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It's in Verona, New York (Upstate) - NM

Posted By: LinK on 2008-02-08
In Reply to: That's Gr8, where bouts is the casino?## - RettaB


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Gas $2.35 here in Upstate New York - NM
I'm upstate New York too -
I only lock my doors at night. For the first ten years we lived in our house, we had only one key and only used it when we came home from vacation.

Of course during the Saratoga track season, I get more careful. More burglaries in town.
I went to upstate New York and I could ...sm
detect an accent. Not a Bronx-like accent but a distinct accent. But then I'm from the south so I would have definitely noticed.
Freezing in Upstate New York
With the wind chill it's below O. A lot of snow too. I still have no idea why I live here! LOL.
Totally freezing in upstate New York. sm
I live here because my daughter lives in Brooklyn and this way I get to see her about once a month. Moved from CA for it, but that might have been a bad idea. Every year I hate winter more. I HATE shoveling snow.
New York here also...hot....best way to go
in this weather is throw something on the grill, keeps cooking heat and mess outdoors.
$3.03 here in Upstate NY
It takes about $50 to fill up my Jeep. Thank goodness I don't have to drive to and from work. It seems like we have the highest gas up this way, once you go down to Pennsylvania and Virginia it's so much cheaper.
Upstate NY
I'm about an hour south of the Adirondack Mts. 
Upstate NY?
I'm from Saratoga. Where are you from?
About 15 here in Upstate NY
Of course two weeks ago it was almost 70.
Here in Upstate NY gas
is $3.55 a gallon. When we went away on vacation last week it took $62.00 to fill up our Jeep (just about empty). I only fill my tank with $25.00-$30.00 every week.
Where in Upstate NY?
So I can be ready. We live in the Syracuse area and all we have now is a lot of rain and it's very windy outside.
You can come here to Upstate NY then
We just hit the 105 inch mark of snow for the year. Yuck. I hate it.
Upstate NY, and you? - NM
New York City

Does anyone know if New York City is extremely crowded on Black Friday? I'm going on a bus trip that day to do some shopping. Just curious if it was as crowded that day as it was the week before Christmas.

Ewwwww! Thank God, NO, here in New York! nm
I go to New York every year...
and go to the special stores and get the real Coach bags for under $100 bucks. I have taken them to the Coach stores in our area and the sales people have verified they are real....I am going in May and have to pick up 5 for my girlfriends!
Here in New York State
My youngest in Kindergarten gets picked up at 9:00 and starts school at 9:30. My oldest in 9th grade gets picked up at 7:00 for school at 7:30. We have a lot of elementary schools. In our district it's one school for K-3, one school for 4-6, one for 7-9 and one 10-12. Also, we get two weeks for Christmas, one week for spring break in April (this week), plus they had Good Friday off, and one week in February (mid-winter break). I think we get out of school the latest of any State. The kids go to school until the end of June. I think they get way too much time off from school. We also have snow days together with 1-2 hour delays through the winter months in case of bad weather.
Here in New York State - school
isn't over until the 20th of June. I'm sure my daughter wishes she lives where you do. We don't go back until after Labor Day.
Leaving for New York tomorrow sm
with my family.  Watch for us in the Today Show audience.  I will be the one with the laptop so I won't fall behind in my work.    Just Kidding. 
One of my favorite things in New York
Is this Middle Eastern chicken and rice pushcart outside the hilton hotel on 6th avenue and 55th(?). They are there from about 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. It is less than $5 for a huge plate, enough for 2. Really clean and very popular. Was a little leery the first time, but now go there every time I am in the Big Apple.
New York State Fair
My husband and I went once twenty one years ago, before we were married, and then just last year finally took our nearly-grown kids after getting tickets to see James Taylor there. We had a ball and plan to do it again this year - every year at Labor Day. It's about a 2-1/2 hour drive for us, and well worth the effort, though I think we're going to get a hotel room instead of making it all in one day this time.
Turn of the century in New York.
Upstate NY Storm
Where in Upstate NY do you live? I live just outside of Syracuse and we've been buried in snow lately. But I did drive to NYC this weekend, and once I hit Cortland there was no snow anywhere. Everyone be safe.
Nope - Upstate NY nm
another upstate NYer
I grew up in the town of Catskill.  Worked in a bank in Albany for many many years...  Still in NY, but closer to Syracuse/Rochester area.  Nothing is like the Hudson Valley in the fall though... 
Where are you? We're still 2.99 in upstate NY.
Yep, I'm an Upstate New Yorker
The Saratoga region is beautiful. I haven't been there in a while, but used to go to the performing arts center all the time when I was younger. I also love the fact that we don't get all the weather disasters that a lot of places get. I'd like to get rid of the snow though. Then it would be pefect.
Planning a trip to New York City and
was looking for suggestions on a nice hotel to stay in and what are some of the best sites to see. Will only be there for four days at the end of May and want to cram as much in as possible.
Didn't she grow up in New York City?
What does she know about the South?
That's the way the advanced classes are run here in New York State
She took 9th grade classes last year and she's taking 10th grade classes this year with the exception of the science classes where they bump you up to 12th grade. She's also taking geometry and loves it so far. (As the school year goes on things may change).
If it was my child, I would be at that school in a hot New York minute.
Regardless of what is or is not wrong with the child, that comment from the teacher is totally uncalled for and extremely unprofessional. A teacher should know better, period, end of discussion. And I agree with tnmt, ask for a meeting with the principle and teacher.
Nope, Missoui, Philly and New York
Funny, that's my exact same story here in New York! sm
I'll believe it when I see it, too. Also, with the feds, we were supposed to get $1,200 back - the feds said there was a mistake in the filing and now we OWE $1,100. That's some mistake, but we can't find it, nor can the software company that we used!
It is hot upstate, definitely swim weather, sm
You tend to have cooler temps over there. Upstate and across the river, much warmer.
I have family who live in upstate NY too!
They live in 'Gloversville.'  They scare me.  Heavy drinkers, heavy smokers, loud, and love some beer called Genesee and even have bars in their houses with kegs of the stuff on tap 24/7.  I haven't been out there in years.  I used to enjoy the drive--I remember seeing some huge windmill in Amsterdam or Rotterdam maybe?  Always loved driving through the Amish area...I think I could most comfortably call that area home.  Sure is a pretty area you live in as well.  That lake-effect snow though, that sure is a bummer!  Us cold-weather birds sure do know how to seize the good weather when it is here though, don't we! 
Where in upstate are you? You've probably said B4, but I forgot! sm
Fellow Rome/Syracuse, NYorker here!
The temperature here in Upstate NY has risen to
10 degrees YaaY :)

I live in upstate NY, and people think I should sound like I'm from the Bronx
My online friends are all surprised when they first talk to me on the phone - "You don't have an accent!" LOL