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Maybe, but you are living proof that in today's world, -sm

Posted By: Better safe than sorry! on 2009-01-30
In Reply to: Yesterday on my break at our local mall when I - Did I dodge a bullet?

you just never know. 'Once bitten, twice shy', and all that.

The scenario you describe may have been legit, but to me it sounds just TOOOOOO risky! Especially when there are more than one of them.

In these hard times, there are more robberies, muggings, carjackings, etc. than ever. Always be aware of your surroundings. Follow your gut instincts if you think something is not right as you walk to your car, and go back inside the store to ask for an escort. When you get in your car, don't dilly-dally - close the door and LOCK all your doors before you even put the key in the ignition.

They were old enough to know that women shouldn't give rides to strangers - period. They could have approached a man and asked him, or better yet, asked for bus fare money.

Women are best off only giving rides to people they know.

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We are living in a sad world.
Stop living in your little bubble world....
Ditto, no desire, not in today's society/world!
Again, where is your proof that someone is being...
told to do anything?  
What proof do you have? I believe in God, but not
Pretty sure he's done that too - no proof (sm)
He admitted it once but then took it back immediately and denied it from then on. So are you still with your husband?

Please share your proof
of life after death with us. I am very interested and quite sure everyone else will be also.
personal proof? does it have something to do
did ya see a ghost or just have one too many drinks??
still I have no real proof of what he has done (sm)
I can't prove he cheated when he wasn't with that guy and I can't prove he opened the cards without my knowledge.

He can look at my debt and see it as a fact.
Nah, don't need proof, was just curious what you learned.
Nah, don't want proof, was just curious.
Ok so I didn't proof my message
You all get the point. We always alternating....hee hee

It's been a long week and it's only Wednesday!!
how to baby proof a house
First off, I am not being sarcastic....

Follow her around, fix everything, she touches and when she leaves the house will be baby proofed! :)

My 2-year-old son and I visited "great grandma" who had her pills by her TV all laid out. When no one was looking he ate them and we did not find out until she wanted to know where they were. He took one and a bite out of another, so we knew it was him. We were in the ER the rest of the afternoon. Luckily, it was just a mega dose of Lasix, so he just peed like a race horse for 24 hours. Those diapers weighed about 4 pounds a piece. She never did put the medicine away, and we had to train ourselves to watch him better at her house.

I am sure you have done an excellent job of getting ready. Have fun with your company!
You show proof of past income if you need to (sm)
and that should be enough - especially if you have excellent credit.  I actually had a mortgage person tell me that self-employed people are basically stuck and can never make more money - needless to say I moved on to another company.
Makes me sick. They do have proof of abuse. PLUS
Proof positive that time-outs are nothing but

by the way "band" was husband" sorry, so upset over this I did not proof read.
disgusting shows are proof of lack of intelligence of producers.
What do you think of the quality of clothing today. What I looked at shopping today in nice stores
the stuff wasnt even sewn properly.  Do you have to look at everything you buy or just hope it lasts a year. 
Added fresh chives today. to the egg today.
and a SMIDGE of soy sauce.
Please correct my catch a shoe to catch a show - didn't proof first
Is he still living?
I heard leopards don�t change their spots.
We have been living in ...
the me me me society where everything is now now now. DH and me cut up credit cards and paid off debt for the last 3-4 years instead of remodeling the house, buying new clothes/cars/toys.

I live in a $60,000 house that many people turned their nose up at because it wasn't an McMansion. Well we are about two years from paying it off without any help from anyone and those that turned their nose up at us are in foreclosure right now.

I had a feeling the stock market was going to crater - just didn't know how bad. I'm doing everything I can to keep my job and make the most of it. Now is not the time to go job-hopping.

Time for folks to live within their means and businesses/corporations need to realize that slow and steady growth isn't bad - its better then the alternative of not even being in business.

Finally I think we need to STOP rescuing this fat cats that make these stupid decisions that bankrupt these companies and put 1000's out of work. Make them return their golden parachutes and live like the common man. Same goes for salaries for actors/actresses and sports figures.
Yes, shows are something we could do, living
where we do. It's not far to go, maybe 12 miles across town.

And thank you very much. One thing we don't want to do is get Sasha's nose out of joint, LOL.
Your living your dream like never before?
?? That doesn't make sense.
funerals are for the living
nothing done to the body is going to affect whether she 'rests in peace'. Let the mother bury HER dead where SHE wants. She is the legal next of kin.

p.s. her character isn't like too bad if she was a cop so long. don't believe everything the way the media slants it.
You might consider doing the living room
(or whatever the fanciest room is) in same color but with a special border tile worked in to set that room off.

Just a thought.
Living in the country is so...
enjoyable.  We have two neighbors and that is about it.  One neighbor is across the pond from us and the other neighbor lives back behind a wooded area and we can't hardly see their place unless it is in the winter.  I don't think I'd like living right next door to someone else. 
Living arrangements
I don't have personal experience, just an opinion. I think you should remain in the community with the best school for her. If you are in an apt. now in that school district, stay. Don't go the mobile home root. Then if you can in a few years, get a condo or townhome in the same area. That way the friends she makes at school now will stay with her as she grows up and she will have continuity and stability. I would cross mobile homes off my list. JMO.
Living in la-la land
I cannot believe in this time that anyone would leave their door open for anyone to enter. It does not seem like you either hear/read the news or know about things that go on around your little world. Why invite danger by opening your door to the world? In my town some children molested by strangers coming into their rooms in the middle of the night- oh by the way, not only their doors left open but some windows not locked of a night. I read a post on here where a man showed up in one persons home through their garage door. My home is just as secure as I can get it. I love and cherish my life, my hubby's and my pets as well. What is someone other than someone you know comes in 1 day- then what? Good luck with a dangerous situation.
Sexy men who are still living !
Patrick Dempsey, Dennis Haysbert, Keifer Sutherland, Thorsten Kaye, Ryan Reynolds, Sam Elliott, Tom Selleck, Aidan Turner. Thorsten Kaye is the sexiest! Sam Elliott is second. Dennis Haysbert is third except Patrick Dempsey is tied for third with him! So many men! So little time.
After 6 months of looking and living
like a pauper I am now pretty happy in the new job I have. I am also behind on every bill in the house! Has anyone used a credit counseling service to help them with debt and paying off everything to get their credit back on track? I want to use a legitimate company and not worsen my situation more than it is. Thanks everyone.
what's wrong with living
with a 29-year-old? I was married with two kids, owned a house, etc. when I was 29. It is not like he is going to live with a 19 or 21-year-old who might not be that mature or responsible.

Not if they are legally living here or if
they have become citizens. That is why Carly could not compete 2 years ago when she made the top 24. Her paperwork had not yet gone through.
Anyone out there living in Maine? SM

An old boyfriend, who is now a minister lives in Bath, Maine. Can you tell me where it is located and something about it?  I would appreciate it. I was thinking of maybe visiting his church.

what i think is there are too many people living
what is good to one person, may not be to another but a free ride may be a lot of fun to some.

i don't sit and worry about it.... i just think it is incredibly sad the way i've seen it work so well for someone who doesn't even deserve it and works so slow for someone who does.

how ridiculous! I said living
thing with a SOUL. Humans have souls. Oh i love my animals dearly, but they are not people, and i understand the difference. No, it cannot be twisted 1000 different ways, not accurately anyway. Human babies are innocents in God's eyes. But i doubt if you are a believer, thus the difference in understanding.
Living in la-la land
My MIL is in an assisted living...
I think it depends on location and what is available really.

She lives in Salt Lake area and is in an assisted living, paid for through her Medicare/Medicaid and Social Security benefits. She has an apartment there and is wheelchair bound and they even let her have a cat. You should do some checking for her because there are places that will take them.

I worked in an assisted living for a while here where I live and it was mostly for private pay. I think nowadays they do allow otherwise due to the need for it and it is cheaper than putting them in a nursing home.

Once again, I would check on it. She will have to be evaluated of course to see if she meets the criteria for assisted living or if she needs to be in a long-term care. Prepare yourself for that one as well.
Hmmmm. What does he do for a living?
I'd be a little suspicious about selling drugs.
Been with my man for 16 years, living together 8..

Yay! We've been living vicariously through you. sm

I'm really glad you had such a nice time!  What a bummer about that Pakistani doctor....pretty scary!

Have a great day!  It's the last day of my pay period and I am soooo behind!!  Gotta work!  See ya!


Every living breathing male does if they can.
Only most don't codemn it. THAT is what I would have a problem with. :)
Try living downstairs from them sometime..... Gaaaaa!
I am living it presently, so I go by what they have done and told me.
All living in my house have curfews.
My youngest is 19 and lives at home. He has a curfew. He tried the now-that-I'm-18-I-don't-gotta-do-what-you-say stuff but I packed a WalMart bag with his deodorant and his stinky tennis shoes and took my house and car keys off his key ring and told him he couldn't live here if he didn't respect the rules.

He wandered around with friends for a couple of hours then very apologetically came back and we haven't had any trouble since.

You are not too hard. If she wants to make her own rules, she needs to support herself. Adult decisions should be made by adults - that means supporting herself.

This is why I am perfectly content living
I love them, but I don't have to deal with them on a day-to-day basis.
How cute! She is definitely living her dreams
in that picture, Ha!
...appetites. Living composters! nm
Keys - Son - Living with Daughter

However, why post if you were wrong and then defend yourself to the opinions that were posted????  I don't get it.  My parents had an open door policy.  No matter what, they stuck by my decisions.  I moved out twice and moved back in before getting married when apartment life did not work out for whatever reason.  I did not move out when I was 16 though as my parents were responsible for me until I was 18.  Once I turned 18, they still let me move in and out and I also always had a key.  I had a key to the house they lived in, and then I had a key to my Mom's independent living apartment after she sold our family home when our Dad passed away. 

I think there are more issues here than you want to admit.  I think if you tried counseling instead of arguing with your son about a key, then you may get to the root of the problem.  The fact that you won't allow him access to your home symbolizes that you don't want him around unless you are home.  You are now telling him that his home is no longer his home by taking the key away. 

I think that it is just understood that once one moves out on their own that the original home is not their home, but they are still welcome.  I don't think you want to welcome him into what you are calling your home. 

When we bought our first home and had children, we became a team.  We are a family and even though my husband and I pay the bills, we do tell our children that this is "our" home.  They help with chores and that's the best they can do. 

I don't want to go on and on, and I'm not bashing you here.  I just think you may want to consider some help from something other than this board. You may want to try a church or a counselor to help you with your teenager.  I'm sure none of us here are saints by no means and we need to support one another here. 

My Mom used to say "You are born, but you're not dead yet."  In other words, anyone here can state their opinions on the rearing of their own children, but not until you die can you say "that never happened to me"!  My Mom would say this when I would give judgemental remarks of others.  This was to open my eyes to the fact that the very same thing I am talking about could happen to me! 

Lots of luck and love to you!  I certainly hope there is a way to keep an even ground with your son.  Blood is thicker than water...

Are we living in a big-brother nation
While I feel it was disrespectful from the student I feel it should have been handled differently. I don't believe the school should have been involved, since it didn't happen on school property or with school property. If I was the teacher I would have contacted the parents and talked to them and let them know how uncomfortable I feel about something that was written about me and let the parents handle how to discipline their own child. The school should have no say on how to discipline this child. What will the next step of the studen't personal life will the school decide to be involved in.
When do you get to live? When you start living and