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If you notice...

Posted By: sm on 2007-09-20
In Reply to: Wow--someone really either needs a hug... - Hayseed

The OP is nagging on a few different boards here, trying to stir the pot. Ignore crabby patty.

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And if you take notice...
a lot of these posts just prove my point..
Well at least he took notice!
I could have changed my hair to purple and my ex wouldn't even have noticed. Maybe that's why he's my ex! LOL.
and did anybody notice
as long as you are up, you might as well go to the bathroom and now you find you essentially have retrained your bladder?
Pet Notice

To be posted VERY LOW on the refrigerator door, at pet nose height.

Dear Dogs and Cats:
1. The dishes with the paw prints are yours and contain your food. The other dishes are mine and contain my food. Please note, placing a paw print in the middle of my plate and food does not stake a claim for it becoming your food and dish, nor do I find that aesthetically pleasing in the slightest.
2. The stairway was not designed by NASCAR and is not a racetrack. Beating me to the bottom is not the object. Tripping me doesn't help because I fall faster than you can run.

3. I cannot buy anything bigger than a king-sized bed. I am very sorry about this. Do not think I will continue sleeping on the couch to ensure your comfort. Dogs and cats can actually curl up in a ball when they sleep. It is not necessary to sleep perpendicular to each other stretched out to the fullest extent possible. I also know that sticking tails straight out and having tongues hanging out the other end to maximize space is nothing but sarcasm.

4. For the last time, there is no secret exit from the bathroom. If by some miracle I beat you there and manage to get the door shut, it is not necessary to claw, whine, meow, try to turn the knob, or get your paw under the edge and try to pull the door open. I must exit through the same door I entered. Also, I have been using the bathroom for years-- canine or feline attendance is not required.

5. The proper order is kiss me, then go smell the other dog or cat's butt. I cannot stress this enough!

6. To pacify you, my dear pets, I have posted the following message on our front door:
To All Non-Pet Owners Who Visit & Like to Complain About Our Pets:

1. They live here. You don't.
2. If you don't want their hair on your clothes, stay off the furniture. That's why they call it 'fur'niture.
3. I like my pets a lot better than I like most people.
4. To you, they are an animal. To me, he/she is an adopted son/daughter who is short, hairy, walks on all fours and doesn't speak clearly.

Did anyone ever notice...
�on the television talk shows whenever a dietician is on they are always skin and bones? I would like to be slimmer but not look anorexic.
Yah, notice it is a BOY she is breastfeeding...anyone think about that?
I was so emotional did not notice and SM
made mistakes in mine as well.  No problem. I think we got our point across. I wish you and me could team up and wipe some of the needless suffering and abuse out. 
No, but I got a notice saying I don't get a check!

I'd like to tell them what they can do with their "stimulus" package.


I didn't notice that in the pictures.
I think she actually looks like ZsaZsa Gabor's husband, the prince. lol. I don't think it is Larry B's baby, for some reason I just don't. And if not, I'd really feel bad for him but he should not be jumping the gun considering how many men she supposedly slept with.
But did you not notice, the neck issue
was resolved because the show had fixed her hair in a more becoming manner than did not expose her neck like when she first came on. I noticed the same thing at first but then here at tne end, not sticking out like a sore thumb.
You know what's sad? A lot of people won't even notice the mistake!
I see that one all the time. And my other pet peeve is 's added to make a noun plural.

Here's one that glared at me when my kids were little and attended a Catholic school. The children were in a big procession walking behind their school banner when I noticed it. The name of the school was Our Lady Help of Christians School.

Yep! The banner was printed as Our Lady Help of Christian's.

Back in the days when nuns were teaching in the schools, someone would have gotten a good whack on the knuckles for that one!
Nah, I wouldn't. I notice those things too but...(sm)
I always just let it go.
LOL I didn't even notice the site, just the pic!! NM
I didn't notice her clothing, just her
seal clapping.
I've notice that trend

Girls can't sew even enough to mend, guys don't have a clue about jumping a dead battery or towing a car out of a ditch (heaven forbid changing a tire), and nobody knows how to drive a stick shift any more!  Everybody has to call a professional to do the simplest things, it getting pretty creepy!  And if its not electronic, nobody wants one, presumably because its soooo difficult to read numbers that a needle is pointing to!  I went shopping for a plain old indoor thermometer and could not find a single one that wasn't digital and ran on batteries - even for CAMPING they have digital compasses! - what if your battery died out in the wilderness?

It seems like our focus is on playing with new entertainment gadgets and we totally ignore the need to learn any type of practical skills.  I'm 49 and I'm pretty scared that by the time our generation dies off, everyone will be so dependent on gadgets they would be entirely helpless if the power plug got pulled.  Its got to be pretty expensive to call a seamstress, or a tow truck, or a carpenter for the simplest things (or simply toss the malfunctioning item), but that's what the following generations will be in for, once the old folks are gone.  Nobody is interested in taking care of themselves, its all about what's convenient and easy.  Its pretty sad that with our amazing access to internet information, we are learning less and less and consuming more and more, stuffing our landfills with things we are too lazy/incompetent to fix, things that would be a treasure trove of good usable items for our thrifty, well-rounded grandparents!

I do not watch DWTS but did notice
on the previews, etc. I thought Shawn was what I would call stubby, not graceful at all, I thought sorta chunky myself.
Got an eviction notice today.
My paychecks have been so small for the last couple of months. I have not paid my rent for this month and already have a dispossessory notice.

I just moved into this apartment at the end of last month because it was less expensive than the place I lived before.

Ever notice that if you do 2000-3000 lines a day...sm
that people don't want to believe you? I transcribe 2800-3000 lines a day in an 8 hour shift, 65 character line. I've been in the business 27 years, type 150 wpm and pretty much keep up with the dictators speed. Some folks try to accuse me of sneaking in lines outside of my shift to make myself look good... but these are people that typically type 60-80 wpm, stop every few minutes to take care of kids, neighbors deliveries, etc. and wonder why they can't meet minimum production standards.
Does anyone else notice a lot more hair shedding right now. It this seasonal or whatever. It seems
be worse when I wash it then when I brush it.
Anyone out there see Celebrity Apprentice last night notice...sm
that they didn't mention which team made the most sales like they always do - and even though the guys did the absolute worst job with their "sales trailer" they won?  It was obvious to my husband and myself that Gene Simmons really ticked off the Kodak people by not coming to their meeting and then the 2 gals he sent irritated them - so probably no matter what the other team did Kodak was determined to not let him win.   Plus Gene basically had his adult version of a temper tantrum at the end of being mad that Kodak didn't name him the winner and therefore he named 2 people that weren't a problem with the challenge to take to the boardroom to make Donald fire him.
Catlady is right. I notice that even with food my cat LOVES, and even when she is hungry, (sm)
she will often look at a bowl of freshly-put-out food, and then walk away from it. This happens more often if the canned food has been in the fridge & is a little cold. I think the main reason she does it, though, is because if I'm up and walking around, then she thinks there is a possibility I might want to play. Play is more important to her than food! If she sees that I'm occupied with something else, (like working...) then she eventually saunters over to her bowl & starts to eat. Also, cats usually won't eat it all at once. They tend to keep going back to "nibble" for hours. So don't remove it if she doesn't dive into it right away. As Catlady said, let it sit, and eventually she WILL eat.
Does anyone else notice when you work too many days in a row you lose your focus or something. nm
I did notice that but I hate to put my SS number on the internet. I know they said it is secure but
how secure is anything.  I just wondered if anyone could give me an idea of the length of time it takes.  Thanks.
Well I got a notice from the IRS that I could expect my stimulus check by May 30 and I didnt
get it today.  I will get mine by mail.  I wonder how far off it comes from when they say it will come.
Burn Notice starting it's new season on Thursday
that is one fine man.... yummy...oh, yeah, love the show, too.
Sounds like the daycare worker is telling you what you should notice
This is not being a busybody but a change and she is asking if something might be changed in the home. I think she is entirely in her right and should ask questions and you should not be paranoid in thinking she is asking about you. This is a crying child who is acting out of the ordinary and you ought to thank her and find out why the 3 is crying so much.
I'm specifically AVOIDING splitting hairs, if you'd notice. sm
I'm saying what my opinion is regarding the viability of an embryo (as post-implantation), but perfectly willing to grant that it might be pre-implantation as well.

Does anyone notice you seem to lose more hair with washing and blowing dry than just brushing other
Just checked my receipt from Sunday...0.69/pound. I didn't even notice.
I honestly don't know what is normal for bananas here (FL). I keep track of other items, but not bananas. You've got me curious now, though.
Burn Notice, Army Wives, Closer, Saving Grace