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I look a lot like Britney Spears....

Posted By: sm on 2006-12-08
In Reply to: Do you ever wonder what we look like - I be busy

from the waist down. LOL! Couldn't resist.

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If you mean Britney Spears, who hasn't? lol
Sorry, I just saw the most recent article and pictures of her. My oh my.
Britney Spears, can she get any stupider??
She had a breakdown last night and held her infant son hostage for 4 hours before she finally gave him back.  Then, of course, she was carted off to the ER with the police noting she seemed to be under the influence of an unknown substance.  Guess we know she really doesn't want her children back after all!  For God's sake, at least she could leave her children alone and let their stable father give them a warm and loving environment instead of subjecting them to the crap she puts them through!
Spears released?!
Britney Spears was released from the psych hospital today.  And already she is driving with 20-30 cars of paparazzi tailing her and driving recklessly.  Some innocent person is going to be seriously injured if she continues to put them in this situation knowing the paps will follow her.  And on another note, what kind of doctor let her go in her condition?  Did someone give him a box of Cracker Jacks and he happened to pull out a degree enabling him to be a doctor????  Did he just say, Hey!  Maybe I will let Britney go today when she hasn't even had enough treatment to be sane!  I am SO sick and tired of HER putting people in danger.  The paparazzi are going to take pictures and follow people no matter what.  BUT Britney is aimlessly driving around, taking pictures of the paps from her car, and she checked into another hotel.  Honestly, WHY can't the city of LA do something about her??
Perhaps if mother Spears spent more time
parenting and less time pimping her kids all over Hollywood, this might not have happened.

no more Britney TV
Is anyone else sick of seeing and hearing about Britney's latest psychiatric diagnoses every time you turn on the tube?  Honestly, is there nothing more interesting happening in the world than the escapades of that little twerp?  I went all day today without turning on the TV.  It was heavenly!  But then the minute I turn on CNN this evening, and there she is.  Aarrggh!
I would be really nice if everyone would just leave the poor girl alone. Well, except whoever it takes to get her some proper help. And the paparazzi should go away. This is so typical - all this press about this person while there are tons more important things to worry about in this country - oh yeah, I guess that's the point!
On Bald Britney
I agree with you. Lots of non-famous people have psychological problems as well. The girl just had 2 kids in less than 2 years, right? She was photographed and criticized for driving with the oldest one in her lap, then tripping with him, and having Child Protective Services involved in one incident, even though she and Kevin did the responsible thing by taking the child to the ER. Then, she had a divorce. All of these things are bad enough for any new mother, but to have them plastered all over the internet and have people who don't know you or the detail of the situation making judgments about you, has to hurt. Even rich famous people have feelings.

The fact that Britney has been running around with Paris, etc., just says to me she is a young woman trying to find herself. She is doing exactly what she is supposed to be doing at her age - experimenting.

I am quite sure her children are very well taken care of - rich people like that don't diaper their own kids, the nannies do it. Those 2 little boys have a slew of bodyguards and nannies 24/7.

I'm not a Britney fan, never have been, don't think she has any talent at all and she is not very cute IMO, but lots of people like her.

This head shaving thing is probably just a manifestation of her inner desire to start over. She's a tough cookie and she'll be just fine.

Personally, I'm nauseous over all this Anna Nicole coverage - it's impossible to avoid it.

I can't believe I wrote this - I don't care about these people, but it's 3 a.m. and I can't sleep.
Huh, Britney, sorry bout that
Should be her sister, not Britney
Latest on Britney....check it out

On Friday night, Britney Spears sported a bald head and new tattos.  (ABC News)

I just read in a newspaper that Britney is now....

OMG, hear Britney's sister is
pregnant, 16 years old. If I were their mother, I would right now be pulling my hair out!! As if the mother didn�t have enough to contend with, now this.
Britney versus paparazzi . . .

Play Britney verus paparazzi for chuckle
True, but I doubt Britney is that deep! - nm
Britney = trailer park trash.........no message

Zoey pulled, great for that, Britney has been a train wreck for
some time. I am glad her sister's show got cancelled. She supposedly is looked up to by these little teeners, not good. I have read there are money problems for the mother, good about that too, she has lived off both her daughters, let them get a regular job. Britney has been spinning out of control for at least over a year and hopefully someone will have her committed. If you or I, and not answering the courts with their demands for parenting clases, drug checks, depositions, etc. we would have already been jailed. It is no different with her. The mother is accountable probably for her sister's pregnancy, heard she let the boyfriend live with them, just trailer trash all of them.