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Maybe learn some life planning skills before bringing blessings into the world that you can't aff

Posted By: Very selfish attitude you have on 2006-11-13
In Reply to: Children are blessings! They are not luxury items!!! - nm

and not very responsible or mature.

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Yes, guilt is my downfall. Now, I feel guilty because she has no life survival skills because I have
done everything for her...so now I blame myself about how she will survive because she has no idea what to do. I guess I didn't have anyone leading my way. I've been on my own since I was 16 years old and I made it okay.  She calls me for EVERYTHING..how do I do this.. how do I do that and I know now it's time just to let her fall because she'll never learn how to pick herself up if I keep doing it. That's the hardest teacher..falling on your face. She even said that she feels different because she doesn't know anything other kids her age know how to do.. That right there should have made me STOP.. I have not done her any favors..When I thought I was helping her, I was just making it worse and enabling. I'm done with it. Thanks for listening.
that's the great thing about life - we learn
no matter HOW old we are........
People in other countries do not chose to learn English, they HAVE to learn it in school
for a period of 8 to 12 years.
That's great! Everyone should learn to cook & learn
Dad said: You can learn from your own mistakes, but it's easier to learn from
That is fabulous. Wish I had her skills! nm
This morning I'm working to get some lines in before my boyfriend and I go to his mother's house for a home-cooked Mexican food feast and great company later this afternoon (his mother and her boyfriend make me feel more welcome than my own family does, lol!).

Tomorrow we'll have a quiet Christmas dinner at home after I'm done working, just the two of us.

We're too broke to *do* much of anything, truth be told. But we don't mind. Honestly, we don't. When I add up all the *pluses* in my life (a beautiful daughter in college, a wonderful boyfriend who is more than I could have ever hoped for, a great little apartment, food in our refrigerator, and even my silly little chihuahua who can make me laugh no matter what I might be upset about), life is GOOD.

And you know what? This year, that's enough for me. It's more than so many other people have, and it's more than enough for me.

No bonus, no matter how big, could *buy* what I've been blessed with in life.

Merry Christmas to all of my fellow MTs, and may you all be blessed with everything you need to make you happy during this holiday season!!!
Blessings on you
For your generous heart. Both my dogs are shelter pups. Years ago I adopted an old dog (she was 10 when I got her) who had been waiting for adoption for 9 months. She was only still alive because one of the shelter volunteers took her home to foster her -- there was no more room at the shelter. I saw her on a TV spot advertising shelter animals & went over there & got her right away. Her name was Echo.

We need more people like you.
7-year-old with organization skills...sm

My 7-year-old daughter has a great "eye" for how to organize and decorate things to look better.  Yesterday after school she asked me if she could reorganize my office for me...which is always a mess.  I took her to Wal-Mart and she picked out a few organizers to use and went to work.  Within an hour she had it transformed and it looks great...and is much better organized.  She was excited when I gave her a few bucks for doing a fabulous job.

I think I sense a future for her in interior design or as a paid organizer!!!


Thanksgiving Blessings to all

MT Stars Friends
Deuteronomy 16:15, �For seven days celebrate the Feast to the Lord your God at the place the Lord will choose. For the Lord your God will bless you in all your harvest and in all the work of your hands, and your joy will be complete.� (NIV)

Ecclesiastes 10:15, �A fool's work wearies him; he does not know the way to town.� (NIV)

Colossians 3:23, �Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men.� (NIV)

Basic skills best learned at home
It's kind of hit and miss as to whether kids learn to cook, sew, etc in school. Although I HATE using a sewing machine, I think basic handsewing is a life skill and taught my teenage girls to sew on buttons and mend rips. They also know how to do basic cooking, ironing, and have done their own laundry for years. My college daughter lives with two other girls, 19 and 20, and neither one of them can sew on a button (my daughter does it for them). Apparently their mothers never taught them.
Very very expensive and demanding blessings, yes.
Count your blessings and stop...

the complaining.  Like previous posts have stated, at least your daughter calls you.  You should be glad to have a daughter who thinks enough of you to call you and cares enough to ask if you are upset.  It may annoy you now, but what will you do when she stops or isn't there to call any more?

Yes, you can "take care of you" and let this be "your time," but your kids will always be your kids.  You can take care of you and still have time to pick up the phone or return a phone call.

My father used to tell the same stories over and over again.  Did I always like hearing the same stories?  Of course not.  But you know what.....I've give anything to hear one of those stories from my dad's lips again but I can't because he passed away last year.  The things that annoy us today may be the very thing that we miss later.  We just don't stop and take the time to be thankful for what we do have. 

Be thankful that you have money and are content with your life.  Be thankful that your daughter still cares enough to call.  When you count your blessings and focus on the good things, petty things like this won't get you so upset.

Well, if the shoe fits....her mothering *skills* or lack of
were atrocious. The fact she even had another baby and it was born methadone addicted is atrocious. The way she treated that old man, first off just marrying an 87-year-old crippled man because he was a billionaire(you think if he worked at McDonald's she'd have fallen IN LOVE with him?), and then holding a tape recorder up to him while exposing her breasts to get him to say "I want you to have half my money when I die" was atrocious, and how she then without any embarrassment at all fought HIS BLOOD FAMILY for his money after he was dead was atrocious. Meanwhile she was screwing around with other guys in the old man's bed while he was in the hosital! She was pure white trash and would do anything for money and recognition, so like I said if the shoe fits.... I certainly hope not but would NEVER doubt anything when it comes to that woman. Feel bad that she died but I'm no hypocrite and so I don't change my way of thinking just because someone tragically died, as so many others do......
Children are blessings! They are not luxury items!!!
Happy Birthday to us! I wish you well and abundant blessings in the coming years...

THANK YOU for bringing that to my attention

I totally agree, and I signed the petition. I wish they would pass a similar bill about childbirth. Some women can only stay in the hospital 24 hours after their child is born (or it may be 24 hours total, I'm not sure). Or at least that's all their insurance will pay for, if it is a healthy birth with no complications.

I am currently fighting with my HMO about a medication that I desperately need. At the moment I am buying it through a "Canadian pharmacy" (based in New York state) and it is sent to me from Mumbai, India. In the U.S., the medication costs $10.00 a pill!!!  Through this pharmacy, I get it for $1.77 a pill.  But it is still more than twice what my normal co-pay would be if the $#@%#$ HMO would cover it.

So any kind of insurance reform bills that ANYONE knows about, PLEASE pass the info along. Thanks!

how about bringing someone into your home
a few hours maybe 3 days a week? You could canvass local daycares and find someone who has toys and resources to come in and work with your son. They can encourage good behavior with a reward system (have you tried a reward system instead of a punishment system?) It really sounds as though your son is understimulated in addition to wanting to run things and needing the right kind of attention (I don't say this to offend you...but you may not be meeting his needs with being so overwhelmed and things have just gotten into a rut). I had to work every Saturday for 2 months recently and I got a daycare worker my daughter loves to come spend a few hours of one-on-one time. I got my work done, my daughter felt special, the cost was minimal compared to what I earned, and the sitter loved coming. It was a win-win situation.

It is unrealistic to think you can strip your house of everything you need and want to live with. If what you are doing now is not working, you need to do something different. I hope you get some creative ideas.
Bringing up the thread on NY bagels

before it gets * pruned *

I have a dumb question - - - - what makes a NY bagel so great??? I would think it is just bread dough formed in a circle....like I get at Albertson's or Safeway or Ralph's.


Bringing your kids to see their granddad sm
My perspective: I had an uncle who was severely ill several years ago. His sons lived in different parts of the country and when he was well enough, they flew him in to visit. I could not see him so often, so I decided to write little notes to him from time to time. Talked about some funny things that he had done and how much they made me laugh. When he was gone, my aunt told me how much those trips and the notes meant to him, it was like a gift that he and the family got to experience before he was gone, a chance to say good-bye, that many people don't get.

My prayers are with you and your family.
Depends on who's bringing the desserts.

In my family some of us are cooks and some aren't.  So it depends on who brings what.  If it's easier for the person to buy a pie than make it, that's fine.  If I'm bringing dessert, I usually make the pies.  I have a sister who does not cook, so she always buys them.  BUT she buys really good ones from local pie shop.  For the first time, this year my 12 yo niece has been put in charge of dessert for Thanksgiving, with my SIL overseeing it.  She's learning to cook and bake and even called me to ask for one of my dessert recipes that she really likes.  I'm very pleased she's trying and don't really care what she makes, it's the thought. 

P.S.  I do have a pumpkin pie stashed here at the house for later tomorrow night though! 

Bringing back memories. NM
Rules about bringing medication to
school are there for a reason. She knew she was not supposed to do it as all of that is explained EVERY school year. In our schools, medications (even aspirin) is kept in the office with a note from a doctor (whether rx or not) and they dispense it.
What doctor does my DH need to see: Bringing up post

from below. I was unable to answer until today.

Those are good suggestions, but it can't be CO2 as it happens when he's standing in his garage too. He doesn't get a headache, just the eye problem.  He had his INR check/doctor appointment yesterday and told him about it again.

Finally, an answer....sort of! Can't be low blood pressure because of the Toprol. Can't be blood too thick because he's on Coumadin. If DH wants, doc will make an appointment for the specialist (supposedly one of the best in the country) for a look-see and maybe some sort of laser treatment. It has to do with fluid build-up behind the eye that puts pressure on the nerves or something like that.  It's harmless, so he says.

I don't like it and wish he would get it checked out, but we're still waiting for his first check of the year. So, he's going to hold off.

He's also supposed to be bringing his young little
girlfriend on the show... This is on film forever and ever for the kids to get to re-live their father leaving the family for a new hot young thing. How lovely for the kids.

And to those who say, 'but Kate is a hard-@$$...' he knew how she was before he married her, and he certainly knew how she was before the last batch of kids. He made that bed & now he's abandoning it for a newer younger bed. What a great guy....
Thanks, but I planning on being
right in the ocean with them or my husband will be.  We've been to the beaches in Florida and have never let the children go out alone.  But thanks for the reminder.  Glad to hear your situation turned out okay.
thank you so much..i am planning to ask the mgr for new apt...sm

I have lived in apartments all my live and have never experienced anything as noxious as this lady's smoke, and I have lived above smokers for years and years but this is extreme.  Thank you all so much for your comments, since my DH does not care to exert himself, it is all on me, and so I will ask for another apt.  It's just a shame that they can't help with the expenses.  If that doesn't work, maybe something private.  Thanks again.  I sincerely appreciate your great advice.


Exactly what to you mean by not planning
Bringing my issue with grandparents and cousins to the top

I am sorry, I got myself out of town for the weekend to get away. I am still at a loss. I have tried contacting my grandparents numerous times to no avail. I emailed my sister, and she talked to my grandmother who said she has simply "missed my calls." Thank you all for letting me vent Friday and giving me opinions. I will not stoop to their level. Also, to the poster who asked why I think the baby's name had to do with it, it is because she kept saying, "Figure it out, Daddy's girl" and because when I asked if that was it, she said, "What baby, did I say something about a baby" and "aren't you a little Einstein."


Thanks again all!

Giving up and bringing him to your bed was your biggest mistake -
You are teaching him that you are going to give in to him if he whines a bit. If you will just consistently hold out and not go to him, he will stop it in a few days. I just went through this with my new pekingese. She took about 2 weeks of crate training before she quit whining. I never gave in to her for whatever reason and even if it was time to take her out, I never got her out until she was completely quiet. Now, all I do is tap the box when it is time to go in and she usually goes in completely on her own and she never cries anymore.

I have a life, a great life at that. I just happen to include my canine family
Office; Life on Mars; Lost; Life; Pushing Daisies
I am terrible about no pre-planning
I often go to the grocery store 3 or 4 times a week. I love to watch the cooking channel when I have time. Robin Miller has a show that usually shows how to cook a couple of times a week and take the leftovers and use for another meal. She now has out a cookbook so that might be a great place to start.
Not if you are planning on baking
Wax paper will melt wax into your foods if you are baking. That being said, if you are making a cake you can butter the pan, both sides of the wax paper, and place the wax paper on the bottom of the pan wax side down, putting your batter on top.  You can also use wax paper to steam. If you are planning on baking using direct oven heat (where the paper will be exposed directly to the enviornment around it) I would not suggest it.
If you think that one little hour or less of planning
These teachers don't get anything done on their planning period, because they're too busy calling parents who won't respond, trying to actually FIND a parent, talking to a student who is obviously having problems at home which is affecting their performance at school. They don't get paid to be a mentor, surrogate mom, social worker, assistance program, etc., but most good teachers do this becaue they genuinely care for their kids. That "planning period" is a joke!
Are you planning the party for the day your son
If not, then wait for the wedding date, and then decide on the graduation party.  Believe me, I know where you're coming from.
BWT....I am planning on quitting......sm
in January and a couple of other posters and I are forming a support group.  I promise we would never get tired of you!  Won't you join us?  Maybe the 7th time is a charm!!!! 
In Europe, bringing pets into stores is quite common and has been
Go for the classics, like Bringing up Baby or Philadelphia Story.
How about Blazing Saddles, Life of Brian, A Fish Called Wanda, or My Cousin Vinny?
Planning an overnight bus trip to NYC...
bags after we check out of our hotel on the 2nd day?  I don't want to have to carry my luggage around all day.  Surely others have run into this problem.  Anyone have any ideas??  Thanks a bunch!!!
Most teachers have at least one planning period when they
can grade papers. If their job requires work-related hours away from school, they are given comp time.
I was planning on making a flower bed there
with several good-sized bushes such as hydrangea and/or forsythia. Hopefully that would take care of the problem, especially since we don't plan to get any other pets (we're mid-50s, want to travel, plus I don't think I can go through this pain again).
Please start planning your escape...sm

I am joining in your children's pleas to get out of this situation.  I found this website: 


Please take a look at it, and then call the number they give for the National Domestic Violence Hotline.  I am assuming/hoping they would know how to guide you.  NO ONE should have to live like you are.  Best of luck to you and your children. 

I am planning as we speak to move in the next . . .
1-2 years.  I have lived and traveled all over and have been in Georgia for almost 20 years.  I hate this backwards state!!  I am originally from Virginia and that's where I want to live out the rest of my life.  It is the best and truly God's country. 
She is a 68-year-old ROCK STAR, still bringing down the house. 'Nuff said. nm
If you aren't planning on more children, I would have the surgery.
Planning a trip to New York City and
was looking for suggestions on a nice hotel to stay in and what are some of the best sites to see. Will only be there for four days at the end of May and want to cram as much in as possible.
Okay, planning a trip to see some snow (first in 10 years). Here's what I need! sm

Where can I go just north of Atlanta, GA, to see a good amount of snow that isn't too far? I have no clue! I'm thinking around mid Dec. Want to take the kids.  With or without hubby. I'm not looking to snow ski, just take them to see snow for the first time in their lives.  NC? TN? I have no idea! 

Would this have made you mad - husband planning trip

My husband has a habit of making plans and then telling me where I am expected to be without discussing it with me first. This drives me crazy and I have asked him many times to stop.  He also makes lots of plans for himself for weekend and sometimes 3 or 4 day trips and just e-mails me a note to put it on my calendar, without asking if I mind.  He does this all the time. 

Yesterday he came home from work and announced that "Joe and I are planning a family trip for this summer, so start saving your money."  I said, oh is Joe your wife now?? Do you think you could ask me if I want to go there before you tell me to save my money?"  So he got really angry and started yelling at me that I never understand anything.  I told him I like to be treated as an equal in the marriage and that I would not plan a trip for him without discussing it with him.  It is a HUGE trip, to California, and we live in NC.  I would have been happy if he came home and suggested it to see what I thought..but I was angry that he planned it out that way. He wants us to go with a family that I have never met.  My kids are elementary age and their kids are in high school.  The two men would be in conferences all day so this other lady and her kids and me and my kids are expected to hang out together.  He is very furious with me for not being receptive to this whole plan.  Should I have not been mad?

Bringing Lost discussion up to top of board (major spoiler alert)

Okay, all you "Lost" fanatics, what are your theories now, and how have they changed? Who or what is Jacob? How did the "original inhabitants" of the island get there? They are mostly Caucasians with American accents, with a few exceptions. They don't look like the usual types of people who are native inhabitants of Polynesian islands - if, indeed, that is where the island is.

Why were Jack and Juliet keeping secrets from the rest of the group? If they had been honest and up front from the beginning about Juliet, maybe they could have all figured out a way to foil Ben's plans without bloodshed.

And will the island heal Locke? Obviously he is of major importance - I don't think Ben heard Jacob at all, and he was jealous and afraid when he realized Locke heard him. That's why he shot him. Ben is turning out to be an even bigger weasel than before.

And what exactly was the Dharma Initiative studying? Does Ben really know? After all, he was only a "work man" like his father.

For every answer, there are a dozen new questions - at least!  

Planning on using mine for chicken tonight - We love it!
We use it a couple times a week!