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My homeowners association does not allow

Posted By: Jen on 2009-02-03
In Reply to: what a snobby generation... - MTinMT

along with vegetable gardens, your animals roaming around loose, parking on the streets, loud playing of music, so on and so on and I love this place.

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I would certainly get association such
as Department of Family and Children involved, even with a parent as I did with my father. He was 90, being ripped off by a younger than me married woman and having accidents 1 after another. If she will not listen to you, the department will step in and take over full care of her. She seems to be becoming demented with these actions. My father finally was killed in an accident but thank God he did not kill anyone else. Such a danger to him and others. I would certainly take care of ASAP.
Neighborhood Association Would Not Allow
There are certain colors for the homes here and that would be totally out. I love my neighborhood!
I like it too. If there is no home association
then they can do whatever they want with it.
you're into guilt by association? s/m

As I know it, they broke up months ago..........so I have read...and anyway - you sound like my 87 year old mother!!!  



I hear nothing from the association, just love it here
If you have never lived in an association, or maybe you have, don�t know what type of rules you thought or know your particular place has but I just enjoy it here - so much nicer than where I used to live right in the city of over 3 million people. Oh, just for your information, the homes here are different, some are stucco, some brick front, some 3 stories, some ranch so except for using outlandish colors on the home and cutting down on trashy things like all night parties, loud obvious people, no soliciting in our neighborhood, I would move here again in a heart beat.
Move into an association neighborhood and
you don�t have that problem. The places are not rented out here.
Got note from association about mowing our grass
but thank goodness hubby had mowed just a few days ago. The association goes through the neighborhood ever so often and checks the yards. He has a riding lawnmower and a gas run mower; however I am unable to mow the front yard because cannot pull the rope on the mower. I fully intend to get me a push button starter mower so I can at least mow the front so presentable at all times.
HOmeowners may not cover

Sometimes if it is a motorized vehicle it will not be covered under homeowners insurance since you are supposed to have insurance on those independently.  Most of the time boats, motorcycles, scooters, cars are not covered but each policy is different but don't be surprisied if they are not.   Usually it is the home and contents.  Again, I feel for you but if you did not want them stored at your home then your husband should have followed your BIL home to take them off the trailer and see that they are stored in a safe place.  Especially since you know them and describe them as such and they have already had a loss.  But I guess this is a situation in which everyone learns a question, an expensive lesson but a lesson.  Am not sure if you would even win in a court of law as it was not an intentional act and you did not carry insurance on it..  Also with regards to their home owners it might not be covered as it is not theirs.  When my niece was borrowing a computer from me and they had water damage because the computer was mine and not theirs  it was not covered.   Good luck but to me this looks like a no win situation for anyone.


Homeowners insurance ? (sm)
I'm wondering if anyone has heard of this happening.  My niece spilled a small bit of bleach on her carpeting, about the size of a baseball.  The spot is in my brother and SILs living room.  There is also a small spot going up their stairs.  So, they called the place where they got their carpeting (about 3 years ago) to see if there was anyway they could fix it, and they informed them that the homeowners insurance would cover this and that since the carpeting is wall to wall, they should be able to get the entire house re-carpeted.  Does anyone know if homeowners will really pay to have your entire house re-carpeted just for a small bleach spot?  If so, I am going to call about our kitchen floor that has a large scratch on it from our table!! 
Do they have homeowners insurance? sm
That's who I would have filed the claim with.
Congrats to both of you new homeowners

What fun it is to decorate a new home for the holidays (and expensive).  Maybe you could talk one of your friends/family into throwing you a housewarming party -- make the theme Christmas decorations. 

We're in the process of building, but we're not expected to be in until after the new year.  I can hardly wait.  It'll be like having 2 Christmases this year.  Good luck -- hope all goes well!

I doubt homeowners would cover this, but
to do?  How would the carpet store fix this?  Just wondering....
When filing a homeowners claim consider this...sm
Homeowner's policies are determined by how many claims you file in "x" period of time, not the dollar amount. Therefore if you file a claim for instance for the carpeting and the replacement is $4000, then have another claim then you'll probably be cancelled or have rates go up, regardless of whether or not the next claim is for something with a high ticket dollar amount or not.

It is generally recommended by the insurance industry to not file claims for things that aren't for major ticket items, i.e. a fire or loss of thousands of dollars worth of stuff.
I would tell your sister that either they claim the loss on their homeowners ins.
You mean like bond money for 1st-time homeowners?
I live near Ft. Lauderdale Beach, my homeowners

I bought the condo for just under $300,000 (now worth close to $400,000), 1500 S.F., and across the street from the beach...The only thing that came down, per Governor Charlie Christ, just recently was the property taxes come down for this next year by $500.  Property taxes, however, are SKY HIGH - Close to $5000/annually!. 

HTH (hope that helps) :)