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I use the twisties that come in your box of garbage bag.

Posted By: MT and worn out on 2008-03-22
In Reply to: Got cables all over the place, what to do? - Macy

I tried cable ties, but they don't come apart very easily and I ended up cutting a cable trying to get one off. So I swear by twist ties. Helps to reuse, reduce, recycle. LOL.

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That's garbage -
I have never had an accident and never had a ticket. I have been driving since I was about 5 years old, starting out on farm equipment, to help on the family farm.

It's a bunch of bunk in my opinion
It sounds like you and I have the same printer! I have had problems with the paper feed since day one. It drives me absolutely nuts.
I don't think it's garbage...

Just like every other platform, it has a few bugs that still need to be worked out but for the most part I like it.

I've been using it for a few months and the only problems I still have are with Java (can't get Pogo games to load for the life of me) and the Rhapsody music service. Everything else turned out to be "administrator" issues and were easily solved. Vista has some pretty cool features too, so it's not all bad.

Why are you an audience for this garbage?
How about respect for one's privacy? Or would you be OK with us listening to the worst things you've ever said?

WHY do you people listen to this garbage?
Vista is garbage
My husband is in IT and he installed Vista when it first came out.  He very quickly uninstalled it.  It has so many problems, causes so many problems and he pointed out that there are security issues with Vista.  I don't see XP going anywhere as many people who are in positions of powerin companies, like my husband, refuse to use it.  I wouldn't bother wasting your money.
don't listen to this garbage
No, no, no. Do not listen to this. Someone is making a play for your guy. Don't doubt it.
stuck garbage disposal
Never mind, we were able to crack the glass and then get it out.
Works for garbage bags too
If you have 2 or more kids who have to take turns taking out the garbage, assign each a garbage color - you can get them in white, yellow, green and blue that I know of. When the blue kid takes out the garbage, s/he puts in the yellow bag, or whoever's turn it is next. Believe me, they don't forget to change the bags.
Pack them a decent lunch. That is garbage.
Wash your mouth out! Tiffany's is not garbage!
This is common sense, stop posting this garbage!

The only thing worse than chain emails, is people who pass along chain emails!


Blech! The worst coffee ever. No wonder they're closing stores, who pays for that garbage?