenience store and the gal working was all, "How are you today H O N ???"

Well it was just one too many hons and granted, it was not very tactful on my part either, but my response was, "My day would be a whole lot better if people would not call me hon".

She never did call me that again when I went in there but my guess is she probably had a few choice words for me when I left. :O
Didn't you read the part about
Old thighs, old hips, old knees, old ankles...oh, my, I can see the flab a-floppin' and hear the bones a-crackin'.
Me, too. I didn't even know about it 'til I read it here.
Seems to me the people you call friends...
were trying to teach you a lesson. You are the one with the cell phone who doesn't like to text so they're thinking "Okay. You don't want to text, looks like you're going to miss the movie." If I were you, I'd be a little more than upset. Seems to me they played a nasty trick on you to teach you a lesson. If it was me, I would tell them, "Thank you very much. Your lesson was very well learned now get the h**l away from me." For crying out loud, with friends like that, who needs enemies. Life is too short to deal with that kind of crap. Go find some new friends who don't care if you text or not.
Hey, I didn't read all the posts below but sm for suggestion
Can't help ya with the subway system. I think newbies are all in the same scary boat, but internet could help.

My suggestion is one of those suitcase things on wheels that he can pull. Maybe one of those and then some sort of satchel/mailbag/backpack also.

Seems kind of cruel for this company to throw him to the wolves like that. They should be able to offer a little guidance??

Anyhow, I can't even imagine how you feel. I live in a college town with both kids in their 20s and every time they leave the house, I'm afraid they're going to get lost LOL. So I can only imagine your anxiety.

Try to help him look at it as a challenge rather than something he's going to dread. Once he gets to know the ropes, all should be fine.

Hang in there :-)
People I went to high school with still call me by my maiden
name, and we graduated 30+ years ago, and I call them by their's when talking about them with someone. What is the big deal??????
Sorry I didn't see your post (nm)
didn't get that from post
I just watched her latest So Annoying video and was still laughing about it to myself. I recognized the "fat jerk" post and it made me think of it.
Didn't see the post either...
so congratulations. Keep in mind that people saying nothing is often not something to be taken personally.
Didn't see the post either...
so congratulations. Keep in mind that people saying nothing is often not something to be taken personally. If they say something nasty, then...
I had a BIL who used to turn his seat and stare at people and call them names
We're talking about "gender-specific names", and not the nice names either.

Had a grandmother who would wait for overweight people to walk by and then call them "fatty" once they were within hearing distance.

That was about 5 and 6 years ago and we never went out to eat with either of them again. Actually we did but I warned them if they made one mention of calling people names loud enough to ensure the others would hear I would get up and walk out. Needless to say my MIL didn't like that I "had the nerve" to say that to them. I told her it's better than being beat up because little brother couldn't keep his mouth shut and not call people the "f" or "l" word.
Sorry, the link didn't come through the first post
Thought the same, just didn�t post it
Too funny - I didn't even see your post
until I posted above! Sorry for stealin your moniker! Won't happen again - :)
i agree, if people didn't have sex outside of marriage, then
unless i'm wrong, but i don't think too many married woman are aborting babies who are fathered by their husbands. i think the overwhelming majority are babies that are the product of people married to each other
Again, if you re-read my post about how she is very
"scatterbrained" to the maximum, I find it very, very difficult to believe that there is absolutely nothing she can do about this because there is and she chooses not to. You seem to be taking the "Oh, she can't help it approach," and this is where we strongly disagree.

End of story. No more from me.
Why not read the post before going off on someone! SM
There is some great information inside.  Give this woman a break!
As I read your post
I looked over at my cat napping.  I am so sorry.  I truely hope you can maybe go to a shelter and save another kitten and maybe it will also bring some joy into your life.  Please don't think I am saying you kitten is just replaceable, but when my family dog died, the best thing for all of us was to get another dog that we knew needed a loving home that we could provide.
If you will read my post....
I am not defending abstinence only programs. I said if parents taught their kids about sex and condoms and STDs there would not be a need for a program PERIOD. In my opinion, as I said, that needs to be taught by parents, NOT by schools. And as far as standards, I don't know how much lower you can get than adultery in the White House, covering it up, committing felony perjury while in office, and the coup DE grace of those hail Mary pardons and stealing stuff on the way OUT of the White House. Oh yeah...there's a REAL standard to ascribe to. One of these days we will know the WHOLE Sandy Burglar story too. If he lives long enough and does not go the way of Vince Foster.
You did not read my post right
The law is completely behind me. They go with me, have the police there as I load up a truck, have appeared in court, spoken with the person who tells me how this works. Good gosh, would never take it upon myself just to pull up and start loading.
Read the post again
I did not ask what should I do- I asked what would others do.
When I read the post below
It looks like only 2 people voiced an objection. Ignore them. Who cares if they object. Some people do nothing but complain and attack on all of these boards. I can only hope some of these people do not behave like this in person but are embolden by their anonymity of the internet.
Read my post again and you will see
I said asked if I MIGHT have costochondritis because of the ribs that are still hurting so bad you cannot touch- this after my seeing him 2 weeks ago and it started before then. That is different from going in and stating I have that diagnosis and for some reason I have found as the years have gone on she is getting much more angry, it seems, in response to anything I say medical wise. Now I would never say anything medical but SHE brings up all the time because she is having this pain or that, going to various doctors, taking this and that and it is her talk more than mine. I said very innocently 1 day I was eating yogart because it was good for you. Talk about starting WWIII!. She asked who told you that and then started on how she had ate such and such all her life and she was ok. She had a much loved sister who was a nurse and I would be more than willing to say she would never say such barbed things to her. If I had just found out about fibro and just now seeking an answer or assistance it would be different but we are talking YEARS and I hurt severely. I told her I would rather know it was costochondritis than say other things it could be such as melanoma or bone cancer which are 2 other things I also read about and researched in trying to find anything I could do to help my own self as not getting it from the physicians I have gone to since, ah, say 2004. Maybe the best thing to do next time she starts about how do I feel, her having this ache or pain, taking such and such medicine, just say really off limits for me to talk about and just let it go at that?
Maybe you should read your own post because
you said murder- that was not mentioned before. You must be a very angry person with all that screaming going on.
If you will read my post above sm

You will see that I said exactly that - talk with the teacher and get the facts straight. I am perfectly aware of how emotional 13yo girls can be and how they can blow things out of proportion.

I still think this is a very inappropriate way for the teacher to have handled the situation. Regardless of how "worldly" kids are these days, the teacher could have discussed the situation on a one-to-one basis or with the female students only.

You should read your post
I'm sorry, but Christians don't tell people to go to "you know where." Christians don't say, not looking for advice - in other words, you don't want anyone to contradict you or criticize you - believe that is called pride.

How likely is it that all 3 sisters hate you for no reason? Have you thought about actually talkng to his sister, the one who hates you so much, about how you can make peace with each other? Doesn't mean you have to love her, but 2 adults should be able to be civil to each other.

As a Christian mother, you should set an example of love and peace for your boys - do you think you are doing that when you are ready to leave your husband over his family's feelings towards you?

If they hate you, that is on them, but if you hate them back, they have drawn you into their circle of negativity. Do not let that happen. If peace making efforts don't work out, then accept the fact that you do not get on with his family, let your sons and your husband maintain a relationship with them, and enjoy your time alone when they are with the family.

Love your children more than you hate your in-laws and do not draw your children into an eternal family squabble. You are pitting your ego against the ego of the sister and the mother - and putting your husband in an impossible situation.
did you not read my post?
"Please don't write and say a boy shouldn't be allowed to have his ears pierced"

and you are right i was asking about an AGE.

But you are 53, so that says it all, you were from a different generation and thusly I understand why you would be against it.
Read OP's post...........
That marriage is beyond repair:

1. She does not love him.

2. She wants out of the marriage.

3. She is unhappy.

4. Her children are not fond of their father.

Tell me what the pleasures are of going to bed and waking up to a person you feel nothing for.

What are the incentives because these are not hard times - this is THE END OF THE MARRIAGE.

No offense, but you need to put your bible away too.