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It sort of does make a difference when they use it as a form of birth control...

Posted By: sm on 2007-03-26
In Reply to: No matter what laws are made, if women want to get an abortion - Anna

just my opinion.

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abstinance is the best form of birth control there is--sm
as opposed to killing babies. JMO. Besides coffee is bitter smelling and so is this. Wake up to life!
She may be asking about it as a form of birth control, too. Time for "the talk." 13 is NOT too
There most certainly WAS birth control back then--sm
it was called ABSTINANCE.
birth control pills
There are enough hormones in birth control pills to make you have a period, even if you are in menopause.

But menopause is not a disease and it most definitely is not a mental disease.

I plan on spoiling myself during this special time. To me, it will be just as magical as before it started and I will be just as happy to see it go, but I am certainly not sick or crazy because my hormones are rockin.
birth control pills
I am so thrilled to see that you think that there is nothing mental about menopause!! All the power to you!!
I personally know how "mental" PMS was and am very thankful for an OB/GYN who agrees that the safest way to combat the mood altering affects of menopause is for me to stay on Depo until I am at least 50 and then if I have any symptoms, I will go right back on it.
I do not intend to suffer any more than I have to. I have enjoyed 13+ years of no PMS thank you very much!! Oh and my MIL went through menopause about 12 years ago and still has hot flashes and nightsweats as does a DA so I am not sure when the symptoms all go away, but I will do whatever possible to avoid the "mental" ones anyway!!!!
The government will pay for birth control..
go to a planned parenthood. Very very cheap. There really is no excuse for 7 kids and no job for either parent. Join the military, get a job, like you said, at Wendy's or Wal-Mart or something. I am not against a hand up, but I am very much against a hand out.
Has anyone tried the Mirena birth control device or anything like it? sm

Having lots or problems with the pill and looking for new options. Thanks

No birth control pills when I had the abortions,
now how does that date me? The forms before the pills just not that good. When the BCP first came on the market, you were supposed to be married in order to obtain it. Facts that younger people would not even know now probably. Much easier now for younger people.
Abstinence is not Birth Control, it is SAFE SEX.
Abstinence is truly the only SAFE SEX....but it is NOT considered birth control........
Yes it is...no sex...no preggo...hence birth control. ummmm. nm
Wow - birth control = killing embryos? sm
I hope you're not holding your breath waiting for Mensa to invite you to join, or we'll be calling you "Old Blue".
Anything you think you can avoid by home schooling, not getting birth control, etc
for your children, talking incessantly about all the no-nos associated with premarital sex, etc will more than likely fall on deaf ears when it comes to children. I did live in a really big city and regardless of small or large, the girls are maturing much earlier and a lot involved in sex earlier than we as parents would like to believe. You can give a child talk after talk but restrictions, talking, home schooling, etc only goes so far with growing kids. You cannot protect your kids like you would really like to.
News flash: NO birth control is 100% effective.

Maybe she was on birth control. Who knows?  The Spears' do not seem like intelligent people to me, so maybe she wasn't smart enough to be on birth control, but remember that even the pill is only 99% effective when taken perfectly, and I imagine most women forget a pill every now and then, which lowers its effectiveness even more.  I hope and pray my kids don't have children at a young age, but if they do I will accept their children with open arms and try to be the best grandma I can be.  Much of life is about making the best of a bad situation.  Not everything is picket fences and roses.

Question on birth control and missed periods...sm
Has anyone ever skipped their period by starting a new pack of pills instead of doing the "period" week? I used to do this every now and then with my old brand of pills and never had any problems. When the next month would come along the period would start right when it was supposed to. I was switched a few months back to a new pill, generic Ortho Cyclen, and decided to skip my period over Christmas. It is now time for my period and nothing is happening. Anyone ever have this happen??  Thanks
Girl up for expulsion for taking birth control at school

This is a local story. Crazy, crazy, crazy.

Student Suspended for Popping Birth-Control Pill LSD or heroin use only gets five days out

Updated 11:15 AM EDT, Sun, Apr 5, 2009

A gun or birth-control? Bringing either to school lands you a two-week suspension in Virginia.

A Fairfax County teen has been suspended for two weeks -- and might also get kicked out of school -- for popping a birth-control pill at school.

The honor student and lettered athlete at Oakton high school was caught taking the pill during lunch and soon found herself in the assistant principal's office, The Washington Post reported. During the meeting with her mother and the assistant principal, the school handed down the maximum sentence: a two-week suspension and recommendation for expulsion.

That's the rule in Virginia regarding prescription medications and illegal drugs on campus. And make no mistake, anti-teen pregnancy campaign or not, they take that rule seriously.

It's all in the Student Responsibilities and Rights handbook: If she had been caught high on LSD, heroin or another illegal drug, she would have been suspended for five days. Taking her prescribed birth-control pill on campus, on the other hand, gets the same punishment as bringing a gun to school.

No birth control sales, no candy sales,

CHANTILLY, Va. � A new drug store at a Virginia strip mall is putting its faith in an unconventional business plan: No candy. No sodas. And no birth control. Divine Mercy Care Pharmacy is among at least seven pharmacies across the nation that are refusing as a matter of faith to sell contraceptives of any kind, even if a person has a prescription.

States across the country have been wrestling with the issue of pharmacists who refuse on religious grounds to dispense birth control or morning-after pills, and some have enacted laws requiring drug stores to fill the prescriptions.

In Virginia, though, pharmacists can turn away any prescription for any reason.

"I am grateful to be able to practice," pharmacy manager Robert Semler said, "where my conscience will never be violated and my faith does not have to be checked at the door each morning."

Semler ran a similar pharmacy before opening the new store, which is not far from Dulles International Airport. The store only sells items that are health-related, including vitamins, skin care products and over-the-counter medications.

On Tuesday, the pharmacy celebrated a blessing from Arlington Bishop Paul S. Loverde. While Divine Mercy Care is not affiliated with the Roman Catholic Church, it is guided by church teachings on sexuality, which forbid any form of artificial contraception, including morning-after pills, condoms and birth control pills, a common prescription used by millions of women in the U.S.

"This pharmacy is a vibrant example of our Holy Father's charge to all of us to wear our faith in the public square," said Loverde, who sprinkled holy water on the shelves stocked with painkillers and acne treatments. "It will allow families to shop in an environment where their faith is not compromised."

The drug store is the seventh in the country to be certified as not prescribing birth control by Pharmacists for Life International. The anti-abortion group estimates that perhaps hundreds of other pharmacies have similar policies, though they have not been certified.

Earlier this year in Wisconsin, a state appeals court upheld sanctions against a pharmacist who refused to dispense birth control pills to a woman and wouldn't transfer her prescription elsewhere. Elsewhere, at least seven states require pharmacies or pharmacists to fill contraceptive prescriptions, according to the National Women's Law Center. Four states explicitly give pharmacists the right to turn away any prescriptions, the group said.

The Virginia store's policy has drawn scorn from some abortion rights groups, who have already called for a boycott and collected more than 1,000 signatures protesting the pharmacy.

"If this emboldens other pharmacies in other parts of the state, it could really affect low-income and rural women in terms of access," said Tarina Keene, executive director of the Virginia chapter of the National Abortion Rights Action League.

Robert Laird, executive director of Divine Mercy Care, believes many of the estimated 50,000 Catholics within a few miles of the store will support its mission and make up for the roughly 10 percent of business that contraceptives represent in a typical pharmacy.

Whether Catholics will be drawn to the pharmacy is uncertain. According to a Gallup poll published last year for an extensive study of U.S. Catholicism called American Catholics Today, 75 percent of U.S. Catholics said you can still be a good Catholic even if you don't obey church teachings on birth control.

Catherine Muskett said she plans to shop at the drug store even though she lives more than 20 miles away.

"Obviously it's good to support pro-life causes. Every little bit counts," said Muskett, one of about 75 people who crowded into the tiny shop for Tuesday's ceremony.
On the Net:

If you want to make a difference each
month you can give $30 a month to Worldvision and sponsor a child and also help the community the child lives in. They also have a way you can give gifts at Christmas with their catalog (which I did this past year made my family cry) where you give $13 for a wheelchair! OF course it is not a high tech wheelchair but one that works well for the child that needs it. I have been doing this since 2003 it is a blessing.
What difference does it make? --sm
it all comes clean in the wash anyway. Their bowls are not any dirtier than yours are, after having eaten off of them. just my opinion.
yes, exercise will definitely make a difference
Neutering also make a difference
Not immediately, but over a little time, they seem to settle in to a more serene frame of mind.
Does it really make a difference regarding the death
What state you are in would make a big difference. sm
Maybe a local county health department? In my state, they do GYN exams for specific income brackets for free and then if over that bracket, it is based on your income.
Thank you Trose, so do I believe it will make a huge difference, NM
Chic Shaper really does make a difference.
Assuming your daughter is an adult, why make a difference?
a gift in return. If everyone is going to be together when gifts are exchanged, then I get them a little something, even if its a wal-mart gift card.

If they will not be there when you give your daughter and SIL a gift, then I guess you could skip them.

My true opinion is that adults, other than spouse and SO - do not need gifts. We do not buy the adult gifts in our family, but we have a big get together at our house and provide all the fixings and such, that is our gift.
he is feeling out of control and he wants control
and from what you wrote, you aren't giving him opportunities to have some control.

My 4 yo has had this type of behavior since the age of 2-1/2, but I've figured out how to deal with it. First of all, he wants your attention, good, bad, indifferent and wants some say so in what happens to him.

I've done several things. With the screaming, I totally ignore her. I tell her my ears are closed and I can't hear her, but if she wants to cry/scream, she can't do it in MY living room (bedroom, whatever), only in HER bedroom. If she refuses to stay in her room, I take away her favorite snuggly and put it on the top of something, out of reach but visible. She can have it back when she stays in her room and stops being loud. If she keeps coming out, I put another coveted stuff up out of reach, over and over until she realizes I mean she has to stay in her room. I don't tell her she has to stop her fit or crying...she just can't do it in MY space. She can come back to where I am if she is quiet.

I make sure she knows I am in control, but we negotiate almost everything. If I want her to drink milk for breakfast and she wants juice, I tell her okay but she has to drink the milk at lunch. That gives her a sense of control and having a say in what is happening to her.

I have also had to sit on her bed for HOURS, holding her by wrapping my arms around her while she screams and kicks and bites until she begs to be let go. I won't let go until the out of control stuff stops. I don't talk except to say "I'll let you go when you are quiet." It is exhausting, but it only took a few times for her to understand I would invest the time and she hated being held like that for so long.

When I work at home, I make sure I take a break about every 90 mins and spend about 30 mins with her. It takes me all day to get my work done, but it makes all the difference in the world.

If she won't pick up something (say, blocks) after being asked upteen times, I tell her I will give them away to a child who wants to take care of them. It only took losing one set of blocks for her to get the idea she HAS to clean up her messes.

Finally, after being potty trained for at least a month and then rebelling and making messes in her pants for a week in a row (this happened 3 times), I finally told her in a very loud voice that _I_ had control over whether or not she went trick or treating and whether or not Santa comes to our house. If she wanted to have those things, she better use the potty and no more messes. She has been dry since the beginning of October and I give her a treat every day she stays dry.

One day a couple of weeks ago, she wanted to go to Mickie Dee's, but as we drove up she started shouting about wanting to go inside. I wanted to drive through. We were in the drive through line and I calmly told her sometimes people get mad and yell at someone else, but maybe it was an accident...I asked if she wanted to tell me sorry for yelling at me or did she want to go home. She shook her head "no" to apologizing. I repeated my offer and again got "no." I drove off towards home which immediately threw her into tears and whining, but now she doesn't yell at me anymore if she wants something.

Since October we have far fewer melt downs and I have realized she actually shows me her triggers...If she is angry and grumpy on the way home from somewhere, I hand her an energy bar to munch and suddenly I have a sunshine child again. If she gets grumpy in the middle of the day and refuses to take a nap, I tell her we will lie down on my bed. We start out talking and before too long, I tell her I am tired and want to close my eyes, but not go to sleep. Pretty soon, she will close her eyes and fall asleep. I can then get back up and go about my business.

Before somebody starts bashing me, I have a close friend who is a child psychologist and she helped me with all these suggestions. It takes a lot of work to maintain the appearance of control while giving the child the opportunity of having some say so in his/her life.
I use the liquid form...
fabric softener and have not had any problems. I stopped using those sheets years ago.
you can do the Where's my stimulus form
on the IRS site
I don't think so. There is a disclosure form...
that mostly asks specific questions and none about death. The disclosure form is to disclose potential structural problems with the house, easements, past flooding, etc. I don't know why a death in the house would be relevant unless the body were left there to stink. I might be wrong, though, because I am really not sure.
It is a form of theft
There is something wrong with these people who feel they have to clear the table of sugar and/or sweetener and especially the ones who decide to complain to the manager at the end of a meal that they had no trouble eating just to get the meal for free or at least discounted. My niece waited tables in a fairly nice steak house chain and she said it happened more times than you could imagine.

And then they gloat about it later! They should be ashamed.

That's an interesting form of punishment

Something I might try the next time.  I agree that 4 hours was a little a harsh, which is why I gave in after about 30 minutes.  I will say that he was pretty good the rest of the day.  He had 1 time when he started to rough-house with his brother and it ended pretty quickly when I reminded him that he could sit on the chair again, this time until his dad comes home.  He quit pretty abruptly.

Thanks for your input.

principal should not have signed the form
if the student was not allowed to go. By signing the form, he gave permission. Therefore, the student should have no problems getting his diploma. He has the principal's signature saying it was okay to go, which is better than words saying he should not go.
Signing in, yes, but have to bring a form
filled out and signed by the other school's principal? That's a little over the top. If it's about permission, they should ask the parents, not the other school anyway. So strange...
I filled out the form tons of times, but
then would never actually stick it in the mail.. I think I tried that coffee once & it was really good.. me and dh quit drinking coffe, I'm more of a cold weather person with coffee, but I have a Starbucks Mocha frapp every morning, or in the afternoon (if I have to get up and leave) but I stick it in the freezer & let it get slushy, yuummmoo
It is sold in pill form for weight loss,

so I would take it that way.

Very likable and nice, as long as one stays away form politics
especially if one belongs to the other party, lol.....
Southern by birth
Full of holes.....
I think my mom and your mom were separated at birth. nm
Giving birth at 70?

A 70-year-old woman from India claims she has become the world's oldest new mother.

Rajo Devi and her husband Bala Ram had wanted a child in all their 50 years together.

She claims to have given birth to a baby girl at the end of November after having IVF treatment. Her husband is 72.

Your birth place

Have you moved or been back to the place (town) you were born? Has is changed drastically or is it pretty much the same?

I was just looking a pictures online of mine and it hasn't changed all that much.

Were you the one who just gave birth?
gave birth later
I was 29 with the first and 38 with the second with no birth defects
Celebrating the birth of my first grandchild, sm
born Friday afternoon at 12:37 p.m. They are coming home today, I am heading to their house to help out, my daughter tore a lot during delivery, is sore, so I want to do whatever I can, and enjoy the baby, BTW, a girl, 7 pounds, 15 ounces. Yikes, it's official, I really am getting old.
Woman Gives Birth to 8 = Entertainment...sm

Like one poster said, because the human body is just not designed to carry this number of babies, these little ones will most likely suffer  a lifetime of congenital defects or illness.  Also,  I'm sure anyone here who has ever brought  home a baby (whether delivered or adopted), can attest to the physical, emotional, mental, and/or financial strains often associated with parenthood. Mother-infant bonding is vital part of normal human development.  I don't see how these babies will have the opportunity to experience this on an individual basis.  It's very sad that no one (mother or doctor) took their overall health and welfare into consideration.  After being deprived of even a healthy pregnancy, their overall start in life is going to be a very rough one, if they even live.   To exploit this situation in a reality show for the sake of entertainment truly sickens me. 

In a country where endangering a person's life is illegal, anyone involved in a case like this should be prosecuted, IMO.  I would rank this woman's doctor right up there with Michael Jackson's plastic surgeon.

why not cut off the ears at birth to prevent
not circumcising can be reversed, if the boy/man so chooses. Having had a friend working in a gay porn store, hehe, there is a consensus among men that circumcised men miss out...
Sorry, not my year of birth? Why are you angry?
Precious! Many places will have state-to-state drivers form a chain
Sort of. sm
I had root canals on my front teeth and could never get the money to have them capped.  On a Sat night before I was to start a new job the following Monday, I bit into a BLT and a front tooth shattered into pieces.  A dentist saw me on Sunday emergently and was able to built it back up  - I certainly was not going to start a new job missing a front tooth.  Good luck.
can anyone help me sort?

I have microsoft word, works, notepad and word pad.  i'm wanting to sort a list in alphabetical order. in word, i find sort under tables, but it doesn't sort....??  any other way to do it, or suggestions on why its not sorting the list? 

many thanks.

Sort of the same here.
Personally I would rather someone take back the gift than to waste my money by hanging onto something that they don't like or doesn't fit. It is the thought that counts and doesn't bother me.

I am a thrifty person, everyone knows this. My MIL buys me things that I consider frivolous and if I can return them and get something similar for substantially less $ and then use the extra money for something else we need or donate it or take the in-laws to dinner, I will. I know she doesn't like it because she will comment on the items such as "didn't that coffee pot have a timer, clock, and all the gadgets?" Yes, it did but we wouldn't use those features and it was an extra $50. Or a hot chocolate maker that just took up cabinet space and was used once, the day after christmas. I returned it for $45 and bought really nice meat thermometer, which I tell everyone my MIL bought for xmas.

The nice thing is she has always, and for everyone, included the receipts for most items. I would never, ever ask her for the receipt. I have returned things that were purchased with her credit card and had them credit her back. Whether she notices or not, I don't know. I don't say anything because I don't want her to feel odd about it but I just think it's the right thing to do and it's not about the money.

Besides, I tell them every year not to get me anything - I grew up with little at the holiday and family/friends were emphasized. Not the case at the in-laws. They shower everyone with gifts and then everyone departs for home.
It is the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ!!!!!!