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If it were me, I think I'd have opted for selective reduction in

Posted By: order to improve the odds for the remaining 2 or 3 on 2009-01-27
In Reply to: Did you hear about the 8 babies born today? - Unbelievable

1 lb. & ? ounces? Mighty small. These will be million-dollar babies to the 8th power.

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is this *selective remembering* or is she CHEAP?

selective nodal injection
Has anyone heard of a "selective nodal injection" for a sciatic type leg pain?
Be selective about news. Read newspaper, listen to CNN. No
Sounds like this one was selective personally for you, at great expense. How ungrateful can you be??
I had a breast reduction so do not have to even
wear 1 if I don�t want to. If I do, cannot wear the underwire deals. Used to be the breasts would enter the room about 5 minutes before I did, hated that!!
breast reduction
Double D's here -- can relate to the boobs entering the room first. LOL I have thought about a reduction -- if only I had the insurance coverage. I think the extra up front contributes to my low back problems. Was the surgery a difficult thing to go through? Is it painful?
Areolar reduction?
Has anyone undergone an areolar reduction?
breast reduction
I am seriously thinking of having this done because I'm so tired of aching shoulders and not being able to wear the clothes I really want to wear. I am just a big baby when it comes to going under the knife! Has anyone gone through this, was it very painful and how long is the recovery time? TIA!
breast reduction
I keep mulling over the same thing, but I am 50. I have huge grooves in my shoulders, and have had cervical disk problems, fusion and all. I wonder if that is why I have neck problems because I never had an accident or anything. I am a 36G or H if I can find it. Forget about breast-feeding my kids, I felt like I would fall over from the weight of them and couldn't wait until they went back to normal (for me anyway :) I am only 5Ɖ, slightly overweight. I think being so huge on top makes you look heavier anyway. I still think about having it done. I am sure my ins would pay for it, just so afraid of the pain and scars, but now you have me thinking again!
stress reduction
My ex-hub wrote some papers while he was doing his PhD in psychology on stress reduction. I typed his papers both before and after we were divorced. It made sense to me. One of the things he said that you work all week to make a paycheck to pay your bills. He said you have to consider yourself "a bill out of your paycheck that needs to be paid" just like any other bill that you owe. You need to pay a bill owed to yourself for hard work in the form of whatever you can afford out of each paycheck no matter what the amount that you may deem to afford meaning a new outfit, pedicure, meal out, movie, whatever makes you relaxed and feel happy. Set an amount aside even if it is just $20-$25. It gives you something to looks forward to. We have been divorced for 15 years, but I still remember this and still do this. It makes me feel good because I know I have to pay this bill to myself and it makes me feel good.
I had a friend who had skin reduction
for her arms and the so-called plastic surgeon measured one arm and took the same amount out for both arms. This left a gaping wound that the dodo couldn't close. Mind you the incision was the length of her upper arm. Grrrrr.
Had reduction, told never to wear underwire
but then didn't in the first place. I can go without a bra now but find I am just more satisfied with one so I usually just get a sports bra or something simple and stretchy.
This just makes me happy that I had a breast reduction!
Mederma worked miracles on my breast reduction scars.
You might try that.