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I have watched enough court room TV

Posted By: TM on 2006-11-15
In Reply to: It sounds to me like you both overreacted - sm

to know that if someone offers to store stuff for another person, they are obligated to make sure that it is properly taken care of. I remember one case where someone had taken the items that they offered to store and then put them in the hallway outside the unit when they got in an argument. Of course they were stolen! That is negligence. They offered to store them for her. They should have parked them with their own quads, as obviously they thought that was safer than near the street, geez.

I agree that it is sad to lose a relationship over $1700, but they were clearly negligent with her property. If her sister was any kind of a woman, she would have admitted it was her fault. I also think that if she would have just admitted it and said sorry that the OP would probably not have been as upset as she was. I have no doubt some of that resentment is due to the fact that they are taking no responsibility whatsoever.

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Court TV is now Tru TV as of 1 1 08 nm.

Some will go to court WITHOUT you..sm

without informing you.  Its your word against theirs that you were/werent served with a notice to appear.  Next thing you know, you get a letter that a judgment has been entered against you.  (Happened to me, and worse.)


The room is about 12 x 16 (m)
and then there is a master bath off of it and a walkin closet.  The floor has a light carpet kind of the color of oatmeal but it has different specks of neutral colors in it.  I was thinking maybe darker colored furniture might look good with the light rug.  It also has french doors with windows on either side and an arch window above that with a balcony overlooking a lake.  The room gets a lot of light and the woodwork is white. 
When I came out to the room they

were in, the 8-year-old was mouthing off the 11-year-old.  I said "That's enough."  He continued to mouth and my 11-year-old stopped.  He then called his 11-year-old brother "A big fat wussy."  I told him again to stop or he would be on timeout.  My 11-year-old was walking away.  My 8-year-old then started after him and pushed him as hard as he could.  He's about the same size as my 11-year-old. 

I don't tolerate the instigating on either end.  But when I said to stop, it should have stopped.  My 8-year-old refused to stop.  He then escalated it to something physical, which is why he ended up on the chair.  I've told my kids time-and-time again to tell me if someone's doing something to aggravate them and they won't stop after they've been told.  They know that I will stop it and the one doing the picking will be punished.

I try very hard to dole out my punishments evenly, but in this case, he should have stopped when I told him to.  I gave him 2 chances to stop and he still didn't.  The pain he inflicted on my 11-year-old was enough punishment.  He left a large red area on his thigh and up the side of his back from being pushed into the wall/table and landing on the floor. 

my sin. here we go.. is there enough room?

I lie, I covet, I am jealous, I sometimes swear when I am alone, I have stolen when I was younger, I have anger and lash out, I am moody, I am materialistic, I feel hatred sometimes, I have used God's name in vein, I have had lustful thoughts.... the list goes on and on.  I am a sinner. 

But thankfully for me, what separates me from my sin is Jesus and his death.  Since I took his gift of salvation, I am free of my sin.  I can be forgiven, it doesnt all stay on top of me.  I will be sinless when I stand before God.  So everyone sins and telling someone they have sinned is not being judgmental because you are also a sinner.  Being judgmental would be pointing out someone's sin and thinking you were better than they are.  As Christians we are supposed to tell others about God and what he expects, his love, his rules and all of that. You dont just preach a message of love and tolerance or you are only giving half the story.  There is no accountability in that.

this should be challenged in court
This is NOT a communicable disease and should NOT be mandatory. What about possible side effects, what about 20 years down the line when they discover it caused a new problem. No. It is wrong to make this mandatory. This regards one's personal health decisions, for their CHILD no less. What next?
You need to get it back into court sm
and get this changed. Is there any reason you feel you might deprived of all visitation privileges? So hard to give real advice or opinion without the details. Sad for you though, must be hard. You need some court mandated visitation rules.
Yep, ordered to court but you might be ok
the only exempt 1 today was a new owner and he had just had lawn put down- but having said that- you are only allowed maybe a month and then after that a homeowner on same restrictions as others so don’t know how much it could get roots and grow by them. We have sprinkler system but I try not to use if I can, just too expense and I am cheap!
Court Jobs
Here where I live Court jobs pay excellent, plus there are all sorts of benefits, pensions, and a lot of time off. They're very had to come by, though. Some of them are civil service, and some is definitely who you know. I was a paralegal for a long time before I became an MT and I always wished I was able to get in the Court system.
I know my chances are 0 with that court

You said "I've seen them put kids in the custody of parents who are known to abuse them when the other parent has no problems, etc."

That's exactly the situation here.  My son wants to live with his dad due to his lax (to put it mildly) parenting skills and will cheefully lie to keep daddy out of trouble.  The last custody battle was the worst nightmare I ever hope to go through, every lie the ex told was taken as gospel, every truth I told was "alleged" - and while the judge was making the custody decision, my ex went to jail for being drunk and naked in his yard while my child was present, the court was quite aware of this and he STILL got awarded custody.  I am really reluctant to jump into another such fiasco, and I told my son until he is ready to tell the judge in writing he wants to live with me, I won't go back to court. 

I am convinced that by the time I got to court my son would be back in school, it would be a moot point, I would be told its "normal" to miss that much school, ex would get a pat on the head for his "loving parental concern", and the ex would retaliate by counter-filing to double or triple my child support payments.

That particular court has told me "lots of children go to school filthy and in rags, its the community norm, its no big deal".  My child has experienced recurrent scabies and lice due to his father's lifestyle, (which is also "normal" to the court) so I am utterly amazed at his dad's sudden concern for his health.

when you go to court in the USA, you swear on..sm
In every court in the USA, one swears on a bible, probably the New Testament (I know it's not the Old Testament), and no matter who you are, you have to swear on the Bible (in a trial case).  I would swear on it - it's a book about God, no matter if it's the old one or the new one, and as a result it still holds up as a respectable Bible to me for swearing to God.....I revere all books such as this, for everyone's religious beliefs. 
Unfortunately, I am court ordered to do it
They will take you to court, without doubt.
It isn't too little for them. If they have evidence you owe that debt, then they have legal recourse to collect.

If it goes to court, you will get a judgement against you. It will go on your credit record and they can also garnish wages to receive their money. They may be entitled to other collection means.

It won't matter whether you send a cease and desist letter -- it is a debt you legally owe. You need to call them immediately and discuss your concerns over the legitimacy of the claim. Never, ever avoid them - it will just cost you more in the long run.

yes, you can go to the family court and do that on your own.
You do not need an attorney. Research online. I think you even HAVE to do this, updating the financial situations for the sake of the children.
so what r u taking her to court for?

You didn't cosign for the vehicle.  You didn't loan her the $$ for her electric bill.  You didn't want any profit from the business.  The only thing I saw you mention was at the end about animal food, etc, but isn't that considered start-up costs of a business? 

Sorry, don't mean to make you madder, just confused.

I used to be school room Mom
There is a game where you put items in a paper bag like combs, hair things, rubberbands, paper clips, ect. The child is blindfolded or put the bag of goodies behind the back. Let the child reach into the bag and try to guess what he pulls out without looking. Decorating cupcakes is also fun. Take cupcakes or cookies to school and let the kids be creative. Around Xmas we did gingerbread type houses out of gram crackers and icing. Let them make valentine cards for a parent/friend out of paper and allow them to glue on glitter that sort of thing. Good luck!
Would there be room in your suitcase for me?
Because we have freezing rain/rain and it's gray, gloomy and depressing here.   
You might consider doing the living room
(or whatever the fanciest room is) in same color but with a special border tile worked in to set that room off.

Just a thought.
How big a room are we talking?
What color is the flooring?
You can add a second fan if there is room in your tower

That's what my husband did for both our computers, although I made him unhook one of mine because the two fans were so loud when the computer was on that I had a hard time transcribing.

Hopefully they have quieter fans now....

I am in the family room.
All I have is a desk and a filing cabinet, but I also use my desk to pay bills.  The kids have their own computer on the other side of the room.  I have all of my essentials.  I cannot stand clutter though; so I'm constantly straightening things all day.  I am the same with my computer desktop; I cannot stand a lot of windows open at once, so I only have open what I need. 
You need to contact the supreme Court
Florida tried to make sacrificing animals illegal but were overturned by the Supreme Court in 1993 for interfering with religious practices.
You can be held in contempt of court and go
When you are summonds to court, do you have a choice
about whether you can show up or not?? What was the good behavior, no more sex films for the time being, not more than 3 DUIs? I have not heard about her good behavior.
I got wrong information from court..
Told I could go in and collect enough to not only pay what they owe me but also to cover the truck I rented this morning and also more court costs because they would sell in 1 bundle on court house steps. The deputy this morning tells me I can only get what totals up to my amount. This is where I am left- paying out of pocket for another truck, renting a storage place for a month, running ad in paper to advertise the sale and then also paying for other costs, autioneer. Now if someone bids $5.00 and no one else goes higher - they get for $5.00. You are so right- if I stole from them I would be under the jail. How a place like this stays in business- not small place - 4 around town. They are on Kudzu and I will write scathing report after this is over plus better business but right now trying to find out bank. I could sit there but I do work and how can I work that? Have no idea when anyone would go to the bank. I can garnish- thought about having someone pay check there for a small amount and then see where deposited. That would take me another month or so though and I am chomping at the bits as I type.
By not transcribing a court hearing
a woman here in town is now sitting in jail. She either did not want to or ignored not finishing a particular case and when she did so called finish, she was 90 pages short. The judge has just sent her to jail. Ekkk.
maybe i watch too many court shows, but...
couldn't you locate him through his police/firefighters' union and take him to small claims court. if it was truly a loan and not a gift, you have a case and if it is under a certain amount of money depending on your state, you do not need a lawyer. do not give up; he could lose his job over fraud!
Small claims court.
Call your local legal aid. They should be able to tell you if you have a case. I think you might be able to take her to small claims court. She is not holding up her end of the bargain.
Just don't expect a luxurious room unless you are sm
willing to pay big bucks.  Most hotel rooms in New York City are small.  The assumption is that people don't spend much time in them, but are out and about.  Plan on at least about $200 per night.  Maybe a little less if you book far in advance.
Go to the emergency room. That's what I ended

up doing for the same reason.  I talked to my insurance company and he made me promise that I would go to the ER and tell them that I was in a mentally critical condition.  They did give me anti-depressants although it does take a while for the full affect. At least you'll have something on board in the meantime.  You should also be able to go to your PCP and get the same results.  Whatever you do, go see a doctor.  Either your PCP or go to the ER.  They do understand and will help. 

You will continue to be in my prayers.

I would stop sleeping in the same bed/room as him
Tell him that you can't stand the stench because it can't be good. Not taking care of/repairing your teeth is as bad as not taking a shower/practicing basic good hygeine. It's pretty gross.
You may have to shut them in a room while at night.
The claws are meant for protection if they were to happen to escape from your home.  If clawless, they have no defense.  We have trouble too with our cat clawing doorjams.  I have found though if we close the doors at night, she doesn't do it as much.  She is so spoiled though...  I do not even practice what I preach, but if you have a spare bedroom maybe you could put them there while you sleep.  Cats also like cardboard to scratch.  Good luck.  I feel your pain.
Same her with regard to messy room
My daughter can be a super slob at times. I ask her if she has someone living under her bed as there's so much stuff under there. LOL. She has to keep it vacuumed and dusted once a week also. As long as it's semi picked up, I have no problem with it.
take dog home with you; put cat in separate room for now.
Christian chat room
I would like to know if there are any Christian chat rooms for medical transcribers
over the internet, in a chat room
let's just say after we met he grew on me...
Internet Chat Room....
It was actually the screen name that initially caught my attention. It was the name of one of my favorite albums from a guitarist I admire. And the rest, as they say, is history
no room for logic when you are brainwashed.
Do you have a friend who has room in their freezer to help you out? nm
I keep mine in the laundry room also
I also have a fat kitty who LOVES to get in there and pretend he's at the beach. I keep a tiny dustpan and broom in there and probably sweep 3 times a day. Sometimes there will be a huge pile of cat litter. Considering he's an indoor kitty and can't seem to find anything else to do, I just let him be and ask him if he had fun!
I need room under the rock, I didn't know either.
no msg
Mine is in the front room
which is supposed to be I guess the "formal living room", but we never used it for that. I'm right next to two big windows so I can look out and see what's happening around me. My daugher's computer is right near mine so I can monitor her and my youngest daughter uses it for her playroom. I'm somewhat cluttered, but not overly so. Lot of pictures (my autograph collection), pens, scanner, steno book, dictionary. I've love to have doors put in, but I doubt that will ever happen.
small claims court - sue them both for the balance - sm
But.... talk to your niece about it and let her know that in order to sue her ex roomie for the money, you also have to sue her.

Let it be a life lesson and tell her it's not like you hold anything against her but you have bills too and can't support hers.

Small claims court, am sure, would work
exactly like it did today. I got a default judgement and then I have to go to find the money owed me. Had a case in small claims years ago and about the first thing told to the clients was just because you won a judgement, you had to be the 1 to collect. I might call tomorrow and ask a few questions. Thanks
The noncustodial parent needs to get court-ordered...
visitation, which the custodial parent will have to abide by.
If there are then go back to court. This is a dead beat mom,
The court system is a rotational door
There was enough evidence. Even the mother who got the children back had her own father testifying she did drugs, lousy mother, on and on. I am so glad I don’t have to put up with that crap anymore. This is where the welfare $$$ went, to a person who did not have enough get up and go to see the kids off to school in the morning. What a waste but lawdy, lawdy, make sure these mothers get those kids back. Glad I am not involved in the court system anymore.
let school deal with it...You've got a bad court
After your experience with this court (which is the same one you'll be in for anything unless dad moves out of jurisdiction), I would just let the school handle it. Depending on the state, if he's kept out of school for so many days, the school should file truency action against him. As far as custody goes, you've probably got a losing battle in that court even if your son says he wants to live with you unless the ex agrees to let him move. Before going in for custody, be sure you've researched PAS (parental alienation syndrome) etc (Leadershipcouncil.org is a good site) and how it's used to discredit mothers in courts. Google the owner of kourts for kids and follow that case (titleman v titleman) which was just scheduled for conference with the US Supreme Court with 2 amicus briefs. Hers is not an unusual case. Google the judge in Wilson Co, TN recently reprimanded for refusing to follow court of appeals mandate to reverse her ruling which put a kid in sole custody of father who DCS and other pros said sexually abused him. Can give you the judge's name and other info if you e-mail me, but moderator won't allow real names on the board. Like I said before...be sure your ducks are in a row before going to court.
I'm more annoyed that the court keeps giving her one more chance.
I can't believe Harvey Levin (from People's Court). I no sm
longer have any respect for him. He's the websites founder and host of TMZ. I thought he was smart.
Have you tried room-darkening blinds or curtains??
They work better than blankets.