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La Leche League

Posted By: Dreamweaver on 2007-03-31
In Reply to: Talk to your pediatrician, I am sure they can help you - sm -

Here is their website:  http://www.lalecheleague.org/

They probably have a chapter near you.  I'm sure they can help.

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Bowling League
Isn't there another league that you can join where you can meet people that are nicer where you can have fun. I bowl Thursday nights and I love it. Most of the people are very friendly and we have a great time. I would never subject myself to these rude people. You want to have fun and not be afraid to go bowling for fear of not enjoying yourself.
Just becaue the league itself
does not consider it fraternizing, your husband's job does. He needs to emphaze that to the league officials not only because of his job, but also because of the way your son is being treated. I would not heistate to bring this up.

However, concerning the background check, if theft was all this coach did, it would not disqualify him from helping with the team.
We have emphasized this to the league

president.  Unfortunately, he chooses to see it differently.  I agree that this guy should not be prevented from helping the team.  We've emphasized that as well to the president.  He just chooses not to accept the implications of this situation with my husband's job. 

As I said below, my husband is having the superintendent write a letter on his behalf.  I'm not expecting anything, but we'll see. 

More than anything, I'm irritated with the fact that the frustration of the situation is being taken out on my son.  I'm pretty contained, but if this kid hurts (verbally or physically) my kid, I'm not going to be too calm about it. 

For goodness sake, it's only a little league game..
this is why sports parents should be made to just sit down and shut up. Wow, you have a lot of resentment towards this woman to make such comments about her. Bring the earplugs or stay home.
A few years back I tried joining a ladies bowling league sm

on Tues. mornings. Worked out perfect since I'm off Tuesdays. Here's the dilemma. Most of the women (90%) were so rude to me. No matter how friendly and nice I was to them (which I am very outgoing) it just did not matter.

I'm thinking of joining it again. How does one put up with bad attitudes in this situation? Don't I have the same right as they do?? I mean, just because I'm young doesn't mean I can't be there. The bowling alley was the one who put me on the stupi*d league in the first place! I should add that my average at the time was 160 (I've been on leagues since I was 8 years old) and I am an above-average bowler. Now my average is even higher. I was constantly winning small pots due to high game (200s or more).

Why am I so afraid of going back? There were at least 75 women in the league. Most of them retired. Why do older women like that have bad attitudes? Is it the environment? Jelaousy? You'd think after all those years they'd be over that. There are no men around, so it can't be jealousy. I'm so upset and annoyed and I haven't even signed up yet! UGH!

I was the first girl in the county play Little League - made the All Stars too! Girls rule! Also..

that very same year I won the county spelling bee!  The word I won it on was "ptomaine." 

One other special thing happened to me that year I got my ears pierced and hit a home run on my 10th birthday.  I swear it... I totally remember touching my little gold studs before I got up to bat and then "crack."  Even the people that didn't like me playing because I was a girl had to cheer.  1978 was awesome. 

My grandma also played baseball during WWI.

This thing is not connected to the above, but I am related to Martin Van Buren, 8th President.