I just did a very quick google search and...sm
Posted By: Something to try on 2008-11-02
In Reply to: Any tips on getting paint out of carpet? sm - LMT
several people said scrubbing nail polish remover worked for them (not for others). Unfortunately, you seem to have quite a mess to deal with. IF it does work, maybe you could get the girl to come back and help clean it up? A good chance to teach the girl that inappropriate behaviors bring consequences, a lesson she does not seem to be learning from her parents. Good luck with that carpet.
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I just did a quick search and everything I read--sm
says anemia, pica, or low iron...of course it also mentioned pregnancy cravings...so, ummmm. LOL
It might be Benny Parsons from doing a quick search. nm
Could not even find it on google search. ?? sm
what is it?
Did you try Replacements Limited to search for your pattern pieces? Or even an eBay search? ..sm
Replacements Limited has been very helpful to me in the past. If you're determined to paint your own, go into Michael's and check through all their paints for those made especially for glass and ceramics. You'll end up having to hand wash and dry your item since the paint can't be fired on, but it should work, even if you have to keep touching it up as the years go buy. But do a search first and maybe you'll get lucky that way! :)
Google, google, google and make some practice
Do a search....
Vista has been a topic at least 10 times in the last month.
got these off of a search
pureed prunes
apple butter
fruit-based fat substitutes
ricotta cheese
bananas (mashed)
Did a yahoo search they had a lot
Do a search on this here - big discussion:-)
Search on YouTube. Bet it is there, too.
why don't you search online? Look also into
other countries' recipes?
You should search for the cause of your anger. It may be deeper
Search Bake-able paints...
Here is one site with some info Carol Duvall.
What is your pattern name on back? I bought a magnolia pattern several years ago, actually paied $72 for an 8 piece setting from ABC Distributing. Gold trim with wine and hunter green stripe on outside with pinecones, magnolias and Berries, Magnolia pattern from Tienshan China. Curious if it is same set. Later I meb my best friend of 10 years now. We are so much alike and were stunned to know that we had the same set of china. Identical pattern. The only difference was that hers had a gold, wine and then deep blue band where mine was green. Hers also cost several hundred dollars and was a Savannah pattern or something of the like. What if you got a solid color gravey boat other than white, to match the set and maybe trimmed it with gold. Would still like to know that pattern.
Can you get a copy of the lab results? A search is..sm
showing that quite a few bugs can cause those rare infections including E. coli 0157:H7, the Listeria family (listeriosis), Campylobacter jejuni, Salmonella typhimunium, and the funguses from the mycoses family, but you said this was a bacteria, just to name a few. And there's always MRSA and MRSE, too. Ask the doc for a definitive diagnosis so you can be more informed, and my prayers are with you and your family. nm
Good Search engine
Hi Folks,
I am wonderng how many MTs know about the search engine Good Search. This is a search engine like Google but it is really neat because for every search 1 penny is donated to the not-for-profit group of your choice. You can pick out the group you would like your donations to go through by clicking on the letter of the alphabet and searching for your charity.
Of course I hope you will choose the group I volunteer with which is Pet Rescue By Judy, http://www.petrescuebyjudy.com
At any rate, this is a wonderful way for MTs to donate money to charity without any real effort on our parts and since there are so many of us we really have a great opportunity to help these groups. You can still use your other search engines but any clicks for charity over on GoodSearch will help! You can also use it when you do online shopping, say for instance on eBay. If you go to GoodSearch and just click on the shopping icon and then on eBay, you can shop as usual but a percentage will be paid to the charity of your choice and it does not cost you anything. They have many places participating in their shopping program.
Thanks for considering this
College search - For those of you who have had experience -
In your opinion, is it more fruitful to go on an open house when all the departments are out there with handouts and such, or on individual or small group appointments with maybe a little more one-on-one?
I'm overwhelmed already, and we've only been to two colleges!
Good luck in your search...
Also remember, anything that says is is like 10k gold--especially white gold--also has nickel. Be very careful with your skin!
I am one of those people who belongs in a bubble almost literally.
They are a scam. Do a search, lots of info.
search for *open-ended* MRI places
Open-ended MRI imaging centers is what you need to look for. We have plenty here where I live (Florida)...but MANY people cannot stand the long narrow tube to lay in for hour(s)....just like me! So, keep on searching for open-ended MRI centers!! *S*
Search for Operation Christmas Child and see if
Hmm... a search shows this is found in soil. You may be onto something here! :) nm
I think goodsearch's search engine is YAHOO
I still occasionally search for the cent sign
on the keyboard. I can't figure out why they got rid of it. Does anybody really need the ~ sign for English? Bring back the cent sign. :o>
If you love him, there is no reason to search for something that may not exist.
I never got that feeling either about the man I married 17 years ago and had two kids with, and I'm glad I have been with him instead of searching for something else.
Introduce this witch to a different guy with more cash before it is too late. See if she goes for it. If she doesn't, then I guess you are stuck with her. This seems to be extremely weird, considering their ages and since my husband is older than me at 65 I asked him wht he thought and he said he knows of no guys his age who would agree to this huge wedding thing at that age and wasting all that cash, it is like "Look at me, look at me." So, why does she need all this attention at her age? Something is wrong here, and I wish you well. Does your dad have a buddy he would listen to?
Wow that was quick! Thanks
so much Hayseed.
Do a search in iTunes for workout music. There are people
sets of music based on tempo. You can download slower, medium, or faster sets.
search archives - there was some really good info about this a month or two ago. nm
Her name is Kodiak. She is a retired police & search & rescue dog
She is 8-1/2 years old.
Search Dog Finds 20th Storm Casualty
Some of you MQ MTs/MEs may find this interesting reading while waiting for work.
a quick suggestion
when i was a kid, i got a thrill out of stealing dumb stuff, pens, markers, etc. When my mom found out, she made me take my stuff back to the store and hand it back to the owner, and apologize. I was quaking in my shoes at that point. Don't know if that would help in your situation or not...
tell me quick what this says, don�t have the time
right now to read this. Biting my fingers because cannot read until after work at 8. Thanks
Quick note sm
I think he is incredible, yes, but he is a bit of a perfectionist and even loveingly complains when we don't keep the house "clean enough" or "yardwork needs to be done". I have always said he will either make a wonderful husband or drive his wife crazy. LOL!!!
quick, someone! we need a new survey or
fill in the blanks list to have fun with !!! Anybody? I so bored.
Hmm, I have a quick answer to that one.
Because Americans want a quick fix
>>I don't understand why people will take a med if its something that will run its course and your body will take care of.
They don't want to suffer with ANYTHING - illness or otherwise. It's all about instant gratification. Fix me now, with the least amount of effort on my part. A pill for weightloss, a pill for depression - suck out my fat. How many people take drugs for diabetes or high blood pressure or cholesterol - when diet and exercise would fix the problem? I understand that not everyone with those problems can be fixed without medication - but many, many could be.
we also make a quick
salmon soup....drain most the juice, add about 2 tbl of butter to the meat in the pan, salt, pepper, and then add a can or so of milk and heat. eat with saltines crushed in it too. lots of omegas, warm, quick and tasty.
Quick Wii question...sm
Okay, I've looked all over the boxes and i've even asked the guy at Best Buy who was obviously hasn't worked there long. Anyways, we got a Wii for my son for Christmas - once he takes it out of the box, can we just plug it in and play or do we need batteries for any of the remotes?? If so, what size and how many?? TIA
Don't be so quick to ignore it
I had something similar happen to me but it was a phone call. Would never have suspected it but it turned out to be true. It is much better to know than to be fooled. Check into it and you will find the truth. I found proof from the cell phone numbers. Very easy to find a pattern. Good luck. I truly hope it is just a prank. Not a fun thing to go through.
my quick question..
Why do you think it is okay for someone else to make decisions for this mother and her child. She is not refusing treatment, just seeking a different treatment. That is her right, not some judge. Whether we agree with her decision or not, it is still their decision. this is just one more govt intrusion into our personal lives. Any time the govt makes decisions for one, it is just another step closer to controlling us all. I would most definitely not turn this mom in.
Oh my you're quick!
(), what in the world is that?
...on a search. Or look for real time status, road conditions, etc. for
if you hit *post quick reply * - sm
at the bottom it gives you an option to create/edit profile id. click that and profile away!!
The quick and easy way to find out is to do it - sm
Go get one and fill it up, count them and then give away all the chocolate. Or you could be cheap about it, go into Wal-Mart or wherever with the PM box, fill it up with the bags of Kisses and see how many bags fit, and figure it out using the servings per bag, adding a little extra of course since your test run was in bags. Good luck.
Don't watch AI, but have a quick ? What's going on? Are you guys saying sm
that there are "false" voters out there? People voting for the worst as a joke or something? I've read all the posts about AI and it leaves one confused who isn't following the show. Just curious as to what is going on and why people are saying it's ruined. I don't know a thing about this Sanjaya guy (kinda glad I don't either!) from the looks of it.
I, for one, the romantic that I am, will be watching the new season of the Bachelor which started again Monday.
Ooh that doctor is HOT, HOT, HOT!!If only I were single again.....just kidding......
I use only for emergency and quick calls. Pay $100 for yr.
Not hashbrowns but a quick dessert
1 box angelfood cake mix
1 15 oz. can of crushed pineapple
Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Spray a 9x13 pan with a baking spray.
In a mixing bowl, mix the cake mix (only) with the can of crushed pineapples. Pour into baking pan and bake for 25-30 minutes - until top is beginning to brown. Let cool, cut, enjoy. This is a weight-watchers recipe, I believe.
Thank you so much - some of us are quick to judge and offer
I really appreciate those who have give good advice and hope to help my DD. To those who suggested it was too late, 22 is just the beginning of life IMO, especially if you have been in college and the like. For reasons I do not care to go into, my DD could not work while going to school and so now that she has her own money, well you can figure it out!
PMS & extreme stressors - any quick fix?? (sm)
I always have bad PMS but this time I am also having some outside stressors that are causing me a lot of anxiety. I am trying to work but I am so unsettled I can barely concentrate. If I had time to make a doctor's appointment and get some valium or something I would - but does anyone know any natural remedies I can use for now??
Ok, give me a quick course in texting
My daughter has gone to Mexico and I get a text message from her. Ok, i am 1 of these older people and have never sent a text message in my life, took a long time just finding out how to read hers. Now folks, tell me how to send her one back. She would be AMAZED as she knows I do not know how to do this. I could say ladadedada. thanks?
First off, don't be so quick to get meds. You just sound like a sm
disorganized person who finds it hard to concentrate. It's called stress. I think too many people are running to the doc for a cure all/fix all, when all they really need is peace of mind and a less hectic schedule. It can be done. As far as the disorganization, start one room at a time. One closet. One cupboard, etc. I had to do this. I was told I was "crazy," which is worse than someone saying ADD. I don't think I'm crazy.
Prayer and church is the one thing that helped me tremendously having never been to church growing up. I'm not throwing religion in your face, but something has to be said about these miraculous changes I've been through since "finding God." He's helped me in every single area of my life including the "craziness, disorganization, beating myself up for wandering when I should be working."
I think the meds suppress the actual symptoms. I've had to deal with much deeper issues and insecurities in my life - always chasing things I shouldn't be chasing after.
Anyways, the kids need me so I better run! I just don't like people telling you that you need meds. I've NEVER taken a medication for anything mental-related. Never. And I have never been happier and more accepting of my life - disorganized or not! The freedom it gives you to accept yourself the way you are is priceless!! it really is.