I think you misunderstood her post
Posted By: fiddlestix on 2009-02-12
In Reply to: You said ever been without a child, lady - Unbelievable
She said have you ever done without AS a child? not done without a child. I think the point she's trying to make is that these children need to be taken care of regardless of the mother's actions that brought them into this world. I'm sure you would agree that no child should ever do without the basic necessities of life.
Now how you go about obtaining these necessities is where some might disagree. Should the state step in and abort the mother's custodial rights, placing these children into the foster care system? Or should the mother be given ample means to provide for the children? This is where the disagreement is. No one is arguing that these children shouldn't be taken care of. Unfortunately, I don't think the mother is going to lose her parental rights, and I do think that she will gain monetarily from these babies and not use it for their well-being, but rather her own selfish needs. She has already proven how selfish she is.
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You misunderstood my post...
If it were me, I'd explain to my son that we/he should return the prize to the office and give another kid a chance to win it. Making a profit, be it you or your son, is in my opinion, just wrong. This is an excellent opportunity to teach your son to share his good fortune...of course, this is how I'd handle the situation...to each her own I guess.
I guess I misunderstood the first post..sm
wow. this does not sound good. If sounds like they are looking to liquidate what ever assets you do have then, which would really suck. this part, I know nothing about, so I cannot really comment. I know that when I filed bankruptcy against an old student loan I had outstanding for 10 years, it did go on my husband's credit, as well, simply because we were married. It was one of the worst moves we ever made, even though it was against me personally, it affected both of our credit when it came to wanting to purchase a house, a vehicle, or anything on credit. It lasted for over 10 years, and I had to have it removed from all three credit reporting agencies, as removing it from only one does not remove it from all. I understand the interest rates though, which was the reason why I stopped trying to pay back my student loan. It was 98 percent interest on a 5000.00 loan. They were trying to force me to get the money from some other lending institution, parents, friends, anything, just so they got their money and I had a somewhat lower interest rate. It did not work that way though, because with the bankruptcy against me, I could not get a loan anywhere else either. It was a vicious circle. I got rid of my husband, who was draining every last cent we had on useless stuff he wanted, and I am financially solvent again, making a good annual income and debt free! It is a great feeling, and I no longer have any credit cards. I still wish you luck, but it sure does not sound good.
Oops think you misunderstood my post
Im actually talking bout the owner of the company that sends the contractors, not the landlords husband and wife. The landlords are very upset as well. The pool is an above ground that we purchased, so yes it is our property, so is the water they use out of the faucets because we pay the water bill and we also pay to have our landscaping done, so we have to pick up the trash and the cig butts. Hopefully this will be over soon. I think I really just have to clean up their mess and just not stress! Recently, we had some people over a few times that let their children have the run of our home. I went to the store to get some more hamburg for the grill and came back to find their children 5, 7 had been in our bedroom when our door was closed. The husbands were outside of course! LOL They also broke things in our yard, our other children's toys, smashed jellybeans into our carpets, snuck drinks upstairs spilling on our white carpets and not telling...so basically, my husband said last night that I should relate this situation to that one and realize these people have no manners or class, clean up after them and let it go. I think this was well said! Thanks for listening to me vent again!!!
I dont think I misunderstood your post at all??
I have been to both black and white funerals- my husband is black- I know what I observe in both sides-I know playing music, dancing, card playing, etc. is not what I have seen on my side. I never misunderstood your post- I could have never celebrated the death of my grandmother, never. Different people do things differently.
I think you misunderstood
I am not saying SSRIs are not appropriate for some people, but they are over-prescribed and being used as a "catch-all" and there are more and more psychiatrists who are concerned about this. Family docs are also being pushed to prescribe them by insurance companies and pharmaceutical companies and honest ones will tell you that. If prescribed to bipolar people (30% of all people who see their family doctor for depression) they often will trigger hypomania and family doctors are not trained to identify it. They only help anxiety disorders 50% of the time, which leaves half of those who go for treatment without relief. Of course, SSRIs have their place, but too many diagnoses are getting glumped as anxiety/depression with SSRIs the fix-all.
In no way was I judging your condition or anyone's need for SSRIs, when appropriate.
I speak from not my opinion, but from an extensive psych background.
no, you misunderstood..I DO run my air...sm
but I turn it off to open up windows daily.....and when I turn the a/c back on....I still leave a window open in the bedrooms about 6-8 inches - so the stale air gets sucked out....*laughs*
Oh, I have to live with A/C but not 24/7/365.........and I prefer to open a window and *listen*.......it's a learning experience unto itself and one can *hear* things indicative of what I think are global warming changes.
I love South Florida mornings, always have....before the people hit the streets and before the traffic commences....before the world wakes up and becomes self-consumed in this big city.....
That's just me.......
Sorry if I misunderstood...sm
Okay, we're back to what I mentioned in my first couple of responses, except for one "physical" aspect re lubrication. This probably sounds perfectly idiotic, but a lot of people don't think about it, which is to make sure you're well hydrated. A good test is if your mouth frequently seems dry. Incidentally, dehydration is solved with water, not soft drinks, etc.
Also, douching can wreak havoc with vaginal moisture because the vagina "thinks" it's moist enough and stops producing its own.
Stress can also play a factor, and of course hormonal imbalances. Breast-feeding can also be involved, although it doesn't sound like a factor here.
Hope these might give you some ideas in that department, anyway.
I'm sorry I misunderstood. I thought you were
saying that over and over the vet didn't see him or work it up. Sorry - guess its late. Yes, one of my dogs went thru seizures, though the grand mal-type, and it was so horrible. I just absolutely went nuts with fear and horror when she would have them, but would just hold her and try to reassure her. I am with you - I would still be very worried and probably want a second look. I am not overly familiar with cocker spaniels, but seem to remember something dimly that maybe they are rather prone to seizures? My father-in-law had a tiny breed - can't remember either, but he had several thru his life, and nearly all had seizures. -- They -- say that the dogs aren't really in distress, so maybe that makes it better for us humans to think, right? Good luck and keep us posted.
PitBull's are misunderstood...
Instead of focusing narrowly on only your dislike of PitBulls, why don't you look at the bigger picture as a whole...
First of all, the statistics on "fatal attacks"...well it doesn't take a genius to realize that a big strong dog like a PitBull or a Rottweiler is going to do a heck of a lot more damage if it bites you then, for example, a Beagle or Chihuahua would. But that still doesn't mean PitBulls are more likely to bite...
The statistics that I have read regarding breed specific likelyhood of biting have shown that small dogs (and mixbreeds) are way more likely to be aggressive towards humans and other dogs. Specifically Dachshunds, Chihuahuas, and Jack Russell Terriers to name a few. PitBulls were more likely to show aggression to unfamiliar dogs. I've seen this info a few times, but the most recent website I found it on was here: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science?_ob=ArticleURL&_udi=B6T48-4SNGRDR-2&_user=10&_coverDate=06%2F03%2F2008&_alid=765300851&_rdoc=2&_fmt=high&_orig=search&_cdi=4968&_sort=d&_docanchor=&view=c&_ct=27&_acct=C000050221&_version=1&_urlVersion=0&_userid=10&md5=a9e7d67a2a45dc01019b232cbbfa3bf5
Here are some other good points from websites that are unbiased:
To reduce the number of dog bite-related injuries, adults and children should be educated about bite prevention, and persons with canine pets should practice responsible pet ownership. (CDC website)
“While at times informative, statistics on fatal dog attacks can also be misleading. For example, a number of cases where a Pit Bull, Rottweiler or German Shepherd Dog were counted as causing a human fatality, in reality the direct result was from gross human negligence or criminal intent”. (http://www.thedogpress.com/Columns/Jade/07_Dog.Bite.Stats_09.htm)
"A fatal dog attack is not just a dog bite by a big or aggressive dog. It is usually a perfect storm of bad human-canine interactions -- the wrong dog, the wrong background, the wrong history in the hands of the wrong person in the wrong environmental situation." (Malcolm Gladwell, "Troublemakers - What pit bulls can teach us about profiling," The New Yorker, Feb. 6, 2006.) www.dogbitelaw.com/PAGES/breedlaws.html
Our Country was not founded on the restriction and punishment of the masses based on the actions of a few. Focusing legislation on dogs that are "vicious" distracts attention from the real problem, which is irresponsible owners. These very breeds as a whole have proven their stability and good canine citizenry by becoming 'Search & Rescue' dogs, Therapy dogs working inside hospitals, professional Herding dogs and family companions for years. Banning the so-called dangerous breed will merely hasten the upswing in popularity of some other breed that will be used for vicious attacks on people and other animals. There is no valid reason to deprive animal lovers of their well behaved pets. The reports and statistics are flawed. Among other things, a dog bite victim is usually unable to identify the breed of dog that bit him or her. Therefore, victims will name the type of dog that currently is on people's minds as being the dangerous dog. (From the Animal Farm Foundation.)
One more thing, the best K-9 drug searching dog in America is a PitBull...his name is "Popsicle" because he was rescued from a man who tried to kill him by putting him in a freezer.
-Cindy, owner of 1 PitBull (Zeus) and 2 Beagles (Max & Osiris)...and yes they do get along! 
Oh, sorry, misunderstood. Listed under social hx, no mention of a health concern. (NM)
Well, you post with something that is going to --sm
get your *butt jumped* and then you cry when someone does. judgemental of everything, huh? don't get your halo in a twist. geez.
your post says *they*...
Is more than 1 of your children living with this person? Just curious...
Thank you for your post....sm
at least YOU seem to understand the concept of what a thyroid problem can do to a person...unlike anon poster below, who has a very closed mind about ANYthing she does not agree with.
My thyroid problem is quite bad. I HAVE seen an endocrinologist who explained that thyroid disease is an autoimmune disease, where the body attacks certain organs for no reason. I did not do well on synthetic thyroid replacement and switched to a *natural* form. I am currently taking 120 mg daily and that is a lot. The endocrinologist said that my thyroid was barely functioning at all.
I feel very bad for your brother in law, as I truly understand how he feels. Thank you again for your understanding support for my problem, rather than attacking me with being a food junky, being paranoid, needing a psychiatrist, telling me I am nuts, and to pursue bariatric surgery, which all tends to lower my already low self-esteem. thank you for your courage to post. It is nice to know that SOME people understand.
was the *duh* in yer post necessary?.....
better post than your first one *LOL*
I like what you said there - you have had a GOOD solid thing for 41 years now.......or thereabouts with your husband -
Doing this to him, even surreptitiously....do you think this is what HE deserves after you having a full life with him? Do you have a conscience? Even if you don't see this guy from 900 miles away - YOU'RE STILL CHEATING, you are carrying on a secret relationship in a secret email account behind your husband's back.........
I ain't judging.........but points upward.........towards G_d.........
jes' sayin'..............
how did this post above from 1/16/07 end up
on the top of GAB BOARD? And silly me, I answered it *LOL* - says Jan 16, 2007....all below this are March of 2007........very bizarre...someone probably trying to invoke conversation(?)
what does this have to do with my post?
to be adopted already....
I really liked your post, thanks for that!!!..sm
I so respect what you said/typed.......thank you :)
oh that post is NOT *way down below*...sm
it's right under this post *ROFL*....I'm tired.....
Cut off from above post: j/k nm
Post (SM)
All prayer requests belong on the Prayer Request board. You access it by going to the Gab board first, then clicking the Prayer Request link just above the posts.
I have not received any emails from you regardnig your post.
Sorry to post again about this but (sm)
Divorce is a huge decision - I have been talking to family and friends but this is the only place I can get anonymous opinions from a lot of people, and it is more likely that someone here may have been through something similar. My husband now is asking me to not go. But he has already told me just a few nights ago that he was never happy with me, was always disappointed and frustrated with who I am, and that this is probably the reason he hit me a few years ago. He went nuts a few years ago during a very minor argument (children were not present), and now says that it was probably because of years of frustration. But now he is once again asking me to stay. Because my parents are divorced he says that "divorce is the only thing I know" when faced with conflict. I have been here almost 14 years and he has never been happy with me. Even when I was young and thin and our house was spotless. My question is - if he has never been happy with me, and I have always been a source of frustration, why should I stay now and expect things to improve? We have been to 4 marriage counsellors in the past. I am scared about leaving and I still do love him deep down, but why continue to stay if I will never be good enough?
I should have put LOL after my post
about the fancy car. My parents and my MIL drive "fancy" cars. I agree that wasn't a nice thing to say.
Well, here you can post what you think
Well, here you can post what you think is an awesome idea or might we say lame... (Creativity is the key)
I'll start with:
Awesome: Water powered cars...
Lame: Really cool stuff that is ridiculously expensive(i.e. PS3)
Please do post a pic of your pup
if you haven't already. Hayseed knows how.
Was this post really necessary?
Why bother reading a post that doesn't interest you just to post something rude and totally unnecessary? I for one love hearing about the good things in life. It's not just all work, work, work.
see my post sm
Would anyone who has used Cymbalta please reply to my post on the Mental Health board. I think this is suitable for "gab" but only one answer on that board. Thanks! BTW, I don't think exhaustion and pain from this profession is all "in our mind." I hope you agree.
Post her pic?
I saw that post too
I'm glad I wasn't the only one confused. This is a gab board and that's what we're doing gabbing about cats and other animals. If he/she isn't interested, just don't read the posts. By the way, I have an all black Halloween cat and the kids get a big kick out of him when them come to the door.
I think your post is right on
My hubs and I have separate and I trust him beyond belief, would never know what he made a year except at tax time. I think it is great to have hubs you trust and can take care of things like yours does. Seems like a dream deal to me. I could care less for doing anything when it comes to financial deals but sometimes have to fool with that. If I had a hubs that dealt with everything, I would be more than happy. You are blessed.
Just saw this post
Yes, his anal glands were really impacted- the post below this 1 helped me tremendously. Never knew felines got that way. He went to the veterinarian the very day I learned about the possibility of what it could be, the vet expressed the glands and relieved that problem. Yesterday my big boy (20 and a half lbs) went to the groomers to get him all cleaned and smelling good again. One more thing I learned- he is double furred boy and hair was even growing over his anus which had to be shaved. He is quite the handsome guy today!
100% right and that is my post
Give varied foods to be served but can you just imagine if 10 or more kids would not eat and demanded certain foods for their own eating? Did not say kids should be forced to eat anything but definitely needs vegetables in their diet. Sit foods on the table, not much fuss and let the child eat and eat good, no junk stuff, no Cokes, no sweetened drinks, no overloading on the chips, cookies and other sweets.
By the way, there is a second pic in that post above. (nm)
I just had to post this pic too!
This is my youngest, Scooter, when we first brought him home 2 years ago. He is MUCH bigger now! LOL!
Above post is IMO, of course.
Thanks for your post
She's actually the one that's hard on herself. If she was in regular classes it wouldn't matter to me. I'll see what happens when she gets home in an hour.
The post above you was right
You have said as much by "someone saying to mind your own business." It is her business, not any of yours at all. As far as the thrown away card, once a person is given a present, whether it is a card or whatever it is, it is their property then and the person can toss it, hold onto it or do what they like. She is minding her own business as you should. In your posts you come back time and again about what friends you were, how you emailed every day, you seem really clingy to this person, like you cannot make it another day before you hear from her. Do you have any life of your own?
your post
The mare is foaling - NOT having a "baby" thats human and she will either have a colt (male) or a filly (female)
your post
Sorry Cat, but NO apology is necessary -- the word "foal" was used in the original post, for those who don't know, "give birth" would have been a better term and BTW -- I am the granddaughter of a cattle rancher and have seen my share from BIRTH TO DEATH -- and we are talking 25,000 acres as well thank you VERY much
your post
I was the "oldest granchild" on my mom's side of the family and the "eldest of 4 girls" on my dad's side and he was the baby of his family. My paternal grandmother was the head baker for the local hospital and used to make ALL the "Holiday" pies for the docs to take home -- she had a mincemeat receipie to DIE for but when she died, it went with her :(
My maternal grandparents were great too. Little by little during the depression, they bought land in the Sandhills of Nebraska spent WHOPPING sum of $10 an acre and eventually built the ranch up to be approximately 25K acres, their cattle were pretty much all grass fed, gram had a "scrap bucket" under the sink, which was used to feed the chickens and they produced ORANGE yolks.
I just wish that our generation that is being raised nowadays could somehow understand how much more important the "simple values" are
Thank you for your post!
It sure is refreshing to listen to someone who actually KNOWS about religion and can pontificate (chose this word on purpose) about differences/similarities. If more people KNEW about various religions, we would have more acceptance and less ignorance in the world.
Thanks again, from your friendly agnostic....
your post
I am STILL grieving for what happened in my hometown a week ago today -- it not ONLY affected the university but the surrounding communities as well. If one or 2 of those students at Virginia Tech or NIU had been able to carry a concealed weapon into those classrooms AND being able to confront that assailant then perhaps we would not be MOURNING but REJOICING because lives were saved rather than lost -- You YOUNGSTERS who have NEVER SEEN the tragiedies that have gone on in this country and I am talking from VietNam forward -- need to grow up and quit whining
There was not one post that said
or asked you to stop. A few people just stated that it was hard to see other threads and I agree with them. It was fun at first but it became tiring because you could not see threads from other people. I'm all for it but perhaps a separate game board should be the place for it.
See my above post nm
Thanks so much for your post--you have me so much to think about! sm
You make some excellent points--things I hadn't even considered. I see why you like to decorate--you cover all the scenarios. Thanks again.
Your post described me :-)
Okay, this is the first break I've taken today so thought I'd check out the site. I read your post and laughed because this has exactly happened to me. Over the past few days I have visited too frequently and got behind on my work, so I made it a point not to visit the site until I finish my work.
Gosh - talk about addicted 
your post
Being a military widow, I would call the "Jag" office but think first talking to his CO would work, if no help there then the military attornys
Let's all post a pic of our pet...sm
This is my darling Pit Bull, CJ, and my other darling Beagle, Darla. They are the best of friends.
Thank you for your post.......s/m.
I have never met a person with a 99.6 percentile IQ.
Now that you explained all what comes with it, I see it quite differently and I agree that people with an IQ of 125-140 are the most fortunate. Because they go with the flow, they are smart, they fit in , they are not 'different.'
Being a beauty queen is also not always a bliss, too intelligent, too beautiful, too rich, ect., it's not good.
But it should not make you unhappy or even suicidal.
This was RE my post below sm
I think the OP should do as she pleases! While *I* have had a lot of flack for *my* decisions...I don't think that having a child or not having a child is selfish, ever. I don't think is requires a justification either.
The only selfishness about children so far as I can see is willy nilly having babies by various fathers, not marrying and giving no thought as to whether you want the children or not, or whether you can care for them or not. This is NOT the case here and I know that.
I am trying to say, having children or not, and the word *selfish*, have nothing in common.
a post for me!! :)
Hi silly girl i feel so special!
I am just settling into being in a new state, living in a hotel room with a kitchen with no stove (i thought I barely cooked but without that I realize how much i need it!!!) Yes there is a microwave, but a small fridge and a freezer that only holds one frozen lean cuisine at a time!!! Find myself eating out way too much... putting everything on credit cards because I haven't transferred banks from west coast to east coast... lost one job and only get paid once a month now... LOL so much going on!!! but I am happy happy happy! :)
I have a myspace page if you're interested but that is a LOT of information to take in! My little sister showed up two days ago as a complete surprise with my niece so I was ecstatic.
Just been workin workin workin what i do. I do still come here and browse but haven't had the chance to sit and really have discussions lately. you are so sweet to have noticed!! ill be back :)