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I posted that last year

Posted By: mtmomof2 on 2008-09-26
In Reply to: One year...sm - PAMT~MDM

it was a church party as well but it was my husband who wore that. I wore sweats and pinned sponges all over my clothes and went as self-absorbed.

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Bigger issue - a 16 year old living withi a 29 year old and liability
Are you still not responsible for him until he is 18, how can he tell you where he will live?  Unless he emancipates himself and he does something wrong, can they go against you since you are his mother and legally responsible for him?  I worry more about him living with a 29 year old sister rather than returning a house key to me that is a bigger issue.
My 14-year-old is going to be a mother-in-law (so funny) if you google it and 11-year-old daughter
Won $2,000 on slot machine on New Year's Eve. What a way to start the year. nm
Set my budget a year in advance, save all year and
What a difference a year makes! Last year, sm
we had the same problem.  Fines everywhere for watering.
Paid $60,000 on principal last year and this year
planning on another $30,000 after my taxes paid for the year. We are getting our house paid down very quickly.
55-year old woman has birthday sex with 12-year old

DAYTON - Gloria Murphy gave children celebrating her 55th birthday alcohol and then had sex with a 12-year-old boy at the party on Thursday, Jan. 29, according to police.

The boy got into Murphy�s bed at 5440 Rawlings Drive, where the married woman had sex with her adolescent neighbor, according to police and Montgomery County prosecutors. 

Two of the children at the party ran home at about 6 a.m. Jan. 30 and told a parent they saw the boy and woman having sex, according to 911 audio.

The parent then called police at about 6:15 a.m., according to a police report and 911 audio.

Murphy did not force the boy to have sex, but since he is younger than 13, it is considered rape, Lt. Patrick Welsh said. No other children were involved in the sexual encounter, but some other children at the party consumed alcohol, according to police.

I posted on this before regarding
confronting parents about their children. This was exactly what I was talking about, the mother took up for her child (as most do now days regardless)and I, for 1, would not anticipate with love, praising, letting him work for you, etc., etc. that this will change him at all. You know what you faced with his mother and I would put some distance between my child and him. When raising my children, if a parent came to me telling me my child had done something wrong, you better believe I would listen and probably believe that person BEFORE my child. The reason is, most times parents are not going to take their time to come and face you directly about a child's behavior. I never ever thought just because they were my children, they were always in the right, never but times have changed. I would not confront, I would not try to change, I would distance.
keep us posted
I have posted this before but not sure if sm
it was this board. I remember the first time Nu-Victoria saw JT when she returned from Italy. It was at the hospital when Brittany's baby was being kidnapped. I saw the sparks flying when she said his name. I thought then they should get together.
I posted this further down sm
Kristen Rose, my daughter's name. My mother, my daughter, and I all share the same middle name "Rose" and my daughter has already said she wants to carry on the tradition. I would like to add my 2 cents about different spellings. It seems that so many people want to change the original spelling of a name just to be different. My name was spelled wrong on my birth certificate "Tereasa" and my mother left it that way. You can never find anything personalized spelled that way. It was always spelled wrong in yearbooks, programs for ballgames, etc. My mother typed my wedding announcement and when the newspaper recieved it they called to see if the spelling was correct. I find it a big hassel. JMO
at least I think it's you they posted to...LOL..nm

I posted below sm
and the read the above post. I agree with most everything but you can certainly work with the child if he will be confused about the name change. Our situation did involve adoption, my little (step)brother was 5 when my father adopted him. Becuase the adoption was not final when he started kindergarten he was taught how to spell and write his original name for the first 4 weeks of school and then it changed. Due to the fact that he never had a father figure and he always wanted a big family (instant older sister and brother) he had no problem with the name change. Depends on so many factors. I feel you will make the right decision for you and your child or else you wouldn't care enough to get other opinsions. Good Luck.
Posted this a while ago and..
only got a couple of responses which were regarding his name and how he should change it. Get past the name and take a look at the clip.

Yes the man has an incredible voice, but it is humbleness and the Cinderella story that brings tears.
Thanks! I will keep you posted! nmx
Ima and Ura already posted below
I posted below sm
that I also bought my dogs from a petstore and that I had no idea how horrible the puppy mills were at the time. I just held one of my dogs today and cried thinking about his mother. I won't even buy bird food (I have 2 birds) from a pet store. My son watched the show with me and did ask where can the pet stores get their dogs from. I honestly don't know. Can they go to private breeders? Sorry if I seem dumb, it truely is ignorance on my part, just like my ignorance about puppy mills until recently.
keep us posted...
Enquiring minds want to know....Let us know how things turn out.  I hope everything works out well.
How I posted the pic ......... (sm)
I WANT to see 'Tornado Alley' desks! hahahahaha!

I found posting a pic to be really easy. (The photo will work best if it's in jpg. format). (In order to get these instructions right, I've posted a photo I took in Santa Fe recently.)

Assuming you've already taken a pic of your desk, and it's saved in a photo file on your computer, just:

1) After the 'Post Image' box below the subject box of your post on MT Stars, click on 'Click here to Upload Image!'
2) When the next window comes up, click on the 'Browse' button to bring up a list of your computer files.
3) Find your photo (for example, to find mine, I click on Documents, then My Pictures, and then the photo).
4) Click on the photo you've selected, the the name of it will appear in the 'Select Image' box. Click on 'Open'.
5) Click on 'Submit'.
6) The picture will appear, and then click on 'Continue', which should bring you back to the text of your post. Then go ahead and post as usual.

Hope that helps. Show us that MESSY DESK! ;D
That's why I posted
There are girls who are getting sick from this. All I would like is for everyone to research this thoroughly before doing it, and please don't only read the docs articles. Of course they are going to say everyone should have it. Guess who pays them bonuses.

As for the lady who said in GA its required. I'd move out of that state before I let the government tell me what I should or should not have done medically.

Please just don't buy into the hype of it and question, question, question before thinking about it.
PS: (Im the one who posted below that she's
surprise to hear from her this morning that she's coming out to California for the rest of the weekend! Looks like just for once, I'm having a good-kharma day!
Yes, I am the one that posted
about this weeks ago.  This cat is a beautiful calico.  I need to take a picture of it and upload it sometimes. 
when she first posted
her first post said the sister had to move out because he kept coming on to her - so I thought she must have been about 18 or so - but then she said she was young - a child - so why would such a young child be moving out - or even living there in the first place?
I have posted about him but not about this...nm
Oh no, it's still posted..............nm
Yes, I am the same Jan, who posted about
the Gray (Gy), several times.

Yes, anon, in this case, you are right, Gy is a unit of measure. But your explanation that you posted was not so clear.
My explanation was better.

posted this before

I posted before how my son's ex-girlfriend from over a year ago is making his high school dating life non-existent with the girl who asked him to sadie hawkins "changing her mind" at the last minute because of this ex-girlfriend's very persuasive sabotage.

Now he does not want a 16th b-day party because he is afraid she will screw it up by keeping other girls from showing up, etc.

This girl has already moved on and has a new boyfriend, but won't let the revenge thing for my son go.

On the one hand I am relieved that he now knows the earmarks of a psychopath and hopefully will not marry one...ever,

but on the other hand it makes me sick anyone can ruin someones 16th birthday.

Wow! Can't believe you posted this.

For the last few weeks, I've been staggering, running into walls and almost fell down the steps.

I had to go to the hospital today to renew my CICP (a health plan offered to the indigent) and they saw how I was walking and got a wheelchair.  On the way back, I managed to walk (barely), but when they saw me coming to get my daughter's car, they told me to sit down and asked if I'd like a glass of water.  I said yes.  So someone showed up with a glass of water, followed by a nurse with some apple juice, who tried to get me to go to the emergency room.  I declined.

She did ask me, though, if I was diabetic, which I'm not (yet).  My doc said that once my pancreas is completely destroyed, I can expect to get diabetes.

Another thing:  Does your husband find his vision is declining, becoming blurry?  (Mine has been and during the same time frame.)Does he seem  to lose his train of thought and have trouble concentrating?

Sounds like he might need a full physical because surely doesn't sound right.

Best of luck.  It's probably nothing, but a checkup couldn't hurt.

Wow! Can't believe you posted this.

For the last few weeks, I've been staggering, running into walls and almost fell down the steps.

I had to go to the hospital today to renew my CICP (a health plan offered to the indigent) and they saw how I was walking and got a wheelchair.  On the way back, I managed to walk (barely), but when they saw me coming to get my daughter's car, they told me to sit down and asked if I'd like a glass of water.  I said yes.  So someone showed up with a glass of water, followed by a nurse with some apple juice, who tried to get me to go to the emergency room.  I declined.

She did ask me, though, if I was diabetic, which I'm not (yet).  My doc said that once my pancreas is completely destroyed, I can expect to get diabetes.

Another thing:  Does your husband find his vision is declining, becoming blurry?  (Mine has been and during the same time frame.)Does he seem  to lose his train of thought and have trouble concentrating?

Sounds like he might need a full physical because surely doesn't sound right.

Best of luck.  It's probably nothing, but a checkup couldn't hurt.

A 17-year-old would have the same goals as a 20 year old (sm)
Only the 20 year old is hopefully more responsible and based on what you say about his character, would be a better choice than someone her own age.
I have a 9-year-old son that sounds just like your 10 year old...
Lately he has been so negative about everything...trying to make him have a good summer and whenever I take him somewhere, he is just a brat when we get home...I think they are called tweens at this age...not quite teenagers but have the attitude like one---LOL
We skipped it entirely last year, and THIS year?

This 40-year-old got dumped for a 30-year-old
This year will be our 35th year
The first couple years it was literally 5 or 6 times a day every day (more on the weekends). Over time it gradually slowed down (once a day) and over the past few years its been 2 or 3 times a week. Not sure that is average or not. There were times were I felt it was too much and him not enough, then there were times where I wanted it more and he didn't. Guess everyone goes through a phase. I guess because of how long we've been together, now it's just comfortable - nothing exciting about it. Just a routine. I have to make it exciting in my mind and pretend I'm someone else.

I don't know what it is, but you are correct...after awhile the lust and infatuation wears off and you get in a routine. I guess for us it was that we really didn't know each other when we married (we dated for 3 weeks then eloped). Once I got to know him it was too late. Now 35 years later it is just comfort (and amazingly we never once used birth control and never had any kids). My mom still tells me she's amazed at the frequency of our encounters that not even once did I even have a "close call" with getting pregnant.

But 35 years once or twice a week and 3 or 4 times on weekends. Not sure if that is normal.
eek sorry if I posted a bad site (m)
I was just googling for jewish actors and saw that site had a list that might be helpful for the OP to find who she was looking for. I did see the statement it was not a hate site and didn't really look at anything else on it.

Did not mean to offend anyone.
I posted a link for you....sm
Go to foodtv.com and search on blue crabs.  Bobby Flay has a great recipe.
Do keep us posted as to his whereabouts!
Last I remember, he was watching you perched on top your computer. 
I actually posted the message above
I totally agree with you.  I found it strange that I go to read another post regarding this matter, and your sentiments are mine exactly.  Breastfeeding is not for everyone, and that is why the formula companies have made so many different great canned formula that children can have and thrive.  So many children are starved and have problems because breastfeeding is not being done properly.  I'm not sure I even like "feeding into" this post, but it needs to be said. 
yea, I read that AFTER I posted....s/m

one of the posters put up an ABC link and I read (after I posted) that she did, indeed, check in and check right out over at Eric Clapton's Crossroads rehab place in Antigua.........

she's stupid not to take advantage of this lifesaver and go through rehab............

but it's all about choices, now isn't it?....she has never seemed to be the brightest bulb......eh? 

I posted the question because...
some people are not sure how they feel about it, and I think that is the reason we have inadequate laws to keep these criminals behind bars. We need to let our lawmakers know that we want STRICTER SENTENCES for rapists and child molesters. I believe life sentences are in order, but many serve little or NO jail time, and that is an outrage. That is why I posted a link to Oprah.com with a prewritten letter than can be sent to your state rep. demanding sticter laws to keep better tabs on these perverts.
Geez, sorry I posted this...(OP)
Can't even share a bit of someone's good fortune without being flamed...whatta shame!
Help site probably posted before
Subject: Help site probably posted before

Here is a site that you can spend about 20 seconds a day clicking on that will give to Hungry children, breast cancer researsh, literacy, animals, etc.  All you have to do is click on each site and major companies will give money daily.  Here is the site http://www.theanimalrescuesite.com and you can go further from there.  There are rainforest sites and child health sites for vitamins.  Jut please pull it up, bookmark it, and you can contibute every day just with a click.   Thanks!!!!
Sorry, late when I posted
but I am talking about plants to grow inside that have some fragrance, nothing that takes a lot of babying because not much of a green thumb here. I have loads of green plants but just would like to have some really nice-smelling ones. At my previous home I had gardenia bush right outside my door and so sweet during the summer. Any ideas?
Just posted the same thing at the top sm
my name has a different spelling and at the age of 39 I am really tired of having to explain the reason for the spelling.
I posted above about losing my mom sm
I remember walking with a couple of friends and complaining about my mom (while she was still alive) and one of the women said to me "I lost my mom and I would give anything to have another day with her". It was several years later before I lost my mom, but oh how those words play in my mind. I will hear the country song "Just one more day" and I have to turn off the radio. I miss her teribly and I personally think that is the way it should be. Just keep all of the wonderful memories. "hugs again"
Truly unbelievable! Keep us posted.
Posted below, updating..
I have read, I have searched, I asked my physician point blank if I could have costochondritis, no answers, horrific, front and back rib pain, every day, no let up. Posted here several times trying to find if anyone out there with similar problem. Now I could wring my doctor's neck. I finally read last night (have fibromyalgia) that 60-70% of fibro suffers also HAVE costochondritis and it can go on for sometimes 6-12 months. That is a huge amount. I have had probably about 3 months now with no relief. The site said omega 3, 2400 units (mg?) per day along with usual non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs for 2 weeks and then just the omega 3 alone after that and the omega really is pain reliever. I NEVER eat fish and yet this morning have asked hubby to hook me up with some - I know it won't hurt and should help me some. Why, why if this were a possibility and I even asked my physician specifically if it could be the costo, surely he has more knowledge than me, why not test me to see as I am bitterly complaining of rib pain all around?? I just DO NOT get it but this is 1 thing for sure, the next physician I go to will NOT be that one. I go to a family practice and there are several around my home and this lady will definitely be going elsewhere.
Not the one who posted on the pills but
I say good for you mom for making sure your daughter is protected.

My girls are used to frank and open discussions with me so I do not fear that they will end up a teenage mother.

My mother never discussed anything like that with me. She could barely stand to have me in her presence from as far back as I could remember.

No surprise that I was a mother by the age of 18 either. I'm going to do my best to see that my kids don't follow in my footsteps.

I posted below about pits
adn said wish they would phase them out. But you know, with all hearing about them, don�t you think this woman was totally responsible for having them in the first place? I think it is really sad that folks continue to let them be around children, especially. The adults surely to goodness know better but continue on with wanting to own them and speaking up for them when they are real killers.
As I posted in another thread,
I just love old cars, especially ones that are funny, unusual, or just pretty. I don't care about engines - I am a girl - so it's all about looks, and a little about the funny old-fashioned sounds they made. But still - cars! So while I would be happy to collect little toy/model cars, I have had to control the urge because I'm supposed to want to collect pretty dishes and glasswear or teapots or something, and none of that stuff interests me. I don't care what it's worth if it doesn't capture my imagination.

I do sort of collect books on gardening though, and they must have many, many color pictures.
Someone already posted this yesterday