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I was in a wedding with deep blue dresses.

Posted By: TM on 2007-03-08
In Reply to: Deep Purple Dress - what color shoes to buy?

We had the shoes dyed to match the dress from David's Bridal. They have a big selection of styles to pick from and then you dye them, relatively cheap too.

If not, then I would go with silver, just something simple though. JMO, but I don't think black would look great.

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I say silver. Will they be playing music by Deep Purple at the wedding? lol
Take a deep, deep breath...sm
and slowly exhale.  Phoooooooo.  Feel a little better?  You may have been venting, but you still kept your sense of humor.  I do sympathize, though.  My brother did not think he needed pain meds after his vision-correction surgery.  I kept telling him the anesthetic would wear off.  I picked up his meds without him knowing.  He was so grateful later that night.  Chalk one up for little sis.  BTW, I hope your hubby gets better soon. 
You need to send a wedding gift if you attend the wedding - sm
If possible you should drop it by the brides or grooms house, etc. so you don't have to take it to the wedding, and so they don't have to worry about transporting the gifts from the church or the reception. You should always send a wedding gift if you attend the wedding though.
This wedding, the wedding party will be releasing butterflies!
Apparently, you can buy live butterflies, individually packaged, that can be released after the ceremony.  The bride and groom are 65 and 68 years old, for crying out loud and this is their second marriage.  This wedding is the craziest thing I've ever seen!
Plus-size dresses

My friend is getting married in August and I need to find a dress quickly! Can anyone recommend a designer with a line of plus-size bridesmaid dresses? I'll require a size 14 or 16 depending on the fit (probably 14).

Also, I realize this is late and I may have to buy "off the rack" or via internet versus using a bridal shop. Any recommendations in the Philadelphia/So. Jersey area?

She's making them buy their own dresses? TACKY!! NM
Are you serious? What bride pays for the dresses? LOL
Me too. In fact, in dresses and tops
I actually need petites to have them fit right. Otherwise there is room for a hunchback in the shirt or dress! But my arms are long, like a monkey.

I'm 5ƌ" with a 33-inch inseam - not sure about the arm length - how about you?

BTW, my inseam is the same as my 6Ɖ" husband's!

Ever notice how men's shirts can be bought by neck and sleeve length size, but all women are supposed to be proportioned the same?

The majority of bridesmaids buy their own dresses unless bride's family
is extremely wealthy.
I've never had a bride offer to pay for the attendant's dresses. nm
Dillards has nice dresses for older women, slightly
Oh no, now I am in deep......
Hubs out of town, returning tonight. I told him I had bought something really good for him today, some succupnongs and got me some home-grown tomatoes. Well I never thought he would do that but then said how he loves those kind of tomatoes, how many did I get? I lied, yes I did, if I have to eat them all tonight before he gets here. OMG I probably have a good dozen left but I don�t want to share....I did buy him those others, why are men never satisfied?? I am so full right now I do not think I can eat those other 12 just yet.
I know deep down in my heart that this is wha I WANT to do. But, I'm not sure sm
how difficult it would be to get back into MTing/QAing after a year or so. It took me a long time to get the job I have now (QAing/MTing).

Thanks for your input! Will keep everyone posted. I hate doing QA right now and typing!......ha
Do you need DEEP POCKETS to buy them?
Deep down inside what we all really want is to be.........

I have never seen Deep Throat but know I don't want
Still waters run deep and (sm)
Anyone who thinks introverts or shy people are slow or retarded is just ignorant. I'm sorry, but racism is ignorant and judging people without knowing one thing about them is ignorant. This person is double-ignorant.

Can't give you advice, but my son is a lot like your husband. He is incredibly intelligent and the wheels are always turning, he just doesn't spew out every little thing that comes into his head. He listens. He learns.

All I can say to you is thank whomever you supreme being is that you have the pleasure of this darling man in your life. I'm not sure even if you tried to explain his nature that she'd understand. Not to mention she knows everything.
Deep south - only hog I know is as in
First, take a deep breath - sm
Yes, the school should have called you, but they did not and you cannot control the actions of others, just your own.  You also cannot control whether the other mom calls you to apologize.  Should she have?  Sure, but again, what you do is NOT necessarily what someone else would do.  Set a good example for your son and let him see this for what it is - a small incident in the big scheme of things.  He will likely not even remember this in a few months unless you harp on it endlessly.  I would definitely let the school know about my displeasure at the events of today, but after that just let it go.  These things happen.  You cannot protect your son from life. 
Deep Freeze !!!
Holy icicles batman ! It is -8 here in New England !

How about where you live?
Deep Purple Dress
Bridesmaid dresses in a deep purple. Not sure if I should go for metallics- gold or silver or stick with black? The wedding is in the afternoon in church and a reception at a golf course. What do you think?
12 inches is not deep pocket--sm
12 inches is barely even standard these days. Mine is 21 inches deep. I need 22 inch deep sheets to at least stay on. You shop around and see where you can find that size for under 200 dollars. If you do, let me know!
Yep. Normal. Just take a deep breath and
They'll probably make peace in a few short years (when you're old and grey-headed and senile, lol)!


Recommendations for deep friers sm

Need some recommendations for a good quality deep fryer. My third one just bit the dust. Have used Rival and Presto in the past both only lasting 1 year or less. I don't deep fry a lot but get a hankering every now and then for chicken. None of the fryers I have bought in the past last more than a year, they quit right in the middle of frying. I sent one back to Rival, it had died 28 days after I bought it. They sent me another and it died 1 year later. On the hunt again for another and don't care the cheapies anymore.  Give me your recommendations. 

Deep south, Virginia, nah I never
thought of that as the deep south. We think of it as the northern most of southern states.
I really can't imagine how deep this sorrow must be. (sm)
I've only lost pets, and it rips my heart out to lose one of those special ones. The loss of a child would be absolutely unbearable. Time can only round off the edges of the pain a little, but never take it away. Not until you see him again in heaven. At least we have that hope.
True, but I doubt Britney is that deep! - nm
Deep dish; Romance or comedy? nm

Are you ready to be brave? Take a deep breath...
Then do it and close your eyes real tight and be glad the minute you have done it (calling to have him picked up for psych eval) Then once you have him out of the house you can keep him out with a court order. Your life will improve. Are you Ready???? Be BRAVE! I was!!!
Same problem for me. Deep pockets - Wal-Mart and Target have them.
The Blue Jay Boarders




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Red, white and blue . .
Found them on Netflix and added them to my que - can't wait.
I also have a blue heeler mix. sm
Actually two (I think) the younger one is a bit of a hound dog. Both of mine are spoiled beyond belief. But, aren't pets to be spoiled? I have no children so my dogs are my babies. Dog spelled backward is God. Wonder why? Cute baby you have there. What is his/her name?
Look at those BLUE eyes!
Oh wow!  I don't think I've ever met a dog with blue eyes before!  They are beautiful! 
Giants' blue
You know what confused me? I have always, always seen the Giants in blue, and to see them in a different color just rocked me! And then, of course, the coach was wearing the regular blue jacket, which was even more confusing! We were halfway through the first quarter before I stopped automatically looking at the blue jerseys to be the Giants!
Maybe not out of the blue. Maybe just finally had
My jeans are never blue and
I only wear black Gloria Vanderbilt, wonderful bit and look, have to look hard to even associate with real jeans.
People are more polite in the deep south. There is a sense of decorum.
looking for a recipe for Blue crabs sm
and tomatoe sauce for spagetti and crabs for Xmas eve.    Could not find the recipe board that use to be here.   THANKS
Black and blue toe - broken??
Ok, so I was walking from my daughter's room to my room last night and had this sharp pain in my 2nd toe on my left foot. I just shook it off as it didn't hurt that bad, but I woke up this morning and my toe is all bruised up with dark purple and redish shades on the bottom half. It doesn't really hurt unless I put direct pressure on it, but do you think this could be broken? Obviously, I would need an x-ray to know for sure, but does anyone have another explanation for why this would happen. I went ahead and buddy-taped it just in case and will continue to monitor for any changes, and will probably go to the dr on Monday if it gets worse, but this is just weird as it doesn't really feel broken??
Blue Ridge, Texas
School is out this Friday and my 2 kids will be home and I have to start getting up earlier and working in the early, early morning and late evenings!
3/4 Red Australian Cattle dog, 1/4 Blue
3 years old. His name is Eddie
Try Selsun-Blue or get a rx for Exalon (sp?)

Mickey Blue Eyes

and Lil Miss Sunshine are two of my faves. 

know what they call blue herons in KY?
shite pokes - ex born and raised there - could not figure out what he was seeing until I saw them too.  Quite common even in city. 
Feeling kinda blue . . .
I want to rent some funny movies to have a good laugh and try to cheer myself up - any recommendations greatly appreciated. TIA.
Have a bad experience today? Why this out of the blue?
Guess what.. when all of our ancestors came here (except for Native American and British countries) they all spoke other languages and then learned English. So big deal. Who are "they" and why are you appearing so racist here? IMHO we should all be bilingual. In Europe the schools require children in school to learn English as well as their language, and many people speak multiple language. Some of our own children in the US can't even speak English and they come from English speaking homes. So, what's with the comment here? What are you really trying to start some kind of bigoted conversation? Yes, this is America. Learn English. But nothing wrong with speaking Spanish too. Or Indian. Or Chinese or anything!
I had blue screen errors sm
Turns out my memory in my computer was corrupted, then I took it out and they sent new memory and turns out the motherboard went bad, so it had to be replaced. Might be your motherboard, hope its under warranty! But try removing the memory from under your computer.
Blue Screen for Vista
1 - First Check for the Vista updates.

2 - See your power settings, like auto turn off hard drives, monitor, hibernate, sleep etc.

3 - Run Spyware & anti-virus.

4 - There are few reports that Adobe Reader causes the Blue Screens in Vista, you should better uninstall it.

If not solved, then it's hardware issue, consult your vendor.


We had an Austrilian Blue Heeler and he
was the best dog I have ever had.
We had an Australian Blue Heeler and he
was the best dog we have ever had.